HP Black Mamba

Satanic Pentagram

Those Who Take Initiative Become Leaders

In chapter 6 of the 1st book of The Book of Satan we read:

The Book of Satan I The True Philosophy of Satan wrote:Satanists realize the vital importance of individuals in a free world. Role models that show by example what it means to be free are what is needed most in the battle against tyranny, slavery, and oppression. Satanism acknowledges the power of the individual.

Many times when you take a look at the world around you, and you ask yourself, “How can I change things? How can I find solutions?”, you may feel discouraged. You may feel like there is no point in even trying, it seems impossible, there is no use in even doing anything.

When it seems like things are out of control, there are two kinds of people that respond accordingly. The first kind sits back and waits for a leader to come and make things right. The second kind of person takes initiative. Those who take initiative are leaders, and they inspire others.

If you look around you and give up before you even try, if there is a voice in your mind that is telling you that it’s just a waste of time and energy, then you are a follower, a sheep. Satanists don’t listen to that voice, they know that they can do something and that they ought to do it.

Satanists stake the extent of their existence for good, that is why they have an unstoppable will. Every person reading this sermon can make a difference. Every individual can contribute to life.

When you choose not to act, it won’t be done because no one else is going to take initiative on your behalf.

Chapter 7 of the 1st book of The Book of Satan shows us the value of self-empowerment.

The Book of Satan I The True Philosophy of Satan wrote:They are self-motivators and self-starters, they can see what needs to be done and take action. Because they don’t need to be told what to do Satanists are natural leaders. That is why this philosophy is for people who want to be independent and free

When you empower yourself, you are in a greater position to take action. When you set yourself right, you help the world around you. I want to challenge you today, to sit down and think about something in your life, or the world that you want to change. Once you know what that thing is, then go out and be an example.

Take initiative, because that is what leaders do. They wake up in the morning and decide that change in the world is going to come through them. Satanists make things happen because they are leaders. Satanists are instruments for change.

Stop looking for someone else to come and solve the problems and start being a problem solver. Invest in yourself, harness your potential, and then use your gifts and talents to contribute to the world. The most valuable currency in the world is influence.

When you are a living example of what it means to be free, then you start setting changes in motion. The world around you starts changing. Instead of waiting for the change, you became the change.

Are you ready and able to create beauty in this world? When you walk out of the house every day, you only have two choices, confidence or fear. Choose confidence, believe in yourself, and make things happen.

When you are an instrument for change, you become a channel for good things to come into the world. You start positively affecting the lives of others. You start making a difference in life. It’s like fertilizer that starts changing the soil around it. Suddenly there is room for expansion and growth.

When you focus on yourself, you do something for everybody. When you wait for someone else, that may never come, you end up doing nothing for nobody. Satanists are the change. 
