My response to Urban Zombie

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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by AnonPoster »

ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:57 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:55 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:46 am

You: My first hand experience prove me the Gods wants to release this planet from enslavement. They also provided me with help beyond any doubt at a personal level.

Me: Lol, you sound just like me... 6 to 7 years ago. =) Back when I was still following the JoS... How I use to tell myself these things... How I use to run away from the obvious redflags to the safety of my comfort zone. If you're a legit human being; it's going to come back to haunt you in the long run... And I can't ((unfortunately)) telepathically send you the information ((through vibes)) into where you would actually get that hint; as I have this astral attachment on me that prevents me from doing so. You should read what I wrote here... About the Hotel California and the boiling frog metaphor... Maybe you'll get a hint then...? I doubt it though; viewtopic.php?t=684&start=20 <------ Read my last comment directed at Urban Zombie.

You: Maybe you have better chances if you learn astrology and look into your own chart to uderstand yourself better.

Me: Ahahaha... I bet you follow Western astrology, eh...? The same form of astrology HC promotes? You do know that Western astrology is proven to be inaccurate... Your western sun sign is not your actual sign; and actual scientists ((astronomers)) have proved this. If you want a more accurate form of astrology; then I recommend Vedic / Sidereal. Your Vedic Sidereal sign is actually astronomically correct.

You: Meditated for a while and soon after throw it all to the garbage? Do you understand that this is a serious fight?

Me: LOL! You have no idea the shit I been through; honestly... I'm surprised I still fear death after all the life and death situations I've been placed in ((directly)) by astral entities.

As for meditation... There was a time in my life that I was meditating every week, and almost everyday of that week for sometimes 2 to 3 hours a day. I was doing chakra meditations... Third eye meditations. Energy meditations, void... Yoga. Breathing exercises... I was pretty much doing it all dude, and I kept it up for about 6 months ((Total)) and I began to open up my third eye... Feel energy, sense it... Program and direct it. I was beginning to see the third itself when I would close my eyes; and even in some cases I would even be able to see through my own eyelids. It got to that point to where I was seeing the orbs/ stars floating around my room... Outside... Out in public places too. The colors of these orbs would varie; some would appear gold... Some red; and some even blue. They would sometimes FLASH ((like a camera flash)). If I focused on these orbs long enough; I would star to make out a body that the star itself was in; like a ghost if you will...? A spirit. I came to the conclusion that these stars were souls. After seeing the actual spirits is when my life changed... Completely.

The more you vibrate with them; the more they're able to interact with you, and even TOUCH YOU ((physically)). Some of the shit I saw was giant insects too... Like centipedes, spiders... And even wasps and flying beetles of some sort. The centipede one looked extremely dangerous; and that was 1 experience that kept me from advancing further. 1 out of the many experiences... Another experience was waking up in the middle of the night; with one of these astral entities placing a pillow over your head and demonstrating the fact that it could easily crush my skull in. Such experiences ((which I doubt you've came close to even having)) happened to me quite often; and trust me... These scare tactics work. You have no idea man... lol. At least I doubt you do, unless you're an agent-smith type... Just playing the role of a fool. =)

You: Also go and speak with Satan but do it for real and not bullshit

Me: Have plenty of times... He never helped me with shit; and the shit he did help me with ultimately didn't matter ((in the long run)).
Sorry I told you this





I fucking don't and won't read it. Write normally snd I fucking will. Will you?

I need to go now anyway. Start meditating daily ok. Clean your aura and soul snd do yoga for a start.

Bye bye you maniac. If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Stop being weak and needy and do something concrete.
Lol, this guy/ host or w/e he is... I had a feeling I was being trolled/ or agent-smithed again. /sigh... When am I going to learn...? Probably never...

And you won't read my comment, because you're scared of what I wrote... You don't want to acknowledge my experiences. For what reason; I do not know, but if you're an actual human ((troll)) then I would say that the reason is obvious. Just like me years ago... Didn't want to acknowledge the fact that there is no 'Gods' here to guide you out; you truly **ARE** on your own.

You: If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Me: A wet chair...? Rofl... Why that? And I'll take the bait; once again... lol.

You better hope the entity doesn't leave me... Because it's the entity that's protecting you from me now; and unlike you... I wouldn't have to physically put my hands on your bitch-ass in order to cause you real harm. lol. You get away with talking to me the way you do, because of this astral attachment on me and the protection of the Greys... Use to be a time in my life ((when they didn't have as much power over me as they do now)) and guys like you would think twice when yapping those little mouths of theirs. =) How I wish I can go back to those times... lol. "You never realize what you have until it's lost"

Ok I read this one.

Stupid ass. I am not trolling you. I would beat you or that thing inside you. It's a natural reaction TO HELP YOU. That shit it's opposing me it's like a force.
I had a fucking nightmare with that scarry shit inside you. Because I connected to you. It came to me in my dream.

That shit it's terrifying It gave me creeps. It came to me. It wants you striclty for himself.

You show split personalities. You never know with who you're taking to. Sometimes it's you sometimes it's rhat thing. I can't even believe I am saying this but it's REAL.

Go to the native americans in your community to some expert and see if you can get it out of you. I don't know what it is but it won't stop. It's grows stong inside you.

I had a Simmilar experience with another guy who doesn't know to be a human host the same way you are. YOU ARE POSSESED. Somebody told me this and I did not believe it until I check it about the other guy. It's very Simmilar to your case. It will fuck up your entire existence and you need help. Some advanced help and no one here will be able to give it to you.

Listen to my advice and do something or everybody else will run out of your life.
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by AnonPoster »

AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:36 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:57 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:55 am

Sorry I told you this





I fucking don't and won't read it. Write normally snd I fucking will. Will you?

I need to go now anyway. Start meditating daily ok. Clean your aura and soul snd do yoga for a start.

Bye bye you maniac. If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Stop being weak and needy and do something concrete.
Lol, this guy/ host or w/e he is... I had a feeling I was being trolled/ or agent-smithed again. /sigh... When am I going to learn...? Probably never...

And you won't read my comment, because you're scared of what I wrote... You don't want to acknowledge my experiences. For what reason; I do not know, but if you're an actual human ((troll)) then I would say that the reason is obvious. Just like me years ago... Didn't want to acknowledge the fact that there is no 'Gods' here to guide you out; you truly **ARE** on your own.

You: If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Me: A wet chair...? Rofl... Why that? And I'll take the bait; once again... lol.

You better hope the entity doesn't leave me... Because it's the entity that's protecting you from me now; and unlike you... I wouldn't have to physically put my hands on your bitch-ass in order to cause you real harm. lol. You get away with talking to me the way you do, because of this astral attachment on me and the protection of the Greys... Use to be a time in my life ((when they didn't have as much power over me as they do now)) and guys like you would think twice when yapping those little mouths of theirs. =) How I wish I can go back to those times... lol. "You never realize what you have until it's lost"

Ok I read this one.

Stupid ass. I am not trolling you. I would beat you or that thing inside you. It's a natural reaction TO HELP YOU. That shit it's opposing me it's like a force.
I had a fucking nightmare with that scarry shit inside you. Because I connected to you. It came to me in my dream.

That shit it's terrifying It gave me creeps. It came to me. It wants you striclty for himself.

You show split personalities. You never know with who you're taking to. Sometimes it's you sometimes it's rhat thing. I can't even believe I am saying this but it's REAL.

Go to the native americans in your community to some expert and see if you can get it out of you. I don't know what it is but it won't stop. It's grows stong inside you.

I had a Simmilar experience with another guy who doesn't know to be a human host the same way you are. YOU ARE POSSESED. Somebody told me this and I did not believe it until I check it about the other guy. It's very Simmilar to your case. It will fuck up your entire existence and you need help. Some advanced help and no one here will be able to give it to you.

Listen to my advice and do something or everybody else will run out of your life.

You are the 3rd case of possession I am seeing. You and this person, strictly online. This person has his life totally DESTROYED as well.

The first one was with a friend in real life. She was a satanist as well but not SS I don't know exactly what she was doing. The bad part is she was smoking green all the time. I told her to stop but she was refusing. Her practices most probably were a mix of everything.

Friends for many years. After a while she visited me. We start talking and shit and at some point when she looked into my eyes I FREEZE. I saw SOMEBODY ELSE. Still her but inside her someone else looked at me.

Be aware. The first very time. So I pretended everything is fine and carry on with whatever we were talking. She was strange asked me to kill her mother in a ritual, I declined. She was mad at me. I seen no reasons plus it was between her and her mother, this request was ridiculous.

The next few days she was texting me telling she feels like a new person. She is feeling amazing. She is different. A new reborn person.

I freeze again it gave me creeps and this time I told her the truth about what I witnessed.

We haven't spoke much after a while but I heard all kind of calamities happening in her life in business and personal departement bad luck after bad luck.

I warn you Born in Hell, do something NOW before it's too late and take that shit out of you!
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:36 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:57 am
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:55 am

Sorry I told you this





I fucking don't and won't read it. Write normally snd I fucking will. Will you?

I need to go now anyway. Start meditating daily ok. Clean your aura and soul snd do yoga for a start.

Bye bye you maniac. If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Stop being weak and needy and do something concrete.
Lol, this guy/ host or w/e he is... I had a feeling I was being trolled/ or agent-smithed again. /sigh... When am I going to learn...? Probably never...

And you won't read my comment, because you're scared of what I wrote... You don't want to acknowledge my experiences. For what reason; I do not know, but if you're an actual human ((troll)) then I would say that the reason is obvious. Just like me years ago... Didn't want to acknowledge the fact that there is no 'Gods' here to guide you out; you truly **ARE** on your own.

You: If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Me: A wet chair...? Rofl... Why that? And I'll take the bait; once again... lol.

You better hope the entity doesn't leave me... Because it's the entity that's protecting you from me now; and unlike you... I wouldn't have to physically put my hands on your bitch-ass in order to cause you real harm. lol. You get away with talking to me the way you do, because of this astral attachment on me and the protection of the Greys... Use to be a time in my life ((when they didn't have as much power over me as they do now)) and guys like you would think twice when yapping those little mouths of theirs. =) How I wish I can go back to those times... lol. "You never realize what you have until it's lost"

Ok I read this one.

Stupid ass. I am not trolling you. I would beat you or that thing inside you. It's a natural reaction TO HELP YOU. That shit it's opposing me it's like a force.
I had a fucking nightmare with that scarry shit inside you. Because I connected to you. It came to me in my dream.

That shit it's terrifying It gave me creeps. It came to me. It wants you striclty for himself.

You show split personalities. You never know with who you're taking to. Sometimes it's you sometimes it's rhat thing. I can't even believe I am saying this but it's REAL.

Go to the native americans in your community to some expert and see if you can get it out of you. I don't know what it is but it won't stop. It's grows stong inside you.

I had a Simmilar experience with another guy who doesn't know to be a human host the same way you are. YOU ARE POSSESED. Somebody told me this and I did not believe it until I check it about the other guy. It's very Simmilar to your case. It will fuck up your entire existence and you need help. Some advanced help and no one here will be able to give it to you.

Listen to my advice and do something or everybody else will run out of your life.
You're telling me everything I already know; retard ((besides me being a complete host; which I'm not, but it seems I'm definitely becoming one))... And it's on me, because of what I'm capable of on a psychic level; ((which you, or anyone else would never believe me about even if I told you; if you're legit... Which I'd be willing to bet that you're not)). And you can't do anything about it; despite **Strangely** knowing about it, because you're either one yourself ((and if so; then you don't want to despite acting like you do)), or 2. You're weak and were allowed to have that experience... They telepathically showed you the truth ((to a degree; or more, but I don't believe you saw the entire picture when it comes to my situation; in fact, I know you didn't if you are actually legit... Which again; I doubt you are)). They telepathically showed you what they wanted to show you; which ((no doubt some of it)) is true; if not most of it... They showed you, because you're too weak to see it for yourself. Other than that though; they never showed you the entire picture; but again... This is 'assuming' that you're legit; and if you are... Your time will come too. Very likely not in the form of the same situation that I'm in, but it will come. I haven't met anyone who seemed to be in the very same situation as me; besides for a few people... And I'm not too certain whether they were making that shit up or not; got a lot of reptilians walking around me; and other-types of aliens. You can never be too sure who's actually human and who's not. ... 0f5Fmx.jpg <------- Only those with a third eye open can see em.

And if you did beat me ((which is pretty much up to the system itself/ and the aliens that placed this thing on me)), then you'd better hope you'd kill me in the process... Because I'd be coming after you... And if ((by some miracle)) this creature were to lose it's grip on me... I'd be on ya; and I'll probably kill you... Very slowly; once I do catch up with you. =) But the creature on me would very likely never allow that to happen; or the aliens that ultimately control this entire system, and to get past the system/ and them would take a miracle. They want piss-ants like you to flex upon me... Guys like you that would never have the spine to do it on a fair playing ground.

But it's strange that you would know quite a bit of my situation; while saying that you desire to "Beat me", and judging you by all the weird shit you said to me in the past, and completely ignoring certain points I made against you in counter-arguments, makes me believe that you are one of these aliens, and the vessel you occupy now is one that no longer holding a human soul; and if there is a human soul somewhere in your vessel ((assuming that you are like me)); then you seem to have lost your fight. Either way though; if worse does come for me... Enjoy your lebowski. :) "The Jewish dream is on Screen"
Last edited by ImprisonedSoul on Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

And the Native American community won't help me; because they work along side with the GREYS... The very aliens that the Jews work directly with; as with all spiritual 'leaders' on the planet. The Native American tribal system is **PART** of the system.

Another thing I find strange; the creature on me is a giant INSECT of some sort... You obviously didn't see it in all it's glory , that or you're not wanting to talk about it... It's insect appearance ((which is it's true appearance)). Why...? Care to tell me?
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by AnonPoster »

ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:27 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:36 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:57 am

Lol, this guy/ host or w/e he is... I had a feeling I was being trolled/ or agent-smithed again. /sigh... When am I going to learn...? Probably never...

And you won't read my comment, because you're scared of what I wrote... You don't want to acknowledge my experiences. For what reason; I do not know, but if you're an actual human ((troll)) then I would say that the reason is obvious. Just like me years ago... Didn't want to acknowledge the fact that there is no 'Gods' here to guide you out; you truly **ARE** on your own.

You: If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Me: A wet chair...? Rofl... Why that? And I'll take the bait; once again... lol.

You better hope the entity doesn't leave me... Because it's the entity that's protecting you from me now; and unlike you... I wouldn't have to physically put my hands on your bitch-ass in order to cause you real harm. lol. You get away with talking to me the way you do, because of this astral attachment on me and the protection of the Greys... Use to be a time in my life ((when they didn't have as much power over me as they do now)) and guys like you would think twice when yapping those little mouths of theirs. =) How I wish I can go back to those times... lol. "You never realize what you have until it's lost"

Ok I read this one.

Stupid ass. I am not trolling you. I would beat you or that thing inside you. It's a natural reaction TO HELP YOU. That shit it's opposing me it's like a force.
I had a fucking nightmare with that scarry shit inside you. Because I connected to you. It came to me in my dream.

That shit it's terrifying It gave me creeps. It came to me. It wants you striclty for himself.

You show split personalities. You never know with who you're taking to. Sometimes it's you sometimes it's rhat thing. I can't even believe I am saying this but it's REAL.

Go to the native americans in your community to some expert and see if you can get it out of you. I don't know what it is but it won't stop. It's grows stong inside you.

I had a Simmilar experience with another guy who doesn't know to be a human host the same way you are. YOU ARE POSSESED. Somebody told me this and I did not believe it until I check it about the other guy. It's very Simmilar to your case. It will fuck up your entire existence and you need help. Some advanced help and no one here will be able to give it to you.

Listen to my advice and do something or everybody else will run out of your life.
You're telling me everything I already know; retard ((besides me being a complete host; which I'm not, but it seems I'm definitely becoming one))... And it's on me, because of what I'm capable of ((which you, or anyone else would never believe me if I told you; if you're legit... Which I'd be willing to bet that you're not)). And you can't do anything about it; despite **Strangely** knowing about it, because you're either one yourself, or 2. You were allowed that experience... They telepathically showed you the truth ((to a degree; or more, but I don't believe you saw the entire picture when it comes to my situation; in fact, I know you didn't if you are actually legit... Which again; I doubt you are)).

And if you did beat me ((which is pretty much up to the system itself/ and the aliens that placed this thing on me)), then you'd better hope you'd kill me in the process... Because I'd be coming after you... And if ((by some miracle)) this creature were to lose it's grip on me... I'd be on ya; and I'll probably kill you... Very slowly; once I do catch up with you. =) But the creature on me would very likely never allow that to happen; or the aliens that ultimately control this entire system, and to get past the system/ and them would take a miracle. They want piss-ants like you to flex upon me... Guys like you that would never have the spine to do it on a fair playing ground.

But it's strange that you would know quite a bit of my situation; while saying that you desire to "Beat me", and judging you by all the weird shit you said to me in the past, and completely ignoring certain points I made against you in counter-arguments, makes me believe that you are one of these aliens, and the vessel you occupy now is one that no longer holding a human soul; and if there is a human soul somewhere in your vessel ((assuming that you are like me)); then you seem to have lost your fight. Either way though; if worse does come for me... Enjoy your lebowski. :) "The Jewish dream is on Screen"

You are totally lost. I don't know with who I am talking the original you or your host, however it doesn't matter anymore. I don't see salvation in you. Only by some miracle.

I warn everybody to stay away from you or face dire consequences!

I connected to you and had the worse nightmare of my life. That shit inside you wanted to freak me up and it did.

Stay away guys from this person there is nothing you can do to save him anymore!
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:47 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:27 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:36 pm

Ok I read this one.

Stupid ass. I am not trolling you. I would beat you or that thing inside you. It's a natural reaction TO HELP YOU. That shit it's opposing me it's like a force.
I had a fucking nightmare with that scarry shit inside you. Because I connected to you. It came to me in my dream.

That shit it's terrifying It gave me creeps. It came to me. It wants you striclty for himself.

You show split personalities. You never know with who you're taking to. Sometimes it's you sometimes it's rhat thing. I can't even believe I am saying this but it's REAL.

Go to the native americans in your community to some expert and see if you can get it out of you. I don't know what it is but it won't stop. It's grows stong inside you.

I had a Simmilar experience with another guy who doesn't know to be a human host the same way you are. YOU ARE POSSESED. Somebody told me this and I did not believe it until I check it about the other guy. It's very Simmilar to your case. It will fuck up your entire existence and you need help. Some advanced help and no one here will be able to give it to you.

Listen to my advice and do something or everybody else will run out of your life.
You're telling me everything I already know; retard ((besides me being a complete host; which I'm not, but it seems I'm definitely becoming one))... And it's on me, because of what I'm capable of ((which you, or anyone else would never believe me if I told you; if you're legit... Which I'd be willing to bet that you're not)). And you can't do anything about it; despite **Strangely** knowing about it, because you're either one yourself, or 2. You were allowed that experience... They telepathically showed you the truth ((to a degree; or more, but I don't believe you saw the entire picture when it comes to my situation; in fact, I know you didn't if you are actually legit... Which again; I doubt you are)).

And if you did beat me ((which is pretty much up to the system itself/ and the aliens that placed this thing on me)), then you'd better hope you'd kill me in the process... Because I'd be coming after you... And if ((by some miracle)) this creature were to lose it's grip on me... I'd be on ya; and I'll probably kill you... Very slowly; once I do catch up with you. =) But the creature on me would very likely never allow that to happen; or the aliens that ultimately control this entire system, and to get past the system/ and them would take a miracle. They want piss-ants like you to flex upon me... Guys like you that would never have the spine to do it on a fair playing ground.

But it's strange that you would know quite a bit of my situation; while saying that you desire to "Beat me", and judging you by all the weird shit you said to me in the past, and completely ignoring certain points I made against you in counter-arguments, makes me believe that you are one of these aliens, and the vessel you occupy now is one that no longer holding a human soul; and if there is a human soul somewhere in your vessel ((assuming that you are like me)); then you seem to have lost your fight. Either way though; if worse does come for me... Enjoy your lebowski. :) "The Jewish dream is on Screen"

You are totally lost. I don't know with who I am talking the original you or your host, however it doesn't matter anymore. I don't see salvation in you. Only by some miracle.

