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Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

There is a secret tunnel network under the chabad lubavitch world headquarters at 770 Eastern parkway crown heights, brooklyn NYC. This statement would have been called 'conspiracy theory', till it became fact.

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I have not heard of this place, knew nothing about it so I did some digging and found the following at a site called Forward. This is literally in the jewish movements own words. All the information in this article is from open source. I'n presenting some of it here to try to connect some dots:

What is 770?

“770 became the home of Rebbe Yosef Yitzach Schneersohn and was later where his son-in-law, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, had his offices. This has made the building a spiritual icon for perhaps the fastest- and widest-spreading branch of Judaism. There are currently 35 duplicates of 770. They vary in style and in how they are used. Most serve as Chabad Houses, centers of outreach.

Fittingly, the building, sometimes called “the flagship synagogue,” has become a sort of corporate logo. Like the McDonald’s golden arches, 770’s three-peaked roof is as much a trademark as it is an architectural motif. It appears on party favors and wall clocks. Despite its pop-culture-like status, for the Lubavitch faithful, it is a symbol of more than just Chabad. “The rebbe was the leader of all Jews,” said Motti Seligson, Chabad’s director of media relations. “770 is for all Jewish people.

The 770 replicas, without any markings, are what Robbins called “signposts hiding in plain sight.”

When the rebbe consecrated the building, what was secular became sacred. Even the building’s number took on new meaning. Lubavitchers request phone numbers with the address and use it in their passwords — 770 equals the numerical value of the phrase “House of the Messiah” in Hebrew.

At one point, Schneerson himself propelled the Chabad movement around the world. Since his death, the movement continues to grow and find inspiration in his teachings. The rebbe is no longer present but he left his words to spread, and his building. And, when the building in Abuja, Nigeria, is finished, there will be at least one on every continent except Antarctica.”

My note: meaning chabad lubavitch is a global organization. As in, a globalist movement. And it's damning when you see what their revered founder taught.
Included in this article is a speech he made, published in a russian newspaper regarding their beliefs and it is damning.

This riot and the fact footage of it went viral is a significant happening because it is this organization that is the front face of a global organization, the same organization making sure child procurer ghislane maxwell is getting as cushy a prison situation as possible with kosher food. She was jeffery epstein's minder and child procurer. The clientele list is kept secret when it needs to be exposed. The island was a honey pot and affected every one of us because they were blackmailing politicians and other influential people who create laws and have a lot of influence in society.

It's more exposure and attention (not the positive kind). When I saw video of what happened I immediately thought of the RTR. As don has commented elsewhere, it's working.


MSM is running cover, like ABC News:

“Motti Seligson, a spokesperson for Chabad, said a "group of extremist students" had secretly broken through the walls of a vacant building behind the headquarters, creating an underground passage beneath a row of office buildings and lecture halls that eventually connected to the synagogue.”

Well first of all it wasn't one tunnel. Its an entire network of tunnels. Thats number one.
I find it highly suspect that a group of students could dig such an extensive network under a synagogue without this activity being discovered. It strains credulity. It's too convenient to put it off onto a small group of 'extremists'. That's a BS story.

The following statement was released from Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters:

"The Chabad-Lubavitch community is pained by the vandalism of a group of young agitators who damaged the synagogue below Chabad Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway Monday night. These odious actions will be investigated, and the sanctity of the synagogue will be restored. Our thanks to the NYPD for their professionalism and sensitivity. We are grateful for the outpouring of concern, and for the support of our Chabad-Lubavitch institutions around the world."

Nice whitewash.

This headquarters was also the epicentre of the 1991 Crown Heights riots, which began after a 7-year-old boy was struck and killed by a car in the rabbi's motorcade.

The riot:

Monday January 8 2024

There was quite the uproar at 770 when a cement truck was going to fill in an illegal secret tunnel. The story goes Yeshiva men dug the tunnels during covid after being kept out of 770 by the mandates (at least, thats the story – who knows how long the tunnel was actually there). It links to a bath house. The story is one faction is trying to claim this was an attempt to enlarge the headquarters. The other group (the two have been at odds for decades) called in structural engineers. In other words, I think somebody – likely an anonymous somebody - reported the tunnel to the city, who then sent in a construction crew to fill the tunnels in with cement. I've been looking into this and someone made a very good point in this regard, which is that it takes the city forever to fill in a pothole in New York but this...they couldn't get to filling in that tunnel fast enough and he found that very.....interesting.

