'Demonic' Possession

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'Demonic' Possession

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

What's 'demonic' possession?

What's going on? Something is happening, for sure. But what?

Religion will tell you it's Satan or one of His demons, that they are legion.

Forget what religion says. The only thing they get right is that it's a spiritual attack.

Its spiritual, its psychic, its physical. Its more intimate and invasive than getting raped. This thing enters into you, takes over the body.

People speak in languages and with knowledge they should not possess, their indwelling personality, their essence, overtaken by a perversion and I say this because I have not been witness to a single case of possession where it was anything but negative. And why shouldn't it be? Entering where you aren't wanted and taking over is a criminal act, not one of benevolence or kindness.

This is why I have said before that you ought never invite any kind of 'spirit' into yourself.
You can CALL it a 'good' spirit, or a 'holy' spirit....but the only things willing and eager to take advantage in this manner are beings with the mentality of criminals.

Of course, the ones who get the blame are inevitably the Daemons, and foreseeably, Satan.

There is a vlogger whom I listen to, he likes to talk about world events and in many ways the guy is right about what he says. At least, hes on the right track. BUT....he's also a rabid christian. So he perceives events through the lens of religion. It's all Satan's demons according to him. Listening to him rant about possession gives me a headache. But sometimes I will listen. I think because it gives me perspective on how these religious fanatics think and view things. And the guy is absolutely rabid about Satan and His Demons being the ones responsible for all the evil in the world and possessing people.

Which Satan and the Daemons don't do.

Real Daemons are the positive entities, wise ones....what Daemon actually means.....till the church stole the name and inverted it. Called them Demons. A hallmark of the enemy is inversion. And there IS an enemy. It hides in plain sight, behind a curtain.

Daemons such as Satan have zero interest or inclination to 'possess' anybody. No truly advanced being will take you up on it if you offer yourself to them in this manner. What would be the point of accepting? What could they possibly gain?

We don't have anything they want, except ourselves becoming an advanced being. We're talking incredibly advanced people who have everything they could ever desire. What do you give to the person that has it all? Its pretty hard to shop for someone like that.

Positive beings want peers, not prisoners. Satan and the other Daemons aren't going around possessing anybody. I find it the height of absurdity when I'm subjected to listening to rabid hating fanatics stating Satan and His Demons roam the world seeking souls to ruin and possess. Thats bible pounding nonsense. They obviously haven't had any actual contact with a real Daemon.

I personally have no interest in possessing slaves. I was in the show biz world; I know what it is to have sycophants clustered around wanting to carry your bags, buy your drinks, suck up. I never allowed anybody around me to behave like that. I find it distasteful. I also remember others who not only lapped that kind of attention up, they encouraged it. And we are regular people.

Now imagine if you will, someone with advanced powers of the mind who can really play 'god' to unwitting people with zero understanding of what they're dealing with....the potential for abuse is incredibly high.

I was listening to this tape recording of a young girl who is possessed by one of these creatures and it struck me how this being speaking through her sounded like a BEAST. Which is what we're dealing with.

Dangerous, wild, unpredictable predators, essentially wild beasts. They aren't 'domesticated' the way we've been.

These are the same beings hiding behind religion, same ones the church identify as the 'holy' spirit.

What are they?

They're multidimensional beings. You could call them ET's. They're a kind of 'spirit'. They coexist alongside our reality in a dimension where they can see us, but most of us can't perceive them.

These negatives are an invading virus. They sneak in, subvert, take over. They love power, ritual and control. They're sadistic and cruel. In short, psychopathic.

They're a sentient predator species (non human) yet can pass for one of us. Be it by shape shifting, entering and possessing......hybridization....there appear to be many forms and ways. Also many kinds of predator species; its not just one race. Collectively they're known as the Farmer Races or the Galactic Federation of Light. They have other names too.

They possess advanced powers of the mind, no compunction, mercy, empathy. Literally feeding on the fear they generate. Beasts who victimize for the joy of it, the entertainment aspect and because they consider humanity a lesser species; a lesser animal deserving of such treatment.

The church (which these beings shoved down our throats with fire, gibbet and sword) tell their flocks to pray.......while preying on them.

And these things really are beasts. Their hatred for us is a palpable thing; they consider us 'stupid'.

And I'm afraid they're correct. Most average people are incredibly brainwashed and oblivious. All you have to do is take a look around and see sheeple wearing and doing what they're told by the black box that sits in every home.

People have been dumbed down by generations of a slow kind of wearing away. This is how these beings operate. It happens in increments. Like boiling the frog in a pot. You gradually bring up the heat till the thing is boiled alive.

