Psychic Warfare

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Don Danko

Psychic Warfare

Post by Don Danko »

Psychic Warfare

During the war the SS organized Operation Mars which was the plan to free Mussolini from the Allies prison. The situation was Mussolini was constantly moved from prison to prison and the security around this made conventional intelligence impossible. Himmler personally stepped in and organized a group of SS occultists and other occultists under SS direction. The goal was to locate Mussolini using occult methods so the German special forces could be sent into free him. This worked, Schellenberg the head of the SD and called "Himmler's spy master" the SD was the intelligence service of the SS and it was Schellenberg who organized and worked on this operation for Himmler. Schellenberg stated it was the SS occultists that found Mussolini not the normal intelligence service. They used remote viewing, astral protection, pendulum dowsing and other methods.

Captain Hans Roeder, founded the German Navy Pendulum Institute, during the war. The goal of this organization was to use occultists to locate the positions of British convoys in the Atlantic for the German U-Boats. The occultists who worked on this project were also used by Himmler for Operation Mars. Which shows they had a high success rate already which is why they were selected by Himmler. The German government allocated the resources and time to the use of occultists for Operation Mars even the head of their intelligence services, for a real reason. It works.

Information we have from British sources that were leaked out in different forms reveal that during the war the British were flabbergasted over how no matter what conventional methods of security they used the U-Boats were sinking the convoys on mass. Britain was close to losing the war and being starved into submission. Members within the British military establishment and intelligence establishment then started to organize and recruit British occultists and what started was a occult war between occult adepts of the British and Germans. Some of this is known as the Magical Battle Of Britain. But that is just some of what was happening. Dion Fortune who was one British occultist recruited from all reports was an advanced psychic.

David Moorehouse was an officer in the American military who worked in the American militaries psychic warfare program with remote viewing and astral projection this was used during the first Iraq war with success by the American military. Moorehouse stated he was able to astral project to another physical world and the beings on such world who where human had advanced psychic abilities that includes telepathic communication and the ability to plainly see him in his astral form which surprised him. Remember the SS used occultists in the Vril Society to communicate with our Gods who are physical humans who are fully ascended extra terrestrials and live on other physical worlds. They were called "Deva's" in the ancient Sanskrit which means Light Beings. But the ancient cultures such as the Hopi's and others mention this as well but them as being physical humans who are extra terrestrials. Light Being relates to their ascended state.

Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich, Join Eric Kurlander, professor of history at Stetson University.
Sedona City Of The Star People, Mark Pinkham
Psychic Warrior, David Moorehouse.
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