I warn everybody to stay away from you or face dire consequences!

I connected to you and had the worse nightmare of my life. That shit inside you wanted to freak me up and it did.

Stay away guys from this person there is nothing you can do to save him anymore!
You're a pussy... The creature on me doesn't come close to the same level of scary that I can get to. lol. And I can say the same for any legit gentile... Continue hiding behind the system ((whether you're legit or not)); coward. =)
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by AnonPoster »

ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:53 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:47 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:27 pm

You're telling me everything I already know; retard ((besides me being a complete host; which I'm not, but it seems I'm definitely becoming one))... And it's on me, because of what I'm capable of ((which you, or anyone else would never believe me if I told you; if you're legit... Which I'd be willing to bet that you're not)). And you can't do anything about it; despite **Strangely** knowing about it, because you're either one yourself, or 2. You were allowed that experience... They telepathically showed you the truth ((to a degree; or more, but I don't believe you saw the entire picture when it comes to my situation; in fact, I know you didn't if you are actually legit... Which again; I doubt you are)).

And if you did beat me ((which is pretty much up to the system itself/ and the aliens that placed this thing on me)), then you'd better hope you'd kill me in the process... Because I'd be coming after you... And if ((by some miracle)) this creature were to lose it's grip on me... I'd be on ya; and I'll probably kill you... Very slowly; once I do catch up with you. =) But the creature on me would very likely never allow that to happen; or the aliens that ultimately control this entire system, and to get past the system/ and them would take a miracle. They want piss-ants like you to flex upon me... Guys like you that would never have the spine to do it on a fair playing ground.

But it's strange that you would know quite a bit of my situation; while saying that you desire to "Beat me", and judging you by all the weird shit you said to me in the past, and completely ignoring certain points I made against you in counter-arguments, makes me believe that you are one of these aliens, and the vessel you occupy now is one that no longer holding a human soul; and if there is a human soul somewhere in your vessel ((assuming that you are like me)); then you seem to have lost your fight. Either way though; if worse does come for me... Enjoy your lebowski. :) "The Jewish dream is on Screen"

You are totally lost. I don't know with who I am talking the original you or your host, however it doesn't matter anymore. I don't see salvation in you. Only by some miracle.

I warn everybody to stay away from you or face dire consequences!

I connected to you and had the worse nightmare of my life. That shit inside you wanted to freak me up and it did.

Stay away guys from this person there is nothing you can do to save him anymore!
You're a pussy... The creature on me doesn't come close to the same level of scary that I can get to. Continue hiding behind your 'Gods' ((if they even exist)); or the system itself... Coward. =)

I need self preservation not for myself but for others I look after.
However I could not stay passive looking at your suffering. At least I know for a fact now that its real.
Sorry that I am not able to help. I tried.
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:05 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:36 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:57 am

Lol, this guy/ host or w/e he is... I had a feeling I was being trolled/ or agent-smithed again. /sigh... When am I going to learn...? Probably never...

And you won't read my comment, because you're scared of what I wrote... You don't want to acknowledge my experiences. For what reason; I do not know, but if you're an actual human ((troll)) then I would say that the reason is obvious. Just like me years ago... Didn't want to acknowledge the fact that there is no 'Gods' here to guide you out; you truly **ARE** on your own.

You: If I was in the same room with you, I would had beaten you with a wet chair, (this is how much you piss me off), - that even that entity would get scared and would left you.

Me: A wet chair...? Rofl... Why that? And I'll take the bait; once again... lol.

You better hope the entity doesn't leave me... Because it's the entity that's protecting you from me now; and unlike you... I wouldn't have to physically put my hands on your bitch-ass in order to cause you real harm. lol. You get away with talking to me the way you do, because of this astral attachment on me and the protection of the Greys... Use to be a time in my life ((when they didn't have as much power over me as they do now)) and guys like you would think twice when yapping those little mouths of theirs. =) How I wish I can go back to those times... lol. "You never realize what you have until it's lost"

Ok I read this one.

Stupid ass. I am not trolling you. I would beat you or that thing inside you. It's a natural reaction TO HELP YOU. That shit it's opposing me it's like a force.
I had a fucking nightmare with that scarry shit inside you. Because I connected to you. It came to me in my dream.

