T4S Collaboration

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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Venessa »

Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:56 pm
Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:45 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:31 pm
"Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed."

Above is my final conclusion, I don't have all day either to talk about things that I really don't have a say in or even care that much about. Your server is entirely irrelevant to me.

I just wanted to reiterate that you should respect Zola's decision, whatever it might be, just as this community will do so ultimately. If she tells you NO, you shouldn't make 100 accounts while she sleeps to push advertisement for your group. That's really all I have to say. Your justifications for practically spamming can't really be validated by anyone except Zola.
If you accuse me of spamming, it's just fair of me to ask you to provide proof. So please provide proof. Also, If Zola says that she doesn't want to collaborate with me, that is perfectly justified and we will leave it at that. That doesn't mean that I can't be an active member of this message board as long as remain respectful and adhere to the terms of service.

Additionally, the multiple accounts that I created was due to the incompetence of the moderators and no fault of my own. I had a written and verbal agreement with Zola that I would be allowed to return to the T4S at any time in the future. So logically there was no reason to deactivate my account before I had an opportunity to post, and to keep deactivating my accounts after I logged out (Forcing me to create new ones after I didn't violate the website's terms of service).

The terms of service of a publisher or platform must be respected by the users and the admins. If I can provide evidence that these terms were violated by the admins, it's within my power to report them to google and have them removed from internet search. Zola knows that I have the power to do this, as we have done it for other illegal sites in the past.

Of course, I know that it wont come to this because I trust Zola to respect our agreement and not do anything rash.
Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed.

You making threats isn't appreciated.

As far as I know there's only one person who can ban accounts and that's Zola.

I'm not sure if I could support a community with you in it, but I'll do my best if Zola really does accept you back. I'd show you the door, especially after what you just said if it was up to me, but it isn't.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:11 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:56 pm
Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:45 pm

"Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed."

Above is my final conclusion, I don't have all day either to talk about things that I really don't have a say in or even care that much about. Your server is entirely irrelevant to me.

I just wanted to reiterate that you should respect Zola's decision, whatever it might be, just as this community will do so ultimately. If she tells you NO, you shouldn't make 100 accounts while she sleeps to push advertisement for your group. That's really all I have to say. Your justifications for practically spamming can't really be validated by anyone except Zola.
If you accuse me of spamming, it's just fair of me to ask you to provide proof. So please provide proof. Also, If Zola says that she doesn't want to collaborate with me, that is perfectly justified and we will leave it at that. That doesn't mean that I can't be an active member of this message board as long as remain respectful and adhere to the terms of service.

Additionally, the multiple accounts that I created was due to the incompetence of the moderators and no fault of my own. I had a written and verbal agreement with Zola that I would be allowed to return to the T4S at any time in the future. So logically there was no reason to deactivate my account before I had an opportunity to post, and to keep deactivating my accounts after I logged out (Forcing me to create new ones after I didn't violate the website's terms of service).

The terms of service of a publisher or platform must be respected by the users and the admins. If I can provide evidence that these terms were violated by the admins, it's within my power to report them to google and have them removed from internet search. Zola knows that I have the power to do this, as we have done it for other illegal sites in the past.

Of course, I know that it wont come to this because I trust Zola to respect our agreement and not do anything rash.
Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed.

You making threats isn't appreciated.

As far as I know there's only one person who can ban accounts and that's Zola.

I'm not sure if I could support a community with you in it, but I'll do my best if Zola really does accept you back. I'd show you the door, especially after what you just said if it was up to me, but it isn't.
I am not making threats here, but merely stating facts that Zola and I both know to be true. As I stated before, If I had any malicious intent, it would be counterintuitive since I had invited this community to collaborate with me.

