The World the Enemy Fantasizes about an important old Sermon by Hoodedcobra666

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The World the Enemy Fantasizes about an important old Sermon by Hoodedcobra666

Post by JoyOfSatan666 »

Here is a copy paste of Cobras old sermon. This is from 2015. I feel the content is really important for people to know.

This world can become two things. Either what we desire and envision [], or what the enemy desires and envisions. Many do not understand quite, how deep the rabbit hole goes and how in regards to this. How deep, how dangerous and how serious is this warfare and us taking a stand. You can see this everywhere, at whatever the enemy does create and does sought.

First of all, you need search no further than Hollywood. Hollywood is jew owned. It has since forever being projecting jewish propaganda, jewish ideals, jewish thoughts and jewish dreams in screen. It’s the ultimate means of propaganda and subliminal programming. I will not mention what “I SEE” first, but only after. This is what they say on their own.

[I may have some mistakes in the plots as I was told about/ read about these and didn’t watch all of these. Although I really like movies, some are beyond simply being any movie. They are jewish propaganda machine. Futuristic is a nice gerne, but this is something entirely different. These are straight propaganda.]

There are some movies that come in mind, such as the movie “Time” with the jew Justin Timberlake. What the plot of this move is roughly, is that everyone is physically immortal after they reach 25 years old. As always, there is no spirituality and there is a rough division of people between poor and rich, nothing less and nothing more. People do get paid with “time to live” and not money. In that sense a worker gets payed hours to live, not in money, as everyone is “immortal” given they have “enough time”. The “system” is the master of life and death and its inside them and internalized. The “clock” in which these people receive their “time” to live is attached on their hands. So the poor can aswell die for not being payed enough “time”. The kike oligarchy is at the top with huge numbers of time, as they control the “system” as thus they can live eternally, being master of life and death, in the whole of the planet. There is communism and people have no rights at all, completely and ultimately dependent on a slavish, physical only reality, in which they are trapped. Now this is only a projection of what they dream and want. Everything positive, the jew will degrade and pervert to their level.

For the kikes and their dreams, technology is nothing more than a means to destroy people, push communism, destroy and degrade the “Soul” fully, as they themselves have nothing as the Soul of a Gentile. They themselves cannot advance or evolve as they are slaves of higher powers, to which they cannot overcome or even talk against. They are slaves and they seek to become your slave masters.

Then this is this other movie, named “Surrogates”. This movie is basically about a future world and how everyone has given up their physical body to live through a “robot” body which they control through a device they stay inside. They aren’t no longer themselves but technically cyborgs attached to a metal body. How good and such the body will be is dependent on how much money one makes, bodies are sold in markets and so forth, so people can live the "ideal life". They live in total denial of themselves. The motto is here the same. The “system” controls everyone. Whomever doesn’t have money will perish. The world is a sick lie, there is no “Soul” but only mere biological “pleasure” by “nervous stimulation” from the machine through which the body operates the robot. Nothing natural, nothing human, nothing sane.

The jew only sees technology as a means to get into your brain, destroy you, rob your freedom, know what you are, what you do, what you feel, whatever, so they can manipulate you, own you and control you. Same message through the ages. Machines as they were used for torture in the middle ages, they sought to make the future no exception.

Then you have another movie named “Source Code”. This movie is about a man who is trapped into a military scientific anti-terror program. He is in reality destroyed in his body but he is locked up in a simulation, that runs over and over a memory from his mind about an terror attack, so he can gather information about the incident through re-running the memory. He doesn’t know it and his mind keeps and keeps relapsing into the memory, while his brain is jacked into a machine, so he can gather information, playing the memory over and over and having “8 minutes” to act and find the memory. He dies and experiences everything over and over in the memory. The actor is jewish aswell. The number 8 signifies eternity as some know and this is a horrific message to tie into something so insane.

While the ending of the movie is “positive” as in how his “consciousness” escapes to some parell universe or something, the jewish dream and message In the movie remains the same:

They literally want to fucking jack you into a machine and control you, keep you alive to torture you, mind body, even soul and consciousness. The only reason they do not is because they can’t. They can’t because of “rebels” like us worldwide who do not want their shitty dreams of world domination and total slavery. They preach you are nothing but a shitty flesh that will basically perish. After all, according to them you are a soulless animal.


Another jewish dreamy movie is the movie “Hunger Games”. Roughly the plot is the same. The rich are separated from the poor, science has advanced so much they are under total control. People are living in districts which range from “District one” which is the richest, ranging down to “District 13” which is the most poor. Children are chosen from each district to fight in an arena warfare type of game, killing each other, so the rich can watch this in television as a show and have fun. The “chosen” have to find sponsors to give them money and help to “win the race”. Its in other words a money game, an investment. The last man standing wins and gains a chance to get to the “rich district” and live there. Rich is, slavish rich, to the point of pure insanity. The arena in which the people are trapped inside is a place where anything can be injected with a computer, from beasts to bombs to whatever. People get mutilated and such for a position to live better and for the laughs of the “higher” ones.

I will not mention the hundreds of movies and video games or novels, with the same mental propaganda- the war gets destroyed, the good jewish “actor” is the “savior”, the “bad guy” is almost always an “Aryan” looking guy, the “Armageddon” and all this. Some virus outbreak, nuclear catastrophe etc. That’s what they force people to dwell on. Destruction of knowledge, post apocalyptic war in which no springle of civilization remains.

DESTROY CIVILIZATION, INCITE WARS, DESTROY WHATS HEALTHY, MAN IS A PHYSICAL BEING AND A ROBOT, A SLAVE. THEY WANT TO DESTROY THE WORLD, UNLESS THIS WORLD SUBMITS TO THEIR DEMANDS, WHICH ARE SLAVERY, SERVITUDE AND DEATH. IF YOU CAN’T GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, CHECK THE THREATS AND WARS OF ISRAEL. CHECK THE TALMUD, CHECK THE TORAH, CHECK THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION. CHECK WHO OWNS THE BANKS, WHO HAS THEIR TENTACLES INTO THE CRIMINAL WORLD. What all these movies have all the same as a message? Also, mind the false opposition. The xians and other idiots think they are again these things, or claim to be, but they are all worshiping what is simply a step before all this destruction. They worship ideals that bring exactly these things in reality. They are faithfully working at the meat machine of the enemy. "Disasters are to come and to be sought for" for these idiots. They are welcome. They keep their meaningless and nonspiritual lives "busy".

Its all the same motto- Things that the jew wants. Things and dreams that they have in their “racial only” books since hundreds of years. That’s their future plan, more or less. That’s the production of the collective mind of these “peoples”. They want to be immortal rulers, ruling through money and racketeering, to destroy civilization, destroy any sense of “Gods”, erase “Satanism” and the Ancient Past, erase the Soul and the Individual Races of people, and race mix everyone so they can rule over them, to make people internalize technology and money in such way that they become masters over life and death, sitting, eating, shitting and raping your daughters and you as well. Not only physically, but if they do not like you, ON THE SOUL LEVEL EVEN. They want to OWN you totally, like a schizo, only more, like their insane creation "Jesus" who apparently is "the creator of the universe" yet prohibits you to masturbate and watches you as you do it. Total Communism and total destruction of everything that is right, natural, positive and good for people. All humanity to be equal, all humanity to be enslaved and without rights. No individual rights, no freedoms, let alone anything more. A world in which there are poor people who cannot even eat properly. They want and desire to rule, even if this is in a world of damned ashes and destruction. For those who are blind to this, or think these are all “dreams”, think again. Television was a dream in 1900 and few years later it was made possible. In 1900 it was a joke and by 1970 a total reality. While all this might seem distant, the JOO WORLD ORDER tries to march toward the first baby steps, Micro chipping and so forth. If you LET them succeed, yes, LET them, because you have a SAY with our workings in this decision, they will have almost no obstacles. Its up to those who know how to do it. Our Gods are on our back so do we march forth.

For the record, Satan has once showed me a vision on what the enemy wants to do to this place. It was what they want, or what they have already commited to others, and how it could turn out in this Earth. It wasn’t the necessary future. It was horrific. There were greys, in an actual post apocalyptic type of planet. There were people who were survivors and they were forming lines, naked and hungry and totally unable to react to anything as the enemy had weaponry, the greys “checked” them, took samples for DNA checking, micro chipped them and so forth and then took them towards somewhere to do nasty shit to them, like a huge space.The grounds where this was happening was like an old factory, with tons of “nuclear” dust and slimy yellow walls [what had remained of them] and floors. I couldn’t see any further, as it was horrific for any being to see. They say reality extends far more than the wildest fantasy and this is what “reality” extends to in regards to the enemy ET’s and clique that back up the “down here” people of the enemy. The people of the enemy will also be disposed and tortured in the end, as they are merely a means to a way. The greys are also themselves micro chipped, bar-coded workers that work for higher species, namely the ones mentioned as “reptilians”, to whom and with which the jewish people represent in how they look and in their gaze, let alone how they see the world in general. JUDAISM IS COMMUNISM. ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS ARE COMMUNISM.

Also- For the sake of mentioning. Satan has told me that the enemy follows the pattern that “when they are done with the purpose, they are getting killed later and others take their place, as they are only the means to a way”. And that “when the jews serve their 'purpose' most will be killed by their own, except of the few who would be chosen to continue the purpose.” The jews are a well known racial group that kills their own people without remorse, betrays their own a lot and also, they also have a very strict racial policy to where the more “mixed” jews are supposedly “lower” than the others in hierarchy. They are at their core a slave race, who thinks is privileged to reign over the “Goy”, being a slave race of theirs. This is all entirely the same as the policy the reptilians and the enemy ET’s are taking with their dealings, both with one another and this is evident in these “Christian psychics” and others who serve the enemy. So long they serve, they are at a “no attack mode” towards them, but they ofcourse give them all suffering one can imagine, so that they are under constant fear. When these people deep in the enemy dare “leave” them without protection from Satan or some other being, or even question them, they are getting killed, destroyed or in the mental ward or worse. The enemy never gives them any knowledge to defend themselves or have their own way and they have zero if any free will. The enemy incessantly pushes themselves to them, using terror and other methods to get them to act. The bargain is that you serve them, they give something in return that is physical and as thus has no real substance to it and also provided you gain NOTHING SPIRITUAL or ACTUAL in the process of existing. Let alone anything like the Magnum Opus etc. At the end they dispose the Soul and who knows what else. They never give any knowledge, information or even remote advice on anything, never solutions, never anything. They are all terror, lack of knowledge, cutthroat and fear. Lilith went on and told me “This is why the jews are god fearing, because their ‘god’ is someone who will destroy them and torture them if they do not obey it.” What Lilith meant by “God” is the reptilians and greys and whatever ET thing they worship and feed energy into. There are many reasons for this, but one that I can figure out is that the enemy desires blood sacrifice for the same reason.

And to save and help the world be saved from doom, you MUST fight, as so many have done before us, so we can be at least as free as we are now. So we can live and breathe. So that there are billions of people on this Earth and not some “chosen” few, “masters and slaves”. So that Humanity can live and raise itself
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