Is Hoodedcobra Legitimate? part 2

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Is Hoodedcobra Legitimate? part 2

Post by BirdofFreedom »

So i saw this thread in the discord feed after BlackOrbit666 made a post on it,
I had searched for this thread some time ago but couldn't find since it don had deleted his account.

So thanks.

Subject: Is Hoodedcobra Legitimate?
BlackOrbit666 wrote: ↑Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:30 am
siatris wrote: ↑Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:35 pm Maxine told me that Cobra had total control over her account including the pass word on the JoS forum and that Cobra has total control along with her over the websites. -magestein


You destroyed urself!! Congrats!!

1. you admit she gave him everything in your post.

good proof that even u, his enemy admit this. it is clear she trust him completely. why didn't see hand anything to you? wanted u out.

magestein - on moderation lol

cobra - full control lol

hmmm who Maxine trusted? should be clear? you admitted it hahahahah... :clap: :clap:

i also have e-mails from maxine herself saying you are garbage and will be removed from 2018.

i am waiting for ur lies to finish, then i will finish you.

2. you are sooo liar. domain names are in maxines name. she can get sites back with ONE PHONECALL.

why didn't maxine use her personal e-mails to mail nobody you jew? because u lie on top of lie...

3. admins in phpbb which is the forum cannot be locked out, but u are retarded. she could never be 'locked out'.

4. your attempts at slander and division are futile. youre already defeated.
I feel like I need to intervene in this, though I do not want to stir up any drama or something like this on these forums.

Anyways, because I know, I really know who you are behind that account this makes me entitled to answer accordingly.

First of all, Don suuuurely is a kike :roll: for debunking your RTRs and not letting myself and others to be enslaved by them.

I appreciate Don on a very qualitative measure.

You say that the domains are in Maxines name and she can get them with the help of a phonecard. First of all, you have the access to the credentials of the server, ie. Username and password which she, at least I suppose gave legitimately to you.

Admins in phpbb forums sure cannot be locked put, but if one surely and supposedly finds that the admin account, in this case of Maxine's needs to be unlogically argumentative banned, the account can receive a ban so do not play innocent.

Also, for *uxs sake get a hand on a grammar book cobra, it is already futile to be with such a grammar that stands as kindergarten learning, despite of you pretending to be a spiritual individual.

No interest to flame you, but this surely triggered ip my anger
it goes to show how much control cobra exerts over that forum, from being able to change people's usernames, email, passwords etc.

He could literally lock people out of their accounts and he had already done so to people preventing them from logging in.

cobra used the boast about the number of SS are on the forum saying things like how he took the jos from a handful of people to thousands or something like that.

For him it's just numbers apparently, but what he did do is rot the jos from the inside out.
Taking advantage of any misfortune to gain more control over the JOS.

When the yahoo groups went down, cobra was there to take advantage of the situation and create a forum that he had full control over.
Any time a HP made a mistake or had any short comings cobra would use that as leverage to justify kicking them out consolidating all the power around him.

Not to mention cobra's new system of becoming an HP requires 1 to be a full time kiss ass on the forum ensuring that if there're any new HPs they'd fully loyal to him.

I think the worse yet was the destruction of all outside sub groups of the jos by cobra and certain unseen forces.

Almost all of the groups of SS outside the jos forums died from the inside out and fell into chaos, i've watched a lot of friends turn to foe in a short span of time.
The worse was with the SIDF where the co-founder critizied cobra calling out cobra's incompetence to which cobra wrote a whole thread denouncing the SIDF which fractured it in half and eventually killed it.

and the SIDF were incredibly organized and coordinated, as they used instant messaging to coordinate their movements which allowed for quickly action, they also managed their groups well, made new sub groups if 1 got to big for easier management which also allowed the moderators to have limited control.
Despite using instant messaging it was well moderated where all the rules were enforced and was just a genuinely pleasant place.

They was also a ranking system where actual work was awarded and recognized.
Regardless in terms of Satanism the SIDF did solid work, but of course cobra's ego could not handle it and destroyed it.
sabotaging the JOS for his own comfort and control.

there's a post by called 'Turkish Translation Group - And Why Discord Servers Should Be PERMANENTLY AVOIDED'

and there's another post by him where he denounced meteor: ... 60#p385060

in cobra's post where he denounced meteor he expressed concern over his friend that was victimized by meteor while also saying how bad discord servers are quote:
"Apparently all of this began in a discord, where many lunatics were convening together, but the unfortunate victim of this was this SS who for all intents was a great Satanist as far as I know. He also had a lot of contributions for JoS on the programming area." and " I was shocked to see how many jews and other nasty people had been active in this so called "Discord" that was like a fake JoS."

