Witchy Things

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Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Find a secluded area, preferably outdoors and away from any distractions or interruptions.

Draw a circle on the ground using a stick or other tool, and place candles or other offerings (such as incense or flowers) around the circumference of the circle.
Stand in the center of the circle and close your eyes. Focus on your intention to summon the spirit, and visualize the spirit's form in your mind's eye.

Speak the name of the spirit you wish to summon, and recite any incantations or prayers you may know that are associated with the spirit.

As you speak, raise your arms and direct your energy towards the center of the circle.

Be patient, and wait for a sign that the spirit has been summoned. This can be a physical manifestation, such as a gust of wind or a change in temperature, or it could be a feeling, such as a sense of presence or a feeling of being watched.

When you feel that the spirit has been summoned, speak to it and ask it to reveal itself.

Remember to show respect and courtesy to the spirit and to dismiss it safely when you are finished communicating with it.

"I call upon the ancient spirit MAMMON,
By the power of earth, air, fire, and water,
I summon thee to my presence,
Hear my call and come forth,
MAMMON, spirit of the elements,
I command you to appear before me,
By the power of the ancient ones,
I call upon you, MAM,
To aid me in my quest,
So mote it be."
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Find a secluded, quiet place outside where you will not be disturbed.
Wait for nightfall and ensure there is a clear view of the stars.
Light a candle or an incense stick to create a peaceful ambiance.
Sit or stand in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to clear your mind.
Focus on the spell you wish to cast and visualize the desired outcome in your mind.
Speak the words of the spell clearly and with conviction.
End the spell by blowing out the candle or incense and thank the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) for their assistance.
Remember the spell and what you visualized, and believe in the power of your words.

"Oh mighty Xezbeth, hear my prayer and grant me your inspiration and guidance. Fill my mind with creativity and my heart with passion, that I may bring forth works of beauty and truth. Lead me on the path of greatness, and guide me to achieve my full potential. I humbly ask for your blessings and support, now and always. So be it."
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

How to end a feud:

Gather a small handful of rose petals and a white candle.
Sit facing the direction of the person with whom you wish to reconcile.
Light the candle and hold the rose petals in your hand.
Close your eyes and focus on the feeling of reconciliation and forgiveness.
Repeat the following incantation:

"By the power of love and understanding,
I call upon the spirits of peace and harmony.
Let any ill will and anger between us be dissolved,
And let reconciliation and friendship take its place.
So mote it be."

Visualize a beam of white light connecting you to the other person, and see it filling both of you with feelings of love and forgiveness.
Blow out the candle and keep the rose petals in a special place as a reminder of your intention for reconciliation.
Remember that true reconciliation requires effort and communication from both parties, so make sure to also make an effort to reach out and talk to the person you wish to reconcile with.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Thanks for sharing this Astro :D
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by BlackOrbit666 »


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you for sharing this, Astro :)

If I am not mistaken, I think that the first spell is for evolution or spiritual and physical gratitude, the second one for a relationship and the third one for money, as in Ancient Greek times Mammom is depicted as the entity controlling money and finances.

If I misplaced something :doh: :lol: , please let me know

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

BlackOrbit666 wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:11 am Hurrayy!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you for sharing this, Astro :)

If I am not mistaken, I think that the first spell is for evolution or spiritual and physical gratitude, the second one for a relationship and the third one for money, as in Ancient Greek times Mammom is depicted as the entity controlling money and finances.

If I misplaced something :doh: :lol: , please let me know
Mammon was also an ancient god worshiped by the nomadic peoples, who were located in the Middle East. In some religions, Mammon was seen as an evil deity, associated with greed and materialism. In the Bible, Mammon is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke, in which Jesus warns his disciples that they cannot serve both God and Mammon.

Mammon is also mentioned in the Book of Enoch, where he is described as a fallen angel who is the ruler of material wealth and the chief of the Grigori, a group of fallen angels. In Gnosticism, Mammon is seen as a symbol of earthly materialism and is believed to be a source of evil in the world.

Mammon has been associated with wealth and material possessions since ancient times, and even today it is seen as a symbol of greed and materialism. In modern usage, the term "mammon" is often used to refer to money and material possessions, which can be seen as a false god that one should not worship. But I worship him anyway.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

To summon a demon next to a river, you will need the following items: a large circle drawn with a white powder made from crushed chalk or graveyard dirt, a ritual knife, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, an offering such as a piece of jewelry or a precious stone, and a piece of parchment with a written invocation to the demon.

Begin by preparing the ritual space. Place the circle on the ground and sprinkle the white powder around it. Next, fill the bowl of water with water from the river and the bowl of salt with salt from the river. Place these bowls inside the circle.

Next, light three candles in the circle and place the offering in the center. Using the ritual knife, write the invocation on the piece of parchment and then place it inside the circle.

Once all of this is done, speak the invocation aloud. Be sure to remain inside the circle and do not break the circle until the demon has arrived. Once the demon has appeared, it may be necessary to offer additional offerings or to make agreements. When the summoning is complete, be sure to properly close the circle.

"Blessed be Undina!
Oh powerful river demon, I call upon you to hear my prayer. I beseech you to grant me the strength and courage to face the challenges that lie ahead. Grant me the wisdom to make the right choices and always seek the truth. Guide me in my journey and protect me from harm.

May I be blessed with your divine guidance and protection, and may I always be guided by your divine wisdom."

Undina's sigil:
Godess Udina.png
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Find an open field at night, when the sky is clear and the stars are visible.

Create a circle using salt or a line of chalk, making sure the circle is large enough for you to comfortably stand inside.

Place a lit candle in the center of the circle.

Stand inside the circle and face east.

Speak the spirit's name three times, clearly and confidently.

Offer the spirit a gift, such as a piece of fruit or a small token.

Wait patiently for the spirit to appear.

Once the spirit has appeared, speak to it respectfully and listen carefully to its response.

When you are finished communicating with the spirit, thank it and bid it farewell.

Extinguish the candle and disperse the salt or chalk to close the circle.

Note: Summoning spirits is not to be taken lightly, it is important to be mindful of the consequences and cultural and spiritual sensitivity.

"Almighty Tiamat, (Mother of All Earth Demons) creator of the Earth and all that lies within it, I come before you with humility and reverence. I beseech you to grant me your guidance and protection as I walk the path that you have laid before me. Help me to be wise and courageous in the face of adversity, and to stay true to my purpose. Bless me with your grace and mercy, and may your presence bring tranquility and peace to my heart.

I now summon the elemental spirit Terra! Dear Terra, spirit of the Earth, I humbly request your presence. I am in need of your guidance and protection as I travel the path that you have set before me. Grant me the courage to face the challenges ahead and the wisdom to stay true to my purpose. "
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by BlackOrbit666 »

AstroKid wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:55 am
BlackOrbit666 wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:11 am Hurrayy!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you for sharing this, Astro :)

If I am not mistaken, I think that the first spell is for evolution or spiritual and physical gratitude, the second one for a relationship and the third one for money, as in Ancient Greek times Mammom is depicted as the entity controlling money and finances.

If I misplaced something :doh: :lol: , please let me know
Mammon was also an ancient god worshiped by the nomadic peoples, who were located in the Middle East. In some religions, Mammon was seen as an evil deity, associated with greed and materialism. In the Bible, Mammon is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke, in which Jesus warns his disciples that they cannot serve both God and Mammon.

Mammon is also mentioned in the Book of Enoch, where he is described as a fallen angel who is the ruler of material wealth and the chief of the Grigori, a group of fallen angels. In Gnosticism, Mammon is seen as a symbol of earthly materialism and is believed to be a source of evil in the world.

Mammon has been associated with wealth and material possessions since ancient times, and even today it is seen as a symbol of greed and materialism. In modern usage, the term "mammon" is often used to refer to money and material possessions, which can be seen as a false god that one should not worship. But I worship him anyway.
Thank you for telling me this.

In modern usage, the term "mammon" is often used to refer to money and material possessions, which can be seen as a false god that one should not worship. But I worship him anyway. - just like all the things that are happening, the Mammon term is used to falsely describe a powerful Demon that helps us gain material wealth. Very good that in spite of such claims you worship him.

I can say that I worship Satan and Lucifer more :)

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

BlackOrbit666 wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:50 am

I can say that I worship Satan and Lucifer more :)
If that is really the case, you will agree that Satan would want you to embrace relationships with his allies. Satan is busy and should not be bothered with trivial things when there is a lesser spirit available and willing to come to your aid. Many times Satan will send demons from a lower rank as messengers on his behalf. Even Mammon is busy at times and will do the same. These entities are not omnipresent.