The jews tried to obstruct and prevent the filling in of their illegal tunnels. This synagogue just happens to be the chabad lubavitch world headquarters. And it has a secret tunnel leading to an abandoned mikvah, or BATH HOUSE. In gay lexicon, a bathhouse is a place where you go to have sex.

The news said its one tunnel. It's not. It branches off into MANY, leading to several locations. They tried to stop this information from getting out, but thanks to citizen journalists and the internet....its gone viral.

Theres a synagogue in Moscow from the late 19th century that also has a tunnel system under it and bears a striking resemblance to the 770 in new york.

They were moving bodies through there. That much is certain. There is more coming out even now.
Video of the riot:

Note stained mattress pulled out of the tunnel. One of several:

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What do you think happened on that mattress? Looks like a bloodstain. A child sized mattress - a grown woman wouldn't have been sleeping on it. Why would children be sleeping down there? Why would children be kept down there? Photos taken in this underground lair showed a childs high chair and several small (child sized) stained beds were down there. Why should there be beds down there? A babys high chair? Hmmmm....I wonder.

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As I continued working on this article the answer to these questions suddenly hit me:

If you have crying screaming babies, children down there, or young women yelling for help, nobody would be able to hear their screams because it's under the ground. Some might say wow thats quite the assumption you're making and a conclusion or picture you're painting. But there is more information to be considered. Not in my words but in the words of a rabbi:

It was nuked off utube fortunately someone mirrored it here:

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Puts an entirely different meaning to the mcdonalds slogan: "over one million served". Maybe they weren't referring to the customers....
In this damning interview the rabbi mentions mentions around 19:14:

“Our old buddy Alan in the federal reserve, hes going to pull the plug on this US dollar. And we want to make sure that we're in the swiss francs, the euro or the japanese yen...we're liquidating now, little by little....a couple of other good bought and paid for chabad (pronounces it chabas) goy..... the bill gates fellow from the computer place and warren buffet, both of them got out of the us dollar....they got a lot of shekles themselves!”

(my note: a really interesting statement since US treasury bonds are now toxic and all the major countries are shedding them and refusing to accept them as payment for imported goods into america. Not to mention the fed is actually gone now. And this bought 'fellow' gates (the real one hung in India years ago), was around the world pushing toxic 'medicine', doing a 'really great job with the vaccines'.

chabad lubavitch is connected to the clinton foundation. The clinton foundation was co founded by epstein, who was sex trafficking children. They call these 'underage women' in the media because it sounds better but lets call a spade a spade; they were CHILDREN. The clintons were connected to the child stealer laura silsby. When she was caught red handed stealing children, bill flew out there to get her off the hook. And guess where she then went to work? In child 'protective' services. Are we connecting some dots here?

Aprox 8 million children go missing every single year around the world....where are they going? Who is taking them? It's almost like....somebody has a shopping list. And somebody is supplying that demand.

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back to the riot:

Young yeshiva men raced to fill the tunnel with their bodies in an attempt to stop the crew from doing their job, police were called and a riot ensued. There is quite a bit of entitlement demonstrated by these people as digging secret tunnels connecting buildings for some nefarious purpose (and why else was it secret?) is definitely not legal (so they are above the law apparently). When city people arrive, they block them, when the cops arrive they fight the cops. It's not just the nasty tunnel that got exposed but their way of conducting themselves (as above the law) revealed a lot too. The arrogance.

The claim is the tunnel was built to access an abandoned mikvah or bathouse. And to expand the synagogue. It's unclear how this tunnel expands the synagogue (it doesn't) and its use is not clear. Well...at least to normies it's unclear. The media appears to be trying to whitewash and minimise this incident. The thing is, finkelstein in that interview said himself we have tunnels under our synagogues, and what they use them for! And this incident reveals it's true; they have tunnels and children were indeed down there!

There was quite a throng jeering at the cops as they got themselves arrested. At least, some of them.


