For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"So, it recently came to my attention through Discord and mail notifications of a topic made by the now banned user eternal with the title "Understanding Discernment".""this refers to me
in public
not in private"

YOU started this with YOUR post!
And isn't it interesting timing, how locky has seemingly vanished off the face of the earth right now. He began this and now hes MIA. Another of your sock accounts? If so, you truly are crazy. Nobody normal would go to such lengths just to manipulate and harass. Its really not normal.

What a perfect name for yourself you chose.

This conversation is over
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It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by baiterhater »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 7:15 pm What a perfect name for yourself you chose.
herp derp
you bit the bait

your so not clever you clever zolajew
This conversation is over
actually its under
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

To the members and onlookers:

What was the 'bait'?

He was using the 'friendly' (locky – Loki - trickster) account to scrape this platform for more people. Don outright told him NO THANKS when openly invited away.

Don told him he could help out here and his response was NO.

I still tried to be the better person. To do the right thing.

I formatted images for a post his 'good' half made for him which he never bothered to use OR thank me for taking the time to do. As the 'bad' half was coming in here harassing, his 'good' half is MIA (this is a pattern). His locky character was here lurking while all this back and forth has been happening, watching it unfold...this good half chose to say NOTHING...yet he seemed so upset at the time, so passionate about 'opposing' the 'bad''s all gaslighting.

Pretending all this time to be friendly and approaching me privately as well. That was the 'bait'.

Did he honestly think I wasn't aware?

He then posts filth and 'responds' to it, opening the door to this thread where he can force his agenda, which is to waste valuable time and energy while attempting to undermine and discredit me.

Problem reaction solution.

The jews have mastered this one and like I said, he's definitely acting like one.

It's an interesting psychological twitch, how he simply can't help it; he has to out himself. This is a pattern we've witnessed before.

I didn't 'fall' for anything.
The reality is, I was giving him a chance.
And also, giving him rope to see if he'd hang himself.
Waiting to see which path he would choose.

Which he has now done. And burned his bridges.

Years of worshipping the biblical Satan the JoS worships has corrupted his mind and soul; he needs to deprogram. And this is going to take time, I know. One of the reasons this place is here is to help people deprogram.

This isn't someone honestly trying to do their own thing (which I do support and why I didn't make him remove his e-mail or link to his attempt to create a platform from his signature) but rather, attempted sabotage. In which case the privilege will be removed.

He got 'attacked' here and yet.....on his own platform....crickets. He 'responds' to the 'attack' here then answers himself when if this was really two separate individuals, all he had to do was e-mail the other. But the intent was never to respond to anything since in reality hes talking to himself. It's all a sham. It's about publicly trying to make me look like a tyrant. The pattern is clear.

Instead, I gave him a chance. He's had two chances now.

This is someone literally going out of their way to attempt to hurt, subjugate and make another person (who IS trying to make a positive contribution - that would be ME) miserable. It is not a 'prank' or a 'joke'. It is malevolence. It is criminal harassment.

And so what's the point of all this nonsense you might ask? It's a good question. Is there a point?

Perhaps. You're watching someone with major personal issues struggling to see which side will triumph; will he give up his useless ways and reform? Or waste valuable time pouring it into a negative agenda merely in an attempt to harm somebody else?

I have tried to encourage his good side.
I have held out my hand again and again, hoping he'll wake up and start doing the right thing.
Don't mistake my kindness for stupidity.

You might ask why is he doing this?

Because.....he drank the cobra kool-aid (hence this 'jew' label he keeps applying to me)?
Because....after almost two years of being allowed to run amok in here thanks to another fool, he now resents being called to the carpet?
Because...He's jealous of me?
Because....he's mentally ill?
Because...he's been spiritually corrupted?
Because....this is merely a malevolent individual who likes to torment others for kicks?

Yes perhaps, to all the above but....does it matter?

In any case, he's proven himself to be lacking. And perhaps that's the real question:

"Will he ever learn?"

This personal vendetta is a waste of time and energy. conclusion, what you're looking at on this persons part is a misguided fool acting out of malevolence. I hope this is instructive.

"Speaking now to the Fool who thinks he's a Trickster:"

I'm disappointed in your behaviour.

I'm not angry, hurt or upset. I used to have emotional reactions to this garbage. Not anymore. I feel nothing beyond oh dear...time to remove the graffiti.....again. Some kid sprayed my storefront overnight and now its Monday morning and time to clean it up. Nothing more.

That and a feeling of wasted potential in your case. The sad thing is you are really only in the end, hurting yourself. Not me. You can choose to do and be better.

I don't hate you. If anything, I feel sorry for you. I don't appreciate your bad behaviour, true, but this isn't about hate on my part.

What you do here (and likely since this is your pattern, I'm not the only person you're attempting to make miserable) will rebound on you a thousandfold, in time. Most likely sooner rather than late. You have been warned.

You seem to think you 'fooled' me. And meanwhile...I'm sitting here watching your antics and thinking maybe this time he'll wake up, and shaking my head!

This is a good lesson in ethics and something to think about:

"We all have choices. Choose to be a positive, spiritual and ethical person, choose to do the right thing – always - malevolent sneaking about attempting to gaslight and harm is the cowards way and definitely not honourable, correct or something a truly goodly being (God or not) would ever countenance stooping to. It is beneath them. It's up to us individually to choose to learn and is the straight path. To advance, not devolve.

Choose to make a decent contribution to society and the world, thereby honouring the God within....advancing your self spiritually.........or.....choose to be a malevolent useless empty soulless parasitical thing, where you are only in the end, hurting yourself and your own advancement. The choice is yours."

