Hope The Bird of Freedom

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Hope The Bird of Freedom

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I have been meditating on nature vrs nurture.

What makes somebody evil? Is it totally their fault? Is it part of how they were raised? Or is it something intrinsic to their nature?

I don't think that anyone, however mean and awful their circumstances, can blame what they become on nurture, because we have a choice, always. Free Will. There are murdering thugs who have seen the error of their ways, and reformed. This is what it means to be a sovereign being. The freedom to choose. The enemy of humanity would take that choice away, if they could. This is why they crawl into a persons head like a worm, and try to convince them there is no hope, no choice. Which is a LIE.

If these people had gone down the occult path, would they have been contacted by the greys? Would they have been told it's no use to fight? That the enemy has already won? Basically telling these people that there is no use to strive to be better, to fight for humanity, to help others to learn and to become strong? Told them that when they die, they will be consumed, so what does it matter? Forget ethics? Morals? Behave like a savage with no empathy or care?

And if so, would that make these people turn to the negative? Because whats the point? Might as well act like the enemy? Treat others like they're possessions, a resource to be consumed in their turn? To treat others like the enemy treats them? Something to be groomed, manipulated, stolen from, used and abused for all they have and are? To become a lesser version of the enemy?

Would this give them the insufferable entitlement we see from the enemy? Who thinks its totally ok to use and abuse other sentient beings? And not just other people, but nature and the very planet?

And not only that, but would they then teach others to do the same?

If their souls will be consumed upon their physical death, is it not more likely that its because they have already surrendered themselves and their humanity and work to convince others to likewise surrender? Misery as they say, loving company?

I think the answer is yes.

And if they are doomed to be consumed, does it follow that all of us are? I don't believe so. I will never believe that. The worst criminal can be reformed. There is always hope.

I know in my own case, I have always had very powerful protection in the form of other sentient, extra dimensional beings who have made their presence known, many, many times in my life. Sometimes just with a soft touch, or the passing of a breeze in a room where there are no windows, no way a breeze could be there. As orbs of light, a telepathic word of wisdom. As a light energy that can fill a room. And in some cases, as a full on manifestation, during which times, they cannot be distinguished from a living human.

The Daemons are real. And I do not for a minute believe that, upon one of our deaths, that they would allow us to be consumed, like these evil people. No way. I myself have lived many, many lifetimes and have memory's from then.

The Daemons have told me time and again that EVERYTHING YOU DO MATTERS. Do the right thing and trust that an answer will come, because it invariably does. As those of you who also follow the true Satanic path will know for yourselves.

These others, who use the excuse that nothing matters anyway because the enemy has already won, who have surrendered themselves, will be consumed for sure. They have already handed over their sovereignty, their very selves. Given permission by every foul act they do, with the cold blooded certainty that what they do is ok, just like a reptilian. Those people have literally sold their souls. And the Daemons have no interest in them, no desire to assist them, because they have abdicated, sold themselves out. It is a negation of life itself.

There is always a reason to hope, to love and to fight. We will have low moments of despair, as we are only human yet. But we must always carry on and refuse to surrender our souls. If you get knocked down, its ok. Everyone gets hit. The act of the true warrior is to GET BACK UP. This is what Andras tells me all the time. NEVER surrender yourself. He is the Master of War. And He doesn't lie. He is a good and just being.

Being just is important. This is why, even if I have my suspicions, I give people a chance to prove themselves. But once proven an enemy, that is a different story. I do not follow the suicidal advice of the jesus who says to love your enemy. No. I hate the enemy. Hate is a thing that will motivate one to seek justice, its true. But the thing that gives us the inner strength to carry on, to bend but never break is actually love and hope. The enemy has made love into a dirty word. I know it. But yet, it is vital to remember to not be so hard that you never allow yourself to love.

It is said that the longer one looks into the abyss, it looks back at you. Yes, these enemy negatives and their slaves do look back at us. They can't help themselves. If they were ever free, they are no longer so. They are jealous of that light we hold. They want to consume it and they feel entitled to it. They have abdicated, surrendered themselves, foresworn and they think nobody will be able to see. It is an abjuration of all that is truthful. And they want us to do and be likewise. Its much easier than having a straight up fight, after all. Its easy to be evil. Its much harder to be good.

