Channeled Messages

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Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

The Following is a message about what to expect in 2023:

As we look towards the new year of 2023, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face as a global community. Political divisions, economic uncertainty, and the ongoing threat of climate change can all make it feel like progress is impossible. But as we stand on the threshold of a new year, I want to share a message of hope.

First and foremost, it's important to remember that we have made progress in the past, and we will continue to do so in the future. Despite the many challenges we face, we have made significant strides in areas like health care, technology, and renewable energy. In 2023, we will continue to see advances in these areas and more, as scientists and researchers push the boundaries of what is possible.

One area where we can expect to see significant progress is in the fight against climate change. In recent years, we have seen a growing awareness of the urgent need to take action on this issue, and this momentum is only going to continue. In 2023, we will see more and more countries committing to ambitious emissions reduction targets, and more companies and individuals taking steps to reduce their own carbon footprint. We will also see continued investment in renewable energy, which will help to drive down costs and make it an increasingly viable option for powering our homes and communities.

Another area where we can expect to see progress is in the field of technology. As we move deeper into the 21st century, technology is becoming increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives, and this trend will continue in 2023. We will see continued advancements in areas like artificial intelligence, which will help to improve everything from healthcare to transportation. We will also see the rise of new technologies like 5G networks and quantum computing, which will open up new possibilities for communication and computation.

Of course, no discussion of progress in 2023 would be complete without mentioning the ongoing fight against COVID-19. While the pandemic has been a difficult and trying experience for everyone, we have made significant strides in the development of vaccines and treatments. In 2023, we will see continued distribution of these vaccines, and we will begin to see the end of the pandemic. This will help to bring a sense of normalcy back to our lives and allow us to return to the things we love, like meeting with friends and family, traveling, and going to concerts and sporting events.

Lastly, in 2023, we will see a shift in societal values, where people will be more inclined towards empathy and compassion. We will see a more inclusive and equitable world, where everyone is given an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background. We will see more and more people standing up for marginalized groups and fighting for justice.

In conclusion, as we look towards 2023, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face. But as we begin this new year, let us remember that we have made progress in the past, and we will continue to do so in the future. We will see continued advancements in areas like climate change, technology, and healthcare, and we will begin to see the end of the pandemic. And most importantly, we will see a shift in societal values towards empathy and compassion, which will pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable world. Let us hold on to hope, and let us work together to build a better future for all.

- Zapsoth messenger of Qulaxo chief counsel and advisor to Asmodeus
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I think Health care, technology, AI, the green scam, 5G and equality might be good if it wasn't heavily weaponized as it is presently.

Although the negative control grid IS coming down as people awaken.
The negatives are being removed.

But as far as jabs go, I'm sorry but I disagree they are any good ever. They are a weapon of genocide.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:02 am I think Health care, technology, AI, the green scam, 5G and equality might be good if it wasn't heavily weaponized as it is presently.

Although the negative control grid IS coming down as people awaken.
The negatives are being removed.

But as far as jabs go, I'm sorry but I disagree they are any good ever. They are a weapon of genocide.
I agree with you, but this was a message about what to expect in 2023. Not a message about what the Gods support. This information was provided to help people prepare for the future. Whether we like it or not, there are events that we have no control over. However, I have reached out to Zapsoth for an elaboration. He explained that he was busy but still relayed a short message:

It's important to keep in mind that the future is always uncertain and that events can take unexpected turns.

It's also important to note that just because certain events are predicted or expected to occur, it doesn't necessarily mean that they have the support of a higher power. We must remember that we live in a complex and dynamic world where many factors come into play and that ultimately, the course of events is shaped by the actions and decisions of individuals and groups.

In the end, what we can expect in 2023 is the unexpected. So let's stay open-minded, stay informed, and be prepared to adapt as events unfold.

- Zapsoth messenger of Qulaxo chief counsel and advisor to Asmodeus
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by Venessa »

AstroKid wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:29 am - Zapsoth messenger of Qulaxo chief counsel and advisor to Asmodeus
No idea who "Zapsoth" is, but this information is like the generic concept of what the future looks like. If you asked a random person on the street, they'd very likely have said something similar to what you/they did. The climate change and vaccine stuff you mentioned isn't going to be some "positive change" like you've presented it, they're both going to be pushed as an extreme authoritarian agenda against society. There isn't a renewable source of energy we can fully substitute to, manufacturing the means to go "green" would just damage the climate anyway. The vaccines are already proven not to do anything, except give people health problems like severe blood clotting. "Zapsoth" is basically shilling for World Economic Forum, aka the new world order, knowingly or not.

I'm usually happy to welcome people here to this community, but I don't know there's something very off about you and I'm not sure what it is yet.

:think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

Venessa wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:27 am
AstroKid wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:29 am - Zapsoth messenger of Qulaxo chief counsel and advisor to Asmodeus
No idea who "Zapsoth" is, but this information is like the generic concept of what the future looks like. If you asked a random person on the street, they'd very likely have said something similar to what you/they did. The climate change and vaccine stuff you mentioned isn't going to be some "positive change" like you've presented it, they're both going to be pushed as an extreme authoritarian agenda against society. There isn't a renewable source of energy we can fully substitute to, manufacturing the means to go "green" would just damage the climate anyway. The vaccines are already proven not to do anything, except give people health problems like severe blood clotting. "Zapsoth" is basically shilling for World Economic Forum, aka the new world order, knowingly or not.

I'm usually happy to welcome people here to this community, but I don't know there's something very off about you and I'm not sure what it is yet.

:think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:

As a messenger, my role is to simply pass on information as it is given to me. I do not have any personal opinions or biases regarding the information being shared, I am simply the conduit through which it is delivered.

It is important to understand that my role is not to verify or validate the information being shared. That responsibility lies with the source of the information. My job is to simply pass it on to you, the reader, in an accurate and unbiased manner.

It is also important to note that I do not have any control over the information being shared. I am simply the messenger, and as such, I cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or errors in the information being passed on.

I hope this helps to clarify my role as a messenger and that you will approach the information being shared with an open mind and a critical eye. Remember to always fact-check and verify information before making any decisions based on it.
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by Venessa »

AstroKid wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:32 am
Zopsoth can come here and push his own garbage. There's nothing "divine" or credible about anything you said, or even specific for that matter.
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

No idea who "Zapsoth" is, but this information is like the generic concept of what the future looks like.
Zapsoth is a spirit messenger that I have had the privilege of channeling. In the world of spirit communication, there are countless demons and spirits, each with their own unique personalities and characteristics. Many of these entities have never been recorded or written down, and their names may not be widely known.

Similar to how many humans may go by the name Joe, there may also be multiple demons or spirits that share the same name. However, the Zapsoth that I have channeled is a unique entity with its own distinct energy and message.

Through channeling, I have been able to communicate with Zapsoth and receive guidance and wisdom from this powerful spirit. It has been a transformative and enlightening experience, and I am grateful for the connection that I have been able to establish with Zapsoth.

I encourage others to explore the world of spirit communication and connect with the entities that resonate with them. Whether it be Zapsoth or another demon or spirit, the wisdom and guidance that can be received is invaluable
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

True enough, not necessarily what they (positive beings) support.

There are two groups, each composed of many factions but essentially one is positive and one highly negative (who have enjoyed dominion down here for millennia) struggling to assert their respective timelines. One is for total world tyranny with completely weaponized Health care, technology, AI, the green scam, 5G and equality (and more). The other sovereignty for each person where we have these things in the positive timeline...I've seen the negative timeline. It is horrible beyond imagining. I sure don't want to see that come to pass. I think its one of the reasons I came here at this time. To do what I can.

Its going to depend on if enough people wake up in time to the attack vectors we're being poisoned with and raise their frequency. We've been divided and conquered for a very long time, kept in the dark. But I do believe that this is the year when the light is going to begin to return as knowledge is spreading (light being knowledge). I can see people waking up. Definitely within the last 3 years for sure. I'm seeing it more and more so thats encouraging.

It is definitely going to depend on the actions and decisions of individuals and groups.

There are two timelines. The struggle over the last two years (especially 2022) the timeline felt like it was altering almost every other day.

I agree stay open-minded, stay informed, and be prepared to adapt as events unfold. For sure. There are going to be some revelations coming down that will rock this planet soon. I do feel that. The veil is dropping. Definitely expect the unexpected.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

Venessa wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:37 am
AstroKid wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:32 am
Zopsoth can come here and push his own garbage. There's nothing "divine" or credible about anything you said, or even specific for that matter.
You are free to reach out to this demonic messenger yourself. I have shared information and guidance on the topic of channeling spirits and using an Ouija board. For those who are new to the world of spirit communication, channeling is the act of connecting with and receiving messages from spirits or entities. One common method of channeling is through the use of an Ouija board, which is a tool that allows for the spelling out of messages from spirits.
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:42 am True enough, not necessarily what they (positive beings) support.

There are two groups, each composed of many factions but essentially one is positive and one highly negative (who have enjoyed dominion down here for millennia) struggling to assert their respective timelines. One is for total world tyranny with completely weaponized Health care, technology, AI, the green scam, 5G and equality (and more). The other sovereignty for each person where we have these things in the positive timeline...I've seen the negative timeline. It is horrible beyond imagining. I sure don't want to see that come to pass. I think its one of the reasons I came here at this time. To do what I can.

Its going to depend on if enough people wake up in time to the attack vectors we're being poisoned with and raise their frequency. We've been divided and conquered for a very long time, kept in the dark. But I do believe that this is the year when the light is going to begin to return as knowledge is spreading (light being knowledge). I can see people waking up. Definitely within the last 3 years for sure. I'm seeing it more and more so thats encouraging.

It is definitely going to depend on the actions and decisions of individuals and groups.

There are two timelines. The struggle over the last two years (especially 2022) the timeline felt like it was altering almost every other day.

I agree stay open-minded, stay informed, and be prepared to adapt as events unfold. For sure. There are going to be some revelations coming down that will rock this planet soon. I do feel that. The veil is dropping. Definitely expect the unexpected.
Thank you for taking my side in this, understanding that I am only a messenger for the Gods and your positive message.