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Re: The JoS lies about Hitler

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:27 am
by BorninHell88
sunrise wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:11 am
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 7:21 am Why are you ignoring me Don...? You know you can't run away from your fears forever ((unless you're Jewish, than your survival depends upon running away since parasite can't thrive if it's exposed, but we both know you're not a Jew! Right?))... HP Zola and Black Mamba show their faces without any worry, so why can't you? What do you got to lose...? Lmao!

Sorry to intervene, I will just give my 2 cents here.

There is a big difference between Don and Zola/Mamba in the actual matter.

Don is exposing the jews, fighting against them and so on. He basically, dedicated his life to this purpose and to uplift the Aryan spirit, - he needs his quiet of mind.

Zola and Mamba have no political affiliation or opinion on this matter, (take them out of the equation).
THEY HAVE nothing against anybody what so ever. This is clearly stated.

So, don't put them in the same boat.

As for the picture, IS OF NO USE. It would not help me anyway, you, or anybody.

he could very well put a picture with anybody else in your acceptance, so you won't believe it anyway, - and what is next, ask for a video with the date and name on it? Just think about it. Total insane. You will suspect next that he ask a neighbour to do the video and then what? - ask for a face to face meeting? Think about it for a second.

Don can be judged based on FACTS and HIS WORK DONE SO FAR. I see nothing jewish in what he promotes OR DONE SO FAR, - on the contrary.
Why would you want him to expose himself in such a manner, you know it could harm him, right?
I, personally, find the request UNREASONABLE.
No need to appologize... If the Jews wanted Don dead he would of been dead a long time ago, and it's likely that they already know who he is... Where he lives, and so forth... They have the best hackers on the planet, and not to mention they don't even need hackers to find out his location as they have eyes on the astral ((grey aliens, powerful black magicians that are also likely Jewish, the reptilians which are also powerful psychic adepts, and so forth, and so forth)). What makes you think that some average dude can hide from those who control this system? Oh wait, you think Satan is protecting him from these people...? If so, then if Satan can protect him from the system ((powerful world governments themselves)) then surely he protect him from people like me, right...? And surely Satan can create an "aura of protection" around him to where he can still have his "peace of mind" that you claim he should have...

Also, what has Don done for gentiles...? It doesn't matter if he exposes the Jews or not, because they're not the ones running the show... It's the aliens/i.e. the 'gods' he works with that are. Until he exposes them, then gentiles are going to get no where. The Jews are just 1 head of the hydra... You cut that head off, then it grows back... Those who control this planet/the system/i.e. the Matrix ((Plato's Cave, w/e you want to call it)) are the aliens themselves... I.e. the 'gods'. They are the heart of the hyrda and the system will never fall until the heart dies, and the heart is the only part of the beast people don't want to acknowledge... The Jews are willing to throw themselves underneath the bus ((if push comes to shove)) to save that heart, since they're tied directly to it, so I find it un-reasonable for Don to make the claim that he's a gentile, but isn't willing to back it up... If you were genuine, you wouldn't make that claim at all and you would give us the benefit of the doubt Don, by acknowledging the possibility that you're part of the very system that you fight against... This is what free thinking is all about... Free thought. Or do you just expect me to take his word ((that he's not a Jew)) and just put 100% faith into him and everything he says about these extra-terrestrial 'gods' that none of us truly know...? You see where I'm going with this...?

And think of it this way... HC calls Don a Jew, and Don calls HC a Jew... If Don was truly in communication with Demons and Satan ((entities that are ultimately good and are capable of telepathy)) than don't you think that these entities would of either warned HC ((HoodedCobra)) or Don of their "supposed" Jewishness back when they were part of the JoS clergy...? Do you know how many times I read ((from them)) when I was following the JoS that they were in direct contact with the 'gods' themselves and would actually have conversations with them? And these 'gods' never warned either of them of their 'supposed' Jewishness...? He was part of the clergy for more than TEN YEARS! Same goes with HC... And you don't think anything fishy is going on? Come on... Wake up. Seriously.