But this is what is expected of us, who follow the occult paths. We are stronger than the many, and, as it is said, with great power comes great responsibility. It is up to us to hold up the light and point the way, which is what Satan Himself does. We are expected to emulate His example. I know for a fact, having experienced His empathy, kindness and thoughtfulness firsthand, that He is a being who loves, and very deeply. He is genuine. Be so likewise. And I love Him in return. He embodies all that is good.

So be good to yourself, and also to others. Pay it forward. You never know the true effect of what you do and will never know it, except perhaps at the hour of your own physical transformation, when your life flashes before your eyes, truth revealed, all you have done, and the effect it had on others, positive or negative.

Thoth was depicted as holding a balance scale, and upon it He weighed souls. Even to a feathers weight. What that means is that this commitment is complete and unbending:

Do what is right, always. Have respect for oneself and for others. Never abdicate your sovereignty. Self worship is useless unless you also teach others to do the same and give them the same respect you give yourself. And if you do, don't betray it by teaching others to abandon hope. Hope is eternal. Hope is sometimes all we have, it shines a light into the deepest darkness of the soul. Be a candle in that dark for others so they can learn to also hold that light in their hearts.

Satan (Serapis) is light, He is life, and He is hope, always.

freedom_.jpg (114.9 KiB) Viewed 1686 times

Never abandon that. Never give up, do not foreswear yourself, hand yourself over to evil, be one of the damned who betray hope. Those ones will be consumed. But we, the just, will exist forever. Just as Serapis does.There is no darkness that can smother that light of hope, for it comes from within the soul. From within. It gives the strength to carry on. The true answers are always found within, not without. Never surrender yourself. Hold to that hope, and remember to love.

“I was, am now, and shall have no end.”

Live it, be it. And exist forever. With hope, that tiny bird of freedom, nestled in your heart, for now and always.

“My wisdom is not separate from my heart”

Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Karnunnos Esus
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Re: Hope The Bird of Freedom

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

That really speaks volumes to my own heart. Thank you for this sermons.

Knowing my past throughout my life I know mistakes Ive made which are pretty stupid. Satan always ends up guiding me back no matter how many times I slip and fall. But they you beautifully wrote this leaves me feeling a bit poetic and inspired. Thank you so much!
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Re: Hope The Bird of Freedom

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Great sermon, an eye opener for people who can't find existential answers. I often think that Satanism is about not losing your humanity - about preserving it. About not losing yourself, but instead about always finding more about yourself. Saying that humans are bad, it's just a lie. It's a lie. A child is born pure, so why we cannot return to this state? I noticed how being childish in a positive way is invalidated and stupid, but the truth is that these people hate their inner child. Humans need to immerse into their heart. Heart is the guide, to not become inhuman. There is someone in your heart, that is telling you "please, return back! i can't be without you!" and is suffering. This is your true self. They suffer, feel alone and want you to give them attention. If you nourish them, they'll nourish you. They know you more than any other being, and love you for what you are. You mentioned to be gentle to yourself. This is very important and, i noticed how if you are gentle to others, it can be easier to be more gentle to yourself. Being gentle to yourself means letting go and living in the present, with no fears. Don't compare yourself too much with others, your life is unique. Just think about what is the best for you, your life. The rest is prejudice and thoughts that can limit you.
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Re: Hope The Bird of Freedom

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Thank you yes, Satanism is about finding yourself. And being true to that self. it's about finding your humanity. Not abandoning it. Being TRUE. I can't stress enough how important this is. EVERYTHING YOU DO MATTERS. So be good, and be TRUE.

Serapis (the actual being the biblical satan was stolen from) is good, and true, and just. He has set the example, and we are expected to do likewise.

And this is an unbending truth.

Even to the weight of a feather.

Do the right thing.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: Hope The Bird of Freedom

Post by LockyMoth »

I totally agree with this. This is good, nice sermon. Good job!
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Re: Hope The Bird of Freedom

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I forgot to give you both the welcome mat:
Welcome to The Isle of Misfit Toys.jpg
Welcome to The Isle of Misfit Toys.jpg (848.39 KiB) Viewed 1562 times

too hot, too cold, just right.jpg
too hot, too cold, just right.jpg (359.77 KiB) Viewed 1562 times
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Re: Hope The Bird of Freedom

Post by LockyMoth »

Owe :D thanks a lot.
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Re: Hope The Bird of Freedom

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Yes. Be Good Now.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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