That shit it's terrifying It gave me creeps. It came to me. It wants you striclty for himself.

You show split personalities. You never know with who you're taking to. Sometimes it's you sometimes it's rhat thing. I can't even believe I am saying this but it's REAL.

Go to the native americans in your community to some expert and see if you can get it out of you. I don't know what it is but it won't stop. It's grows stong inside you.

I had a Simmilar experience with another guy who doesn't know to be a human host the same way you are. YOU ARE POSSESED. Somebody told me this and I did not believe it until I check it about the other guy. It's very Simmilar to your case. It will fuck up your entire existence and you need help. Some advanced help and no one here will be able to give it to you.

Listen to my advice and do something or everybody else will run out of your life.

You are the 3rd case of possession I am seeing. You and this person, strictly online. This person has his life totally DESTROYED as well.

The first one was with a friend in real life. She was a satanist as well but not SS I don't know exactly what she was doing. The bad part is she was smoking green all the time. I told her to stop but she was refusing. Her practices most probably were a mix of everything.

Friends for many years. After a while she visited me. We start talking and shit and at some point when she looked into my eyes I FREEZE. I saw SOMEBODY ELSE. Still her but inside her someone else looked at me.

Be aware. The first very time. So I pretended everything is fine and carry on with whatever we were talking. She was strange asked me to kill her mother in a ritual, I declined. She was mad at me. I seen no reasons plus it was between her and her mother, this request was ridiculous.

The next few days she was texting me telling she feels like a new person. She is feeling amazing. She is different. A new reborn person.

I freeze again it gave me creeps and this time I told her the truth about what I witnessed.

We haven't spoke much after a while but I heard all kind of calamities happening in her life in business and personal departement bad luck after bad luck.

I warn you Born in Hell, do something NOW before it's too late and take that shit out of you!
A likely story; and if true... Then you were very likely working against her. People like you; is what helped set the stage for my attachment.
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:57 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:53 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:47 pm

You are totally lost. I don't know with who I am talking the original you or your host, however it doesn't matter anymore. I don't see salvation in you. Only by some miracle.

I warn everybody to stay away from you or face dire consequences!

I connected to you and had the worse nightmare of my life. That shit inside you wanted to freak me up and it did.

Stay away guys from this person there is nothing you can do to save him anymore!
You're a pussy... The creature on me doesn't come close to the same level of scary that I can get to. Continue hiding behind your 'Gods' ((if they even exist)); or the system itself... Coward. =)

I need self preservation not for myself but for others I look after.
However I could not stay passive looking at your suffering. At least I know for a fact now that its real.
Sorry that I am not able to help. I tried.
No you didn't, lol... You didn't even come close to trying. =) And you're even scummier for pretending; but then again... It is expected; when it's very possibly coming from a RAINMAN: ... ooM2s.html
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Re: My response to Urban Zombie

Post by AnonPoster »

AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:57 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:53 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:47 pm

You are totally lost. I don't know with who I am talking the original you or your host, however it doesn't matter anymore. I don't see salvation in you. Only by some miracle.

I warn everybody to stay away from you or face dire consequences!

I connected to you and had the worse nightmare of my life. That shit inside you wanted to freak me up and it did.

Stay away guys from this person there is nothing you can do to save him anymore!
You're a pussy... The creature on me doesn't come close to the same level of scary that I can get to. Continue hiding behind your 'Gods' ((if they even exist)); or the system itself... Coward. =)

I need self preservation not for myself but for others I look after.
However I could not stay passive looking at your suffering. At least I know for a fact now that its real.
Sorry that I am not able to help. I tried.
And as a final note I had to become aggresive towarda you and piss you off as a strategy to trigger that shit and see it manifesting better. Not only that it does from there. It was so angry that I came all the way up to me.

I wanted to make sure you are not bullshiting here or other reasons and this prove it to me.

Now the problem comes with the SOLUTIONS. thats the issue.
I am not even sure that thing will allow you to search for solutions or receive help that's the most HORRIBLE thing.

It is BEYOND my abilities to suggest anything else. I am incompetent in sorting this out. Or adding anything else.
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