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Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »



On behalf of and in accord with Satan (Serapis)
We disseminate TRUE information and spiritual knowledge



This forum, the T4S, is dedicated to the light that comes via our inborn connection to the ONE TRUE GOD that dwells within


This forum, the T4S, is for those who seek (TRUTH), who are interested in emulating the Daemons, those wise ones who transmit information for the betterment of all. We share our knowledge gained freely, with no strings attached, for the purpose of contributing to the betterment of all others who also seek (LIGHT) and we benefit from the same.

This forum, the T4S, is for all who possess a burning desire, a fire inside, who yearn for truth, that clear light of knowledge in order to learn and grow positively.

We come here, battered and broken, like misfit toys as to a refuge from a world shrouded in spiritual darkness, to gather and spread this light. And as we do, with the support of one another we become healed. We grow to become connected, grounded sovereign beings and in order that we may all experience firsthand the joy and harmony this state of being imparts.

For the sovereignty, freedom and the betterment of all TRUE SEEKERS.

Each of us contains a personal, individual connection to all knowingness.

A connection that is LIGHT. Which can only be found by going within. Into and through the DARK.

We are all SUNS of the ONE TRUE GOD that dwells within and have no need for mediators. We are SOVEREIGN beings.

Now and for always

Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Dedication

Post by Bane666 »

I agree no mediators are necessary, the demons are great guides to us. However, I think even you focus too much on light as I have seen in many new-age places to me darkness is most important. Darkness or black is representative of secrets and knowledge of hidden things which are the only truths available to us. It is also representative of chaos which is necessary for change and progress. The light is blinding and emphasized in modern religions because it can be used to form weakness and suppress natural desire.

"you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!" -Bane
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Re: Dedication

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I agree darkness is important too :)
In fact, it is vital.

When I say light I am talking about information. Its not the same as the new agers, and I will explain, but I can only type so fast!
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Dedication

Post by Venessa »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:51 pm VISION


On behalf of and in accord with Satan
We disseminate TRUE information and spiritual knowledge



This forum, the T4S, is dedicated to the light that comes via our inborn connection to the ONE TRUE GOD that dwells within


This forum, the T4S, is for those who seek (TRUTH), who are interested in emulating the Daemons, those wise ones who transmit information for the betterment of all. We share our knowledge gained freely, with no strings attached, for the purpose of contributing to the betterment of all others who also seek (LIGHT) and we benefit from the same.

This forum, the T4S, is for all who possess a burning desire, a fire inside, who yearn for truth, that clear light of knowledge in order to learn and grow positively.

We come here, battered and broken, like misfit toys as to a refuge from a world shrouded in spiritual darkness, to gather and spread this light. And as we do, with the support of one another we become healed. We grow to become connected, grounded sovereign beings and in order that we may all experience firsthand the joy and harmony this state of being imparts.

For the sovereignty, freedom and the betterment of all TRUE SEEKERS.

Each of us contains a personal, individual connection to all knowingness.

A connection that is LIGHT.

We are all SUNS of the ONE TRUE GOD that dwells within and have no need for mediators. We are SOVEREIGN beings.

Now and for always

This is really great content, hope you write more when you have time <3
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Re: Dedication

Post by Krieg The 3rd »

Bane666 wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:36 pm ...
I actually came to a similar conclusion regarding darkness after reading Zola's sun worship posts, I think it is very powerful and the color of the occult. I've been considering using black for my aura for a bit now but think I'll experiment to see first.

Nevertheless I like forward to your next post regarding this darkness vs light and sun worship Zola.
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Re: Dedication

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Demons VRS Daemons Dark Vrs Light and the Vital Role of Darkness

I spent a few years being mentored by two Santeria HP's before I found Satanism.
We worked with Demons. I've always been aware of other beings (non human) and so it was no surprise to witness these in action. Their power is real. They're real beings, not an inanimate 'force'.

Demons are like people. Some are beneficent (human friendly), some indifferent, some malicious and hostile. According to their class, they abide in different dimensions.

I met another woman a decade or more ago who was the lover of a Santeria HP. She related an experience she had which turned her off Santeria for good. She was attending a get together with many other practitioners, friends and family. Many of whom were inviting Demons to enter them. And they were. But then, she noticed that they had taken possession of two of her children (teens) who were also present.That was not invited or welcomed. It's a form of spiritual rape. She was incensed her children had been abused like this.

Demons are powerful extra dimensional beings. And yes, the church inverted all of them to mean negative malicious entities who travel the earth seeking the ruination of souls. But again, this is unbalanced. Its not ALL like that. Its incomplete knowledge. All Demons just aren't like that. Demons are of many types and classifications. Some good, some not, some indifferent.

It turns out that Daemon defines an elite class of Demons. It is a title and a function. This is information they just transmitted to me yesterday, when I spent the day offline writing it out by hand so I could have some peace to do so. Daemons are positive, highly advanced, wise, benevolent, balanced, pragmatic and kind. Their function is to transmit knowledge and they are human friendly.

On another thread Bane had commented:

“The demons are only part of the whole equation, they wouldn't be considered the only gods out there, but definitely the most friendly toward us. Unfortunately, they aren't the most powerful either, our side lost control of this planet long ago and a battle to win it back has been going on ever since, the reptilians despite JOS claims of us 'winning the war' are perhaps more powerful or equally as powerful as the original gods this is seen by our current state, we can only hope to win. Other than that their are outer gods who are much more powerful than any of these local deities, we are perhaps only germs to them. Included in this category is Tiamat and the Titans. This is only scratching the surface and its probably very inaccurate due to the limits on human comprehension but perhaps the best explanation for now.”

That's an excellent point and as we're talking Demons I wanted to add it here for consideration. There was also a group of god-like beings called the builder race.

The sun worship I'm currently exposing as the 'religion' behind world communism is not a true light. Its the polar opposite of what I'm meaning when I say we are Suns of The One True God.

Their cult is an inversion, a reflection of the real thing reversed and distorted, like something seen in a funhouse mirror. The allegory of the cave describes this.

The sun in this case, as the symbol of world communism has been inverted to something without, a distorted reflection of the real thing, something above and over the people, keeping them in ignorance (the dark), in slavery, chains, this sun something to be feared and venerated, mindlessly obeyed, believed in and worshipped, given blood sacrifice to.

When connection to the real light or TRUE light (of knowledge) is always found within.

You've heard that saying “out of darkness comes light”

Darkness is vitally important to the Satanist, as it provides balance but more, and most importantly, provides the key to TRUE power.

New age stuff is unbalanced, focused on light exclusively. When they talk about light, they mean the light of 'god'. Something Without. Which brings us right back to the church and their programs. It's a false light. And this is why the church preaches that darkness is 'evil'.

The necessity and vital function of darkness is in reference to the pineal gland, that third eye in the middle of our head. It provides the connection (found within, never without) to other dimensions, timelines, the multiverse, the astral and other unseen realms our physical eyes cannot discern. Because we are naturally multi dimensional beings. This pineal 'eye' literally contains retinal rods, because it is functioning as a true eye. And yet, it is in the middle of our heads. Surrounded by darkness. And the church knows this. Why else do they have a giant pineal gland sitting near the Vatican?

pineal.jpg (1.4 MiB) Viewed 319 times

Plato from Republic:

“ every man there is an Eye of the Soul is far more precious than ten thousand bodily eyes, for by it alone TRUTH is seen..”

When we go into the darkness, via going within (not without), when this eye is active and we know how to utilize it, it connects one to the light that is all knowingness, wisdom and the power of creation. The God within. The One True God. So when I'm talking about LIGHT, I'm talking about THAT.

NOT new age garbage which is christianity with a veneer of....mysticism. It's not Satanism.

There is a place for dark AND light. We need both.

There is also this new agey thing about love love love. No dark, all light and love. Which is also unbalanced. Basically telling people to be a doormat and to 'love' their enemies. VERY unbalanced.

While yes, the Golden Rule is important:

“Treat others as you yourself would wish to be treated”

the flip side to the coin is:

“While you may wish to be compassionate towards others and give them a chance, to a proven enemy there can be no mercy, not just for your own sake but for the sake of others; for the potential victims to come this evil will swallow if left unopposed, untended. Like a malignant cancer, it must be removed and the wounds inflicted cleansed and healed.”

A christian will say but you have to forgive and love your enemy. A Satanist knows that's a load of BS. There are times surgery is the only way. Using a blade. The necessity for Justice.

I've spent time studying a book that goes over the memoir's of exorcists. There were some constant themes running through all the cases. The Demons possessing people (remember there are different orders or ranks of Demons so this is no slight towards the ones we know), when they were asked from whence do you come? All gave the same answer:

“We are of The Kingdom”

This is an incomplete title. It's really, “The Kingdom of The Outer Darkness”

What does that mean? It means these lowest ranks, these completely negative entities dwell in a place where light (knowledge) cannot penetrate. Without knowledge, there can be no progress, no hope, no escape. Stagnation.

The church takes this and inverts outer darkness to mean without the (false) light of their 'god'. Which is Without. Thats not accurate, it's misleading.

It's actually about knowledge. The church wants people to be bound and dependant on them for 'salvation and hope'.

This is why the SUN cult has made some knowledge occulted. To hide the truth in order to keep people bound in spiritual darkness, while they use that knowledge against us. It's a devious web.

They want to blind that eye. In us, I mean. THEY use it.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Dedication

Post by Krieg The 3rd »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:19 am ...
Very interesting, thanks for posting. That is a lot to think about, I'll be back..
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Re: Dedication

Post by Bane666 »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:19 am ...
Interesting, I had never heard of 'Santeria' before this, I agree generally with your view on demons it's quite clear not all are friendly or benevolent like I see JOS claim, they are individuals like us. I understand what you mean now when you say light, you are correct in that many new age movements focus on the light from without or generally just on outside forces doing everything like angels, yhwh, genius spirits, etc... I find it problematic that most new agers reference themselves as 'light workers' or other bs, this focus simply keeps them in ignorance with lack of power, light can be used to do that and more specifically the color white which is focused on extensively in all enemy programs. Light has cleansing properties but this can and is taken to the extreme where a human is cleansed fully of any individuality or natural desire. Light since it is revealed also represents the exoteric, that which is already known, the enemy gatekeeps knowledge and so light is used to keep the general populous ignorant and to maintain order.

Contrary to light being knowledge, I would assert instead that darkness is. Darkness is representative of the subconscious, the hidden, the occult, secrets, etc... This is where the only true knowledge is to be found, it is also the highest knowledge. It is quite telling that darkness is always referenced as evil or portrayed that way, then this is ingrained into us whether through religion, film, books, media, etc... The enemy systems don't like the pursuit of darkness primarily because it is where the true secret knowledge they have tried to hide comes from. I'm not saying that light isn't necessary either but I don't really see any organization currently that focuses on darkness exclusively besides maybe O9A and a few other satanist groups, it's quite natural to pursue the opposite of what you were brainwashed to believe. Darkness is the source of true power but shouldn't be pursued singly, light is necessary. Darkness representing chaos is also important to me because I believe this is the only way to change our current circumstances and the way to true liberation, the old structures must go and what will be built in replacement isn't my concern.

It may be hard to understand everything that I am trying to say in this post for those who have not meditated on the colors or contemplated these things, such will come in time for those who are persistent. I am also interested in this 'kingdom of the outer darkness' I have never heard of it before, nor am I sure I trust the memoirs of exorcists but that's just me. I am interested to read more on this sun cult, my general view is that if something is being suppressed or demonized by the mainstream or enemy programs then it is wise to look into it and utilize it, for these are the tools by which we will win.
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Re: Dedication

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I know, the only way to find the true knowledge (light) is by going into the dark. The lightworkers and all that crap have really helped to produce a kind of kneejerk aversion to the very word itself. But yes, without darkness there is no light. The new age thing and what I'm trying to get at here at are two different things. One is the false light which is Without, the other is the true light. Reached by going into the dark.

True light is simply information.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: Dedication

Post by Bane666 »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 3:41 am ...
Oh, I see what you mean, you're right I do have a kneejerk reaction to it primarily because I was involved in these new-age programs myself for quite a while and I detest them. I am also kind of getting into the colors which are beyond the scope of this currently. Darkness and light are polarities that need to be balanced sole focus on either of them and you will have problems, but this doesn't mean you necessarily have to be balanced in your approach all the time, it really depends on your goals.
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