Opening the Psychic Self

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Opening the Psychic Self

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I had written on another thread:

´´When I was very young my best friend had asked me to come to church with her and her family. And I went, to see. I was sitting there in the pew, opening my psychic self up to try to determine if there was something there...´´

One of our members wrote to ask if I could explain what I mean when I mention opening up my psychic self. What do I do to open?

This is a very interesting question for me because I never really gave it thought before. It's just an instinctive intuitive something I have done from a very young age. So to be asked to detail what it entails is an interesting exercise for me because I have to actually think about it and write it down.

Thanks for the question. I hope you don't mind I'm answering it on the forum. It just occurred to me maybe other people would find this an interesting topic as well.

So basically what I do is I deliberately slow down my breaths. Taking deep measured inhales and exhales while at the same time I send out roots that sink deep into the earth. So I'm grounded. Then I open my arms, open my self. If I'm standing, it looks exactly the same as the mountain pose.

It feels like the petals of a flower unfolding. This sensation of opening begins at the heart chakra and extends up to the crown chakra. I 'see' these opening like the petals of a flower. And then from within the chakras I extend tendrils of energy out, like the stamens that extrude from the throat of a flower.

Carlos Castenada wrote of this. Don Juan told him about the energy cords that extend from one person to another. Every time we are having interactions with others, we are unconsciously extending these energetic tendrils, cords of energy from our chakras, to theirs. These cords resemble (if you were seeing them) pseudopodia, temporary extrusions of energy.....that act as a tactile sense organ. You can extend them and gain sensory impressions through them. At the same time as I focus on these, on opening to the impressions they pick up, I'm also looking outward with my third eye. I'm looking for the energy in the place.

Mountain pose is what it looks like. If I'm standing up, I'll take mountain pose, sink roots deep, open the upper chakras, extend tendrils of energy from them, feeling my chakras spiralling open like flowers....and then just be present in stillness and listen to what comes. Focus the attention.

Sensations will come in. You might get flashes of sensory impressions: these can be a taste, a smell...a sense of knowing. It might be an impression of sadness or light, It could be a sensation of calm, or of heaviness. These all mean things. The main thing is just to relax and allow whatever is coming in, to come.

Its like reading a tarot spread. Each bit of impression is like one card and you receive a 'spread' of impressions, which then combine to form a picture.

I was sitting in a pew yes, but its the same process. And what I got was a total sensation of lifelessness. Also in the people there. Knowing what I know now, I understand how the church is siphoning off energy, which is why these people were depleted and 'grey'.

The place was grey. Meaning the energy I 'saw' in this space was grey (which is a death energy).

I can see energy if I focus and 'open' myself. The energy I was picking up in that church was a stark contrast to the vibrantly alive outdoors of nature which is where I usually spent my weekends. And then I heard a telepathic voice say:

“There is no god here.”

So I knew it was a waste of time. And that if I wanted to make contact with my own god, I was better off out in nature surrounded by other forms of life. There is no god to be found in false idols and the buildings that are made to house the worship of them.

That's what I was shown/told.

I think I was 14 at the time.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: Opening the Psychic Self

Post by Snakeway »

Don Danko

Re: Opening the Psychic Self

Post by Don Danko »

When I worked in this new age center for Reiki, the energy around the Angel people was toxic its also the same energy that hangs over and emanates off the old churches the same churches I will walk an extra block to avoid and go around. The Angel people looked sick all the time and their lives where miserable. Because this energy of the Angel crap is toxic energy from the Hebrew energy form. Their appearance is due to the fact this energy is vampiric. Its the same with the people in the JoS because of those Kabbalah rituals RTR's.
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Re: Opening the Psychic Self

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Yes I do think they are.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Opening the Psychic Self

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Don when you say angel people are you meaning bible pounder types?
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko

Re: Opening the Psychic Self

Post by Don Danko »

No, the Angel people where the Reiki people who where into the guardian Angel stuff the New Age, Angel crap. They would contact their guardian Angels to channel Reiki through them. Which is something the Christians added into Reiki. Reiki is just conducting prana that is all no guardian Angels. Reiki is called pranic healing in India.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:34 am Don when you say angel people are you meaning bible pounder types?
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Re: Opening the Psychic Self

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Oh, I see.

I spent a few years meeting up with a group of psychics and we'd do things together every week to practice skills. Lots of fun things, like one of them might bring an object to the meeting and we'd pass it around, to 'read' it (psychometry).

We did this double blind test where one person brought in 5 envelopes sealed with an image inside. They hadn't chosen and put the images in, someone they knew had. They brought them to the meeting. We passed the envelopes around and made drawings of what we 'sensed' were in them. Which was fun. When we were all done, we opened the envelopes to see how we did. I got 2 totally off, one similar and two that were accurate.

I tried an experiment kind of like that with someone I knew fairly well. He concentrate on an image and I'd draw it. In that case I got 5 out of 5. It probably helped a lot that I knew this person and he was trying to project the image to me, not hide it.

I tried conducting energy to another person at one of the meetings. It never occurred to me to try asking an angel to help me. She said I ought to study reiki. But I never got around to it.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Don Danko

Re: Opening the Psychic Self

Post by Don Danko »

Christian's put their Christianity into everything its the god program they are under.

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:11 pm Oh, I see.

I spent a few years meeting up with a group of psychics and we'd do things together every week to practice skills. Lots of fun things, like one of them might bring an object to the meeting and we'd pass it around, to 'read' it (psychometry).

We did this double blind test where one person brought in 5 envelopes sealed with an image inside. They hadn't chosen and put the images in, someone they knew had. They brought them to the meeting. We passed the envelopes around and made drawings of what we 'sensed' were in them. Which was fun. When we were all done, we opened the envelopes to see how we did. I got 2 totally off, one similar and two that were accurate.

I tried an experiment kind of like that with someone I knew fairly well. He concentrate on an image and I'd draw it. In that case I got 5 out of 5. It probably helped a lot that I knew this person and he was trying to project the image to me, not hide it.

I tried conducting energy to another person at one of the meetings. It never occurred to me to try asking an angel to help me. She said I ought to study reiki. But I never got around to it.
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Re: Opening the Psychic Self

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Yeah this is true. Its everywhere. Funny how its not censored or stepped on. While talking about Satan and spiritual freedom IS.
If the mainstream is promoting something, chances are its not something you want to be doing or having or being.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition