To the spammers

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To the spammers

Post by AnonPoster »

To the ones spamming... calculate your time spent here to atrack this place, such a add shit and is removed in seconds....and for what, for cobra? (Because you cant do it for Satan)... to keep that con artist safe from what and who? the truth? What is your motivation? Lol. Such slaves without a mind

At this point zola should be proud. She matters. Good job, Zola, keep this place alive, be strong and dont give up in front of aversion or Cobra
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Re: To the spammers

Post by AnonPoster »

Retarded, you are shaming yourself only

and joy of satan as the place you represent.

And you ashamed Satan (Because He is all about people talking openly not censorship or sabotaging.)

And guess what? This is that place, like it or not.
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Re: To the spammers

Post by AnonPoster »

HPOwen wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 7:21 pm Umm, no pornographic photos please. Other than that I agree with what you said. Zola should be proud and these spammers do need to get a life.
I did not and would not do that. Is the spammers
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Re: To the spammers

Post by AnonPoster »

Jos is inquisition now I promise I am so shocked at this point I fear them more than christians or muslims.

They made the cult of personality for a simple woman and a man. Translating their word like gospel...

They give me creeps.
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Re: To the spammers

Post by AnonPoster »

HPOwen wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 7:24 pm Okay, sorry. Just trying to tidy up this forum. Spammers are going wild anyways. Lol
AnonPoster wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 7:22 pmI did not and would not do that. Is the spammers
No problem I just said because I replied to the guy basically.

Good luck Owen and have fun
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Re: To the spammers

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“To the ones spamming... calculate your time spent here to atrack this place, such a add shit and is removed in seconds....and for what, for cobra? (Because you cant do it for Satan)... to keep that con artist safe from what and who? the truth? What is your motivation? Lol. Such slaves without a mind”

“At this point zola should be proud. She matters. Good job, Zola, keep this place alive, be strong and dont give up in front of aversion or Cobra”

“Retarded, you are shaming yourself only

and joy of satan as the place you represent.

And you ashamed Satan (Because He is all about people talking openly not censorship or sabotaging.)

And guess what? This is that place, like it or not.”

Thank you, I appreciate your pragmatic and even minded comments and encouragement. It's very good to hear some positive voices!

The spamming is coming from only two, three e-mails yet they made a couple hundred accounts in what? Two days? This reveals a level of obsessiveness and just plain mean spiritedness that is way over the top. It seems indicative of mental illness. And for that reason, I feel sorry for the ones doing this. It's hard to overcome brainwashing. It can take years to recover.

I agree: whats the point of the spamming?

To the spammer: Wouldn't it be better to do something constructive for yourself like learning a new skill, creating something, spending time in meditation or even going out and doing a good deed for the day?

Instead of wasting time and energy trying to ruin a place that allows people to connect and speak freely about their spiritual journeys? What is so wrong in your life that you think attempting to make others miserable and shit on this entire community is acceptable or morally justified?

Are you so blind to what you are doing? Take a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror. Do you honestly think Satan would condone this? Seriously. Do you think He'd stoop to this behaviour? Grow up. This is childish. Work on yourself, building yourself up, not worrying about being the thought police and wasting time trying to tear others down.

I've lived a long life and I can tell you, it's not worth it. Get out there and put all that energy into something positive. We only have so much of it. Use it wisely.

“Jos is inquisition now I promise I am so shocked at this point I fear them more than christians or muslims.
They made the cult of personality for a simple woman and a man. Translating their word like gospel...
They give me creeps.”

Yes, it's a cult of personality. With rabid followers who will do almost anything. And this level of fanaticism is extremely dangerous. Because IF these people ever got political power, they would be just as much tyrants as the ones they claim to oppose.

I cannot see how raising your hands and yelling allahu akbar or praise jesus is in any way different from raising ones hands and yelling hail satan. Its subservient and childlike. Satan is an adult. He wants adults to be with his cause, which is freedom of the body, mind and soul. For us all. Satan isn't interested in rabid worship.

Extremism comes from a very rigid, indoctrinated, programmed mindview, an echo chamber and taking it all waaaay too seriously. To the point it becomes madness.

Whatever people are choosing to worship – it becomes detrimental when this militancy is introduced.

I think Satan prefers people who think for themselves and to believe in themselves. Put the faith in yourself.

To a fundamentalist worldview everybody they don't approve of is 'the enemy'. And if you question or somehow do anything they don't like, you're automatically a (insert expletive). And if the jos had the power, they'd be tarring and feathering people, and probably throwing people off buildings too. And in fact, that was the fate of one of their HPs. He threw himself off a building. So yes. It's radicalized and that is deadly. And this is toxic for people. Its serious. people can get hurt or worse.

Part of the reason HP Mamba and I created this forum was to give people; others like myself who had been silenced and oppressed a voice again. A place to hear other points of view, discuss, decompress, a place to get oneself straightened out again. It was meant to help.

Do something to help, not waste time doing petty negative things like this spamming nonsense.

You are not righteous doing it. You are acting the fool.

Have a great day everyone :)
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Re: To the spammers

Post by AnonPoster »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 8:54 pm “To the ones spamming... calculate your time spent here to atrack this place, such a add shit and is removed in seconds....and for what, for cobra? (Because you cant do it for Satan)... to keep that con artist safe from what and who? the truth? What is your motivation? Lol. Such slaves without a mind”

“At this point zola should be proud. She matters. Good job, Zola, keep this place alive, be strong and dont give up in front of aversion or Cobra”

“Retarded, you are shaming yourself only

and joy of satan as the place you represent.

And you ashamed Satan (Because He is all about people talking openly not censorship or sabotaging.)

And guess what? This is that place, like it or not.”

Thank you, I appreciate your pragmatic and even minded comments and encouragement. It's very good to hear some positive voices!

The spamming is coming from only two, three e-mails yet they made a couple hundred accounts in what? Two days? This reveals a level of obsessiveness and just plain mean spiritedness that is way over the top. It seems indicative of mental illness. And for that reason, I feel sorry for the ones doing this. It's hard to overcome brainwashing. It can take years to recover.

I agree: whats the point of the spamming?

To the spammer: Wouldn't it be better to do something constructive for yourself like learning a new skill, creating something, spending time in meditation or even going out and doing a good deed for the day?

Instead of wasting time and energy trying to ruin a place that allows people to connect and speak freely about their spiritual journeys? What is so wrong in your life that you think attempting to make others miserable and shit on this entire community is acceptable or morally justified?

Are you so blind to what you are doing? Take a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror. Do you honestly think Satan would condone this? Seriously. Do you think He'd stoop to this behaviour? Grow up. This is childish. Work on yourself, building yourself up, not worrying about being the thought police and wasting time trying to tear others down.

I've lived a long life and I can tell you, it's not worth it. Get out there and put all that energy into something positive. We only have so much of it. Use it wisely.

“Jos is inquisition now I promise I am so shocked at this point I fear them more than christians or muslims.
They made the cult of personality for a simple woman and a man. Translating their word like gospel...
They give me creeps.”

Yes, it's a cult of personality. With rabid followers who will do almost anything. And this level of fanaticism is extremely dangerous. Because IF these people ever got political power, they would be just as much tyrants as the ones they claim to oppose.

I cannot see how raising your hands and yelling allahu akbar or praise jesus is in any way different from raising ones hands and yelling hail satan. Its subservient and childlike. Satan is an adult. He wants adults to be with his cause, which is freedom of the body, mind and soul. For us all. Satan isn't interested in rabid worship.

Extremism comes from a very rigid, indoctrinated, programmed mindview, an echo chamber and taking it all waaaay too seriously. To the point it becomes madness.

Whatever people are choosing to worship – it becomes detrimental when this militancy is introduced.

I think Satan prefers people who think for themselves and to believe in themselves. Put the faith in yourself.

To a fundamentalist worldview everybody they don't approve of is 'the enemy'. And if you question or somehow do anything they don't like, you're automatically a (insert expletive). And if the jos had the power, they'd be tarring and feathering people, and probably throwing people off buildings too. And in fact, that was the fate of one of their HPs. He threw himself off a building. So yes. It's radicalized and that is deadly. And this is toxic for people. Its serious. people can get hurt or worse.

Part of the reason HP Mamba and I created this forum was to give people; others like myself who had been silenced and oppressed a voice again. A place to hear other points of view, discuss, decompress, a place to get oneself straightened out again. It was meant to help.

Do something to help, not waste time doing petty negative things like this spamming nonsense.

You are not righteous doing it. You are acting the fool.

Have a great day everyone :)
This is a holy war. The enemy is pure evil and vermin and they must be wiped out at all costs. We must fight evil and never give into the demands of evil people.

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Re: To the spammers

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“This is a holy war. The enemy is pure evil and vermin and they must be wiped out at all costs. We must fight evil and never give into the demands of evil people.

Sieg Heil!!!!!!”

Thank you, you prove my point, provide us with a perfect graphic illustration of the fanatic mindset AND confirm you are from the jos :)
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: To the spammers

Post by BirdofFreedom »

cobra himself is most likely the one funding these attacks.
imagine the people who donate to the jos having their money being spent on trying to spam a forum.
and even worse is taking the money of the people who donated to the jos thinking they're aiding Satan and Satan's cause and using that money to have bots spam a forum.
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Re: To the spammers

Post by BirdofFreedom »

besides cobra using the siatris account to come here and on his own forum to slander, insult and be an all out shizo, cobra has been known to be extremely sensitive.

This post was made on the 2nd of June,
AnonPoster wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:31 pm cobra did this during the mercury retrograde again showing that he doesnt know much about astrology at all and probably just copy pasted from other peoples work for his natal readings.
on the 3rd of june cobra made a topic called 'About Your First Saturn Return [Updated - How To Manage This And The Good News]'
seems he's insecure when people calls him out on his astrology, tbh that post he made on the Saturn return doesn't say much either, as he could've just looked up the info on other sites.

cobra not only stalks these forums but he's pretty sensitive to the things being said here and on his own forum.

This was said to cobra,(the account has been removed from the jos forum as well as the posts made from it, but if you're interested in the whole post it can be found here: ... 7&start=50 )
Athenria wrote:Thu May 19, 2022 1:39 am ...
Having all things consolidated into 1 huge group never ended well.
There's a saying "it was a feather and broke the camel's back"

That's why many huge empires compartmentalized their land into smaller provinces ruled by dukes and then those provinces where divided up even more and were ruled by barons/counts etc..
... ... 87#p356087

That seems to have hit cobra hard.
Because cobra himself knows he's overburdened and is about to break, and his entire """"organization"""(cult) is going to be burnt down.
must be why he's so hellbent on taking down this site and overwelming this group.
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