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Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:52 pm
by Don Danko
I get what your saying. However to be fair if one looks deep into the situation the Polish military had invaded Germany in previous attempts to take more land off of Germany and their military was already occupying parts of German regions after first war. Churchill sent his agents to meet with the Polish leadership in secret and they made a war deal that Poland would attack Germany again to cause a military reaction from the Germans so that Britain and France could officially declare war and attack from the west and get Germany into a two front war. Churchill whole justification for the war was it was done to destroy Germany as a national power so it could not threaten the British Empire which is why they fought World War One.

The Polish military starting attacking German towns and cities along the boarder along with launching a campaign of exterminationalist violence against the ethic Germans living within Polish control. This culminated at the massacre of Broomberg in which 55,000 ethic German civilians where murder by the Polish death squads at the start of the conflict on order by the Polish regime. Then the British and French military launched a total invasion of Germany from the west while the Germans military was in Poland. When the Polish military was defeated the German military then attacked west and pushed the British and French military back into France. The German plan was a based on the Schlieffen Plan of the previous war this included taking the lower land countries to prevent possible attacks on German from those regions. It was rumored the Belgians had a secret deal with Churchill to open their nation up to the British military to attack German from. Then Norway was invaded because of this situation the Norwegian government made a deal with the British to open their nation up to the British military to use to invade Germany from. This is also why the German's had to invade Greece that was due to the mistake of the Italian's. Hitler asked the Italian leader to not go to war with Greece but he didn't listen. Then the invasion of the Soviet Union was done to prevent the Soviet Military from being able to invade Europe as they where mobilizing for:

I also won't comment on the Holocaust but the Zundel trial showed something about that and no wonder its illegal to question the Holocaust in 18 different countries.

Hitler going to war with America was a mistake. However the American military was launching full out attacks on German military and civilian vessels. And committing numerous open acts of war against Germany for several years before this.

The situation is the war happened because the powers of international Jewish banking and money elites and their Judeo-Free Masonic lackeys brought it on the world. Hitler did bend over side ways to attempt to keep the peace the amount of generous deals he made the Polish to prevent war along was staggering. Hitler also made numerous peace offers to the British from the start. The amount of curses that where being thrown by the enemy to start this war was intense as well there was a lot of occult power behind this.

I don't believe that Hitler was this warmonger. His whole country was attacked on every level from every direction by the powers of international Jewish power. Because Germany had become a break away civilization. Much of the authoritarianism of the Third Reich was done out of desperation to throw out the agents of the internationalist enemies of Germany. That had already destroyed their country previous to the National Socialist government.

Churchill himself stated that when Hitler kicked out the International Rothschild banking cartels from Germany that war was going to happen. This is nothing new and has been the reason for the numerous wars up to the current day. The Jews brag about themselves.

Owenavo wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:37 pm I'm not picking no side, just so you know!! Also, why don't I want them to go together is because, I just don't agree with their point. I mean Hitler tried to invade Poland and other countries, (he didn't just kill Jews). Hitler was no better!! If you saw Nazi planes flying over your home town bombing houses down. What would be going through your mind? Satan, also appeared to me as a middle easterner, he can change his appearance anytime he wants really. I mean they're entities, they can shapeshift.
Snakeway wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 11:20 am
Owenavo wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:56 am Also, you didn't have to bring Satan into it. I'm talking about how (Satanism and Nazism shouldn't be together!!). Satan, gets a bad name, I know that it makes me angry.
The Jews have all this hate toward Aryan blond and blue eyed people and want to exterminates them by race mixing because they are descendant of Satan, Nazism is enemy of Jews and want to defend this descendants of Satan that are the Aryans, How come the two things don´t go together? they are inseparable.

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:01 pm
by Snakeway
Hitler saved the entire world from communism, if it were not for him the entire world would have turned into Bolshevism, and there would be no internet, no meditation, we would not have our teeth in our mouths, we possibly would not even know how to read. Back to medieval Times.

