The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

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The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by BirdofFreedom »

This was going to be posted on a thread i made called 'jos retardation.' but i think this is going to be rather long so i think it warents it's own thread.
Might be worth checking out the thread i mentioned because it's some what a continuation of the things posted on there.

Regardless after cobra made that post about numerology when he mentioned it was 'credited' and 'overseen' by 'Azazel' and also 'helped' by 'Beelzebul'(i suppose he meant Beelzebub) i was reminded of an old sermon he made.

That being, "The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews:

Here are some things he said that stood out to me:
"Over the years here I have noticed that jews, in particular, care zero about the Gods. In that sense, saying just about anything in their behalf, does not matter."

"Jews also are mentally insane and this disrespect can easily be seen when they are here. There is no single jew I ever met or came across who didn't pull out [despite their obvious jewish behavior] the "The Gods told me so" card."

"Many jews are also plagued with schizoprhenia, self entitlement syndromes, and all sorts of other mental illnesses in which, as their jewish Rabbis admit, frequently manifested in the history of the jewish race, "

"Also, jews, feel entitled to corrupt and destroy just about anything. They literally went into the library of Alexandria as unstudied mongrels and literally told people there, they knew "more" than them. The nature of the jew is a nature of disrespect and hate towards the Gentile and the Pagan. This went all the way in full murder of these people, blowing their temples to bits, and the fall of our ancestral religions.

Yet, many people here aren't exactly aware of their behavior, or how they are. And when every infiltrator uses the name of the Gods, people freeze. However, to the jews this is only a false jewish method, that they adopt to infiltrate and to confuse.

With enough experience, one is going to understand what is going on. Those who lack experience, may be confused by the words of the Jews. Of course, jews infiltrated every Pagan civilization how? Using the Names of the Gods of that civilization, how else?"

"It must always be kept in mind and known for a fact that this is the people and the racial soul that deposed and destroyed the Pagan Cultures, therefore, one has to be silly to ask why some of them would behave in the same way for example, here, or how easily they do these things. It's just a replay of their thousand year old method.

Those who are empowered and advanced, and know the Gods by heart, will understand this. Only the heart of the Gentiles can understand the Gods, never that of a jew. They can try and fake it, but the connection simply isn't there, nor there will ever be.

Only Gentiles can connect with the Gods, never the jews."
1st of, like i said cobra often uses the names of the gods in the things he does like his asto site is called - 'Azazel's Astrology' and his market placed called 'Azazel's Marketplace'.
and his new page on the jos about numerology says it's by 'Azazel' and 'Beelzebul'.

on the thread jos retardation. there's a lot of contradiction with this considering his atrocious behavior and the fact that he slandered and insulted other SS before there's a picture of this in the thread.

On jos says:
"The Commandments of Satan:
Satan wants all of his people to work together and unite. We must put aside our personal differences and work together as a team. The Christian “God” and company work to create conflict, discord, and division among Satanists, as do enemy souls who call themselves “Satanists” but who really aren’t:

Mark 3: 26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

Unity is of paramount importance, “One Alone, Together Strong.” Satan does not approve of infighting between his people. Those who experience conflicts with a brother or sister in Satan should go to Satan concerning this and he will handle the situation. Those who throw curses at or slander other Satanists will invite the wrath of Beelzebub. Beelzebub handles those who create problems and disunity and the consequences can be quite unpleasant."
So why would 'Beelzebub' and 'Azazel' work with this person? by what is quoted from the jos 'Beelzebub' should be against cobra, and if you read the jos retardation. thread 'Azazel' should also be against cobra based on what was quoted from the jos , it's even more ironic when the section quoted in that thread regarding 'Azazel' was written by cobra.

On the sermon i quoted before cobra says "Many jews are also plagued with schizoprhenia", cobra himself can be seen acting like a complete schizo when he's on his alter-ego profile called 'Siatris' there's a whole thread exposing that as well called 'Siatris is Cobra'

cobra also made posts on that thread with his alter ego siatris, exposing his shizo behavior to all.

another quote from cobra's sermon i'd like to point out is:
"They literally went into the library of Alexandria as unstudied mongrels and literally told people there, they knew "more" than them. The nature of the jew is a nature of disrespect and hate towards the Gentile and the Pagan."