There are so many factors at play. Food is weaponized to make us fat and complacent. Sugar which is like rat poison to us is put in small doses into everything. Fluoride in the water to shut down the third eye. Brainwashing by the black box. This box I have heard, has the capability to watch and eavesdrop. Trauma based mind control done to the entire planet. People are oblivious. They think this constant state of terror and wars is normal. It isn't.

So yes, in that sense, the majority appear appallingly 'stupid'; it's no wonder they call us sheeple. Look how dumb a sheep is, how they follow the herd. This mentality in us is cultivated by the hidden hand, these human hating alien controllers.

The earth has been turned into a farm with us filling the role of the cattle and sheep. And the oppressors are the Farmer Races.

The positive beings (Daemons) who want to help humanity escape the Farmers get the blame for what these negatives are doing! But isn't that always the way? Psychopath's always point the finger and accuse somebody else.....of what THEY are doing. It's a terrific way to keep attention focussed elsewhere, turned away from themselves.

If people understood what's actually happening (that humanity is being farmed), maybe they could fight back effectively. When the nature of a threat is laid bare for all to see people aren't as stupid as these creatures believe. If we knew, really understood.....how we're being preyed on....we'd fight back.

Especially when you factor in our children. Nobody can fight like we can. But we've been taught to laugh at red flags and not believe unless the black box tells us. Lost the ability to think critically. Not in all cases, I know, but still. In many.

The worst kind of predator is one who is unseen. These negative beings are like this. They operate from the shadows. They strike from the shadows.

These negatives are small minded, petty, jealous and hateful. Just like their god form.

Possession is an incredible form of abuse. It's personal, invasive. We see so called human beings do abusive, invasive things. And thats just an evil person.

Imagine the harm a sentient being (non human) with that mindset and advanced powers of the mind could do. Sociopathic mentality is the purview of the tall greys and reptilians. They are the psychopaths of the universe. It's enshrined in their culture. We see this just by having a look around at the world. Evil is good to these things. They take everything decent and beautiful, and shit on it.

To a being like that, invading the body and mind of someone who by comparison is a baby, is FUN.

This is not the doing of Satan, the action of positive Daemons. For one of them to stoop to disgusting behaviour such as possession is the equivalent of a human who gets satisfaction from possessing a kitten and mistreating it. Its no contest. Which makes them bullies.

There are cruel and sick mentality's among humans who have no problem murdering small helpless animals or even other people. Unfortunately, negative Et's don't possess the monopoly on sickness and evil. We humans also have our garbage fly's, roaches and locusts.

I hate garbage fly's as much as anybody...useless creatures. Whose only mission in life is to buzz annoyingly around and shit all over everything. They have nothing constructive to offer. Theirs is a meaningless existence. I have better things to be spending my time doing than pulling their wings off. Its beneath my notice. And so it is for the positive beings, the Daemons.

To call it 'Demonic' possession is not only untrue, its misleading. Yet people default to “demonic possession” when they witness the phenomenon.

I heard the soviets had done an experiment where they told people lies, fear mongering them and then later, told them it wasn't true.....and the people refused to accept the truth. Thats cognitive dissonance. People think its Satan and the Demons. And to hell with anything that shows otherwise.

Possession is a real thing. I've seen it. I've seen it a few times in my life. I admit, back in the day when I didn't understand what it was, it scared the shit out of me.

It's terrifying to witness (especially if its somebody you know and even worse, if you love them) somebody changing completely before your eyes into a malevolent stranger.

One of the scary aspects of the phenomena is the invading entity will know what your thoughts and motivations are...and call you out on them. Revealing hidden knowledge they 'normally' shouldn't be knowing.

Of course, theres nothing 'normal' about possession.

People are confused. Justifiably so. When one is looking at this through the lens of religion, it becomes even more terrifying.

This is by design. It accomplishes several things:

It frightens the living hell out of the ones suffering under this form of oppression (generates 'food').

It drives people back to the enemy god form. The victim lavishes more worship and adoration onto the god form, which is siphoned off into their 'bank'.

It creates juicy big gobbets of pure fear of the devil (another god form of theirs), terror and mental anguish. All of which is energy and sustenance.

What people fail to understand is the niche the alien oppressors here see us occupying. To them, we're a food animal, not sentient. To them we're animals. Thus, we have no rights. We're a resource to be harvested. This is why corporations refer to their workers as 'human resources'.

One of the things the negatives like to do is create situations in the outer physical that lead to anxiety, depression and despair for the people. Which is trauma based mind control. Its the hegelian dialectic. Problem reaction solution. They create the problem, we have a reaction (fear, terror, anger, depression), they're ready with the 'solution' they had in mind all the time. They conjure out of whole cloth artificial difficulties and terrors. It's criminal.

