Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

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Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.” - Marcel Proust

One of the main symbols of and one of the oldest of the sun symbols is the eagle. Almost all of the ancient civilizations had an eagle somewhere in their symbolism. The eagle always represents the sun. Why? Because eagles have super vision, fly so high (elevated over the world).

Solaste evictiae: ancient roman sun god:

Solaste evictiae.jpg
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This is a coin from 1849 in Rome. You see the eagle perched on a fasces, a bundle of rods with a hatchet head. It's a symbol of world totalitarianism, a fascist state. The most brutal corporate fascist state symbol. And the eagle represents the sun, showing the sun is connected to world fascism:

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You see it here also, on the american quarter:

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As you can see, its just like the roman eagle. This is because America was subverted early on, taken over by this secret sun society which is modern day rome. Rome never fell.

Hitler and Nazi Germany also used eagles, and for the same reason. To symbolize the sun. Here it is perched on the swastika.

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The swastika is of course, yet another sun symbol. It shows the sun rolling across the sky, across the earth:

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The fascists used the sun symbol as well:

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Even to this day we see eagles as sun symbols all over the world. The reason this is important is because we're talking a secret society that is based on the illuminati if not that organization itself. Its the most important symbol of them. The sun brings light (knowledge, illumination) into the world. Even state arms from around the world have the sun and the eagle:

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The sun does bring light (information) but true power comes from our connection to the sun (knowledge, the animating force behind universes) which is found within. It's inside of us. Our own personal connection to the one true god. And that's the difference. This secret sun society is worshipping the one without.

Here is a church in florence, Italy with sun eagles on the doors to the church:

sun eagle on doors of a church.jpg
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When we examine the president of the united states seal symbol we see the eagle. One talon is holding 13 arrows, 13 leaves, 13 berries, 13 stripes. This is to symbolize the 13 families who were raised up over humanity and set to rule over us by 'divine right'. 'God' gave them the right. God over man. These families are hybrids. The Chosen.

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Consider the eagle on the dollar bill:

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Eagles have two wings. Both wings, though separate, are controlled by the eagle itself. This is symbolizing one of their primary methods of operation, one of the ways they utilize to take down humanity which is known as controlled opposition. The illusion of choice. We see this for example, in politics. It is also in operation in the Saviour Program pushed on humanity via the Vatican. “God” and “The Devil”. It also means two apparently 'opposing' sides are in reality controlled by the same force. And the people caught in between these two forces gets gaslighted, manipulated, controlled, used and abused, convinced to fight and kill one another (blood sacrifice) and they have no idea.

On one surface or level of reality it is indeed the illusion of choice but it goes deeper than that. The power that creates universes is light. Light in the context I'm speaking here simply means knowledge. It is intelligence. This intelligence permeates the universe and we are the microcosm within it, it being the macrocosm. The darkness from which light springs is symbolic of turning within. Think of the pineal gland. It has the same makeup, retinal rods in it as the outer physical eyes do. And yet, its inside the head, in darkness. We turn within, into the dark, to find our connection to the light (knowledge, the knowingness). And this elemental force encompasses all, both masculine and feminine, working together in harmony and balance. It is of the highest vibratory nature, and this is love. It's an unconditional love. NOT the kind christianity teaches, to be the doormat of the universe, which again, is an inversion. Real love is to be able to see, to understand, empathize, to see through illusions via that connection to the heart and the mind - intelligence, the knowingness. The church version of love is a sick and twisted inversion of what it really means.

It's about knowingness, that divinatory spark of understanding, possessing empathy to be able to see past all the hurt, pain and hate, to the core of another being, to recognize itself within that other because it too, is connected to (or not) that power of creation. Its about knowing. The wisdom that is not separate from the heart but rather, the two work together in order to reach the deepest levels of understanding, to understand and then to accept and heal. Or to recognize an enemy when you see it. Its about information. We are meant to be whole and complete. When people are tapped into the knowingness, they cannot be manipulated.

"My wisdom is not separate from my heart" - Satan

The enemy of humanity inverted the true meaning of light, externalized this to something without to be worshipped as something separate and apart. This is divide and conquer.

Think of the way pure light is fragmented into a prism of colors when passed through a crystal. We, our connection was fragmented like this into the different colors. Barriers erected between us and the true source of power and knowledge. We were bound. The enemy installed their agents to rule over these realms, as well as the earthly one. This is where this sun worship is coming from. It's from some other reality. And it's an inversion.

Left wing and right wing. We see this in the politics of america, Canada, and of Britain.

The crown is a corona. A corona of LIGHT. Like the corona around the SUN. Do you wonder why they called the plandemic virus a coronavirus? The plandemic was there to push the bio weapon in a big bid for power by this group. A very overt power grab.

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The 'royals' don't hold the real power and you can see it here, he's getting poked in the chest by a Rothschild. A Jesuit. And I assure you, nobody but nobody gets to touch the 'royals' like that, No commoner would ever get to do it! So he answers to them. They are part of the knights of malta (Templars, Freemasonry), Jesuits, military arm of the Vatican, which is ultimately run by negative non human entity's:

factoid: In 1139 Pope Innocent gave a papal bull in which he officially recognized the Knights Templar as an order called the Omne Datum Optimum.

Light brings illumination into the everyday life of ancient man. The sun chases away the darkness, light illuminates the earth. On a deeper level it's symbolizing illumination of the mind via occult (hidden) knowledge. Intellectual and spiritual enlightenment. They have occult knowledge. They just don't want YOU to have it.

We see newspapers supposedly there to give us knowledge – enlightenment – we see they have the sun symbol on it or in it:

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This sun cult is an inversion of what the light and the sun used to mean, the god within became the god without. And we are to give our worship and energy to that, not to ourselves. Meaning handing over our sovereignty.

Another sun symbol is the rising sun behind two mountains. Mountains are symbolizing the heights – a rarified atmosphere – where those who are illuminated can go, see and understand information (occulted – hidden). Of course, knowledge has been hidden away from humanity, it's not meant for us to know. At least, as far as this shadowy, interconnected group is concerned:

examples of sun symbology different groups same symbols.jpg
examples of sun symbology different groups same symbols.jpg (1.21 MiB) Viewed 562 times

A silver 2005 dollar. It's named Liberty marching towards the dawn of a new day:

silver dollar lady liberty.jpg
silver dollar lady liberty.jpg (320.79 KiB) Viewed 562 times

In god we trust really means god over man. The handing over of an individuals rights and freedoms to something without.

Obama used the sun symbol. Theres a reason why. It's a communist symbol. He said:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

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The subversion and destruction of America is what they were both actually talking about. He was also setting everything up for killary to come in and finish things. Remember how she was threatening, if she got the power, she would not hesitate to nuke Russia?

Communism, Naziism, Fascism, the eagle, sunrise between two mountains...sun worship cult...its all over the place.

Also on churches and in religion:

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The jews used this same sun symbolism in their torah. The sun rising over Jerusalem. Its an important symbol to them. Theres a reason why: its a symbol of the Illuminati. The illumination of the world by illuminated minds:

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The rising of the sun is the Dawn. When some kind of spiritual or intellectual knowledge becomes known to you, you would say it 'dawned' on me.

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In greek myth the dawn was personified by Eos (Aurora), sister of the sun god helios and moon goddess selene. She is often depicted rising from the sea or riding across the sky in her chariot. Flying like an eagle. The sun has masculine correspondences and also female.
In buddhism the dawn is symbol of the clear light of the void (ultimate reality) which is seen at the moment of death and in the traditional tarot we see this symbolism with the X of swords. It symbolizes epiphany – illumination of the soul. If the clear light of the void is followed, it leads to nirvana (supreme bliss).

In most cultures the rising sun is seen as a symbol of hope and of new beginnings.

I do think it actually was originally meant as hope and new beginnings for US. Humanity. But, as with everything the enemy of humanity touches, this symbolism has been obfuscated and inverted. One of their gods stole 'light' or 'fire' (knowledge) from The Gods (US) and so illumination is now only for them. And we have spent millennia in the dark. But that's changing now as an awakening is happening. The sleepers are waking up. Some good does appear like there is a silent purge at the highest levels being carried out. We see some major deaths like Queen Elizabeth, Evelyn de Rothschild, Pope Benedict, Jiang Zemin, Cardinal George Pell (head of the Vatican Bank )....and there appears to be a push now to get rid of pope francis. The real francis is gone, the one playing him now is a mask wearing actor put into place by the KM. He was put into place with the help of the WEF to assist with the 'great reset' which began with the plandemic.

If you google christian new dawn you'll see thousands of christian groups with this sun imagery. Most christians have absolutely no idea what they're being led into.

New dawn is new day. You'll find all kinds of christian new day stuff. More symbolism.
Easter celebrates the new dawn christ brought into the world. The Jewish Kabbalah has the same symbol on it. New dawn.

The sun rising for the new dawn is a very important symbol for the jews. This whole idea is of the coming of the messiah. According to ancient Jerusalem and ancient jewish teachings it has nothing to do with some guy coming to save the world.

In judaism the messiah is a messianic period of time.

The nonsense about a red bull goes back to when the heavens were in the constellation of the bull. This is why the Israelites were worshipping a golden calf. The golden calf was the sun. And the bull is the constellation of Taurus. Even today they are talking about a red heifer born in Israel.

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This whole idea is a messianic era. A time period. Not some guy who's going to come 'save' humanity. Christianity is nonsense, the KM knows this. The concept of rebuilding the 'holy' temple is a masonic idea. Illuminati freemasonry dreamed this up. It hasn't got anything to do with judaism. It has to do with masonic illumination.

The nazis were very big on the new dawn too:

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The morning will come – a new day will dawn. It's the same sun worshiping concept. We see this on the nazi flag:

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The sun is symbolized with the swastika inside a circle – the sun...on a red background. Red for the dawn. Red Dawn. This newer nazi flag has this symbolism with the iron cross – another sun symbol. The cross is also catholic – the 'son' of 'god'. Which again, is an inverted concept, taking away our power of sovereignty in order to worship a son that is without, rather than the sun (inborn intelligence) that is within.

Light being knowledge, yes, but true knowingness comes from within. From the connection to the power to create universes. This is our inborn heritage we share with Satan. He is also connected, and I think this is one of the reasons He states His wisdom is not separate from His heart.

We see a very high level of anti whiteness pushed around the world. I've had my own experiences with this. The reality in my country right now, is that any other color person but white gets all the opportunities. This is true; I've experienced this as an artist. Pretty much all the big paying artist call outs by municipalities are all geared towards non whites. It began taking over around 2012. I went to a meeting for info on an arts job and they prefaced it by telling us whites need not apply!

I approached one of them and pointed this out. She said yes well....whites have had it too good for too long, at the expense of the colored artists. I said you realize thats incredibly racist, don't you? She hummed and hawed, and repeated we want to give the other groups a chance. Now, this is total BS. When an artist applies for a call out, they show examples of their work. The best work gets the job. So they are handing out contracts to people who, if it were a level playing field, might not receive the job and then call this 'equality.'

Whites are shamed for their whiteness. It's setting one group against another. Controlled opposition. So long as we fight one another, we can never raise our eyes and see the puppet master above us. And you know they laugh at us. They really do think we're stupid.

And so people with real grievances, like the germans thanks to the Versailles Agreement, are thus incentivized. So when someone is placed into power who can use this, they do and people fall for it.

Who can blame people for embracing their own race and blood? Their heritage? I can see how it happened. Germany was facing that rot from within, the same rot threatening to overwhelm America right now. And they wanted to do something about it.

But its all controlled opposition. Nobody, but nobody gets to be a world leader unless they are bought off, or coerced, or whatever. Its all controlled at the top by this shadow group. And lies are told. For example, when they did the book burnings:

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The world media painted this as the 'evil' nazis preventing people from learning. Well, what they don't tell people is that the same rot gripping america right now was starting there. And the books they were burning were porn and garbage that rots the mind. I'm saying this to be fair.

Nobody is completely wrong, nobody is completely right. Its a dog and pony show because at the very top, its all one controlling force. White people are heavily persecuted. They teach critical race theory, college and university courses where it is being sold to people that the world would be better off without the white race. Imagine the uproar if it was teaching the world would be better off without blacks, or jews?

What I'm trying to say is, its a trap. Controlled opposition. Blacks are persecuted and they want to fight back. Whites are persecuted and they want to fight back. People don't realize falling into infighting serves the hydra.The global octopus of control, the sun cult secret society, illuminati, there are many
names for this.

People have legitimate concerns and they get played. At the top its the same ET negative group. The galactic federation of LIGHT.

Perhaps a good description of what's going on out there is a large breakaway civilization, an ecosystem of different earth nations, military factions (the shadow group), large clandestine corporations and ET groups working for and against one another. All trying to secure their own individual interests. The deception runs deep....

So down here, even though different racial sides ostensibly oppose one another – and on one level yes, they certainly do:

On another higher level to these controllers, its meaningless to them, because at the top of the pyramid the same power controls all sides. It's manufactured division and controlled opposition. And this is by design. It allows the ET presence ruling from behind the curtain to maintain control and power over us. Divide and conquer.

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WWII was controlled opposition and a massive blood sacrifice for the death cult – 30 million plus white gentiles dead in Russia, more in Germany, Canadians, Americans, Japanese, etc etc. What is the true tally of the dead from WWII? And jews died too. The KM has no problem sacrificing some for the greater goal: and they got it. One of the things they managed to get was Israel established. Hitler helped them do this via The Transfer Agreement, which was an agreement between Hitler and top ranking KM zionists to move 60 000 german jews to Palestine. If Hitler was dead set on the total 'extermination' of all jews, why would he agree to this transfer?