Re: The JoS lies about Hitler

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:34 am
by sunrise
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:27 am
sunrise wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:11 am
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 7:21 am Why are you ignoring me Don...? You know you can't run away from your fears forever ((unless you're Jewish, than your survival depends upon running away since parasite can't thrive if it's exposed, but we both know you're not a Jew! Right?))... HP Zola and Black Mamba show their faces without any worry, so why can't you? What do you got to lose...? Lmao!

Sorry to intervene, I will just give my 2 cents here.

There is a big difference between Don and Zola/Mamba in the actual matter.

Don is exposing the jews, fighting against them and so on. He basically, dedicated his life to this purpose and to uplift the Aryan spirit, - he needs his quiet of mind.

Zola and Mamba have no political affiliation or opinion on this matter, (take them out of the equation).
THEY HAVE nothing against anybody what so ever. This is clearly stated.

So, don't put them in the same boat.

As for the picture, IS OF NO USE. It would not help me anyway, you, or anybody.

he could very well put a picture with anybody else in your acceptance, so you won't believe it anyway, - and what is next, ask for a video with the date and name on it? Just think about it. Total insane. You will suspect next that he ask a neighbour to do the video and then what? - ask for a face to face meeting? Think about it for a second.

Don can be judged based on FACTS and HIS WORK DONE SO FAR. I see nothing jewish in what he promotes OR DONE SO FAR, - on the contrary.
Why would you want him to expose himself in such a manner, you know it could harm him, right?
I, personally, find the request UNREASONABLE.
No need to appologize... If the Jews wanted Don dead he would of been dead a long time ago, and it's likely that they already know who he is... Where he lives, and so forth... Also, what has Don done for gentiles...? It doesn't matter if he exposes the Jews or not, because they're not the ones running the show... It's the aliens/i.e. the 'gods' he works with that are. :) Until he exposes them, then gentiles are going to get no where. The Jews are just 1 head of the hydra... You cut them off, it grows back... Those who control this planet/the system/i.e. the Matrix ((Plato's Cave, w/e you want to call it)) are the aliens themselves... I.e. the 'gods'. They are the heart of the hyrda and the system will never fall until the heart dies, and the heart is the only part of the beast people don't want to acknowledge... The Jews are willing to throw themselves underneath the bus ((if push comes to shove)) to save that heart, since they're tied directly to it, so I find it un-reasonable for Don to make the claim that he's a gentile, but isn't willing to back it up... If you were genuine, you wouldn't make that claim at all and you would give us the benefit of the doubt Don, by acknowledging the possibility that you're part of the very system that you fight against... This is what free thinking is all about... Free thought. Or do you just expect me to take his word ((that he's not a Jew)) and just put 100% faith into him and everything he says about these extra-terrestrial 'gods' that none of us truly know...?

I totally understand your worry, don't get me wrong. I do. What I mean is that he can't prove it 100% with his ID in one hand that he isn't jewish what so ever.

I, for instance wouldn't do that, like many others. Would you do that with the risk to become an outcast in the society (the best case scenario)?

As for your views, are quite interesting and I will take my time to read your comments and understand your perspective better.

Re: The JoS lies about Hitler

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:41 am
by BorninHell88
sunrise wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:34 am
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:27 am
sunrise wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:11 am

Sorry to intervene, I will just give my 2 cents here.

There is a big difference between Don and Zola/Mamba in the actual matter.

Don is exposing the jews, fighting against them and so on. He basically, dedicated his life to this purpose and to uplift the Aryan spirit, - he needs his quiet of mind.

Zola and Mamba have no political affiliation or opinion on this matter, (take them out of the equation).
THEY HAVE nothing against anybody what so ever. This is clearly stated.

So, don't put them in the same boat.

As for the picture, IS OF NO USE. It would not help me anyway, you, or anybody.

he could very well put a picture with anybody else in your acceptance, so you won't believe it anyway, - and what is next, ask for a video with the date and name on it? Just think about it. Total insane. You will suspect next that he ask a neighbour to do the video and then what? - ask for a face to face meeting? Think about it for a second.

