cobra's plea for money

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cobra's plea for money

Post by BirdofFreedom »

I just want to say, there's noting wrong for asking for a donation or having a donation page, but cobra is straight up predatory with how he tries to get people to donate.

15th March 2022, cobra changed the main index of the jos site to the donation page preventing people from navigating the jos site and forcing them to look at the donation page.[2]

When people brought this up on the forum cobra made a post saying he was not 'aware' of what was going on.[3]
weird how it happened on the same day he 'updated' the page.

18th March 2022 cobra made a post titled "About Finances And New Donations Page For Joy of Satan"[4]

cobra explained how the jos will only use crypto currency now, he also said "For those who might have noticed, we have updated the Donations page." which is quite obvious considering that he changed the home page of the jos to donation page.

he also said "The enemy doesn't care to spend 50,000$ or other amounts just to find then next attack vector and attack it, and in their eyes that is a good trade for let's say hundreds of SS not doing rituals against them."
Take note of the "50k"

he then starts a sob story about how the jos is victimized constantly by the enemy etc, as well saying things like "Oftentimes, people make up excuses as to not do the right thing. "It is too difficult to donate", "I need 1 more pair of socks and I cannot donate to the Gods", "I am too rich and therefore I don't have time" - the list goes. Nothing is too difficult, it takes 15 minutes to learn how to let's say, but Crypto."

he's trying to manipulate people into donating and pushes this by mentioning the 'the gods' a thing he likes to do a lot.

As one can understand, our relationship with the Gods is also relating to the JoS, and this forms a full on circle that bonds us all together. People who are precious, are going to advance during these time :

1. Volunteer their time to work for JoS, it's projects and it's growth.
2. Take care of newer and other people in the forums, and put out content for public interest,
3. People who donate, upholding everything during these uncertain times.
4. Participate in Spiritual Warfare Schedules, etc.
So apparently someone's relationship with 'the gods' involves donating the jos, even though on the JOS it says[6] that one's relationship with Satan is between the individual and Satan, and no one has a right to get in the way of it.


cobra makes a whole guide on how to donate crypto, an 'important' post from the ministry, as he's trying to get as many people as possible to donate.
because like he said on that post "For the Joy of Satan to survive, donations are required."

Some time before that in May he said[15]: "Donations are necessary now" on a thread[15]: explaining the economic collapse. to which right before that said "Do not forget the JoS during these times. As you can see, the JoS is always here and you always have a place to run to. We will be here for you."
In summary he's saying that if josers want their little safe place to run to they need to start donating or else they won't have a place to run to.

29th June 2022, "Fostering The Satanic Mentality: Your Actions and The Gods"[8]

This one from cobra is very desperate, the top and mid sections of his post are mainly, 'the gods this, the gods that' and manipulating people into taking action, and the action he's talking about is donating.
And you will be incapable to relate to the Gods unless someone teaches you, especially since in this day and era, we live in a society that instructs humanity to become as pigs, and not as the Gods. I will therefore show you some of how this works, while my work reflects all of these inner virtues you need to advance to them - universal and eternal in their roots.

You do not say "I had the best intentions to feed my own baby, but I never breastfed it, and it died". Stupidity like this is not tolerated on these subjects, is it? Do you think any judge, jury, family, or person walking on earth could justify this negligence over such a claim? If humans cannot even bother with this, can the Gods?

But lo and behold on another thing that I am commonly confronted with and with very direct intentions I will bring in front of you: To give an example; "I wanted to donate to the JoS for a long time...BUT".

Personality traits that will keep us from anything positive in life, do hide strongly behind the excuses we make for ourselves, or procrastination and other similar traps.
Again cobra is trying to manipulate people into donating to the jos, implying that people who don't donate are stupid and 'If humans cannot even bother with this, can the Gods?', again he's trying to mention 'the gods' as a means to manipulate people.

The unwilling, the weak, the cowardly, the escapist, and generally everything you don't want want to be, always has a big "but". The only real "BUT" one would take seriously, is the following: I am poor, I have children to feed and this will take from their mouth, this is a very bad period for me [not perceived, but truly] and so on.

If you do any of the above, then this is not a donation, this is against Satan's Will. Do not ever take any of these essential things to extremes to do this.
Not just using 'the gods' anymore but straight up saying 'Satan's will'.

In life, I have noticed, on everything meaningful and good that people must do, ie, meditation, learning, advancing, positive things - everyone has a big BUT. "I would meditate, but ...". "I had this opportunity to advance in JoS, but...".

The infinite creation of excuses to feed cowardice, laziness, lack of industriousness and everything that can and will keep you back from higher things, is the greatest monster you will have to fight in your life. It is bigger than all the jews combined, the enemy, and all your enemies that you had and you will ever have. If you defeat this monster, you will have defeated the real enemy in the real war. The great beast that hovered above you, will have been defeated.
Again cobra wants to force people into action, the action being donating, gaslighting those who don't by implying that they're cowards, lazy. lacking industriousness and kept back from 'higher things'.

'If you defeat this monster, you will have defeated the real enemy in the real war. The great beast that hovered above you, will have been defeated.' the real enemy, aka not donating.

Here is how I give answers to all of these questions:

BUT: "I don't have 50 dollars to send the JoS!"

Answer: "How can I make 50 dollars extra to send to JoS?", "How can I fix my financial situation to be able to help JoS and the Gods more and improve myself too while I am at it?", "Maybe I am too much of a pussy and a coward, that even though I am a millionaire or gazillionaire, I can't sacrifice 50 dollars [oy vey, too much money to send, my hand is trembling!!], and how much the Gods laugh at me all day for how much of a pussy I have become?" etc etc.

You will find, that the more you try to do something good and improve on one area, you are also improving on another one. For example, certain people are enslaved by poverty and what this entails, but few are also enslaved from "wealth".
As if cobra wasn't sounding desperate enough already, it's even worse now, gaslighting people who can't donate $50 into thinking they're a 'pussy' and a 'coward'.
$50 is quite a lot to be donating to begin with, not even twitch e-girls beg for that much, that's 10 times as much as what this e-girl was begging for.

cobra on that same thread tries to justify this by saying[10] "I think that soon, we will be into the territory of around 50 websites, with the translations included. Maybe more in the future. These will require regional advertising and a lot of other things, which will make sense to people who know what these things mean and what they entail."

I highly doubt that cobra has 50 websites, or close to it.

cobra likes to use the number 50 a lot.
on jos it says[11]: "Beelzebub/Enlil is the God of storms, atmospheric conditions, the wind, the rain and the element of air. He is also the God of Entomancy. Entomancy is a method of divination by interpreting the behavior of insects. Beelzebub is also a Master of Astrology and the Zodiac.
His number is
50 "

on the high ranking demons section it says[12]: ""Mammon is a generic epithet of Ammonas or Mammonas Zeus, related to the kingship and power of Zeus. There is no such "distinct Demon". Zeus Ammonas from which Mammon arose, is Lord Zeus [Beelzebul], a top hierarchy God in the Ancient Greek Pantheon. Mammonas Zeus was the aspect of Zeus that had to do with worldly wealth and riches. Click here to read more. " -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666"

Is cobra trying to make a plea to Zeus for money?

If cobra likes to talk about the gods that much why doesn't he ask one for help instead of begging people for their money?
Considering there is an entire section[13] on the jos site that listed what certain gods are great at doing so one can find help.
Money Meditation
Image Lucifuge Rofocal
Image Andromalius [Finds it]
Image Amy [Shows the way to fortune and wealth]
Image Belphagor
Image Bune
Image Mammon
There's even a money meditation ritual there, is cobra not competent enough to do one of those?

Even maxine said she doesn't need to do a full ritual for money.[16]

1:33 she said she doesn't need a ritual to get money to can just invokes and provokes energy.
5:26 again maxine says if you need money you can sit in your backyard and just use the energy of the sun.

Is cobra not competent enough to do 'everyday' magic?

Despite cobra begging he's doesn't hesitate to insult others for asking for donations.[14]
In fact this was perfect as this exposed the traitors for what they were, on itself. She just steals our work, rebrands it, and generally tries to make a quick sell. Someone sent me also posts from them and websites, and this worthless jew has a big "DONATE" in front of it before they even do anything.

Code: Select all

[1] "Will Satan Do Your Laundry?"

[2] Cobra changed the main jos page to the donation page.

[3] Cobra acts stupid as if it wasn't intentional/

[4] "About Finances And New Donations Page For Joy of Satan"




[8] "Fostering The Satanic Mentality: Your Actions and The Gods"

[9] '5 Dollars A Month!!!'' | Entitled Twitch Streamer (BadBunny)

[10] cobra trying to justify his begging.

[11] Beelzebub


[13] Help from the gods.

[14] cobra insulting someone for having donation button.

[15]  cobra stating donations are necessary now.

[16]  Joy of Satan: Everyday Magick - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Sermon's
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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by KorvusTheRaven »

By god, this is the most pathetic thing I've seen from him yet.

He's literally acting no different from a television evangelist ranting and raving on TV "For just $20,000 god will heal this boy of this terminal illness!"

Same energy

"We know America is in a Hyperinflation Economy, so give everything you've got left to me, and Satan will show you the way!"

News flash bud, in a hyperinflation economy, money isn't going to matter anymore. Society will naturally find an alternative (usually violent) means of survival. If you can't buy meat at the store, you hunt for it instead. If you can't get vegetables at a farmer's market, you grow them yourself. The coming times are going to be violent, and they are going to be miserable, so instead of giving Cobra whatever he asks for, invest what you have left.

Learn some marketable skills instead of chanting in Hebrew all day and night because what has that fixed so far? You've got a war in Ukraine, gas is $5 a gallon (in the US), the dollar is worth fuck-all, nobody can find a job, so if you live in the United States and want to avoid or mitigate the impending chaos, the best thing you can do is leave.

Learn marketable skills that you can base a career off of, or something you can translate your already-honed skillsets to. Learn to farm, learn to build, learn to hunt, learn to do anything that will ensure your survival, but DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, give Cobra a single cent.

The suffering of the people who are so blind to believe him are irrelevant. He does not care about you, he only cares about himself because he refuses to get off of his lazy ass and figure out how he's going to survive *without* any money.
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We're gonna be safe and sound tonight
Oh oh, the strong don't cry
Gonna open up the door when the morning light shines in
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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

BirdofFreedom wrote: ↑Sun Jul 03, 2022 10:47 pm I just want to say, there's noting wrong for asking for a donation or having a donation page, but cobra is straight up predatory with how he tries to get people to donate.

15th March 2022, cobra changed the main index of the jos site to the donation page preventing people from navigating the jos site and forcing them to look at the donation page.[2]

When people brought this up on the forum cobra made a post saying he was not 'aware' of what was going on.[3]
weird how it happened on the same day he 'updated' the page.

18th March 2022 cobra made a post titled "About Finances And New Donations Page For Joy of Satan"[4]

cobra explained how the jos will only use crypto currency now, he also said "For those who might have noticed, we have updated the Donations page." which is quite obvious considering that he changed the home page of the jos to donation page.

he also said "The enemy doesn't care to spend 50,000$ or other amounts just to find then next attack vector and attack it, and in their eyes that is a good trade for let's say hundreds of SS not doing rituals against them."
Take note of the "50k"

he then starts a sob story about how the jos is victimized constantly by the enemy etc, as well saying things like "Oftentimes, people make up excuses as to not do the right thing. "It is too difficult to donate", "I need 1 more pair of socks and I cannot donate to the Gods", "I am too rich and therefore I don't have time" - the list goes. Nothing is too difficult, it takes 15 minutes to learn how to let's say, but Crypto."

he's trying to manipulate people into donating and pushes this by mentioning the 'the gods' a thing he likes to do a lot.

As one can understand, our relationship with the Gods is also relating to the JoS, and this forms a full on circle that bonds us all together. People who are precious, are going to advance during these time :

1. Volunteer their time to work for JoS, it's projects and it's growth.
2. Take care of newer and other people in the forums, and put out content for public interest,
3. People who donate, upholding everything during these uncertain times.
4. Participate in Spiritual Warfare Schedules, etc.
So apparently someone's relationship with 'the gods' involves donating the jos, even though on the JOS it says[6] that one's relationship with Satan is between the individual and Satan, and no one has a right to get in the way of it.


cobra makes a whole guide on how to donate crypto, an 'important' post from the ministry, as he's trying to get as many people as possible to donate.
because like he said on that post "For the Joy of Satan to survive, donations are required."

Some time before that in May he said[15]: "Donations are necessary now" on a thread[15]: explaining the economic collapse. to which right before that said "Do not forget the JoS during these times. As you can see, the JoS is always here and you always have a place to run to. We will be here for you."
In summary he's saying that if josers want their little safe place to run to they need to start donating or else they won't have a place to run to.

29th June 2022, "Fostering The Satanic Mentality: Your Actions and The Gods"[8]

This one from cobra is very desperate, the top and mid sections of his post are mainly, 'the gods this, the gods that' and manipulating people into taking action, and the action he's talking about is donating.
And you will be incapable to relate to the Gods unless someone teaches you, especially since in this day and era, we live in a society that instructs humanity to become as pigs, and not as the Gods. I will therefore show you some of how this works, while my work reflects all of these inner virtues you need to advance to them - universal and eternal in their roots.

You do not say "I had the best intentions to feed my own baby, but I never breastfed it, and it died". Stupidity like this is not tolerated on these subjects, is it? Do you think any judge, jury, family, or person walking on earth could justify this negligence over such a claim? If humans cannot even bother with this, can the Gods?

But lo and behold on another thing that I am commonly confronted with and with very direct intentions I will bring in front of you: To give an example; "I wanted to donate to the JoS for a long time...BUT".

Personality traits that will keep us from anything positive in life, do hide strongly behind the excuses we make for ourselves, or procrastination and other similar traps.
Again cobra is trying to manipulate people into donating to the jos, implying that people who don't donate are stupid and 'If humans cannot even bother with this, can the Gods?', again he's trying to mention 'the gods' as a means to manipulate people.

The unwilling, the weak, the cowardly, the escapist, and generally everything you don't want want to be, always has a big "but". The only real "BUT" one would take seriously, is the following: I am poor, I have children to feed and this will take from their mouth, this is a very bad period for me [not perceived, but truly] and so on.

If you do any of the above, then this is not a donation, this is against Satan's Will. Do not ever take any of these essential things to extremes to do this.
Not just using 'the gods' anymore but straight up saying 'Satan's will'.

In life, I have noticed, on everything meaningful and good that people must do, ie, meditation, learning, advancing, positive things - everyone has a big BUT. "I would meditate, but ...". "I had this opportunity to advance in JoS, but...".

The infinite creation of excuses to feed cowardice, laziness, lack of industriousness and everything that can and will keep you back from higher things, is the greatest monster you will have to fight in your life. It is bigger than all the jews combined, the enemy, and all your enemies that you had and you will ever have. If you defeat this monster, you will have defeated the real enemy in the real war. The great beast that hovered above you, will have been defeated.
Again cobra wants to force people into action, the action being donating, gaslighting those who don't by implying that they're cowards, lazy. lacking industriousness and kept back from 'higher things'.

'If you defeat this monster, you will have defeated the real enemy in the real war. The great beast that hovered above you, will have been defeated.' the real enemy, aka not donating.

Here is how I give answers to all of these questions:

BUT: "I don't have 50 dollars to send the JoS!"

Answer: "How can I make 50 dollars extra to send to JoS?", "How can I fix my financial situation to be able to help JoS and the Gods more and improve myself too while I am at it?", "Maybe I am too much of a pussy and a coward, that even though I am a millionaire or gazillionaire, I can't sacrifice 50 dollars [oy vey, too much money to send, my hand is trembling!!], and how much the Gods laugh at me all day for how much of a pussy I have become?" etc etc.

You will find, that the more you try to do something good and improve on one area, you are also improving on another one. For example, certain people are enslaved by poverty and what this entails, but few are also enslaved from "wealth".
As if cobra wasn't sounding desperate enough already, it's even worse now, gaslighting people who can't donate $50 into thinking they're a 'pussy' and a 'coward'.
$50 is quite a lot to be donating to begin with, not even twitch e-girls beg for that much, that's 10 times as much as what this e-girl was begging for.

cobra on that same thread tries to justify this by saying[10] "I think that soon, we will be into the territory of around 50 websites, with the translations included. Maybe more in the future. These will require regional advertising and a lot of other things, which will make sense to people who know what these things mean and what they entail."

I highly doubt that cobra has 50 websites, or close to it.

cobra likes to use the number 50 a lot.
on jos it says[11]: "Beelzebub/Enlil is the God of storms, atmospheric conditions, the wind, the rain and the element of air. He is also the God of Entomancy. Entomancy is a method of divination by interpreting the behavior of insects. Beelzebub is also a Master of Astrology and the Zodiac.
His number is
50 "

on the high ranking demons section it says[12]: ""Mammon is a generic epithet of Ammonas or Mammonas Zeus, related to the kingship and power of Zeus. There is no such "distinct Demon". Zeus Ammonas from which Mammon arose, is Lord Zeus [Beelzebul], a top hierarchy God in the Ancient Greek Pantheon. Mammonas Zeus was the aspect of Zeus that had to do with worldly wealth and riches. Click here to read more. " -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666"

Is cobra trying to make a plea to Zeus for money?

If cobra likes to talk about the gods that much why doesn't he ask one for help instead of begging people for their money?
Considering there is an entire section[13] on the jos site that listed what certain gods are great at doing so one can find help.
Money Meditation
Image Lucifuge Rofocal
Image Andromalius [Finds it]
Image Amy [Shows the way to fortune and wealth]
Image Belphagor
Image Bune
Image Mammon
There's even a money meditation ritual there, is cobra not competent enough to do one of those?

Even maxine said she doesn't need to do a full ritual for money.[16]

1:33 she said she doesn't need a ritual to get money to can just invokes and provokes energy.
5:26 again maxine says if you need money you can sit in your backyard and just use the energy of the sun.

Is cobra not competent enough to do 'everyday' magic?

Despite cobra begging he's doesn't hesitate to insult others for asking for donations.[14]
In fact this was perfect as this exposed the traitors for what they were, on itself. She just steals our work, rebrands it, and generally tries to make a quick sell. Someone sent me also posts from them and websites, and this worthless jew has a big "DONATE" in front of it before they even do anything.

Code: Select all

[1] "Will Satan Do Your Laundry?"

[2] Cobra changed the main jos page to the donation page.

[3] Cobra acts stupid as if it wasn't intentional/

[4] "About Finances And New Donations Page For Joy of Satan"




[8] "Fostering The Satanic Mentality: Your Actions and The Gods"

[9] '5 Dollars A Month!!!'' | Entitled Twitch Streamer (BadBunny)

[10] cobra trying to justify his begging.

[11] Beelzebub


[13] Help from the gods.

[14] cobra insulting someone for having donation button.

[15]  cobra stating donations are necessary now.

[16]  Joy of Satan: Everyday Magick - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Sermon's
Wow. I been keeping track of the stuff to have proof how JoS has degenerated. You know has Cobra ever sat down to wonder these "attacks" he blames enemy on is actually Satan or the demons kicking his ass for being a dumbass and hypocrite?
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by Snakeway »

If mamba got 15k dollars out of nowhere, imagine how much cobra and Maxine received. Apparently it is never enough shekels, they always want more
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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Mamba never got 15K out of nowhere. That is a lie cobra pushes.
Back in the day, maxine's site was receiving donations of up to 3000 a month. Now, the donations are more like 31 dollars a month. Is it any wonder cobra is begging for shekels?
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by Snakeway »

''Hey I know a satanist who is in need in south Africa'', then ''here 15 thousand''. I call this out of nowhere
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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I never wrote anything about a satanist in south africa is in need of money or solicited for money. Again, this is a cobra BS lie.
I don't know where you are getting this 15K idea from except cobra.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by Snakeway »

I just assume this is how it happenned. I know he got 15 K
Last edited by Snakeway on Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

well, this is it. It's an assumption.
Its not fact.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: cobra's plea for money

Post by BirdofFreedom »

Snakeway wrote: ↑Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:24 am If mamba got 15k dollars out of nowhere, imagine how much cobra and Maxine received. Apparently it is never enough shekels, they always want more
things have definitely changed in the jos, their lives were slowly ruined especially after the f-rtr came out things started going downhill fast.
there aren't as many members as before, and the new ones that are coming to the jos don't last long at all.

not to mention some of the olders members that stayed with the jos are pretty toxic.

so i highly doubt the jos is able to get as much donations as they used to get compared to back then.
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