But I understand if a Nazi bomb bombed your personal house and killed your parents you could get over emotionally and not want to hear who´s fault was for the war or what the good intentions were. What i don´t understand is why people don´t get like this for dresden or the biggest mass rape in history committed by the soviets when Berlin was invaded

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:07 pm
by Don Danko
We also have to consider the American founders stated it was the Internationalist Jewish banking elites in the British government that brought the revolutionary war upon the 13 colonies. This included the Jewish banking elites manipulating the currency in the colonies to cause a economic collapse so they could buy everything up and monopolize their control by enslavement of the inhabitants. That was just the start. This caused the reaction that lead to the independence movement in the colonies and the Jews in control of the British government then forced it from a peaceful resolution to a total war. When the American revolutionary army came out on top because it was run by esoteric Free Masons, occult adepts. The Jewish elites then forced the war of 1812 on America when the American government expelled the Rothschild's banking system from America because it was criminal. The war only ended when the American government agreed to give the Rothschild's another twenty year charter.

President Jackson had two assassination attempts on his life and he stated this was the Rothschild's because Jackson had forced the Rothschild's banking system out of America. He had refused to renew their demands for a charter and the Jewish banking elites pushed American into a brutal depression to attempt to destroy Jackson's presidency. It failed and Jackson came out on top. Look at every assassinated American president and you will find these people's agents behind it.

These Jews have been at this for awhile. They hated America because it was a break away civilization. Even in the war of 1812 the American forces came out on top because of the amount of occult adepts in America.

The other things the Jews could not tolerate the American founders stated they created America to become a White Empire to protect the White Race around the world and advance the White Race. The Jews are ordered by their reptilian gods to exterminate the entire White Race in their criminal religion as the race of Amelek. All this anti-White, cultural Marxism of today comes from only the Jews that is why. That is why the Jewish lobbies destroyed White American in 1965 by destroying the consitutional laws that kept American as White Nationalist country put on the books going back to 1797 by the founders.

Once again in America we note the one thing that has defeated the Jews is Aryan spiritual adepts.

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:09 pm
by Don Danko
The Nazi's did bomb my family in Brittan in the war. Thanks to the Rothschild's and Churchill. Who forced the British nation into a war that nobody in Britain wanted. This war was done against the consent of the people. And after that the entire anti-war movement in Britain on orders from Churchill, was arrested and put into brutal prison camps where some died from the conditions.

Snakeway wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:01 pm Hitler saved the entire world from communism, if it were not for him the entire world would have turned into Bolshevism, and there would be no internet, no meditation, we would not have our teeth in our mouths, we possibly would not even know how to read. Back to medieval Times.

But I understand if a Nazi bomb bombed your personal house and killed your parents you could get over emotionally and not want to hear who´s fault was for the war or what the good intentions were. What i don´t understand is why people don´t get like this for dresden or the biggest mass rape in history committed by the soviets when Berlin was invaded

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:26 pm
by Snakeway
Don Danko wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:09 pm The Nazi's did bomb my family in Brittan in the war. Thanks to the Rothschild's and Churchill. Who forced the British nation into a war that nobody in Britain wanted. This war was done against the consent of the people. And after that the entire anti-war movement in Britain on orders from Churchill, was arrested and put into brutal prison camps where some died from the conditions.

Snakeway wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:01 pm Hitler saved the entire world from communism, if it were not for him the entire world would have turned into Bolshevism, and there would be no internet, no meditation, we would not have our teeth in our mouths, we possibly would not even know how to read. Back to medieval Times.

But I understand if a Nazi bomb bombed your personal house and killed your parents you could get over emotionally and not want to hear who´s fault was for the war or what the good intentions were. What i don´t understand is why people don´t get like this for dresden or the biggest mass rape in history committed by the soviets when Berlin was invaded
The nazis allowed people to retreat from Netherlands in in the invasion of France, and it was forbidden to rape the population of the invaded land, soldiers who would do this would be sent to North Africa as a punishment.