They get what they want in terms of new rules or behaviours, plus reap an energy harvest. If lots of us die in the process its even better, because that pure life force energy is harvested as well. Its a win win for them.

This is why we have wars. Situations where people needlessly die are created, to harvest energy.

They harvest anguish, desperation, horror, pain, body parts, blood, organs, the sweat of our brows, creations of our minds and of our hands. Of our genius. Because you see, there is something we possess they don't.

We're creators. Creation is a godlike act. WE are the actual Gods. They know it. They're terrified we'll figure this out and rip the chains off. All they can do is parasitize. The thing they don't want us to figure out is they need us but we don't need them.

This is the answer to the lie that goes: Well, if the aliens were here and they were negative, we'd all be dead right now. We don't kill off our cattle and sheep: How would we get a steak dinner? We're a resource. Nothing more.

When the farmers engineer mass death and destruction, its a culling of the herd and mass harvesting.

I know this sounds cold and I know we don't see things this way.

But the negative beings I'm speaking of know what I'm telling you is true. This is what happens on the surface. That and much more, and worse happens underground. And now we're speaking of adrenochrome harvesting etc. The ways in which we as a species are being brutalized and abused on this planet is myriad. All these however, are kind of...industrialized forms of abuse. It's not even personal, really. You're just a cow in the meat factory to these...creatures. To us it's abuse. To them, its business as usual.

Take a good look at factory farming, at the horrible way animals are abused before they're slaughtered. Understand this is how these aliens treat humans as well.

'Demonic' possession is simply a more.......personal form of abuse.

When you're summoning an entity discern who you're speaking to. Question the info you're getting.

Something I've noticed is that ones who suffer oppression seem generally those who are very religious.

The only thing the positive ET's have ever asked of me was to work on myself, give my personal power to myself. To not give it away. They have literally said to me, Don't worship us! Give that power to YOURSELF.

They will refuse to step into your physical body, use it to communicate or to do physical acts here on this earth if you offered it to them. If they really want to, they can materialize, step in and do physical acts.

And they do. This is where we hear of people being miraculously saved.

I read the story of a person who slipped off a precipice about to fall to their death when something unseen grabbed them, threw them back onto solid ground.

Or the car that caught fire and burned, with an infant in a carseat in the back, yet the infant wasn't burned.

We call these things miracles. And while yes, they are miraculous, the agency behind these acts is a benevolent one. Its the Daemons.

Sometimes, when things are over our heads, beyond our control, they might step in.

But mostly, we're left to handle things on our own. Because, like the caterpillar trying to work its way out of its chrysalis, if you cut them out of it, do it for them, it damages them.

So their message for us is to become self sufficient. Depend on ourselves, trust in ourselves, believe in ourselves. The answers to all the problems in our lives lie within. WE are the gods. We create, we manifest. These are the acts of a god.

There is a reason we're self aware, why we exist in multi dimensions simultaneously, why we can manifest things into physical form, why we can find solutions, heal and care for others not just ourselves.

We have a greatness inside.

And there are others out there who absolutely hate us for that greatness. They would gladly see us suffer and die, experience it as a kind of soul food. The only reason they haven't totally wiped us off the face of this earth is because they have other plans for us.

We're not at the top of the food chain as we believe; as we've been taught all our lives.

These creatures have enjoyed a massive advantage over us for thousands of years because we didn't even realize we weren't alone. We don't understand what they are, do and that their threat is real.

These creatures hide in plain sight and laugh at us.

People have become spiritually blind. Not all of us, but a lot of us.

This effect is achieved due to the filter on reality they created and applied to our lives. From cradle to grave over generations. To the point that we actually apply it to each other. And that filter is the religions.

If you have contact with any ET or other dimensional entity, use your discernment. Think about what they tell you and look for red flags. Be aware of the energy. If they try to do everything for you, refer to themselves as 'lord', or 'god', demand reverence, worship, 'sacrifice' in order to 'prove' your loyalty and devotion, you're not dealing with a Daemon.

If they ask for any form of blood sacrifice, an innocent animal or other beings death put on an altar for them as homage, these are all marks of the beast.

The real beasts. Not the Daemons they blame what they do on.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by Snakeway »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 7:33 pm

One of the scary aspects of the phenomena is the invading entity will know what your thoughts and motivations are...and call you out on them. Revealing hidden knowledge they 'normally' shouldn't be knowing.
I may be possessed then, I have a being Like this, All it does is treating to kill me because I don´t pay attention to what it says.

