War Has Come to Israel

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War Has Come to Israel

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

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Israel getting attacked.jpg (156.78 KiB) Viewed 265 times
Interesting development in Israel.

Palestine fired thousands of rockets into Israel

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while 500 men in para gliders, others in vehicle convoys and on bikes attacked. The MSM is calling this 'unprecedented' and 'historic'.

MSM claiming its Hezbollah. Others claim it's Hamas. But it's arguably both.

In less than 10 hours we saw more on this than what's happening between NATO and Russia in Ukraine over the last couple years. They're saying 100 killed, over 1000 wounded, young and old snatched off the streets (hostages). Israel handing out automatic weapons and grenade launchers to the public exhorting them to join in the fight. Gee......they tell us all the time (in america) we should be disarmed and guns bad. Oh, and walls don't work.

Well when you're determined, you find a way, it would seem.

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The irony of this is not lost when one considers the terror they did to Palestinians with armoured bulldozers.

Palestinians have poured across the Gaza strip into Israel. Apparently the Israeli defence forces are now fighting it out house to house. This began with massive ariel bombardment (missiles drones). People went in with para gliders, tore down the walls with bulldozers and convoys of men poured across. There have been comparisons made (in MSM) between this and 911. That it's Israel's 911.

I find that an interesting comparison when you think how 911 was the thing that propelled america into yet another war. I remind you that war is profit and a racket for the transnational global elites. 911 culminated with the refugee invasion of Europe. In other words, it was all planned long in advance. As Russian former president Dmitry says:

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When he says the US he's referring to US Inc. The illegitimate regime that took over the Republic. I have to agree. People can only take so much and they snap. So this is playing into somebody's hands.

They're claiming they are astonished and that this is a massive 'failure' in intelligence.

The border between Gaza and Israel is one of the most highly militarized in the world. They were overrun 5-6 miles past their border. This was a big event that took a lot of planning and time.

So tell that one again; they had 'no idea' this attack was coming. No way Aman, Shin Bet and Mossad didn't know about this. Tens of thousands of militia soldiers, thousands of missiles, hundreds smashing through the walls on bulldozers and so on, would have taken some time to organize. Israel intelligence is right up there with others like FBI etc. But they expect people to buy the narrative they had no idea.

They are calling the Israel people doing this 'terrorists'. To be fair, let us see how an Israeli fighter lives:

A brief history by an Israeli

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/ ... -palestine

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Who is really the instigator? It is a fact Israel used armoured bulldozers and snipers, intruded into peoples homes murdering anyone who crossed their path to terrorize Palestinian communities and force them off their land to expand Israel. So playing the victim in this just does not wash. In yemen millions are in the streets celebrating, the Palestinians are celebrating.

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What's really going on?

It could be argued this situation is a boon to the deep state (to clarify a group of transnational criminals with no national loyalties) running Israel at this time since they can now try – again – to precipitate a war - as they are losing their grip on power via the sinking of the federal reserve and the petro dollar, losing other big sources of income and money laundering (Ukraine), and maybe to try to set up or trigger a spontaneous combustion between the US Inc, Israel and the 5 eye countries vrs basically the rest of the world (India, Persia, Russia, Iran, China etc).

They need something to distract people from sudden death syndrome. Also perhaps this event is meant to fill up the news cycle, divert peoples minds away from the atrocity that happened in Lahaina while at the same time raise sympathy for Israel. I don't know. But I do know one must use critical thinking when listening and look behind what MSM is rolling out.

Israel is arguably the 5th largest nuclear power in the world. Think Sampson and Gideon options. But according to other sources, there will be no nuclear war as anything like it will be struck down or turned off. Like the nuke that they tried to nuke Hawaii with a few years back. That wasn't somebody pushing the 'wrong' button. It was taken out on its way in. Our non terrestrial and inner earth friends say the same. They won't allow a nuclear holocaust.

The majority of average joe citizens in Israel hate ben netanyahu. They hate him for the draconian lockdowns, forced jabbing, the forced judicial 'reform'...inability to vote him out (just like Canada in that regard).....60% at least hate his guts. He was literally on the verge of being ousted from power. But now he has this 'situation'. He can play hero or something. It takes the heat off of him. It's terribly convenient (for somebody).

Biden gave 6 billion to Iran recently and has been pouring billions more into Ukraine (meanwhile only 700 per person for the Lahaina victims).

Israel is calling for all who have a dual citizenship to come home to fight.

That last is really significant. When you think how most of the crew running Washington DC and the Biden Resident are dual citizens....that is VERY interesting.

When you think....DC has been shut down for a while now.....a lot of the ones normies think are still running the show in DC are actually actors in masks, body doubles, clones....US Inc is bankrupt....they don't have the military might anymore to go to war for Israel, I don't think. How could they when they've been sending all their arms to Ukraine! Is it possible some bad actors feel the noose tightening and this gives them a legitimate (public) reason to flee? Things are moving from hidden into kinetic and full frontal.

I don't know but my spidey senses are tingling. All is not as it seems. We'll see how things develop.
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