HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

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HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by Trucker »

Guys check out the Announcement: Joy Of Satan Guardians topic https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.ph ... &start=150

After the official announcement of those 4 chosen members promoted in rank there were only a few members (20) who congratulated the nominees !! and those congratulations were made half-heartedly out of politeness or obligation :lol:
Hoodedcobra put his gf and another 3 losers as JoS guardians lol
only 20 members and not even those very convinced lmfao
it's more than obvious that HP HC lost the trust

Last time when Hoodedcobra tried tu pull somenthing like this was when he gave privileges to some members to post without moderation, then his chosen people were a few drug users like slyscorpion
Hoodedcobra and his gf Lydia said that only trusted members can be off mod on JoS
Can you imagine that! drug users are trusted people on JOS!
slycorpion is known for his addiction to porn and drugs and not just porn, eat shit porn lol
yup very representative for JOS and Hoodedcobra

Back then situation BS backfired on him https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.ph ... membership
The whistler was shot ofcourse, anyoane who dare to question HC decision is banned as always

After this last event i checked the members status and guess what in 2020 were around 500 active members on JOS now how many ? now based on last days activity arround 200 active members and most of them are new members
But Hoodedcobra says JOS is growing :lol:

Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by Seeker83 »

I'm on those forums under Nazidruid83 ....I just can't bear it anymore there. It feels heavy and I want to throw up. So I rarely post there.
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Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by siatris_stings_you »

we know u are syd, stfu lil bitch.

u know the accts you make

stfu retard, lol
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Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by Snakeway »

It will not they will prattle on forever among themselves
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Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by Lexy »

Seeker83 wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 8:20 pm I'm on those forums under Nazidruid83 ....I just can't bear it anymore there. It feels heavy and I want to throw up. So I rarely post there.
I'm there to, its full of crap
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Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by Lexy »

This Slyscorpion actually made a video and slandered jos and now Hoodedblahblah considers Sly his best friend and a trusted jos member :::)))) awesome but Sly is not the only who did that, i will tell you later about the rest of the gang, waiting a bit, i dont want to spoil Hoodedblah blah's surprise
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Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by Watchers666 »

siatris_stings_you wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 10:17 pm we know u are syd, stfu lil bitch.

u know the accts you make

stfu retard, lol
Your assumptions so far have been wrong

Rather than looking for the guilty here, you should first take a closer look at your own backyard.

This platform was created for attacking , defamation doxxing etc., but because free speech is allowed it attracts all sorts of people including confused and unhappy JOS members

Cause and effect

Why do people leave JOS ? Why are members confused and unhappy on JOS? Who are the people giving false information on JOS? Who are the people recruiting members on JOS and for whom? Who is pushing people to leave JOS? Who is defaming doxxing and attacking legitimate JOS members both privately and publicly with fake accounts? Who are the people who are campaigning to smear JOS?

Those who do this are the same here are the same on JOS and other platforms
Hard to believe, I know but if you put things together you would see

Another example of cause and effect is lack of communication, communication should be clear to all both beginners and advanced, but if you are arrogant and respond defensively and ignore people who want to help you then who is to blame ?

Useful idiots are only useful if they are your own and not working for the enemy, but knowing that you love butt kissers you will not accept that just as you don't accept your mistakes and always look for the guilty elsewhere.

Trust is not a given
When you lose people's trust people will look for alternatives when they don't find alternatives they will create

The free lessons end here, if you want professional counselling you can contact me dear Cobra I will give you a discount and as an offer I will also reveal who is plotting against you as it is obvious you have no clue.
Last edited by Watchers666 on Thu Jan 20, 2022 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by HPBlackMamba »

Watchers666 wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:12 am
This platform was created for attacking , defamation doxxing etc., but because free speech is allowed it attracts all sorts of people including confused and unhappy JOS members

This platform was NOT created for attacking, defamation and doxxing etc. Please read our terms of service again.
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Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by Edrix »

siatris_stings_you wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 10:17 pm we know u are syd, stfu lil bitch.

u know the accts you make

stfu retard, lol
the JOS 'guardians' inspires people like the guy i quoted above,

Since guardians requires being 'off mod' and sly became off mod from trolling this forums, siatris is trying to also trying to gain favor with cobra by trolling here,

https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.ph ... 01#p289301
according to cobra, sly was 'heavily slandered' by the 'enemy', so cobra found that a good reason to take him off mod.
what cobra was to dumb to realize is that the person who attacked and slandered sly was siatris, who also came to this forum and was calling sly a traitor and harassing him a lot.

in other words, the enemy cobra is referring to is actually siatris, it also means that siatris cucked himself and got sly off mod while he's still desperately trying to get off mod by trolling this forum hoping that cobra would notice him, despite the fact that cobra told him not to come here lol.

https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfir ... ANISM.html
According to maxine,
"Satanism is the elite of religions. Like Special Forces in the military, we are those who have special abilities; those who are feared and respected by many."
Yet here you have siatris trolling the forums like a 10yo kid, posting a bunch of profanity and harassing people, so much for 'elite' i guess.

Re: HoodedCobra it's gonna crash the JoS

Post by Seeker83 »

Lexy wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:07 am This Slyscorpion actually made a video and slandered jos and now Hoodedblahblah considers Sly his best friend and a trusted jos member :::)))) awesome but Sly is not the only who did that, i will tell you later about the rest of the gang, waiting a bit, i dont want to spoil Hoodedblah blah's surprise
Well you can message me if you want. I'm an open book. As far as JoS goes. No more energy to give...
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