Witchy Things

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Ahem... excuse you? FYI I am not a Satanist. I practice a mixture of Thelema, nature worship and devil worship. I don't care about the Jews for Satan, or whatever you call it..
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

The Zodiac and elements of Summerian Sun worship are also part of my religious tradition.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Godfather10 wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:48 pm
AstroKid wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:14 am "I call upon the ancient spirit MAMMON,
By the power of earth, air, fire, and water,
I summon thee to my presence,
Hear my call and come forth,
MAMMON, spirit of the elements,
I command you to appear before me,
By the power of the ancient ones,
I call upon you, MAM,
To aid me in my quest,
So mote it be."
This is a very serious Warning
According to the JOS website, whose information about the Demons is the closest to reality you can find anywhere, "Mammon" is not an actual Demon, but a jewish word for money that was associated with the Greek God Zeus, which is Baalzebul himself.

It is very disrespecting and blaspheming in my personal opinion to refer to Baalzebul and any other Demon as "spirits". The Demons are NOT spirits. Also I am honestly questioning the ritual procedure... You don't have to do any of this to contact Baalzebul or any other God, let alone as an outsider. To all outsider gentiles who are not dedicated spiritual satanists, please don't play with the fire. Demons are NOT "spirits" and you cannot "demand" them to help you especially as an outsider. In the best case scenario you will get ignored, anything else can get dangerous and problematic if you follow the strange and blaspheming ritual that has been posted above. Please be cautious about the information about the Demons you choose to believe.
I am posting about my own personal experience and what has worked for me. I never asked anyone to perform my rituals and spells. If something worked for me, I will post about it. JOS has no place dictating how I am allowed to go about my spiritual practice outside of their own platform. You sick creep.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Cleansing spell:

To cast a spell with salt, you'll need the following items:

A bowl of clean salt
A bowl of clean water
A piece of paper
A pen or marker


Begin by filling the bowl with salt and placing it in the center of your working space.
Take the pen or marker and write the intention for your spell on the piece of paper. Think carefully about what your goal is before writing it down.
Place the piece of paper in the bowl of salt.
Take the bowl of water and pour it over the paper and salt.
As you pour the water, focus on your intention and visualize your goal coming to fruition.
Allow the paper to dissolve in the salt and water mixture.
Once the paper has dissolved, thank the elements and any spirits that may have aided in your spell.
Dispose of the salt and water mixture in the ground.

"By the power of the elements, I call upon air, fire, water, and earth to purify and cleanse this space. May any negative energy be dissipated and replaced with love and positivity. I call upon the spirits of the ancestors to guide and protect us. This space is now cleansed and protected. So mote it be."
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Sorry about that Astrokid.
Cobra is threatened there is a community growing here he cannot control. This is a long ongoing business sabotage issue. He is a criminal.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:13 pm Sorry about that Astrokid.
Cobra is threatened there is a community growing here he cannot control. This is a long ongoing business sabotage issue. He is a criminal.
Okay, I understand. Thank you for explaining.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

A spell for wisdom

To cast a spell with fire, you will need the following items:

A fire-safe bowl or cauldron
A piece of paper
A pen or marker
Matches or a lighter


Begin by placing the bowl or cauldron in the center of your working space.
Take the pen or marker and write the intention for your spell on the piece of paper. Think carefully about what your goal is before writing it down.
Place the piece of paper in the bowl or cauldron.
Take the matches or lighter and light the paper.
As the paper burns, focus on your intention and visualize your goal coming to fruition.
Once the paper has burned away, thank the elements and any spirits that may have aided in your spell.
Dispose of the ashes in a fire-safe container.

"Oh ancient ones, who wisdom keep,
In hidden knowledge, secrets steeped,
Bestow upon me your insight,
And guide my steps towards the light.

Let the moons glow and the stars shine,
As I seek to make my knowledge thine,
With each step, let my understanding grow,
And my mind and spirit, a steady flow.

I call upon the goddess of wisdom,
And the god of knowledge, to listen
To my pleas for guidance and discernment,
In all my choices and judgement.

With this spell, I do implore,
A mind that's sharp and senses more,
So mote it be, forevermore."
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

To cast a spell in windy weather, you will need to take into consideration the direction and strength of the wind. If the wind is strong, it would be wise to find a sheltered spot or use a windbreak such as a wall or tree to protect yourself. If the wind is coming from a specific direction, you can use it to your advantage and direct your spells in that direction. You should also be aware of any objects that may be affected by strong winds, such as candles or incense. If possible, try to secure these objects to prevent them from blowing away. Finally, when speaking your spell, make sure to speak louder than usual to ensure your words are heard.

Oh Parun, god of the winds,
We humbly ask for your guidance and protection.
May the winds be at our backs,
lifting us up and carrying us forward.
Help us navigate the storms of life,
and guide us safely to our destination.
Bless us with the freedom and power of the winds,
and let your refreshing breeze bring us new life.
We give you thanks for all that you do,
and praise your mighty name. So Mote It Be
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by BlackOrbit666 »

AstroKid wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:23 pm This spell has many uses. In this case I will demonstrate how to use it to influence and control someone else's free will i.e. manipulate them.

To cast a spell when someone is sleeping, begin by finding a place where the person can sleep undisturbed. Before the person falls asleep, take a few moments to clear your mind and focus on your intention. Visualize the outcome you desire and make sure your will and intent are clear. When the person is sleeping, begin to chant the words of your spell, and use your hand gestures and body movements to help direct the energy of the spell. Make sure that the spell is cast in a way that will not disturb the person’s sleep. When the spell is complete, take a few moments to thank the elements and any deities you are working with, and then take a few moments to relax and enjoy the experience before leaving the area.

Obedience Spell:

Let me be still and heed the call, To bind my will and heed my all. Let my thoughts be clear and true, To do what's right, just as I do.

My mind must be in perfect peace, As I follow your commands with ease. No matter what lies in my way, I shall obey, I shall not stray.

Let me be steadfast and brave, To accept what I should, what I must save. My heart shall be true and strong, To do what's right, no matter how long.

Let my spirit be calm, As I kneel to your will and do no harm. Let me be kind and gentle, To do with grace what is essential.

This power of obedience I will uphold, To do as I'm told, never growing old. Let me be strong and wise, So I can follow your will with ease.
This one seems pretty interesting and also has a nature of mystery and mysticism applied to it, based on my personal finding.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful amount of spells that, if done correctly, are going to be very successful to the mage.

One thing that I want to add though is that in your spell thst mentioned Tiamat, I want to say that she is related to chaos energy.

At least that is stipulated on Wikipedia and on the Internet.

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Astro, an objection was raised towards your ritual procedure. However, since it was prefaced with racial slurs, it was thus, deleted. But to be fair I'll post his concerns without the Ad hominem attacks and jos propaganda.

His concern is regarding addressing a Daemon as a spirit. He feels a Daemon isn't a spirit and so its being disrespectful.

He claims mammon is not an actual demon but a jewish word (jos people are obsessed with jews) however, on the site itself:

zeus.jpg (682.19 KiB) Viewed 256 times

It says right there Zeus answers to Mammon. Why would He do that if its so offensive? Zeus is a Daemon so...this seems contradictory.

The objection is also that since you aren't a jos person, a 'spiritual satanist' (a phrase exclusive to the jos brand of 'satanism' in order to be able to call themselves SS and make spiritual synonymous with the nazi propaganda they promote); you, as a non SS are not qualified to be summoning a Daemon.

He thinks also that 'commanding' a Daemon to appear is disrespectful and blasphemous.

He says to be cautious about information regarding Daemons people reading your work choose to believe.

I would say of course people are well advised to do their own research, ask questions, think for themselves and practice discernment. That is self evident. I personally, am appreciative of your knowledge and willingness to share. it's up to each individual what they do with the information provided. Freedom to choose.

My thoughts would be that an advanced multi dimensional being (Daemon), when they appear are coming in spirit form. We all have an animating force or spirit. So not sure how this is disrespecting them. It's interesting how they're saying one doesn't need all this ritual to make contact, when they have pages of rituals. Seems like apples and oranges, splitting hairs. I think it boils down to they feel its their way, or no way. But people have their own personal beliefs. Have you ever had a negative experience where a Daemon shows up insulted?

It's the intention, the vibration or resonance one is putting out that actually matters, not so much the words one group or another thinks is correct (or not). While I would never command a Daemon to appear because (to me personally) it smacks of attempting to order one around which could be perceived as rude, I think a higher dimensional being who is telepathic is going to be able to discern the persons intent and act (or not) accordingly.

Do you have any thoughts you would like to share?
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