Except he forgot to mention that his little friend was the owner of that discord server where he ran a fraudulent business that scammed others.
In the post i linked where he denounced the turkish translation discord server he forgot to mention that the owner of the turkish translation server were goods friends with cobra's friend that meteor 'victimized'.
Both of those server owners preyed on others and had ties with the jos, mainly cobra.

guess what, after he denounced the turkish discord server he gained full control over the turkish website, domain and servers.

cobra threw his own scumbag cohorts under the bus, to gain more control.
He's willing to canibilize his own people if it means getting more control and power.

Cobra also used the whole situation to put fear onto others as well as denouncing all other groups outside of the jos to leverage all people to dwell exclusivly on the forum.

Needless to say, this bleed the jos from the inside out, 1 to satisfy cobra's own ego and to consolidate all control in one place and 2 to isolate SS and slowly bleed them dry.

with lydia saying quote: "Internet groups, "discord" (whatever that is), and so on, they're not worth it. No good can come from them. All you need is in the JoS and from the Gods. Email a few members here and there if you feel the need to do so, but don't have continuous conversations with random people you don't even know, and who ask for your pictures and ID ffs!

Good and true friendships can definitely happen, but not in groups with other random people on whatsapp etc.

Yes, it sucks not having legit people to talk with all the time, but this is how it must be for the time being. In the future Satanism will be prevalent and we can have real friendships in person and live an openly Spiritual Satanic lifestyle, but for now, lay low, and work on yourself.

Hail Satan!

cobra likes to boast about the numbers, saying that there's more people in the jos now, maybe.. but they're worse of than before, numbers don't really mean much if they're all isolated.

the forum isn't a social place, it's limited, restricted and open to the public. not a place to socialize.
And this is important because people naturally want to be with others who have the same worldview as them, it's hard to get along with others when views differ to an extreme extent, i.e like xians trying to get along with pagans, it doesn't mix well.

The jos went from thriving to rotting under cobra's control.
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Re: Is Hoodedcobra Legitimate? part 2

Post by BlackOrbit666 »

BirdofFreedom wrote: ↑Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:35 pm So i saw this thread in the discord feed after BlackOrbit666 made a post on it,
I had searched for this thread some time ago but couldn't find since it don had deleted his account.

So thanks.

Subject: Is Hoodedcobra Legitimate?
BlackOrbit666 wrote: ↑Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:30 am
siatris wrote: ↑Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:35 pm Maxine told me that Cobra had total control over her account including the pass word on the JoS forum and that Cobra has total control along with her over the websites. -magestein


You destroyed urself!! Congrats!!

1. you admit she gave him everything in your post.

good proof that even u, his enemy admit this. it is clear she trust him completely. why didn't see hand anything to you? wanted u out.

magestein - on moderation lol

cobra - full control lol

hmmm who Maxine trusted? should be clear? you admitted it hahahahah... :clap: :clap:

i also have e-mails from maxine herself saying you are garbage and will be removed from 2018.

i am waiting for ur lies to finish, then i will finish you.

2. you are sooo liar. domain names are in maxines name. she can get sites back with ONE PHONECALL.

why didn't maxine use her personal e-mails to mail nobody you jew? because u lie on top of lie...

3. admins in phpbb which is the forum cannot be locked out, but u are retarded. she could never be 'locked out'.

4. your attempts at slander and division are futile. youre already defeated.
I feel like I need to intervene in this, though I do not want to stir up any drama or something like this on these forums.

Anyways, because I know, I really know who you are behind that account this makes me entitled to answer accordingly.

First of all, Don suuuurely is a kike :roll: for debunking your RTRs and not letting myself and others to be enslaved by them.

I appreciate Don on a very qualitative measure.

You say that the domains are in Maxines name and she can get them with the help of a phonecard. First of all, you have the access to the credentials of the server, ie. Username and password which she, at least I suppose gave legitimately to you.

Admins in phpbb forums sure cannot be locked put, but if one surely and supposedly finds that the admin account, in this case of Maxine's needs to be unlogically argumentative banned, the account can receive a ban so do not play innocent.

Also, for *uxs sake get a hand on a grammar book cobra, it is already futile to be with such a grammar that stands as kindergarten learning, despite of you pretending to be a spiritual individual.

No interest to flame you, but this surely triggered ip my anger
it goes to show how much control cobra exerts over that forum, from being able to change people's usernames, email, passwords etc.

He could literally lock people out of their accounts and he had already done so to people preventing them from logging in.

cobra used the boast about the number of SS are on the forum saying things like how he took the jos from a handful of people to thousands or something like that.

For him it's just numbers apparently, but what he did do is rot the jos from the inside out.
Taking advantage of any misfortune to gain more control over the JOS.

When the yahoo groups went down, cobra was there to take advantage of the situation and create a forum that he had full control over.
Any time a HP made a mistake or had any short comings cobra would use that as leverage to justify kicking them out consolidating all the power around him.

Not to mention cobra's new system of becoming an HP requires 1 to be a full time kiss ass on the forum ensuring that if there're any new HPs they'd fully loyal to him.

I think the worse yet was the destruction of all outside sub groups of the jos by cobra and certain unseen forces.

Almost all of the groups of SS outside the jos forums died from the inside out and fell into chaos, i've watched a lot of friends turn to foe in a short span of time.
The worse was with the SIDF where the co-founder critizied cobra calling out cobra's incompetence to which cobra wrote a whole thread denouncing the SIDF which fractured it in half and eventually killed it.

and the SIDF were incredibly organized and coordinated, as they used instant messaging to coordinate their movements which allowed for quickly action, they also managed their groups well, made new sub groups if 1 got to big for easier management which also allowed the moderators to have limited control.
Despite using instant messaging it was well moderated where all the rules were enforced and was just a genuinely pleasant place.

They was also a ranking system where actual work was awarded and recognized.
Regardless in terms of Satanism the SIDF did solid work, but of course cobra's ego could not handle it and destroyed it.
sabotaging the JOS for his own comfort and control.

there's a post by called 'Turkish Translation Group - And Why Discord Servers Should Be PERMANENTLY AVOIDED'

and there's another post by him where he denounced meteor: ... 60#p385060

in cobra's post where he denounced meteor he expressed concern over his friend that was victimized by meteor while also saying how bad discord servers are quote:
"Apparently all of this began in a discord, where many lunatics were convening together, but the unfortunate victim of this was this SS who for all intents was a great Satanist as far as I know. He also had a lot of contributions for JoS on the programming area." and " I was shocked to see how many jews and other nasty people had been active in this so called "Discord" that was like a fake JoS."

Except he forgot to mention that his little friend was the owner of that discord server where he ran a fraudulent business that scammed others.
In the post i linked where he denounced the turkish translation discord server he forgot to mention that the owner of the turkish translation server were goods friends with cobra's friend that meteor 'victimized'.
Both of those server owners preyed on others and had ties with the jos, mainly cobra.

guess what, after he denounced the turkish discord server he gained full control over the turkish website, domain and servers.

cobra threw his own scumbag cohorts under the bus, to gain more control.
He's willing to canibilize his own people if it means getting more control and power.

Cobra also used the whole situation to put fear onto others as well as denouncing all other groups outside of the jos to leverage all people to dwell exclusivly on the forum.

Needless to say, this bleed the jos from the inside out, 1 to satisfy cobra's own ego and to consolidate all control in one place and 2 to isolate SS and slowly bleed them dry.

with lydia saying quote: "Internet groups, "discord" (whatever that is), and so on, they're not worth it. No good can come from them. All you need is in the JoS and from the Gods. Email a few members here and there if you feel the need to do so, but don't have continuous conversations with random people you don't even know, and who ask for your pictures and ID ffs!

Good and true friendships can definitely happen, but not in groups with other random people on whatsapp etc.

Yes, it sucks not having legit people to talk with all the time, but this is how it must be for the time being. In the future Satanism will be prevalent and we can have real friendships in person and live an openly Spiritual Satanic lifestyle, but for now, lay low, and work on yourself.

Hail Satan!

cobra likes to boast about the numbers, saying that there's more people in the jos now, maybe.. but they're worse of than before, numbers don't really mean much if they're all isolated.

the forum isn't a social place, it's limited, restricted and open to the public. not a place to socialize.
And this is important because people naturally want to be with others who have the same worldview as them, it's hard to get along with others when views differ to an extreme extent, i.e like xians trying to get along with pagans, it doesn't mix well.

The jos went from thriving to rotting under cobra's control.
Saw your post just now.

So i saw this thread in the discord feed after BlackOrbit666 made a post on it,
I had searched for this thread some time ago but couldn't find since it don had deleted his account.

So thanks.
You're welcome :D

Now, on a more serious note, I know that Cobra somehow only cares about the numbers, and consider members, human individuals after all, just as numbers put on a computer display.

Moreover, if you check the algorithm of ancient forums, at the main page, after scrolling down to the bottom end of the page, you will find out the Most members who were online counter which showed the amount of 1658 members.

I do not know that much about SIDF, but, I will check out later on.

As for the rest said, Cobra and the others that are his lackeys tend to cause up a lot of chaos to members that are outside the enforced JoS doctrine.

Moreover, after the denouncing of Meteor and that businessman, the Turkish site was immediately in his control.

Thank you for sharing this useful information :)

Proud Cancerian with Scorpio Ascendant β™‹ ♏
Ave Satanas
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Re: Is Hoodedcobra Legitimate? part 2

Post by Venessa »

BirdofFreedom wrote: ↑Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:35 pm
I wasn't aware of all of this but it certainly doesn't surprise me. Everyone would always talk up Cobra as if he was some kind of god, but it's clear now he's just as messed up as his followers are... maybe even more so actually.
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