Don can be judged based on FACTS and HIS WORK DONE SO FAR. I see nothing jewish in what he promotes OR DONE SO FAR, - on the contrary.
Why would you want him to expose himself in such a manner, you know it could harm him, right?
I, personally, find the request UNREASONABLE.
No need to appologize... If the Jews wanted Don dead he would of been dead a long time ago, and it's likely that they already know who he is... Where he lives, and so forth... Also, what has Don done for gentiles...? It doesn't matter if he exposes the Jews or not, because they're not the ones running the show... It's the aliens/i.e. the 'gods' he works with that are. :) Until he exposes them, then gentiles are going to get no where. The Jews are just 1 head of the hydra... You cut them off, it grows back... Those who control this planet/the system/i.e. the Matrix ((Plato's Cave, w/e you want to call it)) are the aliens themselves... I.e. the 'gods'. They are the heart of the hyrda and the system will never fall until the heart dies, and the heart is the only part of the beast people don't want to acknowledge... The Jews are willing to throw themselves underneath the bus ((if push comes to shove)) to save that heart, since they're tied directly to it, so I find it un-reasonable for Don to make the claim that he's a gentile, but isn't willing to back it up... If you were genuine, you wouldn't make that claim at all and you would give us the benefit of the doubt Don, by acknowledging the possibility that you're part of the very system that you fight against... This is what free thinking is all about... Free thought. Or do you just expect me to take his word ((that he's not a Jew)) and just put 100% faith into him and everything he says about these extra-terrestrial 'gods' that none of us truly know...?

I totally understand your worry, don't get me wrong. I do. What I mean is that he can't prove it 100% with his ID in one hand that he isn't jewish what so ever.

I, for instance wouldn't do that, like many others. Would you do that with the risk to become an outcast in the society (the best case scenario)?

As for your views, are quite interesting and I will take my time to read your comments and understand your perspective better.
If it came down to honor, and proving that I'm a genuine person ((in order to expose the system that ultimately has me enslaved)) than I would try my hardest to put my face out there, and if I don't than that only means I'm a coward and that I'm weak ((and surely I am to some degree, or I would be showing my face now, but again... That's the reason why I don't make the claim that I am a gentile, so I can give people the benefit of the doubt which at the same time encourages FREE THOUGHT))... The least Don can do is step up to the plate ((be a man)) and admit that he lacks the strength to do what **needs** to be done, and if he doesn't want to show his face then he should at least acknowledge the possible fact that he is a kike ((giving people the benefit of the doubt, which in the process he would also be promoting/and encouraging free thought /and/or free thinking instead of being an agent against such which ultimately gives power to this Jewish system which is **based** in secrecy/and the suppression of free thought)).

And no, he probably can't prove that he's Jewish ((100%)), and I do agree with you there ((for the most part)), but at least give us SOMETHING to work with... Is what I'm saying... Showing his face would be that something, that or giving us the benefit of the doubt that he could be a kike ((which I believe he doesn't want to tie into that karmic energy, for obvious reasons)).

As for you finding my views interesting... I appreciate that. It's a pleasure of mine... I'm an adventurous spirit that likes to make discoveries, and when I do I also like to share them with the world, despite what this Jewish system tells us... Silence is **NOT** Golden ((we're bound to a system that is based on the ways of a parasite, and parasites can only thrive when they're not found out, and only when truth is obvious to the masses will the system that keeps these parasites hidden will be broken, and once that is broken then we can break them))... :) And you better hope I don't discover more about you though Don, because if I do then you can **rest assure** I'm telling the world. To see you come face to face with the skeletons you got hidden in your closest would be an ultimate pleasure that I would certainly indulge in. 8-)

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” —Leonardo da Vinci **SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN** Show your face Don... Your words will never ring true to those who actually matter... That being to those who don't got a real reason to trust you ((those of us who don't blindly believe things without evidence, or proof)). If you are genuine, than real change can start with you. I'm not the best speaker in the world, but meditate on my words... And you'll know that the base product is truth.

