Witchy Things

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

Opening the third eye:

To cast a spell with blood, you will need the following items: a vessel for the blood, an athame or ritual dagger, a candle, incense, and an altar. Begin by setting up your altar and placing the items you need on it. Light the candle and incense and use the athame to draw a circle around the altar. Focus your energy on the spell you want to cast, and then use the athame to draw a drop of your own blood onto the vessel. Speak the words of the spell aloud, visualizing the desired outcome. Finally, extinguish the candle and incense and close the circle. Your spell is now complete.

"Oh spirits of the universe, I humbly ask for your guidance and blessings. Open my third eye, that I may see beyond the physical realm and understand the truth of the world. Help me to access the wisdom and insight that lies within me, and grant me the ability to use this knowledge for the betterment of myself and all those around me. I am open and receptive to your divine guidance, and I trust in your wisdom and power. So be it."
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

You don't always need to know a Demon's name in order to summon them. You can get to know them once you have established contact. Trust the universe to send the correct spirit.

To cast a spell outside during a full moon, you will need to prepare the area and gather the appropriate items. Choose a place to cast the spell that is peaceful and away from distractions. Gather any items you will need such as candles, incense, an altar cloth, and any other items associated with the spell. When the full moon is visible, light the candles and incense and set up the altar. Speak your spell aloud, focusing on the desired outcome and envisioning it in your mind. When the ritual is complete, extinguish the candles and incense and thank the moon for its assistance. Your spell is now complete.

Find a secluded outdoor location where you will not be disturbed.
Wait for the full moon to rise in the sky.
Gather any materials you will need for your spell, such as herbs, crystals, or candles.
Cleanse yourself and your surroundings with sage or a similar purifying herb.
Cast a circle by outlining the perimeter with salt or a similar substance, and invoke the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit) to protect and empower your spell.
Hold your chosen materials in your hands and focus your intent on the spell you wish to cast.
Speak the incantation or intention for your spell out loud, with conviction and confidence.
Release the spell by casting the materials into the air, blowing out a candle, or any other method specific to your tradition.
Close the circle by thanking the elements and dismissing them.
Wait for the full moon to pass before breaking the circle, and be sure to ground yourself.

Here is an incantation for summoning a moon demon:

"Goddess of the night, hear my plea, Bring forth a powerful moon demon to me. Let its energy and wisdom be shared, As I call upon its spirit to be bared. Let its power be felt in this place, As I summon it to be my ally and grace. By the power of the moon, I call upon thee, To come forth and answer my plea."
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

To cast a spell during a new moon, you will need to begin by preparing an area for your spell work. This should be a clean and quiet place that is free from distractions. Then, cast your circle by calling in the four directions and any helper spirits you would like to join you. Once the circle is cast, light a white or silver candle and then focus on your intention for the spell. Speak aloud the words of your spell, and be sure to be as clear and specific as possible. After you have finished speaking your spell, thank any of the spirits or deities that you have asked to join you. Allow the candle to burn out completely, and your spell will be cast.

Find a secluded indoor location where you will not be disturbed.
Wait for the new moon to rise in the sky.
Gather any materials you will need for your spell, such as herbs, crystals, or candles.
Cleanse yourself and your surroundings with sage or a similar purifying herb.
Cast a circle by outlining the perimeter with salt or a similar substance, and invoke the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit) to protect and empower your spell.
Hold your chosen materials in your hands and focus your intent on the spell you wish to cast.
Speak the incantation or intention for your spell out loud, with conviction and confidence.
Release the spell by casting the materials into a cauldron or similar vessel, blowing out a candle, or any other method specific to your tradition.
Close the circle by thanking the elements and dismissing them.
Wait for the new moon to pass before breaking the circle and be sure to ground yourself.

Here is an incantation for summoning a chaos demon:

"Come forth from the depths of the void, Bring chaos and destruction to this world, We summon you, chaos demon, To answer our call and fulfill our will."
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

When working with spirits and demons, it's important to understand that you don't always have to know their specific name in order to call upon them. Instead, you can call upon them by their talents, function or job.

For example, if you need healing, you can call upon a healing spirit or demon. If you are seeking wisdom or knowledge, you can call upon a wisdom spirit or demon. Similarly, if you need protection, you can call upon a protection spirit or demon. This is because spirits and demons often have specific areas of expertise and are associated with certain functions or jobs.

By calling upon spirits and demons by their talents, function or job, you are still able to establish a connection with them, and they will be able to hear and respond to your request. This is especially useful when you are not familiar with the specific name of the spirit or demon you wish to work with.

It's also important to note that when you call upon a spirit or demon by their talents, function or job, you may not always get the same entity. Different spirits and demons may have similar talents, function or job, and may respond to your call. This is why it's important to communicate your intentions clearly and respectfully, and to be aware of the nature of the spirits and demons you are working with.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

When working with spirits and demons, it's important to understand that there are many different types, each with their own unique characteristics and abilities. Some spirits and demons are known for their specific areas of expertise, such as healing, protection, or divination. Others may be associated with certain elements, such as fire or water.

When calling upon spirits and demons, it's important to understand that different ones may appear every time, depending on the nature of your relationship with them. Some spirits and demons may be more inclined to work with you, while others may not be as willing. This is why it's important to establish a strong connection with the spirits and demons you wish to work with, and to communicate your intentions clearly and respectfully.

It's also important to note that the same spirit or demon may appear in different forms, or may manifest differently depending on the situation. For example, a spirit or demon may appear as a friendly and helpful entity one time, and then as a menacing and threatening entity the next. This is why it's important to be aware of the nature of the spirits and demons you are working with, and to approach them with caution and respect.

It's also important to remember that spirits and demons are not always benevolent, and that some may have malevolent intentions. Therefore, it's essential to take the necessary precautions and protections to ensure your own safety and well-being. This includes protection spells, banishing rituals, and other methods of protection.

Working with spirits and demons can be a powerful and enlightening experience, but it's important to be aware of the many different types and nature of these entities, and to establish a strong connection with them before attempting to call upon them. Always approach them with respect and caution, and be prepared for the unexpected.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

To cast a spell on a mountain, begin by finding a mountain that resonates with your desired outcome. Next, create a magical circle around the spot on the mountain, using items such as stones or candles to mark the boundaries. Once your circle is complete, enter the circle and begin to focus your energy on the desired outcome. Visualize the desired outcome and repeat the words of the spell, or chant, as many times as needed. When you feel that the energy has been released, step out of the circle and thank the mountain for its help.

Find a secluded outdoor location where you will have a clear view of the sky.
Wait for a clear night with minimal cloud coverage.
Gather any materials you will need for your spell, such as herbs, crystals, or candles.
Cleanse yourself and your surroundings with sage or a similar purifying herb.
Cast a circle by outlining the perimeter with salt or a similar substance, and invoke the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit) to protect and empower your spell.
Hold your chosen materials in your hands and focus your intent on the spell you wish to cast.
Speak the incantation or intention for your spell out loud, with conviction and confidence.
Release the spell by casting the materials into the sky, lighting a firework or lantern, or any other method specific to your tradition.
Look up and observe the sky, watching for any signs or symbols that may indicate the spell has been received.
Close the circle by thanking the elements and dismissing them.

Summon a sky demon:
"I call upon the power of the sky, Bring forth the demon to my side. Let his power be strong and wise, Bring forth a loyal demon of the skies.
Let his power be bound to mine, Forever loyal, forever kind. Let his power bring me strength and might, To aid me on my quest tonight.
Come forth, come forth, Sky Demon, Be here now and never roam. Come forth, come forth, Sky Demon, Be bound to me, my faithful one."

*In this context "binding" is a request for friendship i.e. in a bond between friends or brothers.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

What I am about to share with you is extremely powerful.
As a spiritual practitioner, I often channel spirits and invite them into my body as a way to connect with their energy and wisdom. This practice, also known as possession, is a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual development.

When I channel a spirit, I enter a meditative state and open myself up to the spirit's energy. This process requires a great deal of trust, as I am allowing the spirit to temporarily take over my body and use it as a vessel. The spirit may speak through me, use my body to perform certain actions, or share its wisdom and insights with me.

I have found that by channeling spirits, I am able to gain a deeper understanding of their nature and their role in the spiritual realm. I am also able to tap into their unique abilities and talents, which can be incredibly beneficial for personal growth and healing.

It's important to note that channeling spirits should always be done with respect and caution. It's important to establish clear boundaries and communicate your intentions with the spirit before beginning the process.

How to channel the God of Death or his demons (Anubis, Hades, Hela, Yama, Mictlantecuhtli, Thanatos, Azrael, Death (or the Grim Reaper), Kali, Morpheus, Ereshkigal, Osiris, Chronos,Samhain): :

Find a secluded graveyard or cemetery, preferably at night.
Gather any materials you will need for your spell, such as herbs, crystals, or candles.
Cleanse yourself and your surroundings with sage or a similar purifying herb.
Cast a circle by outlining the perimeter with salt or a similar substance, and invoke the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit) to protect and empower your spell.
Hold your chosen materials in your hands and focus your intent on the spell you wish to cast.
Speak the incantation or intention for your spell out loud, with conviction and confidence.
Release the spell by casting the materials into a grave or placing a candle on a grave, or any other method specific to your tradition.
Observe the graveyard for any signs or symbols that may indicate the spell has been received.
Close the circle by thanking the elements and dismissing them.

Note: It's important to be aware of the laws and regulations regarding graveyards and cemeteries in your area, and to obtain permission if necessary. Also, Spell casting in a graveyard is often associated with ancestor reverence, communication with the dead, and protection, it's important to approach this practice with respect, honoring the dead and their resting place.

Invite surrender control to the spirit:

"I call upon the power of the dark, Inviting a demon to take control of my heart. Let me be the vessel of your might, Let me be your instrument of flight.
Let your strength course through my veins, Let your power be my only gain. Let your spirit be ever near, Bringing me strength and courage to fear.
Come forth, come forth, Demon Lord, Be here now and never ignore. Come forth, come forth, Demon Lord, Be bound to me, my willing host."
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Astro, I was just now looking at your posting regarding OBEs and lucid dreaming, I have a lot of experiences in this area. I spent the 90's focussing every night to maintain awareness and develop conscious recall. I began by becoming lucid somewhere in the course of the night, then moved on to maintaining awareness as I left my body till my return. I could look back at my body as I went. And then from there to OBEs. I'm sure we could talk for hours about those topics, we seem to have a lot in common. I love those topics! I spent around three years after that being mentored by a Santeria HP and Shaman, he was very helpful, I learned a lot from him. And its true, some of the Daemons are not always benevolent, some may have malevolent intentions. So true.

Your posts about working with Daemons is terrific, thank you so much for sharing! My only difference with what you're saying is personally, I'd not allow anyone to possess me. I've seen people possessed many times and it wasn't pretty. But those were negative entities and they didn't ask, weren't invited, and were very negative. I've never seen one possessed where it was a positive.

I think you're being a terrific help for others and I'm grateful you decided to come here, thank you :) I feel much happiness to witness positive contributors coming in and I'm looking forward to seeing this community grow in a positive way for the benefit of all who participate.

You had a reading from me on my livestream, wow! I'm so glad you enjoyed your read :) I've been reading for people on and off for around 25 years or so. Talk about people appearing at the right time! If you'd come here a year ago, you would have hated it here, it was so toxic then. I'm working to raise the resonance, now I'm free to do so.

The negative entity that comes here under many names, pretending to be many people when its all the same mind behind attempting business sabotage wants very much to shut this forum down by driving new people away. Please disregard it and don't let it drive you away if it goes after you. It seems to be sending new people nasty threatening messages via PM. Just letting you know. When I am here it's toxic rhetoric and attacks will be removed. But I have to sleep sometime and I have a life outside so I can't be here all the time. I'm only one person. I'll do my best to keep things positive :)
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:59 am Astro, I was just now looking at your posting regarding OBEs and lucid dreaming, I have a lot of experiences in this area. I spent the 90's focussing every night to maintain awareness and develop conscious recall. I began by becoming lucid somewhere in the course of the night, then moved on to maintaining awareness as I left my body till my return. I could look back at my body as I went. And then from there to OBEs. I'm sure we could talk for hours about those topics, we seem to have a lot in common. I love those topics! I spent around three years after that being mentored by a Santeria HP and Shaman, he was very helpful, I learned a lot from him. And its true, some of the Daemons are not always benevolent, some may have malevolent intentions. So true.

Your posts about working with Daemons is terrific, thank you so much for sharing! My only difference with what you're saying is personally, I'd not allow anyone to possess me. I've seen people possessed many times and it wasn't pretty. But those were negative entities and they didn't ask, weren't invited, and were very negative. I've never seen one possessed where it was a positive.

I think you're being a terrific help for others and I'm grateful you decided to come here, thank you :) I feel much happiness to witness positive contributors coming in and I'm looking forward to seeing this community grow in a positive way for the benefit of all who participate.

You had a reading from me on my livestream, wow! I'm so glad you enjoyed your read :) I've been reading for people on and off for around 25 years or so. Talk about people appearing at the right time! If you'd come here a year ago, you would have hated it here, it was so toxic then. I'm working to raise the resonance, now I'm free to do so.

The negative entity that comes here under many names, pretending to be many people when its all the same mind behind attempting business sabotage wants very much to shut this forum down by driving new people away. Please disregard it and don't let it drive you away if it goes after you. It seems to be sending new people nasty threatening messages via PM. Just letting you know. When I am here it's toxic rhetoric and attacks will be removed. But I have to sleep sometime and I have a life outside so I can't be here all the time. I'm only one person. I'll do my best to keep things positive :)
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude towards you for sharing you incredible story regarding your OBE with me. Hearing about your journey and the insights you gained from it was truly enlightening and thought-provoking.

Your willingness to open up and share such a personal experience was not only brave but also a testament to the trust and bond that you share with the community.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow from your experience and for the reminder to always keep an open mind to the possibilities of the world around us.

Thank you for sharing your journey with me and for being such an inspiration in my life.

Regarding Demon possession, I disagree with you. Channeling is a powerful and positive practice when it is consensual. It is a way for individuals to connect with higher spiritual energies and receive guidance and wisdom. Just as with any form of communication, it is important that both parties are willing and open to the exchange.

When channeling is forced onto an individual, it is similar to rape. Just as rape is a violation of a person's physical body, forcing channeling onto someone is a violation of their spiritual body. It is important to remember that only negative entities will force themselves onto others.

Just as with love making, channeling can be a beautiful and transformative experience when it is consensual. However, when it is forced or non-consensual, it can be deeply damaging. It is crucial that we respect and honor the boundaries of others in all areas of our lives, including in our spiritual practices.

I have been consensually possessed by Demons and have never experienced any problems. Demon possession is key to opening up the astral senses.

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to you for the positive feedback on my content. Your kind words and support have truly meant the world to me.

Creating content can be a vulnerable process, and knowing that my efforts are resonating with others is incredibly uplifting. Your support has given me the motivation to continue sharing my thoughts and ideas with the world.

Your engagement and feedback is what keeps me going, and I am humbled by the impact that my words have had on your lives.

Thank you for being a part of my journey, and for helping me to grow as a person. I look forward to continuing to share my thoughts and ideas with you in the future.
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Re: Witchy Things

Post by AstroKid »

How to use an Ouija Board correctly:

Ouija boards have been a source of fascination and intrigue for many people for decades. However, despite their popularity, most people don't actually know how to use an Ouija board correctly. This is partly because of the misconceptions and misunderstandings surrounding the use of Ouija boards, but also because many people are simply not competent in their use.

One of the main misconceptions surrounding Ouija boards is that spirits are able to physically move the Planchette on the board to communicate with the living. However, this is not the case. Spirits are not physical entities, and therefore cannot manipulate physical objects. Instead, the only way for a spirit to communicate through a Ouija board is through the use of a medium, or someone who is able to channel the spirit's energy and allow it to speak through their body.

When using an Ouija board, it is important to understand that the Planchette is not moving on its own. Instead, it is being moved by the participants, who are unconsciously allowing their own thoughts and beliefs to influence the movement of the Planchette. This is why so many people have had negative experiences with Ouija boards, as they are not properly channeling the spirits and instead are allowing their own fears and misconceptions to influence the outcome.

To use an Ouija board correctly, it is important to have a clear and open mind, and to approach the experience with a sense of respect and reverence for the spirits. It is also important to have a designated person as the medium, who will be responsible for channeling the spirit's energy and allowing it to communicate through their body. This person should be someone who is open-minded, calm, and has a deep understanding of the spirit world.

It is also important to create a safe and comfortable environment for the Ouija board session. This can include things like lighting candles, burning incense, or playing calming music. It is also important to set clear boundaries and guidelines for the session, and to make sure that everyone participating is on the same page.

Ultimately, the key to using an Ouija board correctly is to approach it with an open mind, a sense of respect, and a willingness to channel the spirits and allow them to communicate through the medium. If done correctly, an Ouija board session can be a powerful and enlightening experience, but if done incorrectly, it can be a source of fear and confusion. So, take the time to educate yourself, understand the process and use the board with caution.

Using a Ouija board alone can be a powerful and enlightening experience, as it allows you to connect directly with the spirit world without the distractions and influences of others. However, it is important to approach the experience with a sense of respect and caution, as well as a clear understanding of how to properly channel a spirit.

As I mentioned before, the first step in using a Ouija board alone is to create a comfortable and safe environment. This can include things like lighting candles, burning incense, or playing calming music. It is also important to set clear boundaries and guidelines for the session, such as only communicating with positive and non-harmful spirits.

Next, it is important to clear your mind and focus on your intention for the session. Take a few deep breaths and allow any distracting thoughts or worries to drift away. Focusing your intention on connecting with a specific spirit or gaining specific information can help to increase the chances of a successful session.

Once you feel mentally and emotionally prepared, place your hands on the Planchette and invite any spirits that wish to communicate to make themselves known. It is important to approach the experience with an open mind and a willingness to receive whatever information or messages the spirits may have for you.

As the Planchette moves across the board, it is important to pay attention to your own physical sensations and emotions. You may feel a sense of pressure or tingling in your fingers, or an emotional response to the messages being received. It is important to trust and follow these sensations, as they are often indications of the spirit's presence and communication.

As previously stated, it is also important to remember that spirits are not physical entities and therefore cannot physically move the Planchette. It is you who is unconsciously moving the Planchette by channeling the spirit's energy and allowing it to communicate through your body.

It is also essential to keep a journal or a recording device to document any messages or information received during the session. This will help you to reflect on the session and gain deeper insights into the information received.

This is the only correct way to use an Oujia board and to obtain tangible results.