T4S Collaboration

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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Venessa »

Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:33 pm
Zola doesn't need any justifications for defending this community in anyway she sees fit. You're speaking about her as if she was some kind of tyrant, the truth is she's been more initially receptive of new people than I personally would have been. HP ZolaLuckyStar wants to see this community grow, everyone can see that, so in that way our interests align enough to trust that she'll do what is necessary when it's necessary. She's doing a very good job, unlike you who left to make some crap discord server that doesn't even make sense?

Also, your server has like 6 members who aren't even active, so how exactly are you going to collaborate with a forum with about 40? This place gets significantly more traffic than toxic waste ever will, because we have specified standards in this community and it has become somewhat controversial to ex jos members. There's nothing you or your server really has to offer anyone that values this community, because frankly there's too much contradiction regarding community ethics.

You also seem to have this "do whatever I want" attitude as well, where you also obviously feel entitled to post here. Well, clearly Zola disagrees. Kind of seems like you waited for her to sleep like any other troll seems to do. You should have spoken to Zola directly and made sure whatever deal you made was still valid, instead of returning to a place you abandoned and expect some kind of status and privilege?
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:49 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:33 pm
Zola doesn't need any justifications for defending this community in anyway she sees fit. You're speaking about her as if she was some kind of tyrant, the truth is she's been more initially receptive of new people than I personally would have been. HP ZolaLuckyStar wants to see this community grow, everyone can see that, so in that way our interests align enough to trust that she'll do what is necessary when it's necessary. She's doing a very good job, unlike you who left to make some crap discord server that doesn't even make sense?

Also, your server has like 6 members who aren't even active, so how exactly are you going to collaborate with a forum with about 40? This place gets significantly more traffic than toxic waste ever will, because we have specified standards in this community and it has become somewhat controversial to ex jos members. There's nothing you or your server really has to offer anyone that values this community, because frankly there's too much contradiction regarding community ethics.

You also seem to have this "do whatever I want" attitude as well, where you also obviously feel entitled to post here. Well, clearly Zola disagrees. Kind of seems like you waited for her to sleep like any other troll seems to do. You should have spoken to Zola directly and made sure whatever deal you made was still valid, instead of returning to a place you abandoned and expect some kind of status and privilege?
Thank you for your response. You are entitled to your opinion. I want to clarify that I didn't ask Zola to provide a justification for defending this community. I asked BlackOrbit666 for a justification on why he said that my invitation to collaborate was spam. Please revisit the posts and read them carefully.

Regarding my the size of my server, yes we are small. But remember that this is how T4S started when I helped Zola to launch the website.

Regarding the following statement:
"You also seem to have this "do whatever I want" attitude as well, where you also obviously feel entitled to post here. Well, clearly Zola disagrees. Kind of seems like you waited for her to sleep like any other troll seems to do. You should have spoken to Zola directly and made sure whatever deal you made was still valid, instead of returning to a place you abandoned and expect some kind of status and privilege?"

Does a verbal and written agreement with Zola mean nothing?
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

"Kind of seems like you waited for her to sleep like any other troll seems to do."

I am in a different time zone than Zola. I live in a different country. It's not that I waited for her to sleep, it's that our time zones don't match.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Venessa »

Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:54 pm
Thank you for your response. You are entitled to your opinion. I want to clarify that I didn't ask Zola to provide a justification for defending this community. I asked BlackOrbit666 for a justification on why he said that my invitation to collaborate was spam. Please revisit the posts and read them carefully.

Regarding my the size of my server, yes we are small. But remember that this is how T4S started when I helped Zola to launch the website.

Regarding the following statement:
"You also seem to have this "do whatever I want" attitude as well, where you also obviously feel entitled to post here. Well, clearly Zola disagrees. Kind of seems like you waited for her to sleep like any other troll seems to do. You should have spoken to Zola directly and made sure whatever deal you made was still valid, instead of returning to a place you abandoned and expect some kind of status and privilege?"

Does a verbal and written agreement with Zola mean nothing?
Well, I'm not sure that it would be considered spam but clearly your content isn't applicable or wanted here. You joining this place made Merly83 leave, someone who contributed positively here. If you're insta banned like 4 consecutive times, any sane person would have gotten the hint- but no you instead decided to come here even more so to push the same crap? Clearly you're not telling the truth regarding this, it doesn't make

Seems ironic that when you left this place things got better, and the server you created has the same problems that you probably had here originally. Seems to me that maybe you're the problem? Merlyn83 is like a native species that's presence in the ecosystem can determine its health. He's been here since the beginning apparently and left as soon as you came back, that says a lot imo.

Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:12 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:54 pm
Thank you for your response. You are entitled to your opinion. I want to clarify that I didn't ask Zola to provide a justification for defending this community. I asked BlackOrbit666 for a justification on why he said that my invitation to collaborate was spam. Please revisit the posts and read them carefully.

Regarding my the size of my server, yes we are small. But remember that this is how T4S started when I helped Zola to launch the website.

Regarding the following statement:
"You also seem to have this "do whatever I want" attitude as well, where you also obviously feel entitled to post here. Well, clearly Zola disagrees. Kind of seems like you waited for her to sleep like any other troll seems to do. You should have spoken to Zola directly and made sure whatever deal you made was still valid, instead of returning to a place you abandoned and expect some kind of status and privilege?"

Does a verbal and written agreement with Zola mean nothing?
Well, I'm not sure that it would be considered spam but clearly your content isn't applicable or wanted here. You joining this place made Merly83 leave, someone who contributed positively here. If you're insta banned like 4 consecutive times, any sane person would have gotten the hint- but no you instead decided to come here even more so to push the same crap? Clearly you're not telling the truth regarding this, it doesn't make

Seems ironic that when you left this place things got better, and the server you created has the same problems that you probably had here originally. Seems to me that maybe you're the problem? Merlyn83 is like a native species that's presence in the ecosystem can determine its health. He's been here since the beginning apparently and left as soon as you came back, that says a lot imo.

Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed.
Your concern is important to me. SO please be patient while I formulate a thoughtful and respectful response.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:49 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:33 pm
Zola doesn't need any justifications for defending this community in anyway she sees fit. You're speaking about her as if she was some kind of tyrant, the truth is she's been more initially receptive of new people than I personally would have been. HP ZolaLuckyStar wants to see this community grow, everyone can see that, so in that way our interests align enough to trust that she'll do what is necessary when it's necessary. She's doing a very good job, unlike you who left to make some crap discord server that doesn't even make sense?

Also, your server has like 6 members who aren't even active, so how exactly are you going to collaborate with a forum with about 40? This place gets significantly more traffic than toxic waste ever will, because we have specified standards in this community and it has become somewhat controversial to ex jos members. There's nothing you or your server really has to offer anyone that values this community, because frankly there's too much contradiction regarding community ethics.

You also seem to have this "do whatever I want" attitude as well, where you also obviously feel entitled to post here. Well, clearly Zola disagrees. Kind of seems like you waited for her to sleep like any other troll seems to do. You should have spoken to Zola directly and made sure whatever deal you made was still valid, instead of returning to a place you abandoned and expect some kind of status and privilege?
I wanted to write a more thoughtful response explaining my situation. I will respond to your other concerns shortly. Please understand that I was not asking Zola to justify her actions in defending the community. Instead, I was asking another user to justify their baseless accusations. It is important to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but it is also important to ensure that these opinions and beliefs are based on facts and evidence. Unfounded accusations can be harmful and hurtful, and it is important to address them in a respectful and thoughtful manner. I was encouraging the other user to consider the impact of their words and to consider the evidence before making accusations.

You expressed some concerns about my server. As the creator of Toxic Waste Project, I want to take a moment to acknowledge that our community is small in comparison to other communities like T4S. While T4S serves as a platform for individuals to connect and share information with one another, our community serves a completely different purpose.

We understand that some members of T4S may view our community as a potential threat, but we want to assure you that this is not the case. Our community is not here to compete with T4S or to steal its members. Instead, we serve a unique niche and have a specific mission that is different from that of T4S.

In fact, we believe that having multiple communities with different focuses can be beneficial for everyone. It allows individuals to find the community that best fits their interests and needs. We encourage members of T4S to check out our community and see if it aligns with their interests. But if it doesn't, we still wish the best for the T4S community and hope that it continues to thrive and grow.

You asked what I can offer in terms of collaboration. Although it's true that I am starting from humble begginings, it's important to rememeber that T4S was a small community too not to long ago.

I am proud to say that I have been an active member of the T4S community since its early days. When I first joined, the community was small and relatively unknown. But through hard work and dedication, I helped to grow the community and turn it into the thriving platform it is today.

I began by reaching out to my own network and encouraging them to join T4S. I also spent countless hours on the platform, engaging with other members and contributing valuable content. I helped to moderate the community, ensuring that it remained a positive and welcoming place for all members.

As the community grew, I also worked closely with the T4S team to provide feedback and suggestions for improving the platform. Thanks to the efforts of the team and the community, T4S now boasts an active user base and a wide range of features and resources for members.

Regarding your statements about my attitude. I have only been respectful since my initial return to your message boards.

As much as I would love to spend all my waking hours chatting with my dear friend Zola, unfortunately, our schedules don't always align. I live in a different time zone than her, and I also have a full-time job that keeps me busy during the day.

This means that there are times when Zola is asleep and I am wide awake, and vice versa. However, that doesn't mean that we can't still keep in touch. I make sure to log on to our messaging platform at a time that is appropriate for my country and schedule. This way, I can still have meaningful conversations with Zola and catch up on what's been going on in her life, even if she's asleep when I am online.

I understand that this might not be the most ideal situation, but it's important to remember that we are living in different parts of the world, and our schedules are not going to be perfectly aligned all the time. It's all about finding a balance that works for both of us. And I'm happy to say that we have managed to do just that in the past.

So, if you ever see me online during the wee hours of the morning, don't be surprised. I'm just making the most of the time difference and catching up with my dear friend Zola.
Last edited by Radioactive on Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:12 pm
Well, I'm not sure that it would be considered spam but clearly your content isn't applicable or wanted here. You joining this place made Merly83 leave, someone who contributed positively here. If you're insta banned like 4 consecutive times, any sane person would have gotten the hint- but no you instead decided to come here even more so to push the same crap? Clearly you're not telling the truth regarding this, it doesn't make

Seems ironic that when you left this place things got better, and the server you created has the same problems that you probably had here originally. Seems to me that maybe you're the problem? Merlyn83 is like a native species that's presence in the ecosystem can determine its health. He's been here since the beginning apparently and left as soon as you came back, that says a lot imo.

Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed.
You mentioned that my content isn't wanted or applicable here. And you are entitled to your opinion. That may be the case for you, but what qualifies you to speak for the entire platform? What qualifies you to speak on behalf of all of the future visitors to the site?

You mentioned that the T4S has thrived without me. As many of you may know, I left the ministry a while back, in good faith and with the belief that it would thrive under the capable leadership of my dear friend Zola. So if the T4S is doing well I am happy to hear it.

Why else would I ask to collaborate with this community if I had ill will towards Zola or bad intentions toward the T4S? Wouldn't that be counter intuitive?
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

:D :D
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Venessa »

Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:31 pm
"Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed."

Above is my final conclusion, I don't have all day either to talk about things that I really don't have a say in or even care that much about. Your server is entirely irrelevant to me.

I just wanted to reiterate that you should respect Zola's decision, whatever it might be, just as this community will do so ultimately. If she tells you NO, you shouldn't make 100 accounts while she sleeps to push advertisement for your group. That's really all I have to say. Your justifications for practically spamming can't really be validated by anyone except Zola.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:45 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:31 pm
"Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed."

Above is my final conclusion, I don't have all day either to talk about things that I really don't have a say in or even care that much about. Your server is entirely irrelevant to me.

I just wanted to reiterate that you should respect Zola's decision, whatever it might be, just as this community will do so ultimately. If she tells you NO, you shouldn't make 100 accounts while she sleeps to push advertisement for your group. That's really all I have to say. Your justifications for practically spamming can't really be validated by anyone except Zola.
If you accuse me of spamming, it's just fair of me to ask you to provide proof. So please provide proof. Also, If Zola says that she doesn't want to collaborate with me, that is perfectly justified and we will leave it at that. That doesn't mean that I can't be an active member of this message board as long as remain respectful and adhere to the terms of service.

Additionally, the multiple accounts that I created was due to the incompetence of the moderators and no fault of my own. I had a written and verbal agreement with Zola that I would be allowed to return to the T4S at any time in the future. So logically there was no reason to deactivate my account before I had an opportunity to post, and to keep deactivating my accounts after I logged out (Forcing me to create new ones after I didn't violate the website's terms of service).

The terms of service of a publisher or platform must be respected by the users and the admins. If I can provide evidence that these terms were violated by the admins, it's within my power to report them to google and have them removed from internet search. Zola knows that I have the power to do this, as we have done it for other illegal sites in the past.

Of course, I know that it wont come to this because I trust Zola to respect our agreement and not do anything rash.