The Diddler

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The Diddler

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

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P Diddly is under investigation for sex trafficking.
Executive Order 13818. If it's human trafficking, he can say bye to all his fancy homes and things.

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There is a jane doe accusing him of flying her across state lines to his studio where she was gang raped, one of them was an executive of Diddlers Bad Boy records, plus P Diddly and one other man. One of them forced her to give him oral sex while the diddler watched. She recalled it was very hard to breathe. ... ew-lawsuit

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And when you take into account what he did to cassie ventura...forcing her to have sex with male prostitutes while he watched jerking off.....I believe jane doe. It's a pattern of abuse.

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Cassie ventura was 19 when in 2005 she met the diddler. He signed her to his label bad boy records and lured her into an ostentatious, fast paced drug fueled lifestyle and a 'romantic' relationship with him.

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From the outside, it might look very glamorous and like these people are so lucky, isn't everything.

Think about the power dynamics there. She's a kid and he's her boss, a vicious, cruel, controlling guy who was one of the most powerful men in the 'entertainment' industry. Even when she wanted to leave, she found it extremely difficult. He beat, kicked and punched her. Threatened her, threatened the life of the new guy she'd fled to. What a nightmare. Their relationship has been described as on again then off again. That's because she was trying to escape! And being chased down and manipulated to come back.

This pattern of abuse, this kind of power dynamic is also repeated in the lives of his two besties.

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R Kelly, another bestie of P Diddly got into a romantic relationship with aleyah when she was a 13 year old girl. Her debut album was written and produced by R Kelly. He basically projected his feelings about 'loving' an underage girl. This is pedophelia. He was around 25 at the time. What normal man is going to be doing this with a child?

Jay Z began his relationship with Beyonce when she was 17. And again, a lot older than her and very powerful in the entertainment industry. In her case however, it appears she is just as bad as he is, another manipulating snake.

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But we see a pattern. These guys are into little girls.
In the case of P Diddly it would appear he is also into little boys

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AND other men

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Think, from the diddlers behaviour - arrogant and self absorbed we're looking at a narcissist at the very least, and likely a psychopath with no issue doing whatever it takes to get what he wants, and will fuck anything. He has no concept of what love is. Because he's incapable of it himself. Somebody like this would make an easily controllable proxy slave for more powerful people yet. He loves himself, money and his 'legacy'. Nothing else. There is nothing more filthy than a pimp. They are parasites.

Pictured with rachel chandler, child handler when she was 14 years old. She was a procurer for epstein. Which is a whole other huge rabbit hole but it ties into a massive global human trafficking network. Was he working with this network? I am guessing yes.

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Weinstein, as some of you may remember, was the hollywood mogul who sexually abused women over decades. He ended up getting 39 years for that. I suppose at his age maybe it might be a death sentence. One can hope.

One of the thirteen specific witnesses mentioned by virginia giuffre was none other than (suprise? no) the face eater HRC. Bill clinton was another one there. When he was the governor of arkensaw, he allowed the CIA to use the armena airport to bring in the cocaine. The CIA rewarded clinton with coke and children.

Lest we forget, in august 3 1977 cathy o'brien testified in front of the 95th united states congress to accuse hillary clinton of rape, that she was a sex slave for hillary and bill clinton, who are bi and pedos. Affiliated with an 'elite' child sex trafficking ring that purchases, abuses and then sacrifices children. And obviously, that went nowhere.

All these so called 'elites' are connected in this filth, grownups abusing children. Trump has not been seen doing these things, however. He did not participate in any of this filthy behaviour.

Now. There is a woman called Leslie headland. This woman is spearheading a major project for disney and lucasfilm. She's responsible for the woke pakistani director getting the gig to direct a new trilogy for the star wars franchise, about this 'ray' character (whom nobody cares about).

Headland has never done any science fiction or done or said anything indicating she's a fan of star wars. But...they gave her this job? She HAS, however, worked for steven speilberg (a pedo). And guess what? She worked with weinstein. In fact, she connected the two of them. She has never claimed he victimized her nor spoke out for any of the victims. Or even was like another chandler. If you read between the lines, she got placed in that juicy position because she kept her mouth shut. Odds are she was likely also abused. Of course she was. She's in her 20s. She grew past where he was attracted anymore but this is what they do. They pay these girls off.

