This is why I left JoS

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This is why I left JoS

Post by Howlite »

Hello everyone
I am an ex JoS member and now I would like to share why I left the JoS cult. I hope some of these thoughts will be eye opening for some of you.

If you like add your thoughts as well.

I have basic english, sorry for my grammar mistakes.

1. JoS creates this false illusion that the liberation of human kind is blocked by jewish people.
Actually, liberation is an internal process, and it can NOT be stopped by an external force. Jews can not stop you, aliens can not stop you, the weather, the temperature, money, time, death, birth… etc. can NOT stop you. You must understand that your liberation is only up to you. There is no true liberation until you don’t understand this.

2. They say jews are the manifestation of evil, but in reality NOTHING is all evil, and nothing is all good. You can find the bad in the good, and the good in the bad, it’s all up to your perspective. Good and evil, both present in the same time, even inside you.

3. JoS truth says every soul is determined. If your body is female, then you have a female soul. In reality sex and race are qualities of the physical body and not of the soul.

Souls aren’t determined to one type of physical body. Souls are able to take any kind of form in the physical realm.

4. Spiritual liberation is about unlimiting yourself, JoS is about limiting yourself.

5. You have to limit your knowledge to the JoS knowledge. Only HP approved stuff can be recognised as truth. The best is to rely on only JoS material, anything else is a lie.
Forget about reading books, forget about perspectives, forget about personal truth…

6. In JoS your spiritual advancement is the proof of your gentile soul.
Jews are capable of magic that means they are capable of transformation. Transformation is all you need for spiritual advancement. So yes, jews can advance too and let me tell you, jews can advance with “JoS meditations” too. They can use runes, Sanskrit words, colors, the Sun, the Moon… everything they want because guess what, they live in the same Universe as you.

7. The lack of understanding of the 7 hetmetic principles is the most annoying out of everything. The laws of the physical realm are built on these principles.
The “JoS Universe” doesn’t have a base, it’s all made up, a fantasy. If JoS would acknowledge the 7 hermetic principles everything in their made up universe would collapse, because they couldn’t claim anymore jews as the absolute evil, themselves as the absolute good and their perspective as the absolute truth.

8. The advancement of your soul compared to the advancement of a video game character.
A video game character’s advancement is linear and determined, ours isn’t.

9. The false measurement of advancement.
Your respect towards “trusted” members is the measurement of your advancement. This is a commonly used manipulation technique by cults.

10. The “you will fail without us”narrative.
They try to make you believe that you can’t advance without their help. Another manipulation used by every cult ever existed.

11. Members are misled by useless rituals, like RTRs.
When you want to destroy hebrew letters it’s nothing different from wanting to destroy runes. You can erase the physical shapes of the characters, but can you erase the spiritual meanings behind those letters? Can you erase the power of the Sun? Can you erase destruction? Can you erase darkness from the Universe? If there would be no darkness, there would be no deepness, no shades, no colors, no directions, no dimensions, no shapes.

Jews live in the same Universe. They have to use the same principles as you to be able to perform magic. The laws of the Universe aren’t different for them. The tools they use are the exact same tools that you use. These tools can take up different forms, shapes and names, but don’t get confused by them, they follow the same principles.
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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by Snakeway »

You make them look good and they don't deserve it
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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

i'm glad you left something that was not good for you. i personally think that JoS seems to be one of the most accurate sources about Satanism. that's why i tend to read JoS' sermons. however about practice i decided to do all by myself. like yes, meditations are similar but with less pressures and without being compulsive about it. like 19230932208453 vibrations etc that to me are useless. honestly, JoS users made me feel just bad, most of them. the issue is that other than T4S and some rare Satanism sites, i can't find a good and advanced group. most of "Satanism" groups are all about anarchy or materialism or in any case not even close to JoS' knowledge honestly. like JoS has so many useful informations, that without it you can't find or very hardly find. i struggled with the JoS about the fact that i was thinking i had to have the same exact routine and was compulsively thinking everyday about it. while now, i take like 2-3 day breaks from practice or practice less one day and more the other idk. but yes it has been exhausting to me. especially the users. however, i still think that JoS is a great ministry for Satanism, meditations, spirituality sources / knowledge

but i would suggest to stay away from the forums, if you follow JoS and to be on there just to read sermons or important things.

i fluctuate between here and JoS, i'm not against either of them. i'm more against JoS users

thanks to this forum i started to feel like i have the right to be more individual in Satanism, like that i was doing the right choice to think for myself and practice with my own times
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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Welcome to you :)
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Howlite writes:

"The lack of understanding of the 7 hetmetic principles is the most annoying out of everything."

I thought since there are people who don't know what The Kybalion is or anything about the seven principles to give a bit of info on what these are and mean:

The first principle
Has to do with the universe being a mental construct.
That there is a reality underlying all that we understand to be the physical universe, or the realms of matter, energy and power. This underlying principle they define as spirit. Unknowable, undefinable, understood as a sort of universal living 'mind'. And that the universe is thus mind.

This to me sounds like the underlying web I myself perceive; which I think of as the probability field, anti-matter, dark energy, source field, the ether. I also see it as possessing a form of consciousness.

I see a possible correlation between this and the concept of the holographic universe; that the universe is in fact a kind of giant hologram containing both matter and consciousness as a single unified field.

The second principle
Is in regards to the principle of correspondence.
Which simply means: as above so below.

An Analogy – knowledge of geometry and math enables man to take measurements of distant heavenly bodies and their movements. Knowledge of this enables man to utilize his logic and reason in order to grasp a bigger picture, to reason intelligently from the known into the unknown.Things perceived through reason.

Think of the cave by Socrates. People watching shadows projected on the wall from things passing in front of a fire behind them and they consider the shadows to be reality.

The shadows could be thought of as reflections of fragments of reality (like math and geometry) we have the capability to perceive through our senses.

Perception via the senses enables man (utilizing logic and reason) to visualize a bigger picture than can be discerned with mundane gain a picture or an understanding of deeper realities (for example the unseen/occult).
In the analogy of the cave the objects under the sunshine represent true forms of things we can only perceive through reason.

The third principle
This is the principle of vibration.
That everything moves, everything vibrates. This explains how different manifestations of matter, energy and mind, even spirit results from varying degrees of vibration. Even when things appear to be frozen into a physical form in fact if you could see it, the molecules making up the object or thing are in motion.

It's interesting that the fastest or highest vibrations are so intense and rapid they appear to be calm or not really moving at all and yet, this is an illusion. Kind of the way when film strip is run and as it goes faster the thing its projecting takes on life and movement. Or the way a cars tire is going so fast it doesn't appear to be moving at all.

Basically everything is in vibratory motion.

This applies to the planes of force, energy, mental, etc.

“He who understands the principle of vibration has grasped the sceptre of power”

The fourth principle
The principle of polarity. Everything is dual, has poles, rather like the way a torus is shaped. The concept that all truths are half truths and all lies are half lies – light and dark, varying degrees of the same thing.

The fifth principle
The principle of rhythm
The concept that everything is in flow, has tides. Action and reaction. We see this in the life of all things.

The sixth principle
The principle of cause and effect.
Chance is but a name for law not recognized.
Think of the mass of normies, pushed hither and yon by the vagaries of life, moving them about like pawns on the chessboard of life. But those who have mastered the power of the mind, in control of their moods, thoughts, powers etc, are like the magician in the tarot. They become players, not pawns.

The seventh principle
The principle of gender.
Everything has masculine and feminine principles. Gender exists on all planes. No physical creation, mental or spiritual creation is accomplished without it.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by Patriot »

These are not good arguments against the JOS cause they are not compatible with JOS teaching or people who even tend in the direction towards the JOS in beliefs.

If you want to make a point against a group doing so coming from a place outside the official Orthodox doctrine of the group will not convince anyone.

You must work within Orthodox doctrine if you would like to make a point.
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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by imjustexploring6969 »

Patriot wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:52 pm These are not good arguments against the JOS cause they are not compatible with JOS teaching or people who even tend in the direction towards the JOS in beliefs.

If you want to make a point against a group doing so coming from a place outside the official Orthodox doctrine of the group will not convince anyone.

You must work within Orthodox doctrine if you would like to make a point.
Making a point against the JoS is really easy. Just looking at how they worship cobra like a god at this point and no longer value any knowledge he doesnt approve, is more than enough already. Really if you read the jos website and compare those ideas with the jos forum it should be blatantly obvious that most of the values they started out with have long gone away together with Maxine and other past HPs. Thats not to say the initial principles were perfect, but it certainly got a lot worse.
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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by Satanakaraj666 »

I left for the same reasons, more or less. A lot of them react like juveniles, some of them come here as eyes for the JoS, bullying people or trying to lure people back to the JoS again.

I don't find the same energy here, not that it's better or is the absolute truth here, but one can easily differentiate the energies and gives between the two.
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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by Patriot »

imjustexploring6969 wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:47 pm
Patriot wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:52 pm These are not good arguments against the JOS cause they are not compatible with JOS teaching or people who even tend in the direction towards the JOS in beliefs.

If you want to make a point against a group doing so coming from a place outside the official Orthodox doctrine of the group will not convince anyone.

You must work within Orthodox doctrine if you would like to make a point.
Making a point against the JoS is really easy. Just looking at how they worship cobra like a god at this point and no longer value any knowledge he doesnt approve, is more than enough already. Really if you read the jos website and compare those ideas with the jos forum it should be blatantly obvious that most of the values they started out with have long gone away together with Maxine and other past HPs. Thats not to say the initial principles were perfect, but it certainly got a lot worse.
Your right maybe there should be some new HPS. However it seems to be fine right now. Cobra must be being persecuted a lot and hated by the enemy with all the hate of him on here. They didn't remove those sermons or things on the JOS so people still know and believe the original ideas. Cobra is an extension of that as an HP. He works for Satan and the Gods.
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Re: This is why I left JoS

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

Patriot wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:20 am
imjustexploring6969 wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:47 pm
Patriot wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:52 pm These are not good arguments against the JOS cause they are not compatible with JOS teaching or people who even tend in the direction towards the JOS in beliefs.

If you want to make a point against a group doing so coming from a place outside the official Orthodox doctrine of the group will not convince anyone.

You must work within Orthodox doctrine if you would like to make a point.
Making a point against the JoS is really easy. Just looking at how they worship cobra like a god at this point and no longer value any knowledge he doesnt approve, is more than enough already. Really if you read the jos website and compare those ideas with the jos forum it should be blatantly obvious that most of the values they started out with have long gone away together with Maxine and other past HPs. Thats not to say the initial principles were perfect, but it certainly got a lot worse.
Your right maybe there should be some new HPS. However it seems to be fine right now. Cobra must be being persecuted a lot and hated by the enemy with all the hate of him on here. They didn't remove those sermons or things on the JOS so people still know and believe the original ideas. Cobra is an extension of that as an HP. He works for Satan and the Gods.
Cobra is a joke. I noticed that when he comes on these forums he usually talks about himself as a god or high and mighty.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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