“For at least thirty years, the Jewish Chabad secret subterranean temple in New York City has been connected to child sexual abuse, which it has declined to disclose to the appropriate authorities. There is a terrible history of pedophilia within the executive arm of the Jewish Chabad movement, which excavated tunnels in New York City that were later found to include small filthy mattress's and a high chair. After a 5-year-old girl accused him of sexually abusing her, one of the most well-known figures in the Chabad movement, Hirschel Pekkar, creator of the Chabad Menorah, acknowledged to "doing things that shouldn't be done" to her in 1991.”

https://web.archive.org/web/20231215060 ... ims-681809

Pekkar did not face any legal action or scrutiny despite his admission. A rabbinical court mandated he receive treatment from an "expert counselor" in order to keep the matter contained inside the Chabad movement. In other words, absolutely nothing was done except to sweep it under the rug. He faced no consequences. He was instead, protected. It says in their torah raping a little gentile girl is perfectly ok....

In what other religion do we see this same blind eye being turned when children are being abused? The catholic church...

What they believe:

When I watched video of the riot and initially wondered what this chabad lubavitch world headquarters is, I also asked myself what do they believe, exactly? Well. Then more information appeared on my feed and it's pretty horrific, what they're about and it explains perhaps, why they felt the need for secret tunnels under their synagogues. The following is a transcription of a speech made by their founder, leader and messiah. And what he says is disturbing, to say the least:

“This speech [a letter sent to the newspaper] of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Chabad Leader and Messiah (the Lubavitcher Rebbe), was published in the Vologda newspaper “Slavyanin», N-4 (32), 2001 in Russia.
Following the publication, the court was unable to prosecute its editor, V.F. Popov, under trumped up charges under Article 282, [incitement of national hatred] as he operated on the facts, and several Russian scientists stood up for him, including Academician Y. K. Begunov and Doctor of Law O.G. Korotayev.

This speech was uttered by Menachem Mendel Schneerson in 1994.

There is much debate about its authenticity, as once argued about the validity of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” but it is an indisputable fact that almost all the goals, laid out by Schneerson, have been achieved by now.

This speech is simply the application of Talmud to Ukraine and Russia. Talmud says: Jews should murder and enslave goyim worldwide. This speech says: Jews should murder and enslave goyim in Ukraine and Russia. Yes, the speech by Menachem Mendel Schneerson is monstrous. For a normal person, it is hard to believe that a religious leader can be a murderer, and that the religion can be the ideology of murder. That is why the text of this essay has every criminal passage from the speech next to the criminal passage from the Talmud.The face of the Zionist Messiah also speaks for itself: it is the face of a terrorist, full of hatred and menace.

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The transcript:

"Our special tactics to combat Slavs is a secret knowledge, because of its exclusivity limited to the god’s chosen people. The main weapon of struggle we will direct against the Slavs, except for renegades, “married” with the Jews by common interests. True, all these “married to us” will be withdrawn from our society once we use them for our own purposes.

Slavs, and among them Russians – are the most unbending people in the world."

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"Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers."

(my note: when the russians were going into bio labs in ukraine in 2022, 23 to dismantle them they reported they found bio weapons that targeted slavic DNA specifically. This was on russian news, and never covered in the north american media)

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"Our methods of conquest will not at all be military, (my note: 5th generational warfare - psy ops) but ideological and economic, with the use of power structures, armed with the most modern types of armament for the physical suppression of revolt with even greater ferocity than it was done in October 1993 with gunning of the Supreme Council of Soviet Russia.

First of all, we will divide the Slavic nations (of 300 million, half of them Russians) into the small countries with weak and severed connections. For this, we will use our old method: Divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other, and suck them into civil wars for the sake of mutual destruction.

The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us.

The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, “illegally” taken away from them, and so on."

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"We will do all of this under the guise of different sovereignties, the struggle for their national ideals. At the same time, we will not give either party any self-determination, based on the national values and traditions.

In this war of fools, the Slavic moronic herd will be weakening itself and strengthening us, the main controllers of the chaos, pretending to stand aside, not only without participating in the bloody events, but also without involvement.

Moreover, we will fully protect ourselves. In the consciousness of the Slavic fools (uninitiated), we will lay such stereotypes of thinking in which the world “anti-Semite” would become the most terrible word. The word “Jew” would be pronounced in a whisper.