The clintons are child fuckers. Epstein is a kid fucker. And so are a lot of powerful people. They don't listen to their constituents. They listen to the ones who hold the blackmail proof of their depravity. This is why none of the politicians it would seem, ever do anything for the people.
Maxwell dodged a deposition in epstein case to attend chelsea clintons wedding, epstein docs show.

All these disgusting perverts are connected.

Worth noting Homeland Security and police managed to coordinate three raids of three of P diddlys homes, one in LA, one in Miami and one in New York....but they let the diddler go. Why do I think they let him go?

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A man who used to co-ordinate these kinds of raids observed in an interview this has to be the case, he said these people are very good at stopping people from running if they want to. And that sounds logical. Yet the diddler was allowed to fly on out of the US aboard his private jet love air (currently grounded in antigua). His white bronco moment.
He said these raids look like they were done for optics. Makes me wonder if....maybe they have Diddy in custody, but want others of the crime ring to think he's free and on the run. Maybe the diddler cut a deal. Singing like a canary. Maybe.

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R Kelly, Jay Z and P Diddler all hung together. Understand the diddler is worth something like 800 million dollars. He could buy protection and money. He was like a mafia boss with his loyal crew around him. These are all very dangerous men.

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Katt Williams has also claimed and I beleive him - he was offered 50 million 4 times by Diddly to let him violate his virgin hole. He said NO.

I find this publicly emberassing raiding of his homes to be a very interesting development as it is hopefully going to expose the corruption and sickness in the music industy and get dummies to rethink their worship of these clowns.

It's part of the waking humanity up process. And I hazard a guess when they're done with the diddler, they'll be going after Jay Z next. And maybe then Oprah. These entertainment people are low hanging fruit it's true, compared to others but hopefully we'll be seeing more arrests including them too.

Katt Williams said it: People get placed in the 'entertainment' industry. It's a consortium, a cabal. He also said:

“now, I've had to turn down 50 million dollars 4 times. 4 Times. Just to protect my integrity and that virgin hole I was telling you about. Cause P Diddy be wantin to party. And you got to tell him NO!”

It's a fact that the majority of the super rich have a tendency to treat everyone else like they're third class. And that they are degenerates and deviants.

Sex parties of the rich and famous

if you think this isn't real...think again

vamperism using the blood of children to do anti ageing. They literally said it helps de age. Where are they getting all that blood? This is vampirism.

The global industry of human trafficking including child sex trafficking is estimated to be worth 150 billion annually.
The international labor institution estimates that 1.2 million children are trafficked each year. The US is the number one nation in the world for consuming child sex material.

And the thing of it is....people like P Diddly are actually second or third tier minions. As much wealth and power as they enjoy, it's nothing compared to the true super elite. We all know about Epstein Island. But what is maybe not as commonly known is that Little St James was actually like a B lister place. The kinds of people who went there were the politicians, celebrities and other minions. The lower level types who think they have power but in reality....they answer to someone higher up.

People are focussed on epstein island, the lolita express client list but....there is another list. For another island. There are other 'epstein' islands out there. One of them I heard tell of, is Bransen Island. A bigger and even more elaborate version of Epstein Island. The most powerful minions of the non terrestrial overlords, the black nobility, went there. The way a whistleblower has told it is that they will rent the entire island for like, one, two weeks. They do their sick orgies, rituals and whatever they do there. And they also have hunting parties. Guess who they are hunting. When these elites leave, nobody is left alive....not even the staff. Branson scoops up the cash and restaffs the place for the next time. I have heard this. I can't verify it of course we really believe it's completely beyond the realm of possibility? Truth is coming out, more and more. And the world is waking up.