Re: The JoS lies about Hitler

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:06 am
by sunrise
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:41 am
sunrise wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:34 am
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:27 am

No need to appologize... If the Jews wanted Don dead he would of been dead a long time ago, and it's likely that they already know who he is... Where he lives, and so forth... Also, what has Don done for gentiles...? It doesn't matter if he exposes the Jews or not, because they're not the ones running the show... It's the aliens/i.e. the 'gods' he works with that are. :) Until he exposes them, then gentiles are going to get no where. The Jews are just 1 head of the hydra... You cut them off, it grows back... Those who control this planet/the system/i.e. the Matrix ((Plato's Cave, w/e you want to call it)) are the aliens themselves... I.e. the 'gods'. They are the heart of the hyrda and the system will never fall until the heart dies, and the heart is the only part of the beast people don't want to acknowledge... The Jews are willing to throw themselves underneath the bus ((if push comes to shove)) to save that heart, since they're tied directly to it, so I find it un-reasonable for Don to make the claim that he's a gentile, but isn't willing to back it up... If you were genuine, you wouldn't make that claim at all and you would give us the benefit of the doubt Don, by acknowledging the possibility that you're part of the very system that you fight against... This is what free thinking is all about... Free thought. Or do you just expect me to take his word ((that he's not a Jew)) and just put 100% faith into him and everything he says about these extra-terrestrial 'gods' that none of us truly know...?

I totally understand your worry, don't get me wrong. I do. What I mean is that he can't prove it 100% with his ID in one hand that he isn't jewish what so ever.

I, for instance wouldn't do that, like many others. Would you do that with the risk to become an outcast in the society (the best case scenario)?

As for your views, are quite interesting and I will take my time to read your comments and understand your perspective better.
If it came down to honor, and proving that I'm a genuine person ((in order to expose the system that ultimately has me enslaved)) than I would try my hardest to put my face out there, and if I don't than that only means I'm a coward and that I'm weak ((and surely I am to some degree, or I would be showing my face now, but again... That's the reason why I don't make the claim that I am a gentile, so I can give people the benefit of the doubt which at the same time encourages FREE THOUGHT))... The least Don can do is step up to the plate ((be a man)) and admit that he lacks the strength to do what **needs** to be done, and if he doesn't want to show his face then he should at least acknowledge the possible fact that he is a kike ((giving people the benefit of the doubt, which in the process he would also be promoting/and encouraging free thought /and/or free thinking instead of being an agent against such which ultimately gives power to this Jewish system which is **based** in secrecy/and the suppression of free thought)).

And no, he probably can't prove that he's Jewish ((100%)), and I do agree with you there ((for the most part)), but at least give us SOMETHING to work with... Is what I'm saying... Showing his face would be that something, that or giving us the benefit of the doubt that he could be a kike ((which I believe he doesn't want to tie into that karmic energy, for obvious reasons)).

As for you finding my views interesting... I appreciate that. It's a pleasure of mine... I'm an adventurous spirit that likes to make discoveries, and when I do I also like to share them with the world, despite what this Jewish system tells us... Silence is **NOT** Golden ((we're bound to a system that is based on the ways of a parasite, and parasites can only thrive when they're not found out, and only when truth is obvious to the masses will the system that keeps these parasites hidden will be broken, and once that is broken then we can break them))... :) And you better hope I don't discover more about you though Don, because if I do then you can **rest assure** I'm telling the world. To see you come face to face with the skeletons you got hidden in your closest would be an ultimate pleasure that I would certainly indulge in. 8-)

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” —Leonardo da Vinci

Well everyone has their own skeletons in their closet and their right to privacy if you ask me. This is the reality.

Of course jews needs to be exposed and show up but don't make the mistake on harming innocent people along your adventures. There is a fine line. However I think you have good intentions.

I am here for the simple fact that as Don I found out the so called reverse torah rituals weren't reserving anything on the contrary they work to manifest the mesianic era. That's the entire deal of the story in a few words.

Was nice chatting with you, enjoy your stay and see you around

Re: The JoS lies about Hitler

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:25 am
by BorninHell88
sunrise wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:06 am
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:41 am
sunrise wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:34 am

I totally understand your worry, don't get me wrong. I do. What I mean is that he can't prove it 100% with his ID in one hand that he isn't jewish what so ever.

