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Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:17 pm
by Snakeway
Don Danko wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:51 pm The strategic location of Germany and its geo-political history combined with the program of National Socialism would have ensured our Gods would have been able to act directly on earth via a geo-political world power in time. The reptilians gods of the Jews couldn't allow this.
Snakeway wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:17 pm The Jew do Hate Satan, they want to exterminate Satan´s descendant here on earth that are the white people, they hate america because it is still too white, you can see they don´t give a shit about Japan being racist, there are sign´s everywhere in japan restaurants or stores ´´´we don´t accept gaijin(non Japanese)´´, there is no nosed people crying rivers of tears(remember Japanese were on the side of muh holocaust). they hate and blame Germany because they were Aryans and addressed the racial issue in favor of the survivor of Aryans. Hitler could have done all what e did, if he had not addressed the racial issue he would be just one more. The only thing that really annoyed the jews in the nazis was the racial issue. No war crime, no holocaust, no invasion make the nazis the villains for this jews, it is THE RACIAL ISSUE. They cannot accept a much greater existence the Aryans are.
It is only a strategic location because it is where the Aryan races are located.

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:24 pm
by White Mage
Thank goodness Don responded to those comments about Poland, as it saved me from trying to write up my own response. Let me supplement his comments with a few quotes;

"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." - Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly, Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939

"Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her." - Bernard Lecache, President of the World Jewish League, 1932, and Rothschild associate.

"We will force Hitler into war, whether he wants it or not," - Winston Churchill, 1936. Ironically, Churchill, decades later, ended up regretting his decision and speaking out about the truth. Doesn't change him from being a monster and an agent, but he did say this towards the end of his life;

"Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world finance couldn't profit anymore. We butchered the wrong pig." -Churchill 1960. This was very similar to that Ghaddafi was doing in Libya. Most people understand he wasn't killed to "bring democracy" to Libya, but to prevent them from creating a new currency/financial that wouldn't be reliant on the U.S. dollar. Libya went from one of the best African countries under a Dictator, free university whether you want to stay in Libya or learn abroad, healthcare for everyone and even paying you rent if you cant find a job, to a failing state with slave markets on the streets. But hey, they have democracy, right?

Hitler made all sorts of appeals to the League of Nations, as well as making several unconditional peace offers, where everything would go back to normal before the war broke out. Churchill deliberately ordered British diplomats to refuse to even speak to German diplomats. There were many British who were in favor of peace, including some of the nobility, hence why Hess flew out in a plane himself to personally try to get a peace deal signed, even if it was a 1% success rate. This wasn't a government that wanted to take over the world.

Interestingly enough, Hess died in his cell the exact same way Jeffery Epstein did, he supposedly hanged himself in his jail cell with his bed sheet. Interesting, huh?

America was even worse. Everyone knows about Pearl Harbor, but no one knows that the American government was planning a massive attack against Tokyo just five months prior. Roosevelt personally ordered the bombing of Japan, called order JB-355, which remained a secret classified document until the 1970s. This order called for the deliberate firebombing of Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagasaki by U.S. bombers. Hundreds of thousands of civilians would have likely perished in that attack, especially since Japanese houses weren't very vulnerable to fire.

There are articles written on the story. Search up JB-355 Roosevelt in Google. ... omb-japan/

I never learned about any of this when I went to school. Did you?

Whether you pro-NS or disagree with them, that's fine. But it's important to understand what really was going on first and be informed, rather than just living in Plato's cave, reacting to shadows that aren't real instead of stepping out of the cave and seeing the real world. WW2 was the political manifestation of a much deeper spiritual/occult conflict, between the Kabbalistic Rabbis, Judaism, and their Christian/Islamic/communist/capitalist puppets, fighting against genuine occult and spiritual groups that wanted to uplift humanity, which manifested politically into the Third Reich and some other countries, although even that was imperfect.

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:17 pm
by Don Danko
Thank you White Mage what you posted about Japan fills in a major question I had.

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 1:33 pm
by BorninHell88
Snakeway wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:09 pm
Owenavo wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:37 pm I'm not picking no side, just so you know!! Also, why don't I want them to go together is because, I just don't agree with their point. I mean Hitler tried to invade Poland and other countries, (he didn't just kill Jews). Hitler was no better!! If you saw Nazi planes flying over your home town bombing houses down. What would be going through your mind? Satan, also appeared to me as a middle easterner, he can change his appearance anytime he wants really. I mean they're entities, they can shapeshift.
Snakeway wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 11:20 am

The Jews have all this hate toward Aryan blond and blue eyed people and want to exterminates them by race mixing because they are descendant of Satan, Nazism is enemy of Jews and want to defend this descendants of Satan that are the Aryans, How come the two things don´t go together? they are inseparable.
I am Talking about Nazis Ideals, off course in war many bad things happens i, innocent die and all(it happened a lot more on the other side). The point is the Nazis Ideals are better.

Satan is a Nordic God, he has only one Body and appearance, which is a Blond man with blue eyes. I don´t know about appearing in different shapes, I suppose he could if he wanted, but the real him would continue to have the same appearance.
You have no real proof what-so-ever to claim that that Satan is a "blonde hair blue eyed man". Lol! And if you do, then I would **love** to see it. I'll be waiting... :)

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 1:34 pm
by BorninHell88
Owenavo wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:52 pm Yeah, I understand you both. Some governments are very vicious and power hungry! And, I'm not talking about Hitler here.

You do have a point snakeway, of the Jews having all this hatred towards the Aryans the blondes and blue eyed people.
The funny thing is, I did have blonde hair when I was like a little kid. 😂

Still have a bit of blonde in my hair but mostly brown now and I do have light icy blue eyes. But, I wouldn't say all Jews hate Satan, it's just corrupt leaders most of the time.

This world war stuff is old now though, it's time to do what's best for us. We need to better ourselves and become the God's we are. 🙂
The Jews hate the Aryan race the most...? Last I checked it's not Aryans living in third world countries... It's blacks and browns, and if there is any **real** hate directed towards any gentile races from the Jewish and alien filth that control this planet, than it would be directed at the darker races... Not the Aryan race, or at least it appears that way anyways... I get pretty sick when I hear white people complaining about "how bad they have it" under Jewish/and alien rule, but yet there they are... Nice houses. Air conditioning... Cars. Internet... ((all things they've 'earned' UNDER this alien/ Jewish system... IN Plato's Cave, /or I.E. "the matrix")), but then again, all of this doesn't mean much when such things come with their dualistic/ yin and yang nature... I suppose. :think: But still, at least acknowledge the likely fact that the darker races have it worse off than Aryans in regard of how the Jews treat them... Is it really that hard for most of you...? lol. Seriously...

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 1:45 pm
by BorninHell88
Don Danko wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:51 pm The strategic location of Germany and its geo-political history combined with the program of National Socialism would have ensured our Gods would have been able to act directly on earth via a geo-political world power in time. The reptilians gods of the Jews couldn't allow this.
Snakeway wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:17 pm The Jew do Hate Satan, they want to exterminate Satan´s descendant here on earth that are the white people, they hate america because it is still too white, you can see they don´t give a shit about Japan being racist, there are sign´s everywhere in japan restaurants or stores ´´´we don´t accept gaijin(non Japanese)´´, there is no nosed people crying rivers of tears(remember Japanese were on the side of muh holocaust). they hate and blame Germany because they were Aryans and addressed the racial issue in favor of the survivor of Aryans. Hitler could have done all what e did, if he had not addressed the racial issue he would be just one more. The only thing that really annoyed the jews in the nazis was the racial issue. No war crime, no holocaust, no invasion make the nazis the villains for this jews, it is THE RACIAL ISSUE. They cannot accept a much greater existence the Aryans are.
So why is Satan so powerless to stop them...? lol.