We will scare the cattle with several court cases (such as the trial of an anti-Semite Ostashvili, followed by his destruction) and other methods (radio, television – frightening movies, such as revenge of the Israeli Mossad super-spies for killing of Jews). We will frighten the cattle so bad that not a single hair will fall from the head of a Jew, while the Slavs will be shot in packs, destroyed by thousands – on the borders, where the Jews do not serve in peacekeeping forces, via terrorist acts, and via criminal and professional killings [such as the acts of terrorist at Beslan school that took hundreds of lives, in the Moscow subway, and so on].

Dumb Slavic people do not realize that the worst fascists are those who never and in no place proclaim fascism aloud, but, instead, organize it all supposedly according to the most democratic standards. On the contrary, we will make the very word “fascist” a dirty word."

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"Everyone will be scared that we will stick this label to him. We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, making it strong. The slogan of “internationalism” is outdated and no longer works as before. We will replace it with the “universal human values”, which is the same thing.

We will not allow any nationalism to evolve. "

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"And we will destroy by fire and sword all those nationalist movements that seek to lead people out of our dictate, as it is done in Georgia, Armenia and Serbia. Instead, we will insure the full prosperity of our nationalism – Zionism, and, more precisely: Jewish fascism, which, in its secrecy and power, is super-fascism.

It is not for nothing that in 1975, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which defined Zionism as the most blatant “form of racism and racial discrimination”, but repealed this resolution in 1992, because of our triumphant march across the planet. We have made UN a weapon for our goals of seizing power over “all kingdoms and nations.”

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"We will deprive the population of Slavs of their national elite, which is the one that determines the development of events and the progress of the country, and, ultimately, the whole course of history."

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“To do this, we will lower their level of education”

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https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/mo ... 237239.php

“– in the next 5 years, we will close half of their universities, and it is us who will get educated at the other half.

We will allow the Armenians there, Chechens, Gypsies and others. We will work to ensure that the governments of the Slavic countries would contain as little as possible of the indigenous peoples who will be replaced by our Jewish elite.

In the mass media – radio, television, press, art, literature, theater, cinema – we will gradually push out national staff and replace them with our staff or, in extreme cases, the cosmopolitan staff.”

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my note: regarding education, teaching CRT in schools to children is an inherently racist (anti-white) practice, as is forcing the application of DEI in the workplace which again, is code for anything but a white person. It allegedly stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. But it excludes whites, meaning at its core its racism. If this was anti black.....people would go insane. But for some reason if a white person remarks on this they are poo pooed. Why is that? The corporations using this practice are doing it because if they don't, they'll lose their cash infusions by blackrock - (efeller) or state street. Hiring people based on percentages – there has to be so many who are this color, that gender, etc. Not if they are the best qualified. Its really about creating division between people. This has been forced on employers in SA for example. They don't hire the best person with skills; they hire according to color. They don't want nationalism; they teach america is an inherently racist and even evil country, which isn't true. America was supposed to be a land of freedom from the crown. For ALL.

“We will undertake the reform in education, and limit the teaching of subjects that strengthen and systematize the thought process in the left and the right brain hemispheres:
Language and Literature,  Physics and Mathematics.”

(my note: did you know most kids nowadays can't write or read cursive script?)

“As for the history, there is nothing to say. We will give our own history to the cattle, and show that the entire human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the God’s chosen nation of Jews to be masters over the entire world.”

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"Instead of national values, we will give you a Balalaika patriotism and drunken tears. Our goal is to replace the Slavic elite with our own elite. We will not allow the development of science in Slavic countries. A core of scientists (Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people.

We will not allow any high-tech industries, and this will lead to a complete collapse of the industry. We will restrict it to the production of essential items for a limited contingent of slaves, producing raw materials to us."

My note: the result of clinton signing the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in December 1993 began the closing of production in the US, sending those jobs over to China and India, where slaves live and work in the factories and they have suicide nets under the windows, and are paid far less than the american workers were. The us gov't was subverted to the interests of a powerful financial elite minority. Here is Clinton reflecting on schneerson's connection to every US President since Nixon and his legacy:

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Reading schneerson's words, what he actually believed, stood for and worked relentlessly to achieve....I have to ask: how the HELL does this guy rate a congressional medal of honor?

