Satanism and politics don't mix!

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Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

Satan is an entity who encourages us to think for ourselves including what political system best works for us. Answers vary from one society to another. Neo Nazis pay at least lip service to the idea of Satan stands for freedom, individuality and thinking for oneself. All these things are contrary to the Procrustean mentality of the Neo Nazi.

Quiet a few Neo Nazi believe in restriction of the individual. Nazis live uniformity and conformity. Their attitude is completely contrary to being true to oneself and Indivduality.

As we have seen, Neo-Nazism places severe limitations on the freedom even of the people it's supposedly fighting for, namely white "Aryans." Obviously it's far worse for the freedom of people of other races, and for no good reason. It is far more consistent with the individualism of most forms of Satanism to judge people as individuals, rather than to place so much importance on groupings such as race.

If we happened to live in a situation where different ethnic groups were literally at war with each other, then, in that kind of situation, it might be necessary for individuals to be racist in order to survive. But, fortunately, most of us don't live in such a situation, at least not here in the U.S.A.; and I see nothing to be gained by trying to spark a race war. It seems to me that racism - and race war - are against the interests of all who value individual freedom.

But what did Hitler do when he attained power? He turned around and outlawed most of these occult groups (although the Nazi government itself, specifically the Ahnenerbe-SS, did do occult research).

Even today, there are plenty of neo-Nazis who exemplify the ultra-conformist, religiously intolerant attitudes that would likely typify any actual neo-Nazi regime, if such a regime were ever to come to power. For example, see the ANP (American Nazi Party) Report for March 07, 2006. Even Clifford Herrington, husband of Joy of Satan founder Maxine Dietrich, once made a speech about how the U.S.A. should be home only to "white European Christians!" Herrington was chairman of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), which, according to the Anti-Defamation League, was "America's Largest Neo-Nazi Group" as of June 2006. Only a month later, the NSM fell apart when Clifford Herrington's connection to the Joy of Satan Ministries became public knowledge. The most popular religion among neo-Nazis and other extremist White Nationalists, at least here in the U.S.A., is Christian Identity. For more about neo-Nazism's natural affinity for the more intolerant forms of Christianity, see my separate article on Nazism and Christianity. ... ngton1.mp3

In my opinion, Satanist neo-Nazis are almost as ridiculous as gay neo-Nazis, and for pretty much the same reason.

Some neo-Nazis have used Satanism as a means of trying to recruit disaffected young people into the neo-Nazi movement. However, even today, most neo-Nazis do not approve of the idea of using Satanism as a way to appeal to "the youth."

Some neo-Nazi Satanists have argued that Satanists should support neo-Nazism because, if we don't like the Abrahamic religions, then we should hate the race of people amongst whom that religious tradition originated. But that's just silly. With some exceptions, liberal and nonreligious Jews tend to be among the most reliable and most active opponents of theocracy, whether Christian, Muslim, or Jewish. So, insofar as we are concerned about our own religious freedom, we should regard many liberal and nonreligious Jews as potential allies, not as enemies.

A few other folks have argued, to Satanists, that we should be using the neo-Nazi movement or other extreme right wing movements toward some alleged "higher Satanic goals" involving an alleged "sinister dialectic" and "aeonics." I have to ask: Who is really using whom here? In most cases, the people who make such arguments also want us to get into violent criminal activities such as "human sacrifice" - by which they seem to mean lynching, primarily. Apparently these folks want Satanists to do the neo-Nazi movement's dirty work. (
now, if we really want to oppose Abrahamic theocracy and advance our own religious freedom, it certainly does not help us to practice or advocate violent criminal activity in the name of Satan. Fortunately, the vast majority of Satanist leaders do realize this and do not encourage criminal activity.

Some have argued that Satanists should get involved in neo-Nazism on the grounds that political activism can benefit the individual by helping one to develop a lot of skills. Well, that is indeed true of political activism in general, but why should we get involved in neo-Nazism in particular? Why not a political movement whose goals would actually benefit us, such as defense of the rights of unpopular minority religions, or perhaps a more general opposition to the Christian religious right wing?

It doesn't seem to me that neo-Nazism advances any goal relevant to most forms of Satanism. It is unlikely that the individual Satanist would gain any benefit from participating in the neo-Nazi movement in particular, as distinct from other political movements. Nor does neo-Nazism, with its focus on race, address the real collective threat that Satanists do face from the explosive worldwide growth of the more fanatical forms of the Abrahamic religions these past several decades. If anything it's counterproductive toward that end, because, as I mentioned earlier, liberal and nonreligious Jews tend to be among the staunchest and most politically mobilized oppenents of theocracy - as also are gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people, another category of people whom most neo-Nazis target as enemies rather than as the natural potential allies they would be seen as by any politically sensible oppenent of theocracy.

As far as I can tell, the only thing Satanism and neo-Nazism really have in common is that they both attract young people who enjoy being shocking. However, kids with such a motive are unlikely to be serious about either their Satanism or their neo-Nazism, and they are unlikely to remain Satanists for very long.

Most forms of Satanism do encourage the exploration of all sorts of forbidden ideas. I personally think it's a very good intellectual exercise to try to understand assorted unpopular ideologies, including ideologies one finds personally repugnant - such as, for most of us, neo-Nazism. I once spent quite a bit of time studying neo-Nazi and other white nationalist websites to learn about their ideology. However, it's one thing to learn about it; it's quite another thing to support a movement whose success would plainly be against the best interests of Satanists.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by Snakeway »

If you are not a nazi you don't have the god's mentality in you.

And really, Satan means enemy in Hebrew, Nazism is enemy of Jews. How more obvious does it need to be?
Last edited by Snakeway on Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

Snakeway wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:49 pm If you are not a nazi you don't have the god's mentality in you
No I don't have a conforming mentality. The Individual is exalted above the herd because the individual is able to stand apart. Herd mentality is part of Nazism.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by Snakeway »

Warlock08 wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:55 pm
Snakeway wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:49 pm If you are not a nazi you don't have the god's mentality in you
No I don't have a conforming mentality. The Individual is exalted above the herd because the individual is able to stand apart. Herd mentality is part of Nazism.
War is fought in a collective. This IS a war.
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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

Snakeway wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:59 pm
Warlock08 wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:55 pm
Snakeway wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:49 pm If you are not a nazi you don't have the god's mentality in you
No I don't have a conforming mentality. The Individual is exalted above the herd because the individual is able to stand apart. Herd mentality is part of Nazism.
War is fought in a collective. This IS a war.
Maybe Satanism and this forum isn't for you then. Did you read the entire post or you just skipped over the material to find what's not in agreement with you to defend your ego ?

I've provided ample information of ONA involvement with Nazism.

Which by the way people think that because one is a Satanist of the kind I described means that they aren't a God. Satanism is about the god you are. Not what race you are.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by Snakeway »

Warlock08 wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:10 pm
Maybe Satanism and this forum isn't for you then.
I don't care what other people say, the truth is what it is on its own, it does not depend on other people saying or believing. I can use this forum for my goals, what other people are saying here is meaningless

Warlock08 wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:10 pm Satanism is about the god you are. Not what race you are.
No one will become a god if humanity race mix. Race mixing means the enslavement of humanity. Meditation does no turn race mixed individuals into gods, only the non mixed ones. A soul in a body of a mixed individual is trapped and can't advance, because there is no rece mixed soul, while there are race mixed bodies
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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

If you are not a nazi you don't have the god's mentality in you

No one will become a god if humanity race mix. Race mixing means the enslavement of humanity. Meditation does no turn race mixed individuals into gods, only the non mixed ones. A soul in a body of a mixed individual is trapped and can't advance, because there is no rece mixed soul, while there are race mixed bodies

Total jos bullshit.

I don't care what other people say, the truth is what it is on its own, it does not depend on other people saying or believing. I can use this forum for my goals, what other people are saying here is meaningless

Your goal being to push jos propaganda
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:09 pm If you are not a nazi you don't have the god's mentality in you

No one will become a god if humanity race mix. Race mixing means the enslavement of humanity. Meditation does no turn race mixed individuals into gods, only the non mixed ones. A soul in a body of a mixed individual is trapped and can't advance, because there is no rece mixed soul, while there are race mixed bodies

Total jos bullshit.

I don't care what other people say, the truth is what it is on its own, it does not depend on other people saying or believing. I can use this forum for my goals, what other people are saying here is meaningless

Your goal being to push jos propaganda
Snakeway is a young bloke. I know because he has told me his age once. I hate to say it but a lot of young people are getting sucked into that Nazi crap and not necessarily JoS itself.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"If you are not a nazi you don't have the god's mentality in you"

is straight up cobra jos think.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Satanism and politics don't mix!

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:02 am "If you are not a nazi you don't have the god's mentality in you"

is straight up cobra jos think.
He HPSZola I sent you a message
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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