Nazism & Satanism

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Henrik Gustav II
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Nazism & Satanism

Post by Henrik Gustav II »

The Order of Nine Angles and the Joy of Satan are bringing their Nazi, racist, gay hating filth into Satanism.

Is Satanism, which is a very nice, liberal, philosophy, compatible with a far right ideology like Nazism?

Those Nazis are giving Satanism a bad name in the public. This is the ONA's Nazi stuff:

What should be done about the Order of Nine Angles and the Joy of Satan?
Don Danko

Re: Nazism & Satanism

Post by Don Danko »

What you seem to overlook is this ONA stuff is based on the Christian concept of Satanism and they want to then push Nazism which is consider the same level of evil in with it. Its just away to be more evil in the cultural concept of today. If people thought of Marxism the same way it would be that. I wonder how much of this nonsense is influenced by James Mason as well who also promoted Satanism and Christian Identity and Charles Manson as the second coming of Christ. And a Christ avatar.
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Re: Nazism & Satanism

Post by Snakeway »

Those are playing both sides with Christians, not real Nazis and not real Satanists
Don Danko

Re: Nazism & Satanism

Post by Don Danko »

To answer the question on the esoteric level. National Socialism is not the criminal nonsense of the ONA which can not be found in any National Socialist work from the time of the Third Reich.

The esoteric Third Reich was created by the Vril Society and Thule Society which was created and run by people in contact with the God Lucifer and Ostara [Astaroth] and they worked with them to attempt to build a break away civilization on earth to get people to a better place. A person does not have to be a National Socialist to follow Lucifer however. The Reich was not perfect and the Christian elements destroyed it from within. The plan of the Vril Society who came out of the Teutonic German pagan movement was to remove Christianity from society and replaced it with a new German pagan religion based on Vril wisdom. This included a whole new technological and science paradigm based on Vril. Especially free energy technology which the Reich was going to flood the world with to set it free from the Elders of Zion's global fossil fuel monopolies this is one reason the Reich built the new banking paradigm that made their nation rich. It was to challenge the Elders of Zion's, criminal based global banking monopolies which they run based on the instructions from their reptilians gods in the Torah.
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White Mage
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Re: Nazism & Satanism

Post by White Mage »

Henry Gustav, can I ask you a weird question? Do you like taking care of the environment?

Most people do. But there are some mentally ill people who take environmentalism and twist it into eco-terrorism, advocating criminality. But you wouldn't say that eco-terrorism invalidates legitimate environmentalism, would you?

It's a similar thing with these weird NS groups, who advocate for criminal activity and otherwise attract mentally ill deviants. I'm not saying you or anyone needs to be NS or not, but if you spend time in various pagan groups in Central/Eastern Europe, you'd meet a lot of NS people and families that are otherwise healthy, kind, and loving individuals. They'd laugh at O9A (and the JOS). I've made videos criticizing the JOS, but they aren't criminal. The O9A is.

If you read O9A material they always say how they follow the "sinister" path of darkness and how they are so "sinister", etc etc. It's literally just adopting the Christian/Jewish mentality of being "sinister" and "evil", and running with it.

Actually, that link you sent didn't really have anything bad in it, from what I could tell. Mainly living with honor, having the freedom to live amongst your folk and culture, not fighting amongst each other/other ethicities/races, renouncing war and politics, caring not just about yourself but your community...

As for satanism, I guess that depends on what you mean. If by satanism you mean this whole idea of sanatma dharma, pre-christian mythology/spirituality, and serpent imagery in spiritual ascension practices, then yeah, NS and this strain of satanism/luciferianism is very compatabile (Vril/Thule society, etc). If you mean satanism as in a kind of "spiritual libertarianism" where you dress in black and that kind of thing, then probably not, but that's just me.
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