“There is a lot of engineers, skilled workers and teachers among the citizens. We will create for them such conditions of survival (no jobs, high rent, high cost of utilities, transportation, etc.) that they will run by themselves to the remote villages in the North, where Russians are now fleeing to from the countries of the former Soviet Union. They would think it could be easier for them to live a better life. But, in reality, this will also be a hoax.

Corrupt the youth and make them perverts – and you win the nation! This is our motto.”

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(my note: the front boy for the sexualization and gender confusion of little boys sitting with a murderer and his boyfriend. Note the lettering on the painting. It's a reference to Rohypnol, a commonly known 'date rape' drug. Back in the 80's some of my best friends were club queens, drag queens. I loved them. BUT. It's a very sexualized practice/community with a lot of drugs getting used....and a child has no business in this scene. It is NOT 'family friendly'. Sorry.)

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These kiddy pageants are another way to corrupt and sexualize kids, as far as I'm concerned.

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This lgbdpxyz is a psy op and a slippery slope. The people behind it could give a rats ass about 'equality and acceptance'. This is the normalization of pedophelia. That's where it's going. If you're an adult and you choose to get surgery, that's your business. But they need to leave the children ALONE.

“We will deprive your community of young people, degrading it with sex, rock music, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will strike at the family, destroying it, we will reduce a birth rate.”

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"Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly and openly. And it was an extremely hard work to do – to burn, shoot, to bury millions, and the like. He left bloody footprints. We act more cleverly: we will leave no traces. Reduce a birth rate at least by half – and you will be killing 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical effort. There is no need for ovens, ammunition, and graves. And there is no traces left. Not born – no one is guilty."

Someone commented on this video: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.” Gates can be heard saying this sentence at 4 minutes and 32 seconds into the video. Gates was discussing ways the world could reduce carbon emissions and suggested that one way was by reducing population growth through improving 'healthcare'. my note: I would add that without CO2 all the plants die. And so do WE”

"We will create the conditions for life for criminals better than for working cattle."

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police tell people not to post the images of porch pirates (criminals):

“We will be releasing criminals from prisons, so that there will be more murders, robberies, instability. Amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers — in short, all but those convicted for “inciting ethnic hatred”, which is, in fact, the law against anti-Semitism.

We will sow fear among people. Cattle will fear for their lives, which will be worth nothing. They will fear for the workplace that could be taken away at any moment. They will fear for the future of their … We shall govern by fear.

These grandiose goals will be implemented in several stages. Already 85% of the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean ended up in our hands, thanks to confusing agreements. signed under Gorbachev and Yeltsin and that are not explained to the people (the general public is not yet aware of it).

Already, half a million Armenians reside in Southern Russia. This is our outpost. At first, for the purpose of deceit, we will declare the Armenian Republic in Kuban. Then, driving away the Cossacks, we will convert it into Khazaria – Israel. What will help us is that the Cossacks are constantly drunk, love power and are ready to fight each other for this power.

However, there is still a structured organization – the Orthodox clergy. We will send there the members of our Jewish clergy, who will become Russian Orthodox Priests. Talmud permits them to perform the rituals of other religions, keeping intact their Judaism deep inside.

We will bribe the rest of them. And we will destroy those who will do not succumb to us. Russians no longer have any more or less organized structures, and cattle cannot unite and establish them, because Russian cattle already became drunkards and got degraded, and is incapable of structuring.

In the last century, the United States purchased Alaska from Russia.  In the XXI century, the US will buy the entire Siberia, including the Siberian territory between the Yenisei river to the West and the Pacific Ocean in the East and the border of China, between the Arctic Ocean in the North and Mongolia and North Korea in the south. These lands are two times higher than the territory of the United States. Acre of land will be purchased for as low as $ 1,000,  and for the entire Siberia, the US will pay $ 3 trillion over 20 years. Annual payments will be $200 million, half of which will be spent on the purchase of goods in the United States .