“The purpose of life is to advance yourself and thereby make the universe a better place.”
Serapis, the Original and True Adversary (of the Labyrinth) Satan:

Choose wisely.
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Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by haiterbater »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:04 pm...
"Don told him he could help out here and his response was NO."
don never said i could help
all don said was people can reply here
that is obviously a blatant lie
you keep banning my account
and sometimes deleting my posts

stop lying

"I still tried to be the better person. To do the right thing."
stop trying to make a country and western song zola

"I formatted images for a post his 'good' half made for him which he never bothered to use OR thank me for taking the time to do. As the 'bad' half was coming in here harassing, his 'good' half is MIA (this is a pattern). His locky character was here lurking while all this back and forth has been happening, watching it unfold...this good half chose to say NOTHING...yet he seemed so upset at the time, so passionate about 'opposing' the 'bad''s all gaslighting."
youre stupid

i was going to say youre wrong
but i changed my mind
saying youre stupid is more fitting
you are 100% wrong
but calling you stupid is more fitting than that

"Pretending all this time to be friendly and approaching me privately as well. That was the 'bait'."
stop crying bitch and get it over and done with

"Did he honestly think I wasn't aware?"
lol you can say anything in hindsight
and you call me disingenuous
and you say i gasslight
lol zola
your jewishness is coming out more and more all the time
you dirty bitch

"He then posts filth and 'responds' to it, opening the door to this thread where he can force his agenda, which is to waste valuable time and energy while attempting to undermine and discredit me."
waaaa waaaaaaaa
baby zola jew bitch
dirty jew bitch

"Problem reaction solution."
now that makes less than zero sense

"The jews have mastered this one and like I said, he's definitely acting like one."
yeah zola
the jew has mastered it
it takes one to know one you dirty slut jew

"It's an interesting psychological twitch, how he simply can't help it; he has to out himself. This is a pattern we've witnessed before"
"he has to out himself"
while at the same time
"wheres YOUR DNA results" which I dont share
i certainly outed myself
you fucking retard skank arse dirty jew bitch

"I didn't 'fall' for anything.
The reality is, I was giving him a chance.
And also, giving him rope to see if he'd hang himself.
Waiting to see which path he would choose."
yeah lol thats exactly what you were doing

keep saying shit in hindsight
you fucking whore

"Which he has now done. And burned his bridges."
youre just jealous you didnt get BURNED in the fake holocaust you stupid slut

"Years of worshipping the biblical Satan the JoS worships has corrupted his mind and soul; he needs to deprogram. And this is going to take time, I know. One of the reasons this place is here is to help people deprogram."
you are fucking beyond retarded
jos is against jew shit which includes your precious bible bullshit

"[cry cry cry]"
yeah keep crying you fuckslut
your dirty skank holes should get ***** one day you stupid dirty jew bitch
let me know when and where the next holocaust will be so you can be one of the last ones
having watched most of the rest so you can be so afraid
piece of shit dirty jew zola slut whore

by th way you keep saying "him" and "his"
im a mt4 post-op actually
so get your facts right
you ignorant "high priestess" fucking imposter

"Some kid sprayed my storefront overnight"
PMSFL HAAAAAAAHAHA you say i outed myself
you just ADMITTED this "business sabotage" is your money-making kike-hole

fuck you you dirty bitch zola
you fucked up beyond repair now

get fucked and be turned into a bar of soap or a lampshade

my human body is my own temple
it is not a temple of the gods at all
stop your fucking bullshit lies zolakike

your head is fucked up beyond belief
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I think I hit a nerve.
Thanks for proving my point.

Don said:

"I'm not a Satanist, as for your question about why don't I just team up with other people and build a new JoS. Its not needed even if I was one. You have the T4S once Zola finishes clearing all the Mamba nonsense out and building it into a real organization why not stay and be apart of that and help out here."

The pertinent part of your response as locky which I am referring to was:

"I also have to manage my organizations sk, sorry but I can't do much at the given time"

that would be a NO.

And it was locky who said this. And here (along with a torrent of malevolent invective and hatred), YOU say :

“don never said I could help

Freudian slip, my friend.

I hope you can eventually deprogram and heal yourself because right now you are wasting away spiritually. You are very ill. And I'm sorry about that and for you.
That doesn't excuse your behaviour, of course.

Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by ZolaSluttyKike »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:27 pm...
theres no pervert freudian slip
i told you you are wrong
youre seeing things that are not there
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

You outed yourself my friend. Scrambling around for anything to try to deflect isn't going to help you.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by ZolaJunkie »

Zola is a Junkie.

She eats drigs and methemphetarmine everday
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by ZolaJunkie »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:45 pm You outed yourself my friend. Scrambling around for anything to try to deflect isn't going to help you.

Ive not outed myself.

You outed yoursekf alread y
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Re: For the trolls who got a detestable obsession of spamming and directing attacks at me

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Definitely hit a nerve.

That is called Projection.
Big talk, little penis, indeed.
Nothing but invective and hate.

I suggest you take the message to heart:

"We all have choices. Choose to be a positive, spiritual and ethical person, choose to do the right thing – always - malevolent sneaking about attempting to gaslight and harm is the cowards way and definitely not honourable, correct or something a truly goodly being (God or not) would ever countenance stooping to. It is beneath them. It's up to us individually to choose to learn and is the straight path. To advance, not devolve.

Choose to make a decent contribution to society and the world, thereby honouring the God within....advancing your self spiritually.........or.....choose to be a malevolent useless empty soulless parasitical thing, where you are only in the end, hurting yourself and your own advancement. The choice is yours."

“The purpose of life is to advance yourself and thereby make the universe a better place.”
Serapis, the Original and True Adversary (of the Labyrinth) Satan

"Choose wisely."
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition