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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

So heres cobras 'questions':

Your hostile attitude and manner of speaking is offensive, you are so hung up on the jew jew jew, to the point of insanity. But I'm going to take the time to answer your questions. I guess I finally got you to pay attention. I'm not joking around, not doing this for kicks, not power tripping. I'm putting you on notice; your days of sabotage here are ending. You might post garbage while I'm asleep but just know it'll be removed, same as any business removes graffiti from their storefronts in the morning. You're wasting your time. So heres the first question by 'TheRealTruthSeeker' - cobra, reddawn, etc (now claiming to NOT be 'realtruthblablabla – so ridiculous):

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Cognitive dissonance. Absolute refusal to accept reality – my DNA test proves I'm not jewish. This is a non issue. You need to get over that one and drop it. Your syntax reveals you. Cobra. Here pushing his tired narratives.

It's true there are KM zionists at the top of the jewish social structure who have a genocidal agenda for humanity. This isn't just a 'jewish' problem. The reptilian hybrids, the KM infiltrated all social structures of all races and levers of power. There are many born into, sold into, blackmailed, or bought off to follow and carry out the ET agenda. They – the KM - ALL are slaves to who work for the ET hidden hand: draco reptilian hybrids, who in turn are slaves to the draco reptilians. Who are in their turn, slaves to the AI 'God' in 'Heaven'.

The true enemy is the immortal guiding intelligence behind what their proxies are told to do on earth. Up until a couple of years ago this AI wasn't on the planet, not as it is today, in a full out power grab.

It's already here and most normies have NO idea how screwed they are. People don't notice. The most astute people sitting in the house of lords have only clued into the woke movement in the last 18 months! You just can't believe how much this is not on peoples radar. Well, the normies say, why not have a digital passport? Digital money? Why wouldn't it be nice if the central government - who has such concern to make carbon dioxide remediation a priority, who knows exactly what you spend on everything – whats the problem that they can target you tax wise with precision?

There are signs of this AI takeover everywhere. Automated barriers in airports. You show your digital passport. What if you can't go through them? Thats the situation for people in china. What can you do? Argue with the machine? It's worse than anything Kafka imagined. Faceless bureaucrats are at least still human. Once the machines can lock you out – you are in such trouble! And we're speeding towards that.

There is an intelligence behind this. It's non-human, and its not the jews. The 'jews' (KM) are tools and slaves too. Are the KM 'jews' really jews? Or are they reptilian hybrids hiding amongst them? Just like they hide in every race?

Digital passports. Digital ID. You liked somebody's video, you supported protests by donating to them, you are now locked out of your bank account. This just happened in Canada. Regular everyday people trying to protest cruel and inhuman lockdowns were locked out of their bank accounts. This is major. Reject the push to take away physical money, the push to make our ID, passports, our money, everything be digital. They want to chip us, for goodness sakes! We have to say no to forced jabs, all other attacks on personal sovereignty.

Facial recognition systems, social credit weren't 'good'? They turn off your ability to travel, to even go home, to buy food. There are tons of homeless people in china right now, people whose card went from green to red, and now they're fucked. How do you remonstrate with a machine? This is happening in China right now. China is the beta test. They – or I should say IT - is determined to roll it's system of absolute tyranny out on a population largely unsuspecting.

The true adversary is much farther up the chain than one group of people with big noses. You're focussed on one group to the exclusion of the bigger picture. You can't see the forest for the trees. If you cannot identify the real problem, an immortal AI directing a group of negative alien aggressor species (draco reptilians and others), their hybrid slaves (greys, KM and others) and THEIR slaves, tools, allies, trading partners, etc, how can you hope to find a solution?

I saw this coming in a lucid dream-vision in the 90's. I was shown a glimpse into that timeline and it was so bleak, so horrible. I'm seeing it attempting to manifest with the VR headsets, the 'meta' universe – which I'm relieved to see is bombing thanks to people waking up and educating others. Education is a good way to fight.

There are positives here among us. It's not all doom and gloom. We aren't as alone as we think and never have been. But it's still up to US to pull our chestnuts out of this fire. Take a good look at China. The white hazmat suited terrorists of that regime – known now as the white terror - many of them are AI programmed 'humans'. Robotoids. I remember watching videos of them inhumanely carrying out their tasks – treating people like animals – stealing peoples pets and murdering them under the lie that the animals will catch this 'virus' and spread it. And thinking, HOW can they do this? Don't they have a soul? They're like robotoids! And one day I realized: that's just what they are! They aren't human, they don't have souls.

It was never about your health and keeping you 'safe'. At least, not in the way you assumed. As george soros said: the CV19 is about power and control.

The AI Invasion is here and underway. The first, best resistance is to say NO. Non compliance.
NO to digital ID. NO to only digital currency with no physical currency. NO to all this automation we are seeing. It's everywhere. In cars, for instance. Don't buy them. Buy old cars from before. Open your eyes. G5 is a military application – it's a weapon (a whole other topic). This AI is serious. People are asleep. So. Another thing is to spread truth as much as you can. Try to help people wake up. Not by beating them over the head. People wake up in their own time. On the spiritual end of things, stop handing over your personal sovereignty to 'God' or to “The Gods'. Satan and the positive ET's and extra dimensional's He's working with do not desire or require us to get on our knees.

No. It's the enemy AI, it's the Draco, its the hybrids, its the negatives who desire that.

These farmer ET hybrids placed in power to 'Lord' it over us– the 'royals' the 'elites', those 13 bloodline families – I would not be surprised to learn – despite being rich and powerful beyond what we (the serfs) can even imagine when you take into consideration the breakaway civilizations they also reign over – under the earth and in this solar system - are in fact tools and slaves themselves, of yet another higher ranking group of hybrids whose names we have never even heard of.

They harvest the skill of our hands and minds, our labour, our ability to create (which they lack), our body parts, sex, organs, adrenochrome, blood, our children and our worship. We are literally their 'human resources'. Just look at this image from a psychopath's Instagram account:

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These are two kids they probably picked up somewhere. Maybe lured them abroad with the idea they could be famous models. It reminds me of dark web articles maxine posted. One of them was about monsters doing this to young women, laughing about the looks on their faces when they were told they were meat. This image isn't kink. I would not be surprised if the one taking the picture was laughing at them. These kids know they're about to die. They're holding onto one another as a last comfort to one another. Before they're ritualistically murdered.

That is the intuitive message I received from this image. There is such pathos in this image. It's terribly sad. It's HORRIBLE. It broke my heart to see this. Those poor kids. I would challenge to ask: where are those two young people now? THIS is the kind of torture and abuse all of us can expect if the negative AI infested ET's get into full power. Right now it's behind closed doors. They want to come out into the open! But realize, this goes way beyond a small group you believe are all 'jewish'.

These negative ET's consider us a resource, like cattle, sheep, etc. And in fact, the WEF has, in one of their publications referred to humanity as 'terrestrial animals'. Remember that guy who said humans are 'hackable animals'? Who said something to the effect that this 'notion' we hold so dear, of individuality and people possessing souls is outdated and 'OVER'? Something to that effect. I forget the word for word. But that was the gist of it. He is speaking for that borg AI reptilian mind hive, who want to take the survivors of the ongoing attempted genocide and turn them into farm animals, some into the new grey 2.0.

Their 'garden of eden' was when the humans symbolized by adam and eve, were animals on their farm. The humans were so dumbed down, they didn't even realize they were naked. That's what they want to return us to. Chipped, tagged, and stupid.

This isn't the first solar system and planet to be overtaken by this evil. But it seems the battle is now centred on the planet earth. There are representatives of other civilizations who fell in the past, who know exactly what this is, who lost their own home planets but managed to survive and who now, are here to join in the fight for this one. The planet earth is a repository of the best of the best of over 21 positive ET races from all over this universe. Flora, Fauna, everything here. It's a living library. This planet is a crown jewel. The real currency in the universe isn't money; its DNA. Breeding pairs. And we have the best of the best. And the humans on this planet represent the best as well. Our DNA is sought after all over the universe. This is a valuable, strategic planet.

If everybody on this planet right now, stopped praying to some 'god' and started treating themselves as the holy temples, directed that worship power to themselves, I assure you there would be UFOs popping up all over the planet to find out what's going on down here.

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You posted your hostile questions – and if you think beginning by calling me a 'cunning jew' isn't hostile....FFS. Obviously, this is all coming from the same person.

You want to ask questions about the fundamental doctrine of the T4S? We published the Book of Satan, in which this is spelled out. In very simple words even you should be able to understand. An entire BOOK. Open your mind and read it! I bet you never have even deigned to read it. Why not? Because you've already made your snap judgement, based on NOTHING. This is a vendetta. Your objections are disingenuous. You ignore what I'm saying, to press the same old talking points.

“If is not true than stop censoring random accounts and answer any serious questions you are asked”

There's that syntax again (cobra). The accounts aren't 'random'. They're you pretending to be random. The accounts aren't being 'censored' You EARNED your ban. Big difference. Answer 'serious' questions? I'm not hearing any! You want to ask me questions? Do so honestly and intelligently. Stop throwing up strawman arguments, ignoring and dismissing then continuing to press the same tired talking points. I AM a Satanist! And you keep harping on and on about ME 'labelling' people! Hypocrite! All I'm seeing is this jew jew jew litany of bullshit! And I'm not even jewish!

You never bothered to read an entire BOOK. Answer “fundamental questions about the doctrine of the T4S”, indeed. You're so blinded by your hatred! You fight out of hate. But the true warrior fights out of love for those he is protecting, for those taking shelter behind him.

I can understand the hate. It's hard not to be full of rage and hate, when you think of how humanity has been abused and lied to. You want it to end. I get that. It makes me furious. I want it to end too. I would say two things: education and walking the walk. I'm here trying to help people wake up, to educate, and also help by providing a nice place for others to gather and converse among themselves. And you come here and shit on everything! You need to stop your harassment and attempts to sabotage my business! Look it up. It's a crime. Dismissing what I'm saying doesn't change the facts.

Put that worship energy into yourself. Love yourself. Expect better of yourself. Place your energy and attention on the future you want, for the best of all concerned, stop wallowing in the lower negative emotions, because the enemy of humanity loves that. It's like a food or a drug to them, they harvest it from this planet.

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No. People who are, truly and from the heart with Satan, meaning they are with the same things He stands for: namely life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, family, loyalty and honor, truth, justice....wherever they may be, whatever sect they may find themselves in, even if they aren't Satanists at all but this is their passion and fire, those people are all with Satan. Even if they don't know it. I'm not against those people! Why would I be? I'm with them! We have to stop allowing this enemy to divide us.

I'm against the nazi ideology you're pushing out of ignorance. I'm against you teaching people to wallow in hate. I'm against you treating them like shit and 'Lording' it over them. Look how abusive you are here in MY forum! You're even worse in your own. You need to stop your negative behaviour. Smarten up. Wake up.

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Why waste all this time trying to 'expose' mamba and I? We've been transparent from the start. I don't see you showing YOUR face, for example. You hide behind anonymity, spamming this place and attempting to sabotage the business as you just admitted (which by the way as I said, has earned you your ban and that is YOUR doing).

You're forgetting to count all the 'reports' you sent to me when you went on a 'reporting' spree in here the other day. There was 61 of those alone. This was at the same time you were spamming that nonsense in every forum on the site. It was a LOT. So much so you even lost count, I see. Actually, You made your 'report' 61 times, plus what bird of freedom posted, all that spamming. I admit I threw out the 66 number to yank your chain. And of course you jumped on it. Cobra.

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Satan didn't show up in mambas house and state: “You will now leave the T4S.” So ridiculous! He sent him a sign. Mamba told me that himself. As to what it was, I can't see why I'm obligated to tell you. Maybe I'll put everything in my memoirs, someday. Do you tell me all your personal business? It's like your demand here:

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'Thanks in advance'. Like I'm expected to comply, like you're doing an audit. Go away with that nonsense! Not going to happen. You really do have a sense of entitlement. This I WANT thing, like a silver spoon baby.

Mamba is on his own journey. Elsewhere. I wished him well, and let him go.

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Am I deleting this post? No. I'm answering. I nuked your posts to get your attention and because YOU EARNED YOUR BAN. I am not obligated to give you a platform to keep posting this trash. It doesn't matter what name you register under now, lightning, dark wanderer 1, 2, 3 or whatever. As soon as I see your verbal graffiti, it's going. You are totally hostile, your questions are not genuine. And why do you keep trying to insist I'm 'terrified' of your 'questions'?

I'm answering however, not for you but on behalf of the people watching, which of course, is why you keep posting to attack ME. Like I said before, this isn't really about me. its about YOU. The People.

You're doing it to push pro nazi propaganda, attempting to gaslight people. You're playing to the crowd. It's funny though; you don't actually seem to CARE about the people. Except how you can get shekels out of them, adulation and blind worship for 'the high priest hooded cobra'. I'm choosing to answer so they can make informed decisions.

You don't get the free ride anymore, to come roaring in here and post whatever sabotage you want. You earned your ban. Don't try to flip the script. I don't owe you my platform. This place is for people who are not behaving as criminals, who aren't spamming, who have legitimate posts to make. I want them to feel comfortable here, feel free to have discussion without the incessant bullying. It's oppressive, and negative.

The other reason I'm choosing to respond is because maybe...I can help you. Because you did post this:

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The first Red Dawn account featuring the image of the fat man ( I wonder if that's really how you look) I know is one of yours. You're also behind the seeker accounts, big dog, many others.

Once the original red dawn was nuked, you came right back as amungus. Just as you are doing even as I post this as lightning1, 2, etc...We saw this pattern in the TruthSeeker 1 through whatever number it is now and then in TheRealTruthSeeker1 through 8 or whatever it is now. It's a pattern. You insist to push yourself on people and you want people to know its YOU. Stop attempting to claim these are 'random' accounts. Amungus is RedDawn. You admitted it yourself on the confessions of a monster thread:

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Now, if what you're saying in the post I'm Retiring is true – and I think it is - you have some serious problems. It's reflected in the manner in which you abuse my forum, myself and others here, like a person asking a simple question. You couldn't just leave them alone. You just HAD to interject that same old negativity, in an effort to shut that person up, make them feel unwelcome and drive them off the forum:

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Looking past the gaslighting aspect of the post I'm retiring (I'm leaving, it's all soooo sick – then you're right back again – so it was all theatre), I think I see a cry for help. I think some of it was actually true. You said: “I have serious problems”. That's true.

Choose to reform. Stop hounding people here, calling people a jew, stop making them feel unwelcome. Stop interjecting negative bullshit everywhere, stop harassing me, everything I do and say, stop harassing my forum and people in it. Start focussing on your life, not mine. Start working on yourself. You DO need help. Start focussing that considerable attention and energy on yourself.

You got yourself into trouble with malicious entities fucking your life up because you've been inviting them in and worshipping them. When mamba offered himself to Satan to possess him, Satan said NO.

Satan isn't interested in our worship or in possessing us. That is of the negative entities. So, while you might have thought they were The Gods....apparently you were deceived. Because true godlike extra dimensional beings aren't going to act like that. Know them by their fruits.

You need to send the negatives away. You do so by ceasing to hand over your power, your personal sovereignty to them. Remember maxine stating how she would be attacked, and she would just keep telling them: you're wasting your time? That's a good way. Don't give them fear and hate, both are a form of food for negative entities. Merely cease placing your attention on them, feeding them. If you have to deal with their BS, don't get emotional.

And definitely stop giving them your worship.

Satan has shown us the One True God is the one within. Your body is the temple of your soul, as long as you are here incarnate. Place reverence in it, worship the god within. As long as you're alive, you can learn, grow, and change your ways. That means things like taking the time to invest in yourself, learning new things, feeding yourself the best you can both physically and mentally and practicing the golden rule. You have to raise your frequency.

If you want people to listen to you, you need to stop hounding and attacking them. Frame yourself in a non aggressive non violent way. Posting porn of women having their faces ejaculated on and scat porn is a form of abuse, for example. It's sexual abuse. It's meant to be threatening, and its aimed at me, as I'm the woman who owns this forum. You need to stop giving into these kinds of impulses. Aren't you better than that? Don't you WANT to be better than that? I may not find out who you are, but I'm not the one you have to face in the mirror every day.

You need logic and reason, less emotionalism. Coming roaring in with kike kike kike is pure emotionalism. Screaming and hammering on somebody's front door isn't going to persuade them to open it and let you in.

Pushing yourself onto others, into their personal space, as we see you doing here, via hounding and harassing, spreading low vibrational energy isn't 'working to help humanity' because nobody wants to hear from you. You make yourself so disagreeable nobody wants to give you the time of day. It's not good. You need to raise those vibrations. Take responsibility for your actions. Don't project onto others. Lead by example. Your actions here are not setting a good example.

Don't surrender your humanity.

The behaviour you're exhibiting is not that of someone in touch with their humanity rather; after years of being steeped in hatred, you have become like the thing you hate. These alien beings are insidious and they know us better than we know ourselves. They WANT you to fall for that. When you surrender your humanity, they win. I want you to see, and do better. I was pretty sure it was you cobra, when you posted the I'm retiring. But I still said this:

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I mean it. You need healing. I hope you get it.

There is an article I came across some time ago online, I saved it because it is so very revealing of how this negative entity ET group thinks, their MO. Here is a quote from that document. I'll post it in its entirety as well. But here, look at this:

“We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never will they see that from their conflict, we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other.”
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

You're very determined to get in the last word and try to sell this isn't cobra. When it obviously is (refusing to accept you're banned).

But hey, great news! You're finally done spamming and trolling!

You want to 'suggest' I work to expose this ET agenda? Maybe if I wasn't having to deal with your unending spam, bullying and criminal harassment and business sabotage, I might have some time to do so :)

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Me enforcing my own forum rules - no criminal activity - and business sabotage IS A CRIMINAL ACTIVITY - which you have admitted over and over is what YOU have been engaged in, thus earning your ban - and somehow this is YOU 'exposing' ME? SMH.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: muh

Post by BlackOrbit666 »

Godfather9 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:01 pm
JoyOfSatan wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:54 pm
Godfather9 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:48 pm
We can't let them win and destroy the Jos!!

This place is full of malicious criminal jews that actively work against humanity!!

You are not alone in this fight brother!!
It definitely is yes. Please be careful with this wej BlackOrbit666 as he asked Merlyn yesterday or something to give him the facebook account of someone who doxxed Merlyn. This dude BlackOrbit is after personal information and is probably involved in criminal activity and doxxing based on his last replies on JoS where the thrown death threats at everybody.
Are you done talking with yourself?

Come on, you are already boring.

Never have I doxxed someone and never will as I know it is illegal.

But, how about you, Cobra?

How much people on the not with the JOS side have been doxxed by you and how many children were groomed with the help of the businessman that was then arrested for being involved with you and your scamming and doxxing and grooming operations?

Come on, I wair for another narrative of yours to come in.

Next thing you will say will probably be that I created your account and pretend all this years into being a HP and post sermons and other stuff like this into tricking innocent people into donating over 100$ to supposed spiritual development, which, it is only your doing and not mines.

I am not the one hungry for personal information by the way, please learn to read.

I only asked Merlyn to see if he got the information of the individual who doxxed him in order to report her to Facebook for inadequate behavior.

The sure thing is that I never asked for Merlyn's Facebook and never will ask.

On the other hand, Cobra, maybe you take up some grammar books that you presumably have on your shelf and for Pete's sake learn to write.

It is not that hard, lol :lol:

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Re: muh

Post by BlackOrbit666 »

Godfather9 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:29 pm
BlackOrbit666 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:20 pm How much people on the not with the JOS side have been doxxed by you and how many children were groomed with the help of the businessman that was then arrested for being involved with you and your scamming and doxxing and grooming operations?

Come on, I wair for another narrative of yours to come in.

Next thing you will say will probably be that I created your account and pretend all this years into being a HP and post sermons and other stuff like this into tricking innocent people into donating over 100$ to supposed spiritual development, which, it is only your doing and not mines.

I am not the one hungry for personal information by the way, please learn to read.

I only asked Merlyn to see if he got the information of the individual who doxxed him in order to report her to Facebook for inadequate behavior.

The sure thing is that I never asked for Merlyn's Facebook and never will ask.

On the other hand, Cobra, maybe you take up some grammar books that you presumably have on your shelf and for Pete's sake learn to write.

It is not that hard, lol :lol:
I don't know what are you talking about with Cobra doxxing people and grooming children and scams and businessmen, I never heard of this in my life. This sound information demands sound evidence, otherwise is pointless and a machination against Cobra. Or maybe this is what you dreamed last night or something.

Asking someone on the internet to give the facebook account of a person who doxxed them just to report that account to facebook... seems a bit off. You probably have totally different intentions with that account.
Different intentions like what?

Using it as a makeup tool in the digital space :lol:

Come on, please stop playing the innocent card.

Everyone knows that Godfather is Siatris who is Cobra.

After I received the We See You psychologically coercive private message, your account came up and talked with the JoyOfSatan account.

More "surprisingly" the Godfather9 account and the JoyOfSatan account where created simultaneously with a difference of only one (1) hour.
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Re: muh

Post by Merlyn83 »

BlackOrbit666 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:20 pm
Godfather9 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:01 pm
JoyOfSatan wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:54 pm

We can't let them win and destroy the Jos!!

This place is full of malicious criminal jews that actively work against humanity!!

You are not alone in this fight brother!!
It definitely is yes. Please be careful with this wej BlackOrbit666 as he asked Merlyn yesterday or something to give him the facebook account of someone who doxxed Merlyn. This dude BlackOrbit is after personal information and is probably involved in criminal activity and doxxing based on his last replies on JoS where the thrown death threats at everybody.
Are you done talking with yourself?

Come on, you are already boring.

Never have I doxxed someone and never will as I know it is illegal.

But, how about you, Cobra?

How much people on the not with the JOS side have been doxxed by you and how many children were groomed with the help of the businessman that was then arrested for being involved with you and your scamming and doxxing and grooming operations?

Come on, I wair for another narrative of yours to come in.

Next thing you will say will probably be that I created your account and pretend all this years into being a HP and post sermons and other stuff like this into tricking innocent people into donating over 100$ to supposed spiritual development, which, it is only your doing and not mines.

I am not the one hungry for personal information by the way, please learn to read.

I only asked Merlyn to see if he got the information of the individual who doxxed him in order to report her to Facebook for inadequate behavior.

The sure thing is that I never asked for Merlyn's Facebook and never will ask.

On the other hand, Cobra, maybe you take up some grammar books that you presumably have on your shelf and for Pete's sake learn to write.

It is not that hard, lol :lol:
BlackOrbit is telling the truth. Lol he never asked for my personal information.
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Re: muh

Post by Hurricane1 »

Merlyn83 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:48 pm BlackOrbit is telling the truth. Lol he never asked for my personal information.
I wanted to say to please read my comment carefully but it's been rudely censored. What I said is why he is asking you for the facebook account of the person who doxxed you, not your facebook account. This dude is clearly up to something illegal. Most people here are anonymous, how can he ask for a facebook account?
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Re: muh

Post by BlackOrbit666 »

Hurricane1 wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:02 pm
Merlyn83 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:48 pm BlackOrbit is telling the truth. Lol he never asked for my personal information.
I wanted to say to please read my comment carefully but it's been rudely censored. What I said is why he is asking you for the facebook account of the person who doxxed you, not your facebook account. This dude is clearly up to something illegal. Most people here are anonymous, how can he ask for a facebook account?
Based on what I have said, to report the account that doxxed Merlyn.

I am not intending nor will I ever intend to use Merlyn or other people's information.

Please learn to read the things I stipulate in a very easy to understand way.

I am not up to something illegal, you and the other fifteen or more accounts of yours are.

I know who you are as the pretext of me supposedly intending to report the account and using this as a cover for "muh illegal action" is used by the same individual who ran the Godfather9 account and the JoyOfSatan account at the same time.

Proud Cancerian with Scorpio Ascendant ♋ ♏
Ave Satanas