Hitler Was A High Level Occult Adept

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Don Danko333
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Hitler Was A High Level Occult Adept

Post by Don Danko333 »

I asked the deity realm on Hitler and on the claims he was an occultist as there is too much misinformation in the books and claims. This is what I was told I will interject with my own information as well. This is interesting.

I was told Hitler was initiated into a secret lodge within the German Order. I was told the spiritual practice he was given as well. I was also told there is no record of this as the meaning of initiation into a secret lodge is its not spoken about or written down. I was also told in his previous life he was a high level magician in Prague in the Hermetic schools. The goals of Hermetic occult groups was the development of the Star Body [Astral body] with secret techniques encoded in the alchemy language of symbols and allegories. This allowed him to climb the social and political hierarchies in his life in Germany. I was told the Thule Society did exist and it was the political arm of the German Order. The German Order was made up of the aristocratic elites within Germany. It came from centuries old Aristocratic Free Masonic orders that held advanced occult techniques. These orders where only for the Princes and nobles within Germany. The mainstream liberalizing bourgeoisie Free Mason's where targeted with Jewish money and influence however the Aristocratic lodges where kept to the club and Jews didn't get in.

I was told the Aristocratic Lodges of Mason's worked with the third eye to activate the powers of the psyche and develop the light body of the adept. I was also told the eye in the triangle is the symbol of the spiritual within the luminous ether. To show this and its not a mundane symbol.

That is what I got from the Deity realm.

The list of the Thule society membership published by the director of the society in his second book showed Hitler and all the top ranking members of the National Socialist Party within its membership. The esoteric doctrine of the Thule Society was also filtered through German culture, politics and Christian religion to change the culture to conform to the esoteric idealism in the Reich. They also used the symbol of the Thule Society the swastika as the party banner. Thule was the political arm of the German Order.

The technique Hitler was using was variation of the technique still taught in Sufi Free Masonry. I watched an American spiritual teacher mention the Masonic, Rosecross lodge he was in sent him to their Sufi Masonic brethren in Egypt to get initiation into this technique. He stated the Masonic teachers in Egypt told him this technique was kept secret and used by the high level European Masonic adepts and their private adept groups in the lodges in Europe for centuries. He also mentioned a variation of this technique is taught in India.

What I have seen of the tradition of the Yoga school that works with a variation of this technique they develop masters who are highly telepathic and have advanced psychic abilities. I watched an interview with a American teacher who met one of these fellows from India and became his disciple after training in other schools of this tradition in the west for years. He stated this Indian teacher was highly telepathic and was reading his mind. And showed him he was.

This matches the mundane accounts of Hitler he always showed the signs of being a high level adept with advanced psychic abilities. And he was its everywhere in the record of his life.
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Joined: Wed Jan 10, 2024 5:24 am

Re: Hitler Was A High Level Occult Adept

Post by Seeker »

Interesting post. To have a discussion on this I'd have to review the documents you've mentioned. Of course, I've heard people talking about similar things in jos, but I think it's inappropriate to claim he achieved the magnum opus. Honestly I wouldn't know what someone completing the magnum opus would look like, since I don't exactly understand the conditions for its completion, but I'm very skeptical nonetheless.

Hitler having ties with occult organizations would explain his rise to power, but it wouldn't explain his blunders well or the fact he lost the war in the manner he did.
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