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:32 pm
by Don Danko
The problem is the same Jewish elites and their reptilians gods are still running this world system. They will attack any break away civilization the same. WW2 was the situation in which the Jewish elites dropped the mask to come out openly to do this. At the time of the creation of the Third Reich the Jews had already murdered 30 million Russians and Ukrainians with their Communist slave camp. Just look at the big tech censorship its all Jews.

The Third Reich was reacting to what the Jews where doing to Germany and Europe. That is why they never mentioned Hungry, Italy, Spain, Romanian or Japan these nations where all Axis powers or allies. Its only Germany they go and on about because it was the break away civilization. Just like today in America the Jews have been teaching Americans to hate America and themselves with Talmudic Marxism to destroy America for being a break away civilization originally.
Owenavo wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:52 pm Yeah, I understand you both. Some governments are very vicious and power hungry! And, I'm not talking about Hitler here.

You do have a point snakeway, of the Jews having all this hatred towards the Aryans the blondes and blue eyed people.
The funny thing is, I did have blonde hair when I was like a little kid. 😂

Still have a bit of blonde in my hair but mostly brown now and I do have light icy blue eyes. But, I wouldn't say all Jews hate Satan, it's just corrupt leaders most of the time.

This world war stuff is old now though, it's time to do what's best for us. We need to better ourselves and become the God's we are. 🙂

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:34 pm
by Don Danko
I have been studying this and have decided to do an article on the subject. This goes deep into something.
Owenavo wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:19 pm I don't know if you know who Set is! I have heard that, Set was a warrior God, in Ancient Egypt and there was a whole of group of ancient Egyptians who liked Set. Now the name Set, was taken by the ancient Jews and turned into Satan!!

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:17 pm
by Snakeway
The Jew do Hate Satan, they want to exterminate Satan´s descendant here on earth that are the white people, they hate america because it is still too white, you can see they don´t give a shit about Japan being racist, there are sign´s everywhere in japan restaurants or stores ´´´we don´t accept gaijin(non Japanese)´´, there is no nosed people crying rivers of tears(remember Japanese were on the side of muh holocaust). they hate and blame Germany because they were Aryans and addressed the racial issue in favor of the survivor of Aryans. Hitler could have done all what e did, if he had not addressed the racial issue he would be just one more. The only thing that really annoyed the jews in the nazis was the racial issue. No war crime, no holocaust, no invasion make the nazis the villains for this jews, it is THE RACIAL ISSUE. They cannot accept a much greater existence the Aryans are.

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:47 pm
by Don Danko
Russia still has ancient places named after Shiva most of the European Druids the Saka came out of those regions.
Owenavo wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:43 pm Yeah, I get it now. Also that's crazy I also have a bit of Russian DNA! Mostly my ancestors were from there.

Re: A Satanic Civilization

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:51 pm
by Don Danko
The strategic location of Germany and its geo-political history combined with the program of National Socialism would have ensured our Gods would have been able to act directly on earth via a geo-political world power in time. The reptilians gods of the Jews couldn't allow this.
Snakeway wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:17 pm The Jew do Hate Satan, they want to exterminate Satan´s descendant here on earth that are the white people, they hate america because it is still too white, you can see they don´t give a shit about Japan being racist, there are sign´s everywhere in japan restaurants or stores ´´´we don´t accept gaijin(non Japanese)´´, there is no nosed people crying rivers of tears(remember Japanese were on the side of muh holocaust). they hate and blame Germany because they were Aryans and addressed the racial issue in favor of the survivor of Aryans. Hitler could have done all what e did, if he had not addressed the racial issue he would be just one more. The only thing that really annoyed the jews in the nazis was the racial issue. No war crime, no holocaust, no invasion make the nazis the villains for this jews, it is THE RACIAL ISSUE. They cannot accept a much greater existence the Aryans are.