One thing to note, I have studied Psychology and the Psychopath( Psychopath is not the formal term) is a cluster B of the DSM, and it is called Antisocial personality disorder. It does not fit completely the description you give here. and people with this personality disorder can be harmless depending on the circumstance of their lives. They basically rationalize, calculate and play with human behavior, instead of feeling and behaving with genuine humanity. They only see cause and effect in people, they don´t have genuine emotions; Experts in facial expression recognition can recognize the ´´psychopathic smile´´ which happens when a person calculates ´´now I want to smile´´ , instead of actually feeling the desire to smile and smile, the result of this is using different facial muscles.

This aliens are a different form of existence, i don´t think ´´Psychopaths´´ is feet to describe them. Excellent and interesting reading the rest of it tough.
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Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

This lack of empathy was originally called a psychopath. Later on they came up with the term sociopath, and then antisocial personality disorder. Personally, I think this is all pretty much the same thing. I feel that they came up with these different terms in order to obfuscate, muddy the waters, confuse people. When its really all the same thing.

To me, any being who lacks empathy is a psychopath. And this non human alien presence definitely has zero empathy. And so yes, to me they are psychopathic. These psychopaths are only relatively harmless depending on the amount of power they hold in the physical world. Some are harmless, yes, if they don't have power over other peoples lives. But others hold positions of power and these; their actions are not harmless. They do a great deal of harm. These creatures lack an essential something the rest of us possess: empathy. Empathy is a human emotion.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by Snakeway »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:05 pm This lack of empathy was originally called a psychopath. Later on they came up with the term sociopath, and then antisocial personality disorder. Personally, I think this is all pretty much the same thing. I feel that they came up with these different terms in order to obfuscate, muddy the waters, confuse people. When its really all the same thing.

To me, any being who lacks empathy is a psychopath. And this non human alien presence definitely has zero empathy. And so yes, to me they are psychopathic. These psychopaths are only relatively harmless depending on the amount of power they hold in the physical world. Some are harmless, yes, if they don't have power over other peoples lives. But others hold positions of power and these; their actions are not harmless. They do a great deal of harm. These creatures lack an essential something the rest of us possess: empathy. Empathy is a human emotion.
I meant some humans with this diagnosis are harmless, those ET´s are all harmful to us
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Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Yes of course, but the ETs I'm talking about wrote the book on psychopathy.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"I may be possessed then, I have a being Like this, All it does is threatening to kill me because I don´t pay attention to what it says."

True possession entails the total takeover of the personality. The person being subjected to this doesn't know whats happening or even that they are possessed.
I think what you are describing is obsession. Where the being tries to take over but is met with resistance and so it makes threats.
Do this or that or you'll suffer for it.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

If I were in your shoes snakeway; I'd keep resisting and telling this invading entity its wasting its time. These beings are bullies and invaders who rely on fear. So I would say the first thing is to not feed the beast. Don't give it fear. To these things fear is something delicious and personal and they feed on it. Also in Satanism, we say no fear.
I know its difficult but try very hard not to feed this beast. Don't give it fear. Tell it: You are not wanted; I never asked you to be here, I do not give you permission to be here. LEAVE.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by HPBlackMamba »

I agree with HPS ZolaLuckyStar, on several of the points that she made. I have helped many people free themselves from malicious entities in the past. If you feel that you are possessed or being harassed by an entity here is some advice to free yourself from the situation.

1.Deprogram yourself from any religious doctrine or dogma that encourages you to place your faith in an entity outside of yourself or encourages you to rely on them. Malicious entities can only enter us when they have our permission or find an open door, and misplaced faith is the perfect opportunity for them.

2. Engage in a daily routine of self worship. This is the most powerful way to get rid of any malicious entity forever.
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Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by Snakeway »

This one won´t leave on it´s own or by tuning it off. The thing is I am being healed by Satan´s power ever since I asked him and I am waiting to be finished to start trying to kill this entity´s (I will probably use Vinasa). Ever since the healing started I feel pain in the parts I am being healed if I try to push it to try to destroy the entity it hurts like a motherfucker. As it heals I also hear it less and less, as if it were exploiting the wholes and wounds on my chakras. I will wait until the fixing to be over to see what i do, as the Demon said I will be COMPLETED.

I have zero Fear of this entity.
Don Danko

Re: 'Demonic' Possession

Post by Don Danko »

Something I experienced years ago I went on a diet of fruits for around six or more months and within a month and some I started to see energy fields around plants, tree's, animals and people I could also feel the energy coming up from the earth and out of the tree's and how it charged me up when I sat in the park. My entire internal state changed to something higher energy in some cases I would only sleep a few hours a night. That was a detox diet full of living foods and it tells me what eating the standard modern diet is doing. The opposite. The worst is the fast food. I also believe eating super amounts of meat along with the processed foods also have some kind of lowering effect.

Then you have the volume of medical literature showing eating processed food is causing the majority of health problems in the modern world.