HP Black Mamba

Satanic Pentagram

When Satan Is Your God

There are many people out there that claim that theistic Satanism is just another way of saying “Devil Worshipper”. Are theistic Satanists actually Devil worshippers? Yes, of course. Do Devil worshippers actually worship Devils? Absolutely not!

Now I know that this may seem very confusing to most people. How can you say that theistic Satanists are Devil worshippers that don’t actually worship the Devil? Because most people are ignorant about what Devil worship actually is, they tend to make wrong conclusions.

I want to start by explaining that “Devil Worshipper” was a label that was assigned to us by our enemies the Christians during a time when many were persecuted by the Catholic Church. The truth is that the original pagan Gods had lost their titles and were labeled as “Devils'' by our enemies. 

Those of us who have actually made an effort to reach out to these higher beings that have been unfairly labeled as “Devils” have made an interesting discovery. These beings that you call “Devils” absolutely reject any form of worship. On many occasions, they have made it clear that they do not want to be worshipped in any way shape, or form.

The “Devils” actually demand that human beings refrain from worshipping any God or man or animal of any kind. They want humanity to ascend and to advance spiritually and therefore maintain that one should perfect the practice of self-worship. So there you have it, theistic Satanists are Devil worshippers, but they do not worship Devils. Theistic Satanists worship themselves and not Devils.

The only God that actually does demand endless slavish worship and ass licking is the God of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. This entity has also murdered countless people in his holy books, had millions murdered in his name during crusades and holy wars, and also demands blood sacrifice. It makes you wonder who the real “Devil” is.

In contrast, Satan has never killed anyone or and absolutely detests human or animal sacrifice. Satan has never lied to anyone and is an advocate for truth. Satan has never demanded worship and encourages his followers to become Gods unto themselves.

Of course, if you want to worship Allah, or Jehovah or Jesus Christ, that is totally fine in the eyes of society. You can even be an atheist and no one will bat an eyelash. But when Satan is your God it’s totally unacceptable and taboo. But then Satan is the only one advocating for self-empowerment.

I guess the powers that be don’t want the blind and mindless masses of society to wake up to their full potential. They will do everything in their power to keep the obedient slaves as docile as possible. They don’t want people standing up for themselves and saying “we refuse to be exploited for your own personal gain”.

Worship anyone that you want, but don’t have a God that commands you to worship yourself because then you are a Devil worshipper. 

-HP Black Mamba 