Siberians would have to submit to US foreign influence, while the US looks nicer than the Asian neighbors.  In the end, Vladivostok is closer to Los Angeles than to Moscow …

For all these activities paramount for us, we will give monarchy to Slavic cattle under the guise of “democratic transition”.  Everyone in the herd will get a puppet president. And the more glitter, noise, pump, the better! Monarchy is good in that sense that it directs all the energy of the masses into the whistle. Monarch will detract attention of the herd from our secret active work on the structuring of the population according to the system, necessary to us.

President is a screen, seemingly elected by a popular vote (and we will forge electoral procedures in such a way that they will seem so that everything would seem legitimate), and we are going to do all our necessary business from behind this screen.”

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“The President will be endowed with unlimited powers. Through changes in the top ranks of security agencies, this president will appoint our people to the posts in the security agencies. Army, all the national security agencies, and all sorts of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means that they will be subordinate to us. We will have in our hands only the strings attached to the hands of the president. And we’ll pull these strings in such a way as it is necessary to the implementation of our grandiose plan of conquering all the tribes and kingdoms, their subordination to our superior nation, chosen by God of Israel.

But money is most important. Money do everything. Money are power. Money are force. Man with money has weapons, most advanced weapons, and the army of mercenaries. Money owns media, which is fooling the billions of human cattle.”

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"Money bribe the people we need. Money eliminate those who do not submit to us.  Money bomb those resisting us – Iraqis, Serbs, and, in the future – Russians. Capital and taking power decide everything. We practice our skills in the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three millennia, and no one will defeat us in this. You [cattle] do not have money.  You [cattle] do not have power.  And you [cattle] will not ever have money and power. We will not give money and power to you!"

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“You (herd) are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, as long as you continue resisting us, you will be beaten more than it is due. If you obey us, there will be 65 – 70 million of you left, otherwise – 40-45 mln.

The main thing for us now is to hold on for at least another 2-3 years.  After that, there will be no problems for us in this country (Ukraine and Russia). We will create such protective means that none of you will be able to oppose us.  We know and secretly control all that will be.  And no one can stop us!

World reserves of industrial raw materials are depleted, and by the beginning of the next millennium, “Western society” will not be able to retain its current level of consumption without replenishment from new sources – the colonial countries-donors. Therefore, our aspirations are directed at Russia now with the dual purpose: first – the elimination of the most powerful and independent empire, which occupies one-sixth of the earth. The second is the acquisition of its wealth, which constitute 60-70% of total world reserves of raw materials and 75-80% of open world’s oil and gas reserves that are concentrated in Siberia and the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean.

The planet is under intense global warming.”

(my note: yes, that explains why the worlds elite are busy buying up shorefront and beachside properties)

"The desert is moving northward at a speed of 10 km. per year, dewatering of land is 25 m per year. Already today the ancient centers of the world – Athens, Rome and, most importantly, Jerusalem (Israel) are in a zone of artificial irrigation. In 20 – 30 years, we will have to think about the relocation of the vast masses of civilized nations to the north of their current residence. By that time, the Kuban, in the Rostov region, and Ukraine will have wonderful sub-tropical climate, and the north of Ukraine will have the climate of Caucasus.

Looking back in history, it must be admitted that these lands are the ancient ancestral lands of the Jewish Khazaria, that is Israel, captured by Kiev’s Rus’ (the ancient state of Russia with the capital in Kiev) in the tenth century. The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state –on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small Northern Territory, a reservation with a compact population — a reservation, like Indian reservations in America.”

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To summarize; in their torah it literally says abusing, raping and murdering gentile children is ok. Stealing land and killing gentiles is ok.

That's some pretty damning stuff. This is in their own words. I'm not making anything up out of hatred, I'm reporting what I found to try to connect some dots. I'm interested in facts. Make of it what you will. I'm interested in truth. It certainly does appear chabad synagoges and rabbis are the front face of a global syndicate. Via organizations they control like the UN, WHO and the WEF – this group of 'elites' have not been shy in stating they want to dramatically reduce the population by up to 90% by 2030. The forced injections of the planet's population was an overt attempt to accomplish this goal, it appears. Just to further illustrate this point, let us look at this quote by Kissinger, the evil lizard who is thankfully dead:

Kissinger speaking at the world health organization council on eugenics feb 25 2009 said:

“Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination it's game over. They will accept anything. Forcible blood or organ donation for the greater good, we can genetically modify children and sterilize them for the greater good (my note: the trans psy-op), control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room today are investors! It's a big win win! We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing extermination services. Now, whats for lunch?”