Reminds me the comment cobra made to Accelerator666 on Accelerator666's numerology post(
cobra said to him quote:
"Your information is only information for garbage, confused and inaccurate.

As I tried to be encouraging, it's all created out of a horse's ass, and it's worthless and confused, same as yourself. Therefore, elaborate on your filth.

This is basically your lesser existence trying to play smart, by copy and pasting incoherence.

This comment is written because of your repulsive behaviors in my e-mail as well, which represent you are a lesser animal without respect.

Additionally, your rights to to anything that deals with any translation of JoS has been removed. Instead of translating anything, you were busy grovelling in your own vomit.

Good luck in perpetual confusion."
A link to the archive where cobra said this can be found here: ... p?p=367299

Again cobra is straight up insulting and attacking an SS who is not even hostile towards and him and was in fact just asking cobra for assistance.
I am by no means defending Accelerator666 and the information on Accelerator666's post as i think some of the information was inaccurate as well.

But i have noticed that cobra used that opportunity to also push his own numerology post out, Capitalizing on the errors Accelerator666 may have made and to make his own post look authentic and 'from the gods'.
Despite the fact that cobra's post looks he just took information from a bunch of sites changed it up a bit to make it look like he didn't copy&paste to pass it of as something that came from 'Azazel' and 'Beelzebul'

I also notice there was some friction on Accelerator666's over the number 6

Here's what Accelerator666 said on this post about the number 6:
" "6"Spiritual:related to the universe,life,intensification,life, time,light,intellect,freedom of soul,beast,destruction,control, change,path.

"physical:life,respiration,hours "60 seconds",sequence of numbers" "24 hours, 2 + 4 = 6", destruction,brain,change, change and control of the path."

" 6.Spiritual:related to the universe,life,intensification,life, time,light,intellect,freedom of soul,beast,destruction,control,change,path,work,health,cleanliness,hygiene،imprsses.
6.physical:life,respiration,destruction,brain,change, change and control of the path,hours,health,animal,hygiene,physical body,effects,results,hour,watch.

"24 hour,2+4=6,and 60 seconds" "

And here's what cobra said about the number 6:
" 6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity "

However i agree that there were some errors in the Accelerator666's post with Accelerator666 himself saying that his post was incomplete and that he'd improve it.
But if anything cobra's post was more of a reduction rather than an expansion of knowledge, rather than do what an HP is supposed to do according to jos, that being to guide and help others he instead insulted Accelerator666 and regarded his post as 'for garbage, confused and inaccurate.' and 'created out of a horse's ass, and it's worthless and confused, same as yourself. '

Of course besides what cobra said, the number 6 has more meanings than what cobra posted, like 6 also being the number of Restriction, Sex and Death.

The number 6 is related to planet Saturn.

Six comes from the word hex, the word hex is often used by witches meaning curse, i.e to hex someone is to curse someone.
Saturn is also related to Death, Saturn/Chronos was often depicted wielding a scythe/sickle, a tool used for harvesting/reaping crops, it's where the symbolism for death comes from, i.e the grim 'reaper'

Also i note that Accelerator666 implied that 6 is related to time but cobra refuted this by saying that "The 24 hour system, for example, is recent. The Egyptians followed a 72 second system, the list goes on and on."

The thing is, 6 is related to time as this also relates to the planet Saturn, name of the god 'Saturn' in Greek is called Cronus/Kronos. Cronus is the god of time, this is where to the word Chrono comes from, Choro- meaning related to time.
cobra here comes up short in competence when it comes to spiritual knowledge.

Some more background on the number Six/Hex, Hex i.e the Hexagram is the 6 pointed star, the one where 2 triangles intersect, it's the symbol often used by to describe the heart chakra which unites the top feminine chakras to the bottom masculine chakras.
This symbolism can also be seen in Azazel's sigil:
His sigil also fits into the grid of the 3x3 Saturn square.
This also relates to what i said before with Six/Hex, Hex meaning to witches as 'curse', as Azazel according to the jos is described as "Master of the Black Arts"

The Hexagram and heart chakra is also related related to the quote which from comes Hermeticism “As above, so below; as below, so above”

That's where the meanings "Material & Spiritual, connection, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic" comes from which cobra has in his post.
The meanings, "stability, karmic" etc also come from Saturn.
"cleanliness, virginity" - The natural ruler of the 6th house in astrology is Virgo, a sign which represents purity, cleanliness.

The point to take away from this, is that cobra's post lacked spiritual substance and understanding, the meanings he gave usually found on other sites he also missed a few meanings as i pointed out,
These are basic information that one can discover themselves, with cobra himself also stating that this info was basic, yet this is passed of by cobra as being overseen and helped by 'Azazel' and 'Beelzebul', as if it's some revelation of spiritual knowledge or something, perhaps for cobra it is.

again going back to the sermon cobra made where he said quote " And when every infiltrator uses the name of the Gods, people freeze."
and as well as:
"Those who are empowered and advanced, and know the Gods by heart, will understand this. Only the heart of the Gentiles can understand the Gods, never that of a jew. They can try and fake it, but the connection simply isn't there, nor there will ever be."

This is also an attempt by cobra to gatekeep spiritual information by saying that anything outside of the jos is corrupted and not safe as well as using the names of the gods to reinforce that.
Again this contradictory with what is writen on the jos:
"Satanism exposes us to many different experiences, so that we may become strong, knowledgeable, independent, and confident in our own abilities."

Here are some examples of cobra gatekeeping and discouraging people from looking at outside information. ... 7&start=50
"You are also clearly here to procure confusion and you don't appear to want to take certain things at their real value. For example, yes, there is no other Pagan organization that is real and does what JoS does, all of them are a joke. What a few people think they are doing in a basement is also a viable judgement of things.
You are here for example citing your value which is only certified by your own immature and foolish comments, and use the usual meme that "Clergy is here for support only" and "Satan is my daddy" because of lack of having anything to show or having to actually point to something.

That is also a favorite line of infiltrators, which they commonly use to undermine any point other people might have to say, using it deceitfully to pretend there is no hierarchy or true judgement and that it's all "between themselves and Satan". That is an illogical argument too.
Covens, on the other hand, still remain and are part of JoS. But it is more often than not they malfunction because of poor quality of members and other issues, which is also true for any congregation for that matter."
cobra always like to say that other organizations outside of the jos are a joke, i also notice that he's gatekeep people from going directly to Satain showing his disdane for what's writen on the jos I.e "No "High Priest/ess" or anyone else should have any control or power over another person. Satanic clergy offer guidance and support- that is it. Members of the Satanic priesthood are gifted people who can act as mediums in imparting knowledge, but if you are ever in doubt, go to Satan yourself. If something doesn't feel right for you, then don't accept it.

Remember, as a Satanist, the only one with authority is Satan himself. We do not answer to any human beings."

This quote from the jos seems to bother cobra a lot, because he hates when people bypass him and go to Satan directly even going as far as saying it's a quote 'infiltrators' use and that it's 'illogical'.

He's also claiming that 'Covens' still remain part of the jos, which is just blatantly false and a lie, the concept of covens existed way before the jos, and to claim that all of them are of the jos is simply wrong.
Not only that but he's saying " also true for any congregation for that matter." which again is just blatantly wrong.

When asked if Satan and gods speak to outsiders this is what cobra said: ... 762#p55762
"Now, there is a low level of 'communication' with an 'entity' which does not deal with the entity itself, but rather imagination of the person, mixed with partially true elements of the entity. This is when one creates a figment of their own imagination inside their mind, and converse with it. This does not reflect anything more intelligent than the person itself. This is like giving a face to your own intuition, and is a beginner level of understanding.

These people could fall into any category, from self deception, to enemy aliens, to whatever, the bottom line being mostly unable to communicate. There are a lot of 'buffers' and 'levels' involved in any sort of communication, and these people who are out of there, are extremely liable to fail in one or more of these buffers, essentially not achieving true or meaningful communication.

This is like asking if a civilian is talking to the top military commanders on a daily basis and they go to have coffee for 8 hours a day. This clearly is not the life of a top military official, but only in the coffee drinking person's mind.

So for the most part, hell no.

There are some people who are outside the JoS and the Gods sort of like 'influence' them, but not directly. More like, since they are into the Demons, they get some positive outcomes, similarly to how one being out to the sun gives them vitamin D. And a lot of sunburn due to lack of knowledge, too. But this doesn't mean they are in direct communication or have clear knowledge about any of the above process. Then a big deal is made out of this because most of these people do not know any better.

When they come to the JoS they understand that the Gods really take them far more seriously, and see what more proper experiences are like."
Again trying to gatekeep and prevent people from going outside of the jos(you know like here, where cobra can be exposed and called out for his actions, as well as learn how the rtrs are harmful) by claiming that gods don't communicate much with 'outsiders' and that only people in the jos are taken seriously.

The irony when cobra said "Now, there is a low level of 'communication' with an 'entity' which does not deal with the entity itself, but rather imagination of the person, mixed with partially true elements of the entity. This is when one creates a figment of their own imagination inside their mind, and converse with it. This does not reflect anything more intelligent than the person itself. This is like giving a face to your own intuition, and is a beginner level of understanding." because that seems to align with him.

Code: Select all

"The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - cobra:

Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - cobra:

jos retardation.:

Siatris is Cobra:

numbers meaning and their combinations - Accelerator666 :
cobra's derogatory statement to Accelerator666:

The Commandments of Satan:

Dealing With Unwanted Entities:



What happened to maxine? - cobra's reply:

do demons communicate outside of the JOS? - cobra's reply:
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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by Snakeway »

For me all this proves is that he is aware of the MOS horrible behaviour and still act like this on a conscious level. All Maxine wrote in her website she does the opposite in her behaviour . This makes me very curious about why they act like this.

You have to understand cobra is not the source of this behaviour, it is Maxine. She inspire and dictates this hypocritical attitudes. Then the question is why did she wrote the website like that if she does not agree with the ideas? Is she trying to trap real satanist attracting them to do RTRs?
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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Hi Bird of Freedom,

It's my understanding these topics you're posting aren't about trying to advocate for or promote the JoS's fascism but rather meant to help people getting out of the cult through the process of decompression – they need to discuss, compare, debate.

It's about healing.

The politics, hateful manner of speech and fascism in cobra's writing does not reflect the views of the T4S; we do not support it.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by Snakeway »

''Fascism'' lol
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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Snakeway, fascism means a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism. Characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of the society.
What part of any of that wasn't accurate?
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by Snakeway »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:20 pm Snakeway, fascism means a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism. Characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of the society.
What part of any of that wasn't accurate?
He says one thing and do the opposite. He is simply being hipocritical and telling lies. This is the point, It has nothing to do with his political views, you sound like an ANTIFA politicizing everything. His actions are not consistent to what he says, he contradicts himself all the time.
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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by Snakeway »

I noticed whenever they say ''Azazel'' they mean Maxine and themselves and their own Ideas and desires. Makes me wonder if they ever interacted with Azazel at least once in their lives. I don't know why they choosed this demon to do this
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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by BirdofFreedom »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:08 pm Hi Bird of Freedom,

It's my understanding these topics you're posting aren't about trying to advocate for or promote the JoS's fascism but rather meant to help people getting out of the cult through the process of decompression – they need to discuss, compare, debate.

It's about healing.

The politics, hateful manner of speech and fascism in cobra's writing does not reflect the views of the T4S; we do not support it.
What's political in my post?

You seem to presume i'm advocating for cobra? i merely point out contradiction in his statements and show just how much of a hypocrite he is.
Show me the 'political' part of my post.
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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by BirdofFreedom »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:20 pm Snakeway, fascism means a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism. Characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of the society.
What part of any of that wasn't accurate?
Aren't you a Satanist? you are aware that Satan himself is a authoritarian figure? what sort of society do you presume Satan to have.
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Re: The Gods Said That" As Done By Jews - a sermon by cobra.

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

No, birdoffreedom, don't misunderstand, I do not presume you're advocating for cobra. I thought I made that eminently clear.

Of course I'm a Satanist.
Satan is a leader, yes, but He is anti-tyranny and about freedom. Therefore I do not think He's down with a society that is far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society.

Snakeway, Antifa is defined as a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It employs nonviolent and violent direct action to achieve its aims.

They are fascists attempting to bully people into embracing their beliefs. Satan is about free thought; so no. I don't think He's down with that either. I definitely am not.

I put my comment in to let people know that the views of the JoS – which are here being discussed – are heavily political and their topics as well, to which you have made many links. Why did I do that?

You see, new people coming in to explore might draw the wrong conclusions, thinking since they are seeing people here discussing jos and therefore - without a disclaimer on my part - conclude the T4S must be in support of it.

I'm clarifying. This isn't JoS2.0
The T4S is its own thing.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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