I, for instance wouldn't do that, like many others. Would you do that with the risk to become an outcast in the society (the best case scenario)?

As for your views, are quite interesting and I will take my time to read your comments and understand your perspective better.
If it came down to honor, and proving that I'm a genuine person ((in order to expose the system that ultimately has me enslaved)) than I would try my hardest to put my face out there, and if I don't than that only means I'm a coward and that I'm weak ((and surely I am to some degree, or I would be showing my face now, but again... That's the reason why I don't make the claim that I am a gentile, so I can give people the benefit of the doubt which at the same time encourages FREE THOUGHT))... The least Don can do is step up to the plate ((be a man)) and admit that he lacks the strength to do what **needs** to be done, and if he doesn't want to show his face then he should at least acknowledge the possible fact that he is a kike ((giving people the benefit of the doubt, which in the process he would also be promoting/and encouraging free thought /and/or free thinking instead of being an agent against such which ultimately gives power to this Jewish system which is **based** in secrecy/and the suppression of free thought)).

And no, he probably can't prove that he's Jewish ((100%)), and I do agree with you there ((for the most part)), but at least give us SOMETHING to work with... Is what I'm saying... Showing his face would be that something, that or giving us the benefit of the doubt that he could be a kike ((which I believe he doesn't want to tie into that karmic energy, for obvious reasons)).

As for you finding my views interesting... I appreciate that. It's a pleasure of mine... I'm an adventurous spirit that likes to make discoveries, and when I do I also like to share them with the world, despite what this Jewish system tells us... Silence is **NOT** Golden ((we're bound to a system that is based on the ways of a parasite, and parasites can only thrive when they're not found out, and only when truth is obvious to the masses will the system that keeps these parasites hidden will be broken, and once that is broken then we can break them))... :) And you better hope I don't discover more about you though Don, because if I do then you can **rest assure** I'm telling the world. To see you come face to face with the skeletons you got hidden in your closest would be an ultimate pleasure that I would certainly indulge in. 8-)

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” —Leonardo da Vinci

Well everyone has their own skeletons in their closet and their right to privacy if you ask me. This is the reality.

Of course jews needs to be exposed and show up but don't make the mistake on harming innocent people along your adventures. There is a fine line. However I think you have good intentions.

I am here for the simple fact that as Don I found out the so called reverse torah rituals weren't reserving anything on the contrary they work to manifest the mesianic era. That's the entire deal of the story in a few words.

Was nice chatting with you, enjoy your stay and see you around
I'll always respect his right to privacy... If I don't, then I don't respect my own, because it's a shared right... Right? Or should I say privilege. :) Because rights aren't rights if they can be taken away! But if it comes to throwing an innocent person underneath the bus for the greater good... Then I'm all for it. Laugh now. Cry later... And it likely doesn't even matter if Don "exposed" the Torah ritual ((which as far as I'm concerned, he really didn't... But I could be wrong as I haven't looked over all the evidence myself and what he has written about them)), but if he did than it's not going to be enough if the majority of people aren't aware of these things ((such as the Jewish threat in it's entirety)), at least not to the extent to where any real change can happen.

And nice chatting with you too... Take care.

Re: The JoS lies about Hitler

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:23 pm
by tim.e
hi, my first post here, found this on some bitchute comments, anyway...
back to topic, this thread has been derailed which is a common tactic used on the webs by all sorts of vermin really, i been back and forth myself with this threads topic/question, what helped me clear most of it is the following:

- "beer hall putch" by miles mathis (should be easy to find either in pdf or blogpost format)

- "why hitler never invaded switzerland" by sean hross, has/had idk many channels on the tubes, but his later work is hit and miss so i deleted bookmarks and cant find it as of now, maybe someone re-uploaded, its about half hour long video, the whole "octogon" thing..

while neither those two are definite conclusions, because counter points can be made, i did myself, but certainly goes in-line with the feel on this, danko's views here lately (x-tian thing) are correct i think, it was himmler the one more in tune with what this page is all about

in closing.. "all the worlds a stage"