Many millions have perished from the injectables and more are permanently disabled, which is a war crime. Somebody needs to be held accountable. Maybe the military ought to be thinking to pick these people up, interrogate them, find out who works for them and who is giving them their orders, and let justice be done. I would add that RFK Jr revealed that – I wish I had the quote handy – but he said something to the effect that it has been discovered that the shots appeared to have been made to spare chinese and ashkenazi jews. I saw his interview. I'm certain he said this in regards the jabs. But checking now (a year or so later on), all I can find are articles in which they claim he said that in regards the virus. I think this is misleading since the fact is viral theory has never been proven. The claim of an actual covid 'virus' is based on a computer simulation, not anything physical or real. So....it seems history has been rewritten just a bit. I've looked for that interview but no luck finding it.

Https://justice4poland.com/2016/05/17/c ... ent-page-1

https://www.lubavitch.com/court-confirm ... n-parkway/

https://thehighwire.com/editorial/japan ... d-variants are-man-made
this article's been wiped off the internet. I wonder why?

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Re: 770

Post by Don Danko333 »

Israel: Murdering Children For Organs And Engaging In Medical Experiments On Palestinians

This is not surprising as its documented that Talmud that a Jew may take what they need from the Goyim even Rabbi's have stated this includes organs, Israel also kills and harvests the organs of Palestinians from children to adults for sale on the market as well. Its also documented that Israel routinely uses torture on Palestinians in their prisons, many never return from prison.

https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190 ... prisoners/
In July 1997, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported remarks for Dalia Itzik, chairman of a parliamentary committee, acknowledged that the Israeli Ministry of Health had given pharmaceutical firms permits to test their new drugs on inmates, noting that 5,000 tests had already been carried out.
Robrecht Vanderbeeken, the cultural secretary of Belgium’s ACOD trade union, warned in August 2018 the population of the Gaza Strip is being “starved to death, poisoned, and children are kidnapped and murdered for their organs.”
Israeli Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian revealed yesterday that the Israeli occupation authorities issues permits to large pharmaceutical firms to carry out tests on Palestinian and Arab prisoners, Felesteen.ps reported.
The Times of Israel also reported that in a recording from the event the Hebrew University lecturer also revealed that the Israeli military firms are testing weapons on Palestinian children and carry out these tests in the Palestinian neighbourhoods of occupied Jerusalem.
Speaking in Columbia University in New York City, Shalhoub-Kevorkian said that she collected the data while carrying out a research project for the Hebrew University.
“Palestinian spaces are laboratories,” she said. “The invention of products and services of state-sponsored security corporations are fueled by long-term curfews and Palestinian oppression by the Israeli army.”
Remote control repression: Israel tested its latest weapons against the Great March of Return
In her talk, entitled “Disturbing Spaces – Violent Technologies in Palestinian Jerusalem”, the professor added: “They check for which bombs to use, gas bombs or stink bombs. Whether to put plastic sacks or cloth sacks. To beat us with their rifles or to kick us with boots.”
Last week, Israeli authorities refused to hand over the body of Fares Baroud, who passed away inside Israeli prisons after suffering from a number of diseases. His family fear that he could have been used for such tests and Israel is afraid this could be revealed through forensic investigations.
Lives of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails – Cartoon [Alarabya]

5,000 tests on prisoners
In July 1997, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported remarks for Dalia Itzik, chairman of a parliamentary committee, acknowledged that the Israeli Ministry of Health had given pharmaceutical firms permits to test their new drugs on inmates, noting that 5,000 tests had already been carried out.
Robrecht Vanderbeeken, the cultural secretary of Belgium’s ACOD trade union, warned in August 2018 the population of the Gaza Strip is being “starved to death, poisoned, and children are kidnapped and murdered for their organs.”
This follows previous warnings from Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour who said the bodies of Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces “were returned with missing corneas and other organs, further confirming past reports about organ harvesting by the occupying power.”
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Re: 770

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Re: 770

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"Its also documented that Israel routinely uses torture on Palestinians in their prisons, many never return from prison."

