2024 Eclipse

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2024 Eclipse

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Beginning around 11:07 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Mexico’s Pacific coast the 2024 eclipse begins.

It then takes a path through the U.S. Crossing Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
After Maine it continues north through Canada in southern Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and, finally Cape Breton.

the eclipse path.jpg
the eclipse path.jpg (174.02 KiB) Viewed 118 times

I remember when it was no big deal for an eclipse to happen. Eclipses are a benign event. Kids would be shown how to make a thing out of a cereal box to watch it, and that was it. No big deal.

So why on earth are they deploying military and telling people to stock up? Why are they warning people air travel is going to be affected?

Why is NASA picking this day of all the days to launch missiles at the moon?
Why are they starting up CERN at this time? Eclipses were associated in history with the fall of kings. Oh, and lets not forget the 'devils' comet will be making an appearance....and all the planets will line up...OMG! It's the end of the world! Puhleese.

It does appear however, something might be planned to happen in conjunction with all the real natural phenomena. They certainly seem to want the john Q public to expect something might happen....why else are they deploying military? Telling people travel could be disrupted?All the hoopla in the MSM?

Perhaps some kind of FF event to coincide with the eclipse. To scare the hell out of the population.

For example, use hidden technology to set off some kind of 'natural' disaster? Put out a massive 5G pulse like they did in china and kill a lot of people? Activate the nano in the ones who took the injectables that had nano tech in it, begin a zombie apocalypse.....blame it on the devils comet?

These are crazy times.

30, 50 trillion has been siphoned off to fund covert infrastructure. Maybe more. While people on the surface of the planet have been suffering far more than they should be.

Overpriced fighter jets were a terrific way to siphon money. Remember, they paid something like 40 thousand for a hammer, for example. The money went to create DUMBS, a breakaway civilization with super weapons like DEWs, HEL fire weapons, Rods of God and other things like weather and earthquake weapons. In fact, CERN can be used to make earthquakes.

We aren't really running the show down here. We have a breakaway civilization underground. We have an extraterrestrial presence. Both goodly and evil. Turns out the biblical thing regarding angels and demons is actually true in the sense there are negative oriented non human entities and positive oriented ones, who appear to be battling it out over this planet.

Call them whatever, it's all labels anyways....I'm trying to express the idea of negative vrs positive. They could be extra or ultra dimensional. That is, beings from another density. Non Terrestrial. Whatever. Non human. In the end it boils down to STS vrs STO's.

The ability to wreak havoc is there; they've demonstrated that over and over.

So whats going to happen tomorrow? Hopefully (and this is what I'm focussing on) nothing. We'll have the skies darken for a few minutes, and that'll be it.

Everything is going to come to a standstill for just over an hour. 32 plus million people will be watching the skies.

It occurs to me to think: It would be a grand opportunity to reveal say....a spaceship? Or a bunch of them? Project Bluebeam? The panic that would ensue would be major, likely precipitate a lot of damage. Let alone if they use the rods of god in conjunction with holographic 'ufos' to 'fire' on people. Scare the ever loving crap out of them. It would certainly be effective in removing the Biden revelations of corruption and treason, the failing financial system, the border invasion from peoples immediate attention. Shift the narrative. Give people something else to worry about.

I get the feeling they do plan...something.

Will they succeed? I'm going to say no. Because I don't want to be feeding into fear. Keeping in mind that this is why they seed narratives in the mass mind in the first place. Because it can become a self fulfilling prophecy. That is the power of our mind and our attention. They're trying to harness that power to make something happen and if so, I don't want to feed into it.

I'm leaning towards....nothing major is going to occur.

The hoopla around this eclipse reminds me of all the fear and hoopla over Y2K. People were losing their minds about that one! I kept saying nothing is going to happen! And the sky didn't fall, nothing happened. We woke up the next day and nothing happened. I'm leaning towards nothing devastating happening on April 8.

And who knows, maybe the intention is to get all the 'conspiracy theorists' leaping on doomsday scenarios and then be left looking stupid when nothing happens. Shut down those people who question the narrative. And then they can hit em later. Well, we'll find out soon enough. Don't spend all your time stressing and worrying over it. Remember all that negative energy of fear is a form of food for these creatures. Don't feed em.

All that said, all the same...might be a good idea to avoid congested venues. No big events in music theatres for example.

Eclipses happen all around the world all the time. Most of them are out on the oceans and we don't see them. And NOTHING happens.

That all said, I did get the idea to look at some maps. So, first of all we have the map of the path of totality. I looked at that. Then in light of the bridge incident in baltimore, it made me wonder what might have been blocked, what came into the port and is now leaving – thanks to the incident – via alternate routes to other ports and where that might go...and what is near baltimore. And so I was checking more maps.

Washington DC is actually fairly close to Baltimore. So is New York. Could we see action in either of those places? But then, I checked another map, this one showing where bill gates has land. Why? Well, I figured maybe....if one was going to plant say, a low yield nuke or two along a fault line....wouldn't it be easier to do on land they own? I checked the map of the planned UN and FEMA map they want to turn the US into, regions and it shows the cities they want to drive people into and off the land.

Keeping in mind that thanks to an Obama executive order and other legislation they have been slowly getting into place, if a 'natural disaster' should strike, they will be able to forcibly relocate people. This is all factual, not 'conspiracy theory'...I have the receipts to show it. But in the interest of getting this out in a timely manner before the big day tomorrow, I'm not going to put it all in here. This led me to look at a map showing where the nuclear plants are located. And then I was just trying to get a feel for whats where.

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Taking it all together, looking for likely places they might want to target since they do have this ongoing need to get people off the land. Where might they strike and how? I thought perhaps earthquake.....something to break pipes and cause flooding. Then its a 'health' issue. But then what if its supposed to be bigger. Like something that affects the nuclear industry? Causing some disaster that involved one of those would certainly be a health issue.
There's a cluster of plants; the fernald site, mound and portsmouth plants in a cluster...near baltimore. If I'm reading this right they're all in Ohio. And then Paducah in Kentucky. It looks like the two paths of the 2023 and this 2024 one cross in Texas...which just suffered fire disaster that was 'natural'..
Maybe something going down in those areas?
I don't know. I'm speculating. I hope that like I said, NOTHING will happen. And while my ever inquiring mind wants to consider all the options...Lets focus on everybody safe.

Have a great eclipse day and stay safe people :)
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