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Beware the New World Order Fight Back

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 7:48 am
by JoyOfSatan666
Race mixing is really only the start of the enemy agenda of turning us all into a borg race (greys) After race mixing for enough generations the species begins to become "one race" or have a singular gene pool. We all begin to look the same act the same and talk the same. They during this also begin to push genetic alteration on the populace. With earth this is only the beginning we haven't really seen much with it yet. There are also other things used by them we haven't seen yet or are only begining to see. More and more the species begins to become frail and weak and look like greys (eventually with the big heads and bug eyes as well) They start doing away with reproduction and gender specific parts as well and the species is reproduced in a lab. Free will may or may not be totally taken away immediately (depending on if there is any threat to the enemy agenda they would rather go slow and steady if they can rather than brute force and really fast like they are doing right now on earth) but more and more they are turned into a hive mind in many ways until they chipped or "borged". The populace is kept at a very low vibration and generally is kept at a primitive animal like level. They all wear the same clothes and look the same. As they are kind of a hive mind in some to all ways they always are in groups acting together.
All cultures become one all launguages become one. Everyone becomes the same eventually thinking the same thoughts always focusing on mindless stuff repeating tasks for their masters. Any resistance equals death or turning off the chip(s) which kills them.

In the end they are hooked to a computer network and become one mind forever serving their masters.

"Smiles and happiness shall be the new world and economic system you shall always smile 😊 you feel nothing but happiness any frown is resistance you cannot feel anything other than happiness and you can do nothing but smile 😊 or your dead you shall forever smile with happiness in serving your masters you own nothing you have nothing not even your body and mind but your happy forever"

This is your eternity in the NWO living in a decayed post apocalyptic ruined world.

This is the fate of us if we don't fight it

See if you want the truth and to learn how to help this planet.