Don, yes and not only on adults, but on children! Shocking! I learned recently that they actually will keep a dead person in their prison (on ice) till their sentence is done and THEN release the body back to the family. Which could be decades after the person actually died. Which has got to be one of the worst things I ever heard of. That they actually do this. I cannot imagine the pain of finding out a family member died ten years ago and I'm finding it out now, as I get their body returned to me after it's been on ice for a decade and I never knew....it's barbarism. Shocking.

The Gaza strip is a huge open air prison, template of what they desired to do to the whole world with forced lockdowns, social distancing, masks, restricting freedom of movement, limiting supplies, creating lack and scarcity and FEAR....preventing people from participating in society, not letting family go to a hospital or a funeral....the more I learn the worse it looks. And it is looking like a tool of tyrants. lets push the buttons, trick people into doing what we want, trick them into fighting one another...trick people into the fear porn. He said right in that speech we will rule by FEAR. I remember when everybody it seemed was terrified in 2021. I went to home depot and was speaking to someone, a man, and I naturally placed my hand on his arm and was quite shocked as he ripped his arm away saying 'don't TOUCH me!" A total slave to fear. Wearing the face diaper and everything. In a prison of his own devising. I thought it was very sad.

But anyhow....yes. Shocking, terrible stuff. I saw a video of a man who had been released from one of their prisons. He was unable to speak or function.

"Israeli occupation authorities issues permits to large pharmaceutical firms to carry out tests on Palestinian and Arab prisoners"
And those pharmaceutical firms are also owned by this same group. I mean, the dots really do connect.
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Re: 770

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The news said A tunnel.
Then I heard no actually, there are at least three branches going to three different locations - all to properties they own.
Now I'm hearing no....it's a NETWORK. Which implies a lot more than three and going a lot farther than previously revealed.

And people are noticing.

hypocrisy being noticed.jpg
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I never really followed the Q thing that much but....this is an interesting observation:

black hats.jpg
black hats.jpg (63 KiB) Viewed 735 times
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Re: 770

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I was brought to a video at random that I thought was actually significant.
This is actually a big deal that Nino is interviewing Dustin. Because Nino's reach is very big. A LOT of people watch him. He's a truth seeker who is doing his best to try to figure out what is going on in this world. And even though he gets a lot of flack from his audience about why do you have this guy on your show (dustin - cause he's a 'hater') he still brought him on and was willing to listen. So you have to give Nino props for that. He's sharing this information with his audience, meaning exposure with a capitol E. Nino did ask a critical question, he said: my conspiracy theorist mind.....are there tunnels under ALL these synagogues? Dustin pulled up this map:

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Which correlates where there are jewish population centers – I assume there would also be synagogues – these seem to correlate to centres of human trafficking. Nino got red pilled. And he was visibly upset. But, got to give him credit he listened and used his reason. The knee jerk reaction is to be 'offended' and immediately dismiss evidence. But he at least listened.

One of the places the tunnels go is under a children's museum where there is a lot of children.

tunnel.jpg (111.67 KiB) Viewed 711 times

One of the tunnels opens into a girls bathroom! And you can see it's right across the street! Which puts me in mind of a video I saw several months ago. It was about something that almost happened to a woman's daughter. The mom had been waiting outside the women's bathroom while her daughter went in to use the washroom. It was taking quite a long time so, the mom went in to see what's up. And found her daughter unconscious in a stall with a man shaving her head! When he was discovered, he shouldered the mom aside and ran. He had a wheelchair standing by with a blanket all ready. He was going to kidnap her daughter. She said; If she'd been wheeled out of the bathroom in front of me I'd not have realized it was my own daughter! She made the video to let parents know they needed to stay close to their children and accompany them into the bathroom. Don't assume they are safe. Keep your eyes open.

I would add that during the holodomor, it's been documented that the guards in Siberia forced women to shit in a kind of bathtub or barrel and that they literally boiled people alive in vats of feces.

Heres the interview:

Heres the link to the article he was referencing:

https://theserapeum.com/tunnelgate-sewe ... -bathroom/

You might not agree with everything Dustin is saying or hate him for being a race mixer BUT: the fact remains he is exposing some truth.
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