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The curse of Paraguay- Destroyed for Race Mixing

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:31 pm
by Snakeway
The Jesuits were a communist system which occurred in south America before Marx an Lenin or Trotsky were even born. Communism is Simply the christian religion turned into a political party.

(never mind the language, just watch the image a soviet republic)
This is a book that in English means ´´The communist christian Republic of the Guarany´´, explains how the URSS already existed in south america before the actual URSS was born.
This image of Evo Morales says everything

The Jesuits reductions had their heart in Paraguay and Solano lopes committed the Ultimate offence which infuriated the spiritual World, it prohibited SAME RACE MARRIAGE, it was against the law NOT TO RACE MIX. They were so alike the URSS they were trying to create an universal language, a mix of guarany(native american) and spanish.

The result of it was a War no historian can explain the reason, giving versions one more lame than the other such as ´´it was in the way of England because it was doing it´s own industrial revolution´´ (ridiculous, it was going the other way), or ´´ it was racism because there were instructions on how to kill the african slave monkey who fought this war´´ (also ridiculous, because it was going waaaay the other way).
EVERYONE on the Jesuit side were killed, it is estimated that more than 90% of the adult male population of Paraguay was killed , because they were all CURRSSEED for ENFORCING RACE MIXING.

´´Paraguay still haunted by cataclysmic war that nearly wiped it off the map´´ ... nniversary
There was a point there was no more man to recruit they were putting children to fight

MESSAGE: All those who race mix will be cursed and those who dare to enforce race mixing will be cursed harder.

Re: The curse of Paraguay- Destroyed for Race Mixing

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:22 pm
by Snakeway
Quote from the Hitler Youth Manual about the Jesuits and Paraguay:

´´The past era either entirely ignored human inequality or else acted contrary to its better knowledge. During the colonization of Paraguay in the nineteen century, for example, the Jesuits permitted white settlers to marry native Indian women. Perhaps they thought that the native population would thus be raised to the level of the whites. But these mixed marriages produced unhappy bastards who were neither white nor native. In most cases, they inherited the bad characteristics of both groups, lacking spiritual stability. ´´<-------- MAXINE AND CLIFF, SHOULD THE JOY OF SATAN BE NAMED THE JOY OF PARAGUAY? ... ndbuch.htm

Re: The curse of Paraguay- Destroyed for Race Mixing

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 12:27 am
by BorninHell88
Lol, fuck you and your Jewish Adolf Hitler that you jerk off to every night, wishing you had your fat mits wrapped around those big woman hips of his... Adolf Hitler looked like he was suffering from Dwarfism ((to some extent)). Same body-type as Kim Jong Un... Adolf Hitler also has soulless dead eyes too, as if he's some organic robotoid ((being piloted by some Grey alien/or reptilian)).

As for me being racially mixed... I love it. : ) Wouldn't trade it for the world... Mexicans are racially mixed people, and look at the culture that came out of Mexico... Very beautiful. Very unique, and awesome food. Very attractive looking people too. Much love to my Mexican cousins! Oh, and on top of that note... Not only do we pick up the negative traits of each race, but we also pick up on the positive (((this change can also be seen in bone structure)))... Race mix people also are more physically attractive (((according to studies))) than full bloods: ... -advantage

Oh, and on top of that note... White people are always wanting to get tans... Why? Because white pale skin is UGLY AS FUCK! On the same level as black charcoal skin, you seen from most Africans. : ) Brown though...? In-between...? That's what everyone wants.

Re: The curse of Paraguay- Destroyed for Race Mixing

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 12:48 am
by BorninHell88
You may have a Jewish system to hide behind Snakeway ((which this Jewish system promotes whites over the darker races)), but just remember... There's an occult side to this, and there is no limits to what the human mind is capable of ((despite race)). Every gentile race has the 'Godhead' (((the magnum opus))), and if realized than one can transcend beyond limits, as life is only a dream. An illusion... Nothing is real. Take a shit load of acid or shrooms, and you'll come face to face with oneness... The illusion itself. :) Safer and more rewarding if one does it through meditation though.

Re: The curse of Paraguay- Destroyed for Race Mixing

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 2:11 am
by Snakeway
A video saying the contrary would be banned, but in your inferior mind of a mixed being the system is not promoting what your own video shows the system promote

Re: The curse of Paraguay- Destroyed for Race Mixing

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 3:52 pm
by BorninHell88
Snakeway wrote: Mon May 10, 2021 2:11 am A video saying the contrary would be banned, but in your inferior mind of a mixed being the system is not promoting what your own video shows the system promote
Inferior mind...? Says who...? Someone who is still trapped in Plato's Cave/i.e. This matrix...? How can you possibly come to that assessment when you're not viewing life outside of this cave...? You're not ascended... You don't know if there's any hidden potential with the darker races that the system isn't showing us. You don't have a third eye open... A risen kundalini, or a completed magnum opus, so there for you can never truly know what the darker races are actually capable of ((or if they're not on the same level as people like you)), but I already know you well enough to know ((just by the conversations I've had with you)) is that you don't care to know... All you care about is your own little comfort zone, and lucky for you... The Jewtrix seems to provide you with **a lot** of security when it comes to staying in that comfort zone. You might not always have it, so don't take this Jewish system for granted, because if you do... Your ass is more than likely mine. ; ) And I'll very likely not treat you as well as this Jewtrix has, assuming that I even find you worthy enough to waste my time on. If you're a fellow human being ((a legit gentile)) than you'll face your own karma... And I very likely wouldn't have to do anything towards you anyways.

Oh, and to reply to your comment... Not exactly. There's a lot of videos ((last I checked)) that do say contrary on YouTube. There's also a lot of anti-Jewish material you can find on YouTube as well... Just as long as it promotes a certain agenda, than YouTube ((and likely any other mainstream platform like such)) isn't going to get rid of those specific types of information.