Krist vrs Christ Consciousness

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Krist vrs Christ Consciousness

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

The enemy of humanity aka human hating extra dimensional beings invert everything.
They invaded our reality. They built a parasitical reality atop our own and convinced us theirs is real. They know that we are creators (unlike them). The act of creation is godlike.

We create that which we believe in. That which we put our energy and intention into, we manifest. We created this prison we currently find ourselves in for them.

This was not done knowingly. We were manipulated and lied to. They have an advantage over us. They keep occult (hidden) knowledge to themselves; our history is false, all we're taught is false. They know if there is enough momentum, energy behind a lie, they can manipulate us into creating what they want (our prison) for them.

Whoever controls the narrative controls the outcome. Creates the reality. This is why Satan tells us to think for ourselves, use our reason. Question everything. Truth can stand up to scrutiny; lies cannot.

These beings are parasites. They steal ideas (among a lot of things) from humanity, invert then feed them back to us.

5000 years ago and more people in an area which is in the UK today buried their dead with ceremony and reverence in an aqueous environment. This was discovered by construction workers excavating for new buildings. One of them unearthed a human skull. Thinking it was a murder, they called police.

And so this ancient burial area was discovered. There were hundreds of bodies buried in the bog there. They found the worlds first intact human brains in some of these bodies. From these, they determined humans were identical physically then to how we are today. We weren't smaller physically than we are now, or somehow less human than now. We weren't savages running around in animal skins. These people were well nourished, healthy, knew about textiles, knew about craftsmanship. They were human, exactly like us.

These people may have possessed understanding of the importance of light to life. Perhaps to them light the sun generates was 'Father' (life force) and 'Mother' earth (physical manifestation) were somehow linked. That this creative union (in some way) generates life. Perhaps they considered this 'Father' and 'Mother' as a creator or creative force.

mother father creator force.jpg
mother father creator force.jpg (121.55 KiB) Viewed 514 times

Quantum physics demonstrates there is an energy field (probability field) from which all living, physical matter (at least in this universe) arises. This living field carries codes; blueprints for lifeforms encoded within it. DNA taps into and absorbs ultraviolet light. DNA appears to function as an antennae; it channels light, accesses information therein, software for the creation of living, physical forms. UV light imbues DNA with life force. Just as the sun (light) is considered a force of life.

Science demonstrates that when we direct love (worship) energy to our DNA, it heals it and fills it with UV light. In other words, we literally generate light, like a sun.

Our bodies are aprox 65% water. As above so below. When we're born there is water that gushes from the mother. We come out wet and naked. Perhaps that's why they buried family members after their passing in a bog; buried their dead in an aqueous place. People upon passing were literally and symbolically returned to the womb of the 'mother'.

Perhaps these ancient people considered themselves akin to miniature SUNS, generators of light and goodness born of the essence of 'Father' (sun).

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we generate light.jpg (339.91 KiB) Viewed 514 times

Extensions of a creative force. Visualized themselves as part of a greater whole, lived in harmony with nature and one another. Considered themselves part of a divine flow, beings meant to advance spiritually, the way an acorn becomes an oak tree in a natural process. They perceived themselves as part of a harmonic natural cycle.

What happened? We were invaded by negative multi dimensional entities. These negatives appropriated the idea of a creator force and personalized it. Inverted it and fed it back to us. This became 'god'. A jealous god who watches and condemns.

These negatives hijacked the idea we're miniature suns feeding our souls power we naturally generate (just like 'father' sun) so that now, instead of directing worshipful loving feelings inward to ourselves, we're taught to lavish it on an egregore, fake gods.

Gods to whom we are expected to get on our knees and give away our love and worship to. Five times a day or every sunday, or build them an altar and worship. We must prove 'worthy' of salvation only these 'gods' can give us. We surrender our personal power when we give up personal responsibility to ourselves and place our fate in false beliefs.

Now, instead of being part of a greater whole, something beautiful and complete, part of a harmony, mankind is taught they're 'born in sin', separate, apart, a bio hazard in need of salvation. Taught we're the problem, when we are, in fact, the solution.

Our Vao, life force, love (worship) energy has been (once this control system was instituted) harvested from us.

This focus of feeding oneself creative force (Vao (worship|love) energy); that which literally empowers and heals us hijacked and inverted. The energy we naturally generate diverted to a reservoir of the enemy's creation. They like to claim they are our creators.

But they are not our creators. They are our parasites.

Our Vao energy is currency, held on deposit in an energy|soul bank.

They teach us this soul bank is the 'source' field. That we come from this 'Source' or 'All'.

This is a deception. We do not originate from stolen energy. We originate from something vastly greater, something free. The probability field is vaster than any reservoir of stolen energy.

Is this probability field from which physical reality and life in the universe arises the only one in existence? Maybe there is one of these for every universe or multiverse. Who created the probability field? Where did it come from? Is this probability field god? Is the being who created it (if a being did create it) god? What is the ultimate power? These are existential questions for which we do not have answers....yet.

What we do know is love energy (Vao) literally creates light and DNA absorbs it. This energy heals and empowers our DNA. We generate this energy naturally, just like a sun.

We are therefore like suns, not planets. Planets absorb light, reflect it. But they cannot generate light and power like a sun can. Planets rotate around suns. We generate power like miniature suns; like planets, the enemy rotates around us and absorbs our energy.

