Channeled Messages

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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

A few months ago, as I sat in meditation, I felt a powerful presence fill the room. I knew it was a spirit, and I opened my mind to receive whatever message it had for me. The spirit's words were clear and direct: "War is futile. It brings only destruction and suffering."

I sat in stunned silence, contemplating the weight of this message. War has been a constant throughout human history, yet the spirit's words made it clear that it serves no purpose. It only causes pain and loss for all involved.

The spirit went on to explain that war arises from a lack of understanding and compassion. It is born from the belief that our differences are more important than our common humanity. But in truth, we are all connected and interdependent. When we harm others, we ultimately harm ourselves.

The spirit's message made me realize that the only way to truly end war is to work towards understanding and compassion. We must strive to see the humanity in others, even when they seem different from us. We must work to create a world where all people can live in peace and prosperity.

I know this is a difficult task, and it will not happen overnight. But if we all make a conscious effort to promote understanding and compassion in our daily lives, we can create a world where war is no longer necessary.

The spirit's message has given me a new perspective on the world and my place in it. I will strive to live my life in a way that promotes peace and understanding, and I hope that others will join me in this endeavor. Together, we can create a better world for all.
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"As I sat in meditation, I felt a strong presence from the water demon around me. It was a spirit who had a message to share with me. They told me that true healing begins from within. They explained that we often focus on external factors to heal ourselves, such as relationships, material possessions, and career success. But true healing starts with addressing the inner turmoil within our minds and hearts.

The spirit reminded me that we all have a unique journey and that we must be patient with ourselves as we navigate through our own healing process. They encouraged me to take the time to truly listen to my inner voice, to pay attention to my thoughts and emotions, and to be kind and compassionate to myself.

The spirit also reminded me that healing is a process, not a destination. We will all encounter challenges and setbacks, but it's important to remember that these are opportunities for growth and learning.

In order to truly heal, we must let go of the past and forgive ourselves and others. This can be difficult, but the spirit assured me that it is necessary for us to move forward. They also emphasized the importance of self-care and self-love. We must take care of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in order to truly heal.

I left my meditation feeling a sense of peace and understanding. The spirit's message resonated with me deeply and I am committed to taking the steps necessary to heal myself from within. I hope that this message will resonate with you as well and that you will take the time to focus on your own inner healing."

Totally resonates. You expressed it beautifully, thank you.

Fluxinella, I think you'd appreciate this :)
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"The spirit went on to explain that war arises from a lack of understanding and compassion. It is born from the belief that our differences are more important than our common humanity. But in truth, we are all connected and interdependent. When we harm others, we ultimately harm ourselves.

The spirit's message made me realize that the only way to truly end war is to work towards understanding and compassion. We must strive to see the humanity in others, even when they seem different from us. We must work to create a world where all people can live in peace and prosperity.

I know this is a difficult task, and it will not happen overnight. But if we all make a conscious effort to promote understanding and compassion in our daily lives, we can create a world where war is no longer necessary.

The spirit's message has given me a new perspective on the world and my place in it. I will strive to live my life in a way that promotes peace and understanding, and I hope that others will join me in this endeavor. Together, we can create a better world for all."

I agree, but It's also that the negatives who have been ruling here manufacture war so they can loosh off us.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

Zola I have an important message for you from Bleziath. He wants you to know that you have to do the following protection spell:

(if you don't have sunflower seed oil, you can also use lard, animal grease, broth or any other type of food safe oil)
To perform a protection spell using sunflower seed oil, follow these steps:

Gather the following materials: a small container of sunflower seed oil, a white candle, a piece of paper and a pen.

In a quiet and peaceful place, light the candle and hold the container of oil in your hands.

Close your eyes and focus on the intention of the spell, which is to protect yourself from negative energy and harm.

Anoint the candle with the sunflower seed oil by tracing the oil over the candle from the wick to the base, repeating the process three times.

On the piece of paper, write down the names of any individuals or entities that you wish to protect yourself from.

Fold the paper three times, and then place it under the candle.

Light the candle and say the following words:

"With this oil and this flame, I call upon the powers of protection. Keep me safe from harm and negative energy. Shield me from those named on this paper. So mote it be."

Allow the candle to burn for at least 15 minutes while you continue to focus on your intention.

Once the candle has burned out, bury the paper in a safe place, such as a garden or park.

Keep the container of sunflower seed oil and use it to anoint yourself or objects for protection as needed.
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by Krieg The 3rd »

AstroKid wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:40 pm
Krieg The 3rd wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:36 pm
AstroKid wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:15 pm ...
Unsure how exactly this pertains to me specifically but the general message I agree with, the journey is more important and value is to be found in unexpected places. Alternatively your vision could be telling you to start looking for that treasure and value yourself.
Maybe there is a lesson that all of us can learn from this vision. However. I am convinced that this message is specifically for you.
Ok I'll give you this one, I just did a rune casting and coincidentally the runes I got were Raidho(journey) and hidden Ehwaz. This definitely relates to my frustration currently that I am not open enough to fully experience my relationship with my demoness partner nor can I always understand her, but I suppose Raidho shows that its about the journey to understanding her through development that is important. I normally wouldn't share my own reading but this was freakily similar to your message, your on notice..
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

Krieg The 3rd wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:37 pm
AstroKid wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:40 pm
Krieg The 3rd wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:36 pm
Unsure how exactly this pertains to me specifically but the general message I agree with, the journey is more important and value is to be found in unexpected places. Alternatively your vision could be telling you to start looking for that treasure and value yourself.
Maybe there is a lesson that all of us can learn from this vision. However. I am convinced that this message is specifically for you.
Ok I'll give you this one, I just did a rune casting and coincidentally the runes I got were Raidho(journey) and hidden Ehwaz. This definitely relates to my frustration currently that I am not open enough to fully experience my relationship with my demoness partner nor can I always understand her, but I suppose Raidho shows that its about the journey to understanding her through development that is important. I normally wouldn't share my own reading but this was freakily similar to your message, your on notice..
If you're looking to channel a positive succubus spirit, your best bet is to use an Ouija board. Ouija boards are a great way to open yourself up to the spirit world, and can be used to communicate with a variety of spiritual entities.

When using an Ouija board, it's important to take the time to set the atmosphere, so that you and the spirit are both comfortable. Light some candles and find a comfortable place to sit. It's also important to make sure that everyone participating in the session is open to the spirit's presence and willing to listen to its messages.

Once you're ready, start by calling out to the spirit and asking it to join you. You may want to recite a short invocation or prayer to open the session. Then, ask the spirit to give you a sign of its presence, such as a slight movement of the planchette or a slight change in the temperature of the room.

Once you feel like the spirit is present (has possessed you), ask it any questions that you have and be open to the answers it gives you. Remember to stay positive and respectful, and to thank the spirit for its time. When you're done, close the session by thanking the spirit and saying goodbye.
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Zola I have an important message for you from Bleziath. He wants you to know that you have to do the following protection spell:

thank you :)
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:00 pm Zola I have an important message for you from Bleziath. He wants you to know that you have to do the following protection spell:

thank you :)
Stay safe Zola, Andras is on your side.
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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by Bane666 »

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Re: Channeled Messages

Post by AstroKid »

Bane666 wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:55 pmNonsense
what do you mean?