The One Psychic Lady Who Defeated the KGB

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Don Danko

The One Psychic Lady Who Defeated the KGB

Post by Don Danko »

Psychic Power

Varvara Ivanova was a Russian parapsychologist who was deemed the top of her field in her time in Russia. She was documented and well known by her peers in the scientific establishment and the world in general in which she taught to be skilled in telepathy, a powerful clairvoyant, psychic healer, hypnotherapist and well versed in reincarnation realities. It also shows why the controllers out there and down here don't want humanity spirituality, psychically advancing.

In an rare interview with her by American parapsychology researchers she spoke on many important things. Note she was persecuted by the Soviet regime and they came down on her hard when she attempted to teach a school of how to open the clairvoyant abilities. They banned this school for this reason. She was made homeless and stayed one step ahead of the (((KGB))) that were trying to follow her everywhere. They never where able to get her she evaded them all the way till the Soviet Union fell. This is important as the USSR was one major surveillance state run by the KGB. Everyone other person was nearly working for the KGB one way or another. A person could not travel without papers and military check points where everywhere to even go in and out of areas. The phone lines where all tapped for KGB surveillance. This one non assuming women beat all that with ease.

In the interview she mentioned some important things. This is also commented on in the Hindu texts as well. The fact is past life karma effects people in the present life. She mentioned a case of a Russian women in the country who she healed. This women was simply cold all the time and in pain and she was suffering all the time from aliments that caused this. Varvara stated she saw into this women's past life, she was chained to a wall in a prison that was cold and she was forced onto a bench were she was tortured by the Church. This was the cause of the current aliment. She also mentioned how emotions and behaviors, impressions from past lives play into this life in general. Such as a man who his whole life was anxiety ridden over people walking behind him. He turns out he was murdered in a past life from being shot in the back. All such cases relate to one thing. Impressions on the soul are karma that follow one into the next lives. These as in the case of the sick women with certain plant transits occur can manifest as illness. Or other ways that can ruin ones life. She also mentioned a case of a women who had committed suicide in a past life and how the psychological behavior pattern that caused this was still haunting her current life. She stated patterns if not broken and confronted will just keep going on and on in life after life causing the same problems.

It was also mentioned that negative thinking about such abilities gets in the way of manifesting abilities. Note the Jews create and run the neo-atheism movement which promotes Marxism. Hitchens the Jew was an open Trotskyite [one who believes in a Global Communist State] and promoted Marxism his whole career. The message they always promote is spiritual abilities don't exist Goyim the negative attitudes are designed to create a impression in the soul to close this off. The Jews also do this with their program of Christianity that such abilities are scary and evil so they create negative impressions in the soul to attempt to shut the door to such developing.

Something important Varvara mentioned she had been burned at the stake in two previous life times for her psychic abilities by the Church. This shows that spiritual abilities that are developed are carried on thought different lives as well. And that what is known the Jewish program of Christianity and their Church is a weapon to remove spiritual knowledge and destroy spirituality advanced Gentiles as this is the danger to their agenda.

Varvara also stated her ability to learn eight languages in many cases was from past lives of having spoke several of them. And that knowledge that is learned in past lives stays with one in the unconscious mind. And can be accessed again. Many people go towards things in life that reflect this. This is important to understand as to why the enemy removes spiritual knowledge so one is removed from any knowledge the enemy wants gone in future lives. There are spiritual techniques still used in Hinduism that allows for people to bypass the loss of memory and reincarnate with their personality and full memories intact. There are documented cases of this happening in India to this day. Note Krisna tells Arjuna something interesting as well. He has all his past life memories fully known to himself by virtue of his level of spiritual development. This is a Siddhi power in Yoga. The writings of Thoth mention the same.

This was the revealing thing as well. One man when regressed into his past lives it turned out his speech problems of stuttering was due to guilt he felt over something he committed in that life. He betrayed a loyal friend. The guilt for this manifested as the stutter it might have been because he spoke false words. He felt he need to SUFFER and be PUNISHED for this and that is how this manifested.

Think about that if you inflict a guilt complex on a person's soul and tell them they need to suffer and fill them with negativity...... It will manifest in all sorts of ways in a persons life and next lives that cause them suffering and destroy them. That is the core message of Christianity that one has to suffer for being born a "sinner" and one has to feel guilt and self hate over this. Why do you think there are some many problems in society.....

The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries, Henry Gris and William Dick
The Golden Chalice, a collection of writings by the famous Soviet Parapsychologist and Healer Barbara Ivanova
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