The more filth gets exposed, the more it begins to look not only likely but probable, even logical. And so...perhaps P Diddly's exposure for what he is will uncover other roaches. I hope all that is hidden of this rot that infests the nations is brought to light so it can be dealt with appropriately and lawfully. That's the bigger picture. But lets bring it back to one woman. Cassie. Who had to live with this monster for just over a decade. After which she really looked aged.

cassies friends testimony

She saw him abusing cassie and when he turned to her she said it was like she could see he had 'a monster inside'. I have personally encountered a few of these kinds. And I too, felt like I was looking at something that was hollow inside and filled with darkness. It's a spiritual light. Everybody has that white aura. These people don't.

In order for P Diddly to produce cassies songs, he expected a FO. Meaning a freak off. The victim (cassie) was expected to hire a few male escorts (pay for her own abuse), these men would abuse her sexually as directed by the diddler while he not only watched, jerking off, but FILMED it. To the music her friend had created for her. Diddler would also get her high or otherwise sedate her as well so she'd let this happen. He shared these videos with his friends!

Think about how sadistic this behaviour is. She was still basically a child when she got with this creep. He stole her innocence. She endured a decade of pure hell. And the thing is, this *&%*& is so can't run away. She tried. He blew up her new guys car. He's been suspected for years to be the one responsible for tupacs death as well as others. He's ruined a lot of lives. She endured a living hell with this disgusting perverted thug while on the outside it all looked so wonderful and glamorous. It just goes to show looks can be deceiving.

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In 2015 the diddler was arrested for three counts of assualt with a deadly weapon and other charges, for beating his sons football coach. A hell of an example for his children. The prosecutor declined to file felony charges! That right there tells you how much pull and power this creep had. How he could intimidate, pay off people and literally get away with murder. Get away with things a normal person would have been doing time for. He's literally like a mafia boss with paid thugs who carry out his orders. For example, I doubt he wired that guys car to blow himself. Hell, no. He paid somebody to do it.

It's extremely telling that 24 hours after cassie filed charges he was paying her off to the tune of 30 million dollars while saying in a public statement:

“we have decided to resolve this matter amicably. I wish cassie and her mother all the best.”

Knowing what a monster he is, the threat can be read between the lines. What he's really saying is:

“You had BETTER make this look amicable (keep your fucking mouth shut). Don't do anything stupid, if you and mom want to stay healthy.”

and ben brafman (the diddlers lawyer) added:

“his settlement is in no way an admission of wrongdoing.”

Any attorney who would defend a scum like this is also a scumbag.

This predator scooped her up in 2005 when cassie was 19 and the diddler was 37. that is a massive age difference.

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It is simply not normal for a fully mature man to desire a romantic relationship with such a young and immature girl. He was essentially fucking a child. The only reason you'd have to want to do it is about the power and control. And he certainly had that and took full advantage. Look at her body language in the image on the left. She looks scared. This is power and control, not love. She went from sweet innocence to a mature woman with scars.

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Mental, emotional and sexual abuse is no joke. It leaves scars. But I'm happy to say she appears to be healing, has moved on, found a real man and love. Good for her.

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Diddly combs has damaged a LOT of people. He's a self serving self absorbed psychopathic personality and a criminal. Maybe we're finally witnessing some chickens coming home to roost for this guy. He was running away in a plane, not a white bronco, but it's the same public humiliation.

He cares about his cash, his 'legacy' and his freedom to do as he pleases. Talk about karma is a bitch, he's getting slammed in all those things. And if, as I said earlier, he is guilty of human trafficking....he can kiss it all goodbye. Hit him where it hurts.

Truth always comes out. Diddly has been riding high for a long time but maybe retribution has finally come knocking. She took a long time to come around.....but she came. I hope so. If you are controlling and abusing other human beings, literally and figuratively sucking the life out of them, then retribution ought to come knocking. That is justice.

Here is what cassie had to say:

“After years in silence and darkness, I am finally ready to tell my story, and to speak up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and abuse in their relationships,”

she is now happily married to a decent guy and they have a child. Now that she's free of that abuser, she looks like she is years younger. They do say a life well lived is the best revenge.

As for the diddler....L is for loser.

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a song for cassie:

Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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