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Situation With Wicca

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 6:01 am
by Don Danko
Situation With Wicca

The founder of Wicca Gerald Gardner was himself a Free Mason and member of the Christian Rose Cross Order and an ordained Christian minister and member of Crowley's O.T.O and who personally knew Crowley.

Gardner decided to found Wicca after the anti Witchcraft Laws were repealed in England in the 1940's. If one reads the original Wicca books that Gardner wrote that explained the Wiccan system. The entire system is based on the system of Crowley's O.T.O which is based on the Jewish Kabala. Gardner put elements of Judeo Free Masonry into the system as well which is also based on the Kabala and the Christian Bible which is also based on the Kabala. The entire system of Wicca is based on the Jewish Kabala and nothing else.

If one picks up books on Wicca they will find them full of references to Cultural Marxist ideology, Angels the Kabala and such. The situation is one enters into Wicca because they are disgusted with Christianity and wish to reconnect to the Gods only to find themselves bogged down in enemy garbage and connecting to a mixed current of energies of our Gods and the enemy thought form YHVH by using the Kabala and Angels. This creates major problems in the persons life as the energies clash and the Kabala the book of the enemy thought form is purely negative. As well as one being fed the ideals of Jewish Communism. This is why the enemy promotes Wicca to the mainstream its full of curses against Gentiles and bindings against our Gods. Its an attempt to control and try and reign in those who are looking elsewhere and trying to connect to the Gods.

Crowley himself drew one of the "Angelic beings" he summoned from the Kabala he used in his own group and the image he drew of this being called "Lam" was an enemy Grey. The Jews in their own Kabala called the Angels the Seraphim the incarnation of "God" and describe them as literal reptilians. Showing what is behind all this enemy garbage. A collection of reptilian extra terrestrials.

Crowley's system was based on using Kabala exercises to generate a psychic connection into the enemy thought form of YHVH to then connect oneself into this vortex of negative energy of the enemy. This what he called "The Holy Guardian Angel" which is a form of Talismanic magic in Kabala that connects to this vortex. The Jesuits founded by a Jewish occult adept also taught the same exercises for their members to turn them into drones to channel the will of the Jewish YHVH thought form. The enemy thought form. The rituals of the Catholic Church are based on Kabala. Christ is simply Talismanic kabala magic that connects ones soul into this energy vortex of YHVH on the astral. The lives of Christians are full of misery for this reason. And they bring misery and destruction to the world for this reason. They are physical conduits for the vortex of YHVH to manifest though and manifest into the world. This vortex is what they call "The Holy Spirit" which is called the Ruach Elohim in Kabala which is the energy of the YHVH matrix.

Re: Situation With Wicca

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 3:39 pm
by Daemontruth83
Hey isn’t Lam also the name of the root chakra? What if this Sanskrit names for chakras is actually to similar beings?

Re: Situation With Wicca

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 12:02 am
by Don Danko
Who knows what Crowley was doing. But it ended badly from him and his people.