On the other hand, you have been hostile and making constant threats towards me since I made my first post. This is a violation of the forum's terms of service and is a form of cyber bullying. I hope that the moderators will pay attention to this. I respectfully asking you to stop threatening me and to treat me in the same respectful and mature manner that I have extended to you.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Venessa »

Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:18 pm
What? How the hell am I cyber bulling you? I am honestly so confused now.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Venessa »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:19 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:18 pm
What? How the hell am I cyber bulling you? I am honestly so confused now.
Also I haven't made any threats against you, I don't believe anyone has?
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:20 pm
Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:19 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:18 pm
What? How the hell am I cyber bulling you? I am honestly so confused now.
Also I haven't made any threats against you, I don't believe anyone has?
I have screenshots and quotes and I am going to email them to Zola. She will decide.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Venessa »

Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:21 pm
Uh, okay?
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

I respectfully advise you to stop your hostility towards me and to treat me with the respect that I deserve as an equal member that has observed the terms of service of these message boards.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Venessa »

Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:23 pm I respectfully advise you to stop your hostility towards me and to treat me with the respect that I deserve as an equal member that has observed the terms of service of these message boards.
I read everything over and I think I treated you fairly. I'm not able to recognize any moment where I threatened you in anyway. It seems like you're trying to escalate this into something it's not.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Radioactive »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:26 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:23 pm I respectfully advise you to stop your hostility towards me and to treat me with the respect that I deserve as an equal member that has observed the terms of service of these message boards.
I read everything over and I think I treated you fairly. I'm not able to recognize any moment where I threatened you in anyway. It seems like you're trying to escalate this into something it's not.
Your energy seems very negative to me. It seems to me like you are the one escalating after I politely and respectfully asked you to stop. Please stop.
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Re: T4S Collaboration

Post by Merlyn83 »

Venessa wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:12 pm
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:54 pm
Thank you for your response. You are entitled to your opinion. I want to clarify that I didn't ask Zola to provide a justification for defending this community. I asked BlackOrbit666 for a justification on why he said that my invitation to collaborate was spam. Please revisit the posts and read them carefully.

Regarding my the size of my server, yes we are small. But remember that this is how T4S started when I helped Zola to launch the website.

Regarding the following statement:
"You also seem to have this "do whatever I want" attitude as well, where you also obviously feel entitled to post here. Well, clearly Zola disagrees. Kind of seems like you waited for her to sleep like any other troll seems to do. You should have spoken to Zola directly and made sure whatever deal you made was still valid, instead of returning to a place you abandoned and expect some kind of status and privilege?"

Does a verbal and written agreement with Zola mean nothing?
Well, I'm not sure that it would be considered spam but clearly your content isn't applicable or wanted here. You joining this place made Merly83 leave, someone who contributed positively here. If you're insta banned like 4 consecutive times, any sane person would have gotten the hint- but no you instead decided to come here even more so to push the same crap? Clearly you're not telling the truth regarding this, it doesn't make

Seems ironic that when you left this place things got better, and the server you created has the same problems that you probably had here originally. Seems to me that maybe you're the problem? Merlyn83 is like a native species that's presence in the ecosystem can determine its health. He's been here since the beginning apparently and left as soon as you came back, that says a lot imo.

Ultimately the decision of whether this community "collaborates" with toxic waste is up to ZolaLuckyStar, and that's not really up to anyone else. Zola is a very kind and generous person, if she made an agreement with you that she later regrets I wouldn't blame her at all for it. You did leave after all to do poetry and art or whatever, instead of supporting this community in the ways it needed.
By the way I joined the discord server out of curiosity. So I'm still around. I'm over there because I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cobra and JoS bs. I'm over there to talk and discuss other things besides Cobra or JoS. Duran or Radioactive has always been fair minded and intelligent in his own way.

I do however respect Zola and her decisions here. As I said I'll remain quiet and post mostly to my journal and other topics that I find interesting and not involving JoS/Cobra and other non-productive topic.

I remain neutral on Zola and Druan/radioactive and I will continue to stay out of where I don't want to be.

I'm only responding to you because of your concerns. I find you an interesting type of human being maneuvering in the forums and seem like an intelligent person able to think for oneself.