Western Astrology is not true. Vedic/ Sidereal astrology is correct. ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

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Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

AnonPoster wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:30 am
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:56 am
AnonPoster wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:17 am

That is plainly false and I must fight to crush all falseness and corruption so I will correct you. The tropical western chart is the only accurate chart.

Sieg Heil
Sieg Heil...? Glorifying Adolf Hitler; eh...? The man who helped establish the state of Israel; ultimately giving the Jews a platform on the international world stage...? Of course you are. =)

And Western astrology is promoted in the Jewish mainstream; where as Vedic/ Sidereal isn't. Western/ Tropical astrology is even promoted on major Jewish platforms such as Yahoo. That should tell ya something. lol.
What matters is what works. Sidereal isn't widely used or promoted precisely cause it doesn't work. You can't get away with promoting an inaccurate astrology system in the mainstream because even with the level of the populace currently it would be quickly exposed as fraud.

There are some things even the Jews can't get away with.

Adolf Hitler is a God you will see when he returns to earth in about 17 years fighting along side Satan himself and Maxine who I believe Also is a God now and may be taken to the same place Hitler was. Also his fourth Reich will be set up before his return.

Sieg Heil
You: What matters is what works. Sidereal isn't widely used or promoted precisely cause it doesn't work.

Me: No, more like because people are sheep... And also stupid, unfortunately.

You: You can't get away with promoting an inaccurate astrology system in the mainstream because even with the level of the populace currently it would be quickly exposed as fraud.

Me: Yeah; considering if you're living in a smart society; where people have good critical thinking skills and are able to think for themselves, but we don't live in such a society; and this is why bunk astrology such as Tropical is promoted over more accurate forms of astrology; such as Sidereal.

You: Adolf Hitler is a God you will see when he returns to earth in about 17 years fighting along side Satan himself and Maxine who I believe Also is a God now and may be taken to the same place Hitler was. Also his fourth Reich will be set up before his return.

Adolf Hitler is more than likely a kike; and if not... He definitely sucked their cocks. He played a major role in the creation of Israel... Which was likely the whole purpose behind the orchestration of WW2. A false flag... As all wars are. =)

And on top of that note; No one can be a 'God'. No one can be "untouchables". There's always going to be limits; and there's always going to be strings attached.

And is it just me, or does Hitler look a lot like that faggot chomo Kevin Spacey...? http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2016/12/ ... 653085.jpg

Hitler has this fruity faggot energy about him... As if he was secretly gay. He also has woman hips too... It was probably Hitler's wet dream to get plowed by some very fit Aryan man in his early 20s. LOL!
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Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by AnonPoster »

AnonPoster wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:04 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:21 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:14 pm

May you fucking die in horrors
Ahahaha... So I guess I'm right in that assessment...? =)

Every time a person comes with more than one neuron that persob must be a jew because yeah gentiles are cattle and retards isn't it. This is your logic.

Your wortheless whore mother was too busy to give you attention while fucking niggers , made you to grow up like a leach ...sucking everybody's energy and time. Because you are a failure in life without a bloody purpose. People like you need a lethal injection but from my side I will kill you in horrors. Not because you hold any value on this world or you represent some imaginary threat to any matrix like you would like to say, but simply because you are a leach autistic leech from a wortless family of parasites.
You are an asshole. I can say that much for sure coming on here with your antigay bias and racist views using the n word. We should just ignore you what you spew isn't Satanism it's toxic masculity mixed with being a crackhead (serious i get that vibe off you) and a little Christianity mixed in for good measure.
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Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by AnonPoster »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:28 am
AnonPoster wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:04 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:21 pm

Ahahaha... So I guess I'm right in that assessment...? =)

Every time a person comes with more than one neuron that persob must be a jew because yeah gentiles are cattle and retards isn't it. This is your logic.

Your wortheless whore mother was too busy to give you attention while fucking niggers , made you to grow up like a leach ...sucking everybody's energy and time. Because you are a failure in life without a bloody purpose. People like you need a lethal injection but from my side I will kill you in horrors. Not because you hold any value on this world or you represent some imaginary threat to any matrix like you would like to say, but simply because you are a leach autistic leech from a wortless family of parasites.
You are an asshole. I can say that much for sure coming on here with your antigay bias and racist views using the n word. We should just ignore you what you spew isn't Satanism it's toxic masculity mixed with being a crackhead (serious i get that vibe off you) and a little Christianity mixed in for good measure.
I respect black people and black culture got zero problems with them. If they sleep with their own people and build their own shit.

However, every white woman like this fucker's mother who made him with a native american and then another 2 brothers with a black guy ...deserves to be insulted as such. Those blacks who slept with a white women are niggers just as much as this woman is a whore. End of story.

His mental problems are in direct effect because of his mixed blood and bad education.

By the way I have no problem with LGBT. the only recent problem is that their shit becomes too popular and it's changing the dynamic of what a man should be or a woman. Up until recently I did not notice how those bisexual fuckers who are actually gay try to impose different shit to heterosexual people. How those hypocrite lesbians who don't like the dick but wants vibrator in the shape of a falus are pushing feminism. How toxic is to see women going to work and keeping their man at home and men accepting this crap. I would not go at the transsexual sebject is even worse.
So yeah. LGBT to stay with their own and spread their shit strictly with their own and leave the heterosexual people alone. Once and for all. I am BECOMING disgusted really.

Moreover what those fuckers from LGBT are doing to heterosexuals...you tell them you accept them and to live their life in their accordance BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM. You need to have sex with them otherwise they are offended and you don't prove your acceptance simmilar to what racemixers are doing. They are pushing themseves to you and to society at large ALSO SPREADING IDEAS HOW LIFE SHOULD WORK OR COUPLE'S dinamics or rules for us heterosexuals.


The same with the races. Stay with your own people.
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Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:38 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:28 am
AnonPoster wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:04 pm

Every time a person comes with more than one neuron that persob must be a jew because yeah gentiles are cattle and retards isn't it. This is your logic.

Your wortheless whore mother was too busy to give you attention while fucking niggers , made you to grow up like a leach ...sucking everybody's energy and time. Because you are a failure in life without a bloody purpose. People like you need a lethal injection but from my side I will kill you in horrors. Not because you hold any value on this world or you represent some imaginary threat to any matrix like you would like to say, but simply because you are a leach autistic leech from a wortless family of parasites.
You are an asshole. I can say that much for sure coming on here with your antigay bias and racist views using the n word. We should just ignore you what you spew isn't Satanism it's toxic masculity mixed with being a crackhead (serious i get that vibe off you) and a little Christianity mixed in for good measure.
I respect black people and black culture got zero problems with them. If they sleep with their own people and build their own shit.

However, every white woman like this fucker's mother who made him with a native american and then another 2 brothers with a black guy ...deserves to be insulted as such. Those blacks who slept with a white women are niggers just as much as this woman is a whore. End of story.

His mental problems are in direct effect because of his mixed blood and bad education.

By the way I have no problem with LGBT. the only recent problem is that their shit becomes too popular and it's changing the dynamic of what a man should be or a woman. Up until recently I did not notice how those bisexual fuckers who are actually gay try to impose different shit to heterosexual people. How those hypocrite lesbians who don't like the dick but wants vibrator in the shape of a falus are pushing feminism. How toxic is to see women going to work and keeping their man at home and men accepting this crap. I would not go at the transsexual sebject is even worse.
So yeah. LGBT to stay with their own and spread their shit strictly with their own and leave the heterosexual people alone. Once and for all. I am BECOMING disgusted really.

Moreover what those fuckers from LGBT are doing to heterosexuals...you tell them you accept them and to live their life in their accordance BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM. You need to have sex with them otherwise they are offended and you don't prove your acceptance simmilar to what racemixers are doing. They are pushing themseves to you and to society at large ALSO SPREADING IDEAS HOW LIFE SHOULD WORK OR COUPLE'S dinamics or rules for us heterosexuals.


The same with the races. Stay with your own people.
Mixed blood... And still more powerful than you'll ever be. :) Also; nice bait...

And there's nothing wrong with being a mixed-race individual. Genetics are suppose to be diverse among partners... The closest you are genetic wise then the unhealthier ((in some ways)) you'll be. For example; incest... Fucking your sister will get you one fucked up baby. You even see this with dog breeds; pure bloods always seem to have a lot of health problems.

And yes; I am aware of government studies ((the same government; that is ran and controlled by the Jews and the Greys)) linking mixed-race individuals with having low confidence; and other such problems, which is likely true ((on some level)), but I also believe certain sciences are also suppressed by this same government. There's studies out there that say mixed-race individuals turn out to be better looking when compared to most pure bloods; and I can vouch for this... Personally. ;) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech ... study.html
Last edited by ImprisonedSoul on Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by AnonPoster »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:38 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:28 am
AnonPoster wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:04 pm

Every time a person comes with more than one neuron that persob must be a jew because yeah gentiles are cattle and retards isn't it. This is your logic.

Your wortheless whore mother was too busy to give you attention while fucking niggers , made you to grow up like a leach ...sucking everybody's energy and time. Because you are a failure in life without a bloody purpose. People like you need a lethal injection but from my side I will kill you in horrors. Not because you hold any value on this world or you represent some imaginary threat to any matrix like you would like to say, but simply because you are a leach autistic leech from a wortless family of parasites.
You are an asshole. I can say that much for sure coming on here with your antigay bias and racist views using the n word. We should just ignore you what you spew isn't Satanism it's toxic masculity mixed with being a crackhead (serious i get that vibe off you) and a little Christianity mixed in for good measure.
I respect black people and black culture got zero problems with them. If they sleep with their own people and build their own shit.

However, every white woman like this fucker's mother who made him with a native american and then another 2 brothers with a black guy ...deserves to be insulted as such. Those blacks who slept with a white women are niggers just as much as this woman is a whore. End of story.

His mental problems are in direct effect because of his mixed blood and bad education.

By the way I have no problem with LGBT. the only recent problem is that their shit becomes too popular and it's changing the dynamic of what a man should be or a woman. Up until recently I did not notice how those bisexual fuckers who are actually gay try to impose different shit to heterosexual people. How those hypocrite lesbians who don't like the dick but wants vibrator in the shape of a falus are pushing feminism. How toxic is to see women going to work and keeping their man at home and men accepting this crap. I would not go at the transsexual sebject is even worse.
So yeah. LGBT to stay with their own and spread their shit strictly with their own and leave the heterosexual people alone. Once and for all. I am BECOMING disgusted really.

Moreover what those fuckers from LGBT are doing to heterosexuals...you tell them you accept them and to live their life in their accordance BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM. You need to have sex with them otherwise they are offended and you don't prove your acceptance simmilar to what racemixers are doing. They are pushing themseves to you and to society at large ALSO SPREADING IDEAS HOW LIFE SHOULD WORK OR COUPLE'S dinamics or rules for us heterosexuals.


The same with the races. Stay with your own people.

You want to educate someone go to Jos there is a lady who makes me sick in the stomach called shadow cat.

Why makes me sick in thr stomach because she is stupid and she doesn't understand gender roles. What is self respect as a woman. What also men respects.

She could be very well call a feminist and every "strong independent women" who wants to replace a man duty.

This lady kept her man at home to cook and do shopping while she was working. Because she is a strong independent woman isnt it and in her stupid mind she wanted to prove something to that guy that is is worthy or something this is my guess.

Of course the guy left her. For both reasons. She doesn't respect herself nor him.

Another commenter came and reply that this is an interesting idea and he would like to try it as well. Holy fuck

So yeah, go and educate people there.

Us heterosexual need to be women or men and enhance eachother only in this combination we can help eachother to manifest the beautify of each gender.

What LGBT are doing is not me to decide but I want them to shut the fuck up and speak solely for their identity and people alike. People needs to study at uni about them?! I mean a whole semester wasted for making a whole essay about the difference between sex and gender and other crap????! I study all of this I have been obligated and I DON't WANT TO I AM SICK OF IT IS OF NO USE FOR MY LIFE BELONGING TO A MAJORITY. GOT IT?
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Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:42 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:38 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:28 am

You are an asshole. I can say that much for sure coming on here with your antigay bias and racist views using the n word. We should just ignore you what you spew isn't Satanism it's toxic masculity mixed with being a crackhead (serious i get that vibe off you) and a little Christianity mixed in for good measure.
I respect black people and black culture got zero problems with them. If they sleep with their own people and build their own shit.

However, every white woman like this fucker's mother who made him with a native american and then another 2 brothers with a black guy ...deserves to be insulted as such. Those blacks who slept with a white women are niggers just as much as this woman is a whore. End of story.

His mental problems are in direct effect because of his mixed blood and bad education.

By the way I have no problem with LGBT. the only recent problem is that their shit becomes too popular and it's changing the dynamic of what a man should be or a woman. Up until recently I did not notice how those bisexual fuckers who are actually gay try to impose different shit to heterosexual people. How those hypocrite lesbians who don't like the dick but wants vibrator in the shape of a falus are pushing feminism. How toxic is to see women going to work and keeping their man at home and men accepting this crap. I would not go at the transsexual sebject is even worse.
So yeah. LGBT to stay with their own and spread their shit strictly with their own and leave the heterosexual people alone. Once and for all. I am BECOMING disgusted really.

Moreover what those fuckers from LGBT are doing to heterosexuals...you tell them you accept them and to live their life in their accordance BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM. You need to have sex with them otherwise they are offended and you don't prove your acceptance simmilar to what racemixers are doing. They are pushing themseves to you and to society at large ALSO SPREADING IDEAS HOW LIFE SHOULD WORK OR COUPLE'S dinamics or rules for us heterosexuals.


The same with the races. Stay with your own people.

You want to educate someone go to Jos there is a lady who makes me sick in the stomach called shadow cat.

Why makes me sick in thr stomach because she is stupid and she doesn't understand gender roles. What is self respect as a woman. What also men respects.

She could be very well call a feminist and every "strong independent women" who wants to replace a man duty.

This lady kept her man at home to cook and do shopping while she was working. Because she is a strong independent woman isnt it and in her stupid mind she wanted to prove something to that guy that is is worthy or something this is my guess.

Of course the guy left her. For both reasons. She doesn't respect herself nor him.

Another commenter came and reply that this is an interesting idea and he would like to try it as well. Holy fuck

So yeah, go and educate people there.

Us heterosexual need to be women or men and enhance eachother only in this combination we can help eachother to manifest the beautify of each gender.

What LGBT are doing is not me to decide but I want them to shut the fuck up and speak solely for their identity and people alike. People needs to study at uni about them?! I mean a whole semester wasted for making a whole essay about the difference between sex and gender and other crap????! I study all of this I have been obligated and I DON't WANT TO I AM SICK OF IT IS OF NO USE FOR MY LIFE BELONGING TO A MAJORITY. GOT IT?
This is the advice that you need to give yourself; to yourself
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Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by AnonPoster »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:42 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:38 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:28 am

You are an asshole. I can say that much for sure coming on here with your antigay bias and racist views using the n word. We should just ignore you what you spew isn't Satanism it's toxic masculity mixed with being a crackhead (serious i get that vibe off you) and a little Christianity mixed in for good measure.
I respect black people and black culture got zero problems with them. If they sleep with their own people and build their own shit.

However, every white woman like this fucker's mother who made him with a native american and then another 2 brothers with a black guy ...deserves to be insulted as such. Those blacks who slept with a white women are niggers just as much as this woman is a whore. End of story.

His mental problems are in direct effect because of his mixed blood and bad education.

By the way I have no problem with LGBT. the only recent problem is that their shit becomes too popular and it's changing the dynamic of what a man should be or a woman. Up until recently I did not notice how those bisexual fuckers who are actually gay try to impose different shit to heterosexual people. How those hypocrite lesbians who don't like the dick but wants vibrator in the shape of a falus are pushing feminism. How toxic is to see women going to work and keeping their man at home and men accepting this crap. I would not go at the transsexual sebject is even worse.
So yeah. LGBT to stay with their own and spread their shit strictly with their own and leave the heterosexual people alone. Once and for all. I am BECOMING disgusted really.

Moreover what those fuckers from LGBT are doing to heterosexuals...you tell them you accept them and to live their life in their accordance BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM. You need to have sex with them otherwise they are offended and you don't prove your acceptance simmilar to what racemixers are doing. They are pushing themseves to you and to society at large ALSO SPREADING IDEAS HOW LIFE SHOULD WORK OR COUPLE'S dinamics or rules for us heterosexuals.


The same with the races. Stay with your own people.

You want to educate someone go to Jos there is a lady who makes me sick in the stomach called shadow cat.

Why makes me sick in thr stomach because she is stupid and she doesn't understand gender roles. What is self respect as a woman. What also men respects.

She could be very well call a feminist and every "strong independent women" who wants to replace a man duty.

This lady kept her man at home to cook and do shopping while she was working. Because she is a strong independent woman isnt it and in her stupid mind she wanted to prove something to that guy that is is worthy or something this is my guess.

Of course the guy left her. For both reasons. She doesn't respect herself nor him.

Another commenter came and reply that this is an interesting idea and he would like to try it as well. Holy fuck

So yeah, go and educate people there.

Us heterosexual need to be women or men and enhance eachother only in this combination we can help eachother to manifest the beautify of each gender.

What LGBT are doing is not me to decide but I want them to shut the fuck up and speak solely for their identity and people alike. People needs to study at uni about them?! I mean a whole semester wasted for making a whole essay about the difference between sex and gender and other crap????! I study all of this I have been obligated and I DON't WANT TO I AM SICK OF IT IS OF NO USE FOR MY LIFE BELONGING TO A MAJORITY. GOT IT?
Overall if you want to read or pay attention to what a psychotic individual like born in hell imprisoned soul richard with multiples mental issues autistic shit of no value on this earh. Mixedraced. With a mother who is skizofrenic herself for calling herself a shapeshifter. A parasitical guy who lives on your taxes from state pensions, with all day free to roam online and spread the shit from his brain - very well, do it, and good luck
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Posts: 309
Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:43 pm

Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:55 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:42 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:38 am

I respect black people and black culture got zero problems with them. If they sleep with their own people and build their own shit.

However, every white woman like this fucker's mother who made him with a native american and then another 2 brothers with a black guy ...deserves to be insulted as such. Those blacks who slept with a white women are niggers just as much as this woman is a whore. End of story.

His mental problems are in direct effect because of his mixed blood and bad education.

By the way I have no problem with LGBT. the only recent problem is that their shit becomes too popular and it's changing the dynamic of what a man should be or a woman. Up until recently I did not notice how those bisexual fuckers who are actually gay try to impose different shit to heterosexual people. How those hypocrite lesbians who don't like the dick but wants vibrator in the shape of a falus are pushing feminism. How toxic is to see women going to work and keeping their man at home and men accepting this crap. I would not go at the transsexual sebject is even worse.
So yeah. LGBT to stay with their own and spread their shit strictly with their own and leave the heterosexual people alone. Once and for all. I am BECOMING disgusted really.

Moreover what those fuckers from LGBT are doing to heterosexuals...you tell them you accept them and to live their life in their accordance BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM. You need to have sex with them otherwise they are offended and you don't prove your acceptance simmilar to what racemixers are doing. They are pushing themseves to you and to society at large ALSO SPREADING IDEAS HOW LIFE SHOULD WORK OR COUPLE'S dinamics or rules for us heterosexuals.


The same with the races. Stay with your own people.

You want to educate someone go to Jos there is a lady who makes me sick in the stomach called shadow cat.

Why makes me sick in thr stomach because she is stupid and she doesn't understand gender roles. What is self respect as a woman. What also men respects.

She could be very well call a feminist and every "strong independent women" who wants to replace a man duty.

This lady kept her man at home to cook and do shopping while she was working. Because she is a strong independent woman isnt it and in her stupid mind she wanted to prove something to that guy that is is worthy or something this is my guess.

Of course the guy left her. For both reasons. She doesn't respect herself nor him.

Another commenter came and reply that this is an interesting idea and he would like to try it as well. Holy fuck

So yeah, go and educate people there.

Us heterosexual need to be women or men and enhance eachother only in this combination we can help eachother to manifest the beautify of each gender.

What LGBT are doing is not me to decide but I want them to shut the fuck up and speak solely for their identity and people alike. People needs to study at uni about them?! I mean a whole semester wasted for making a whole essay about the difference between sex and gender and other crap????! I study all of this I have been obligated and I DON't WANT TO I AM SICK OF IT IS OF NO USE FOR MY LIFE BELONGING TO A MAJORITY. GOT IT?
Overall if you want to read or pay attention to what a psychotic individual like born in hell imprisoned soul richard with multiples mental issues autistic shit of no value on this earh. Mixedraced. With a mother who is skizofrenic herself for calling herself a shapeshifter. A parasitical guy who lives on your taxes from state pensions, with all day free to roam online and spread the shit from his brain - very well, do it, and good luck
Having aspergers is about the only mental issue I have, and that isn't much of an issue. :) Aspergers is ((in a way)); a gift... We see things neurotypicals can't.

As for everything else you said;
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Re: Western Astrology is bunk; Vedic/ Sidereal Astrology is Correct ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by AnonPoster »

ImprisonedSoul wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:02 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:55 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:42 am

You want to educate someone go to Jos there is a lady who makes me sick in the stomach called shadow cat.

Why makes me sick in thr stomach because she is stupid and she doesn't understand gender roles. What is self respect as a woman. What also men respects.

She could be very well call a feminist and every "strong independent women" who wants to replace a man duty.

This lady kept her man at home to cook and do shopping while she was working. Because she is a strong independent woman isnt it and in her stupid mind she wanted to prove something to that guy that is is worthy or something this is my guess.

Of course the guy left her. For both reasons. She doesn't respect herself nor him.

Another commenter came and reply that this is an interesting idea and he would like to try it as well. Holy fuck

So yeah, go and educate people there.

Us heterosexual need to be women or men and enhance eachother only in this combination we can help eachother to manifest the beautify of each gender.

What LGBT are doing is not me to decide but I want them to shut the fuck up and speak solely for their identity and people alike. People needs to study at uni about them?! I mean a whole semester wasted for making a whole essay about the difference between sex and gender and other crap????! I study all of this I have been obligated and I DON't WANT TO I AM SICK OF IT IS OF NO USE FOR MY LIFE BELONGING TO A MAJORITY. GOT IT?
Overall if you want to read or pay attention to what a psychotic individual like born in hell imprisoned soul richard with multiples mental issues autistic shit of no value on this earh. Mixedraced. With a mother who is skizofrenic herself for calling herself a shapeshifter. A parasitical guy who lives on your taxes from state pensions, with all day free to roam online and spread the shit from his brain - very well, do it, and good luck
Having aspergers is about the only mental issue I have, and that isn't much of an issue. :) Aspergers is ((in a way)); a gift... We see things neurotypicals can't.

As for me having no value... This is coming from who; exactly...? You? The guy who ((very likely; **Pretends** that he)) doesn't understand that paper money has no real value, but the psychic value that you give it...? The guy that literally says that astronomical accuracy doesn't matter in astrology...? Oh; and let's not forget your promotion in 'Gods' that don't exist... And I can go on with the examples too, lol, but I'm quite tired at the moment... Pretty late here; and you caught me right before bed time! Maybe another time though...? =)

You: A parasitical guy who lives on your taxes from state pensions, with all day free to roam online and spread the shit from his brain - very well, do it, and good luck

Me: Keep on projecting... Lol. Like your spirit brother here:

You parasitical shit. How much I hate your kind. Paper money have no value how do you pay your food amd shelter you piece of shit with no VALUE? From the work of other people isn't it. That work has no value? They work to keep at home a 30+ retard with disabilities claimed as abilities. For sure you have one ability = to suck people's time and energy. That's for sure

Parasitical at every level. Material. Spiritual. Every fucking point of view. Lucky thing that that entity eats you day by day the same way you have been eating on our back for so long. I am only happy that you won't live long.
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Re: Western Astrology is not true. Vedic/ Sidereal astrology is correct. ((IMPORTANT VIDEO))

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

Oh, and my mother is a hybrid... And when you have strong astral attachments; they can cause one to shapeshift, because sometimes the spirit can manifest itself into our materiel realm ((through the host))... A lot like this man here: https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/ ... 9Uny5.html

Shapeshifting reptilians/ and other alien-types exist... I have **a lot** of good shapeshifting videos uploaded on my WorldTruth channel here; https://worldtruthvideos.website/@LifeS ... wishMatrix

And these shapeshifting videos I have uploaded aren't your typical shapeshifting videos either... Anyone can check them out for themselves. =)
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