On the JOS:Henu the Great wrote:We have done other parts as a routine from last year. Terragrammaton ritual was released on December 2020. Doing these is highly recommended since the final rtr alone will not take care of the whole problem.xlnt wrote: I'm vibrating words and not letters but anyway, is the Interactive Final RTR v1.2 sufficient enough or must I do the other one's also? (Killing Tetragrammaton RTR & Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR).
I saw in another thread someone thought it must be done.
I'm used to doing yoga but this is more hardcore Satanist stuff so to speak. Feels weird but I hope it helps.
You can find paintable versions from here: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/RTR_English.html
You can save those pages on your device(s) so that you will have an access even without internet connection. Interactive version can not be downloaded as a page without losing functionality as far as as I am aware.
SPECIAL THANKS TO AZAZEL WHO ORGANIZED THIS PROJECT AND GAVE US THIS KNOWLEDGE. Azazel stated that the former RTRs stripped the enemy of enough power to where this one will be final. There is no longer any need to do the other RTRs, as we will be destroying the power of the Hebrew letters.
Apparently according to henu the final RTR isn't final because it wouldn't take care of the whole problem.
but according to maxine 'Azazel' organized the project but apparently couldn't tell them that i wasn't final and wouldn't take care of the whole problem?
adding further proof that the gods aren't with the jos, viewtopic.php?t=739
why did more RTRs come out if according to maxine " Azazel stated that the former RTRs stripped the enemy of enough power to where this one will be final. "?
as i pointed in the other linked post i made here the gods don't communicate at all with the jos clergy how come there are so many gods that can see the future and reveal secrets but a crowned prince like Azazel couldn't know that the final RTR wasn't final?