Filling oneself with Vao (light power) activates the raising of the kundalini. Kundalini is for balancing the body and soul so one can handle the transmutation of the energetic awakening which is the Magnum Opus. Kundalini comes in and burns out all the dross from your soul. It's a purification process. It is 'The Way' to 'The Truth' (when third eye is open we see truth – cannot be lied to). It is the way to The Light. To Eternal Life. Life is in the Light.

When one has fully risen, third eye open, immortal soul attained, we become like a super sun, generating trillions more light energy. We have attained a superior immortal soul or form of consciousness. My intuition tells me this Krist Consciousness may have meant 'One Who Is Risen'.

Perhaps this concept was stolen and inverted into the idea of jesus becoming 'risen'.

When you look at Krist, it sounds like Christ. But consider; Krist is another version of Kristi AKA Kris Kringle, AKA Santa, AKA Satan.

Krist was transformed into Christ. Instead of being another sun of creative force or light (each person becoming their own god|plural) an invented egregore becomes the son of 'god' (singular); an ascended master whom when 'he' returns, we'll all be raised up by him. Transcendence thus removed from our own attainment, our own hands, given away to an external false god. Loss of personal responsibility and self determination.

“I am the way and the truth and the life (my note: *light). No one comes to the Father except through me.”

In order to be 'saved' (according to the theology of the enemy) we must 'repent', surrender totally to 'god' (be a slave). According to the enemy, in order to reach god, one must go through a mediator. The 'son' of 'god'.

Satanism has no mediator.
The Satanic mindset is spirituality combined with science.
The Satanic definition of God is to become an immortal soul.
In other words, The one true God is within. God is in you.
The more powerful your soul, the more light you generate. Like a Sun.
Satanism is about freedom. NOT being a slave.

Satanism was hijacked and inverted. We have been plunged into two thousand years and more of spiritual darkness.

SUNS of the creative force (light) inverted into SON of God (Christ). Christians speak of a Christ consciousness. Also a stolen and inverted concept.

The name of Christ came from Krist.

Krist is an advanced form of consciousness. A super consciousness. A condition each individual can strive to embody. This idea stolen, warped (inverted) into Christ; taught to our children as if its an actual person outside themselves, who will return and redeem them. This is cruelly false.

The enemy of humanity (negative Ets) stole our personal power when they invented this fairy tale and false god for us to worship.

We had Satanic consciousness. Krist consciousness. They changed the spelling; inverting the meaning then sold it back to us as something that will 'save' us.

Just as the meaning of Daemons (wise beneficent beings AKA positive extra dimensional beings AKA positive ET's) was inverted to become Demons (negative extra dimensional beings out to steal souls for their master, the devil).

The Satanic, or Krist consciousness is about self empowerment and FREEING your soul. You are your own Saviour.

Are we in need of salvation? I think we are. We are currently in a spiritual prison.
But real power comes from within, from Vao. When we fill ourselves with this power the third eye opens, kundalini rises; processes written into the DNA of each individual happen naturally, as a flower unfolds itself the super or 'god' consciousness, the Krist unfolds, awakens. And thus we each achieve the Magnum Opus, that Great Work, achieve Krist super consciousness.

SATANIC consciousness.

Those who come from christianity tend to replace Jesus with Satan, thinking they should be worshipping Satan. But this is not true Satanism. Satan desires us to be free beings, like He is. In order to begin the transformation process, one must therefore, feed the power to oneself. Satan doesn't need or require it; He generates his own power, just as we do.

The ones who desire and require worship energy from us are the ones unable to generate energy for themselves; ie: parasites. YHVH is a parasite.

We're meant to become our own Gods, not be on our knees worshipping something without.
The enemy are those who are Without. Meaning they cannot generate their own power and light, like a sun. While we can. This is something about ourselves we have forgotten, which we must reclaim.

This is the real meaning of the coming (or return) of the Krist.

The Saviour and Ascended Master we are all waiting OURSELVES.

we are suns of light.jpg
we are suns of light.jpg (153.27 KiB) Viewed 514 times
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Krist vrs Christ Consciousness

Post by Snakeway »

I can enter a room full of christians and not say a single word, not do a single deed, and yet they will get very angry and agressive toward me. My guess is My body of energy is not sending energy to no ET and this conflicts with theirs who is constantly sending worship or whatever. And they want to attack me. Something happen, like I am not breathin in their way
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Re: Krist vrs Christ Consciousness

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

It's probably an energy thing. You likely feel hostile and subliminally, they feel it. Like a cat in a yard full of dogs.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Krist vrs Christ Consciousness

Post by Snakeway »

Yeah I feel hostile, like I look at their faces and I want to puke, by I hide well and they were not supposed to feel it, they dont even believe energy exist, They should only see a person there
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Re: Krist vrs Christ Consciousness

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

they might consciously believe energy doesn't exist, but even people who are shut off retain some rudimentary awareness. Test this out for yourself. When you stare at somebody, chances are they'll sense it and look over. Not always, of course, but it does happen a lot. This is an example of a person unconsciously feeling the gaze and looking over to see who's looking at them. This is sensing energy.
My kitty does this all the time. He'll be sound asleep, I'll start staring at him, he'll feel it, wake up and look over at me.

If somebody is hostile towards you, but not being overt about it. how do you sense it? well, its hard to explain but it CAN be sensed.

We're feeling and exchanging energy all the time. Some people are more consciously aware of this than others.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition