Truth Will Triumph

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Truth Will Triumph

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

When I was very new to Satanism, I was reading the Black Book of Satan and other writings that Satan has done...and one thing He phrase out of all of it really leapt out at me. It seemed to pierce my heart. It moved me so much, it was so beautiful. That is the phrase:
“My wisdom is not separate from my heart”.

This struck through me like a thunderbolt - what a beautiful, beautiful amazingly large amount of information He shared just by saying contains layers and layers of meaning. One would be He has knowledge that we can only imagine. He's half a billion years old.....what could one learn in such a lengthy lifetime?

Now, the thing about a cyborg or a machine is that, well, you can give it all kinds of knowledge, give it a massive database of knowledge, hook it up to a dozen supercomputers, create artificial 'intelligence'. But it will never truly be intelligent, because it has NO feelings, and can never have them, because it doesn't have a soul. It has no heart. 

It applies knowledge but it applies it indiscriminately and at the bidding of whatever master: Be it good or bad. A gun can shoot you dinner or kill you. It has no knowledge of self. No morals, no conscience. It can wipe out 50 million people and sleep very well, thank you (like they have done with the jab).

Knowledge by itself can kill. But so can lack of knowledge. There's nothing wrong with knowledge in and of itself; we must have knowledge in order to advance and knowledge is what has been withheld from the human races for all these centuries. This is a crime against humanity Satan addresses in His fight for us.

The WWW of the World Wide Web, the 666 was invented and unleashed upon the world through the influence of Satan in order that people can finally have access to knowledge; the truth which has been denied to us for over a thousand years and is still being withheld. 

The enemy owns all the bookmaking, printing, magazines, all the mainstream media....most especially the television and Hollywood movies. There is no such thing as 'news' or 'entertainment'.....what we get through the mainstream is not really any of these things. Its weaponized propaganda, its optics but it's not the truth. 

When they told us there were weapons of mass destruction it was a LIE. When they told us there was this thing called global warming and used it as an excuse to levy massive taxation against the populace of a world in order to pay to mitigate this gigantic 'problem' which is nonexistent, that was a LIE. When they said Germany murdered 6 million jews, that was a LIE. The 'surprise' attack on Pearl Harbour that kicked off WWII for America....A LIE. A war based on lies that culminated in the deaths of 80 million people...civilians killed totalled 50 to 55 million, including 19 to 28 million from war-related disease and famine. 

A lone gunman killed Kennedy? LIE. When they told us the incident at Benghazi was precipitated by some video that had been showing on YouTube.....LIE. They aren't illegal hostile alien invaders.....they're 'immigrants'....fleeing 'oppression' in their country's....LIE. The Federal Reserve is part of the Government....LIE. When they call it 'conspiracy theory'....thats a LIE. Pizzagate has been debunked...LIE. When they said 911 was masterminded by some jihadi Islamist from a cave in Afghanistan and that Muslims with box cutters were able to overpower the flight crew of several planes and fly them into the twin towers; that heat from the fire brought the towers down.....that was a LIE!!!

When they say they're fighting a war against 'terrorism' what they're really fighting is a war against the Gentile humanity of this planet! Who are the 'terrorists'? Regular people who just want to have their family's, live in peace and be free to prosper from the fruit of their own labours. When the truckers went to ottawa, they brought in Azov agents to attack the people. They cancelled their bank accounts. Why should the regular people be bled dry by parasites hiding behind the ones masquerading as politicians who 'care' about us? Who send our sons and daughters off to die in their wars, while they watch from safety?

Who is REALLY the warmongering terrorists behind the creation of the abomination of nuclear bombs?

The death toll from 911 has been extreme. Many died that day and many more died from medical issues from the dustification of the towers over the next 20 years. They used that incident as justification to begin their wars against 'terror'.
LIES have caused untold millions of people their lives!!
Instead of War Against Terrorism what they should really call it is War Against The People.
Back in the day before the Internet, before the WWW when the only kind of news that one could receive/find was brought into the living rooms of regular people through the agency of the mass mind control devices that we call television. It was much easier to fool and manipulate the populations and so.....Satan did something about that. He caused the World Wide Web to be invented and for it to get out of the makers control to the point where we the people were able to access it, and through it, to discover the TRUTH. He is the master of TRUTH and JUSTICE, NOT LIES. That is the enemy's game. Satan doesn't play games. 

Satan doesn't murder people, He doesn't lie and cheat and steal. But YHVH was a liar, a thief and a murderer from the beginning.

And through this Satanic Blessing that was bestowed upon the planet by Satan, the enemy has been unable to keep a lid on the's spreading like water spreads through holes in a Dike. The truth, as they say, cannot be denied. Satan will not be denied. Truth is getting out.

The enemy has sought to enjoy total control and dominion over all other forms of life on this planet through control of our media, newspapers, television; through the subliminal programming contained within owned Hollywood and the cult of celebrity movies. Within these things they call 'entertainment'. We're conditioned to believe LIES. 

Our history has been rewritten by the enemy and it is a tissue of LIES. 
The Internet is a vast storehouse of information....I suppose you could call it wisdom. 

It was originally conceived by the intelligence community who utilized it for many years, keeping it secret from the general population of this planet but.....thanks to Satan it managed to reach us and through this medium people finally began to be able to research and discover truth for themselves. This is why the mainstream dinosaur media is dying.....because people are finally starting to wake up. This is why they're trying to muzzle free speech online.
This is why Obama handed over the keys to the Internet to the Communist Chinese. This is what the project 'Dragonfly' is about. Total censorship.
They wish to regain control of the Internet to keep Truth at bay. The People must be kept in the dark so that they're easy to manipulate. But the damage has been done and there's no going back. Pandora's box has been opened. 

Now imagine if you can that kind of wisdom and power in the hands of psychopaths. What further kind of ruin will they bring to this world if allowed to run about unchecked, as they have for thousands of years? HC was dying to get into the White House so she could push the nuclear button. By the grace of Satan we were spared from that possible future. They made their attempted power grab with the jab; but people are waking up and now we have a chance to retake this world, free ourselves from the spiritual, mental and material chains that have bound us for generations and thousands of years. This is a pivotal moment in world history.

And so I return to those beautiful, beautiful words:

“My wisdom is not separate from my heart”.

Satan contains vast wisdom and knowledge.....but the difference between Him and the enemy who have no feelings - not as we understand them - is that He also has a Heart.

This means His wisdom is tempered with mercy and justice. He has empathy.

He's not a cold cyborg, not a reptilian, not a machine. He's not a monster as the enemy wishes you to think and which has been drilled into people's heads by another mass mind control device: Their religions and their 'holy' bible and koran. Older versions of the same thing as the TV: Mind control and manipulation. The bible isn't 'holy' its a book of witchcraft that contains endless curses against gentile humanity.

Which is why we have devils horns and redskin masks people put on at Halloween: cloven hooves and horns and tails and all manner of disgusting and vile things to denigrate Satan because: at all cost! The enemy must keep the people – those 'useless eaters' - away from the Being who actually might want to help them! Satan! A highly advanced extraterrestrial!

And you wonder why there's so much hatred in the world being pushed right now for the white race and especially most of ALL for white men? Did you know on college campuses right now marxist university professors are teaching courses to people that in order for the world to advance white people need to DIE? Critical race theory? They scream about 'muh racisms' when this is completely racist!

White hate is everywhere. Take the blinders off and take a good look at Europe and the ongoing attempted white genocide the politicians owned by Israel are trying to carry out as they flood hostile non-whites into the white country's. While Israel maintains the strictest immigration laws in the WORLD.

Take a good hard look at the white genocide being carried out in South Africa where unspeakable atrocities are being carried out daily and condoned by the rulers there against whites. The EU Europe puts all kinds of roadblocks up to prevent white south africans from emigrating to Europe: Because whites are 'racist'. We don't want those in Europe!!! But a black (white hating) SA gets red carpet treatment to move there. What do you think thats about?

My own personal experience that I have in regards to Satan is that He's very compassionate and kind to those who are with Him.
He has said:

“Those who oppose me will regret it sorely”.

He doesn't have misplaced mercy for His enemies and nor should He, they have no mercy!

I assure you the enemy of humanity, should they succeed in murdering all whites and culling the rest of the current population; when the majority of us are dead and the survivors raced mixed into low IQ fools – FAR easier to control - this is the true reason behind their attempts to microchip us, jab us, it's all about control – should the enemy win, there will be no truth, no justice, no mercy. Their evil agenda of domination, slavery, control and tyranny will take over the surface of this world: THIS is knowledge without a heart. 

You still have a choice: the mind and will behind this total hate for humanity, behind the Communist, Globalist Alt Left Reptilian Terrorism that calls us 'cattle' and treats us as such, or the Just Being who wants you to be free and happy, whose wisdom is not separate from His heart. Which option will you choose?

Eternal damnation and slavery? Death?

Or spiritual advancement, perfection and freedom.....Life?

The choice is clear. Satan is for LIFE.

Make your choice.

Truth will win in the end.

The lies will one day break down under their own weight and truth will again triumph.

Light Returns.jpg
Light Returns.jpg (293.34 KiB) Viewed 370 times
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Karnunnos Esus
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Re: Truth Will Triumph

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

That's an absolutely beautiful post. I pretty much agree with you on everything you say about Satan. You know why? As much as I have deterred and strayed from my path many times I found myself standing in a land of obscurity and confusion but some things I've learned.

I think anywhere that there is hatred or carelessly doing shit in the everyday world like hurting other people by acting stupid or religious nut cases of every kind are morons. I have neutral feelings towards those but I avoid them anyway. The ones that harm others... I definitely have a problem my moral and ethical compass tells me not to tolerate violence and if I have character, I should do what is right.
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Re: Truth Will Triumph

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

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So the Red Dawn, Cobras Little Golem Dumbass is projecting that the T4S views Satan as 'some sort of messiah figure which is odd not surprising as from what I read you seem to think many strange things compared to other groups.'

That other group being JoS, naturally. Since you are just dying to somehow gain control over this forum and make it JoS 2.0, and enforce your 'satanic unity':

dumbass RD.jpg
dumbass RD.jpg (613.14 KiB) Viewed 258 times

I find it interesting you have no issues with this constant harassing and slander of the T4S, while your plan is to 'reform this place heavily' and bla bla bla. (eyeroll)

Satan is an inspiration and an example of how to behave and BE. He is all about the individuals freedom. He is for life. He is the one who holds up the light of knowledge and points the way to true freedom.

I guess thats something you fail to comprehend. Because all you think about is being a parasite, and want to enslave others.

RD continues:

"I have never read a work of occult literature that supports your theories"

Possibly because you don't read, or have ANY firsthand experiences to talk about.

I highly doubt Satan would want ANYTHING to do with you.

The way you behave is Anti-Satan.

You are a lost soul, and will be swallowed by the outer darkness, in due time.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
Karnunnos Esus
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Re: Truth Will Triumph

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

Thank you for posting this because it encourages me to be a better person and I refuse to take on any aspect of "clergy" .or clergy. I remain a demonolator and an Occultist. Anyone who has that type of attitude and demand administrator is a criminal with totalitarian view and should be avoided as much as possible.

Thank you Zola for showing your true character. I truly admire you
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Truth Will Triumph

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Same goes for me, a demonolatress and occultist. Still satanist of course.

May all the enemies be crushed in Satan's name. Bastards.
Karnunnos Esus
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Re: Truth Will Triumph

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:36 pm Same goes for me, a demonolatress and occultist. Still satanist of course.

May all the enemies be crushed in Satan's name. Bastards.
Really? Well damn I didn't know. :think: :D hi fellow demonolatoress
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Truth Will Triumph

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Enns seem to be the most effective way to invoke a Demon at least for me
Karnunnos Esus
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Re: Truth Will Triumph

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:04 pm Enns seem to be the most effective way to invoke a Demon at least for me
Yeah I guess it depends it seems like it don't work for me but I do know that any divine intelligence can be considered a Daemon since it means replete with wisdom in Greek. But for me personally the Sidhe are Daemons
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