Because at the very top, non human entities pull the strings. It was a very effective move. Now all they have to do if any voices try to call them out is trot out the boogieman and cry white supremacist's! Cry anti-semitism! Shame people who ask questions. They've received 70 + years of 'reparations'....Israel has been a terrific cash cow for the KM plus a terrific red herring. Because according to what I've been able to piece together it would seem the real power center (besides Antartica) is the area known today as the Ukraine and Switzerland. Its very telling that we see Ukrainian nazis (Azov battalion) operating in total cooperation with the codpiece wearing, high heels dancing gay jew ostensibly running the place. The only way this could happen is that again, at the top another intelligence is controlling things from behind the curtain, and have been here for millennia:

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If you can't see it, the symbol on his shirt is this mark. Its a kind of brand, like for a cow. Hes property, a puppet and has no true power himself. He's a tool. zelenskyy volodymyr in ukranian means the evil one owns the world”

For the annual Nuremberg Rallies Albert Speer developed the Cathedral of Light (sun worship again), a dramatic array of searchlights that lit up for miles around. These were spectacular shows mean to impress not just the country but the world.These pictures come from a commemorative volume issued after the 1937 rally:

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Image Source: Hanns Kerrl, Reichstagung in Nürnberg 1937. Der Parteitag der Arbeit (Berlin: Vaterländischer Verlag C. A. Weller, 1937).

There were two navy seals who were interviewed by linda moultin howe. Spartan 1 and 2. They described walking through a massive underground complex of obviously alien design, the halls glowing green, the halls carved with hieroglyphs. Spartan 2 said that these are also found on the moon and on mars. They also described a massive 30 foot tall door that had the symbol of the black sun carved into it. Another sun symbol. This negative force has been around for millenia.

The following is going to trigger some people I'm sure. But this is information I found, and I'm sharing it:

The zions watchtower was established by charles russel who founded the international bible students association in 1868. this organization we know today as the jehovahs witnesses.

Zion. Zionism:

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Zionism (Jesuit order) isn't a race (according to Jordan Maxwell's research) so much as it's a cult. A sun worshipping secret society cult.

I think they are a race. Of hybrids. Who infiltrate and invert everything.

“If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Superior General of the Jesuit Order] are one and the same person.” – James Parton

“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses.” – Napoleon I

“Why would the Jesuits use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The Jesuits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they can use someone else as the ‘cause of the world’s problems’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives. The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rothschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate under a Jewish front.” – William Sutton

Am I excusing the jews? No. It's clear they teach their kids to hate the goyim. And others teach the jews are behind all of the problems of the world and hate them. What I'm attempting to show is that this situation is more complex and multi layered than you might have previously assumed. There is a power behind and above all that, cynically and coldly manipulating world events, keeping different groups fighting one another so the real problem is never exposed. The entire world has been MK Ultra'd. Trauma based mind control.

“The Jesuit Order at last reached the pinnacle of its power and prestige in the early eighteenth century [i.e., the early 1700s]. It had become more influential and more wealthy than any other organization in the world. It held a position in world affairs that no oath-bound group of men has ever held before or since… ‘Nearly all the Kings and Sovereigns of Europe had only Jesuits as directors of their consciences [i.e., as confessor-priests], so that the whole of Europe appeared to be governed by Jesuits only.’” (1927; using a short quote by Jesuit Cordara) – Boyd Barrett

“The S.S.  organization had been constituted by Himmler [Heinrich Himmler, leading member of the Nazi party] according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.  Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly.  Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S.  was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits’ ‘General’ and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.”  - Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage

The Secret History of the Jesuits:

“The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum [Center Party overseen by Jesuit Ludwig Kaas], only five years before 1933, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in Mein Kampf were already realized; this book .  .  .  was written by the Jesuit controlled Father Bernhardt Stempfle and signed by Hitler. For it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it.”

hitler greets 2 vatican officials in 1934.jpg
hitler greets 2 vatican officials in 1934.jpg (1022.74 KiB) Viewed 562 times

It's all controlled opposition, playing people to fight one another, when the real enemy and the real power remains hidden in the shadows. And that enemy is a cult. A secret society. A group or coalition of negative ET's, their hybrids, slaves and extra dimensional beings, who came here a long time ago and have turned this earth into an animal farm. Hence they call us animals.

The UN referred to us as 'terrestrial animals'.

At this most recent WEF meeting, one of the speakers (al gore I think it was said):

“what we're doing today, in saving the planet, is almost extraterrestrial”

'saving' the planet is code for taking over the planet. Overt control is the end goal, not covert.

And who is working to clear this group out? It's interesting in Russia, there is a renewed interest in the old ways, cities that the communists renamed reverting back to their original names, and the original flag:

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I know it has the eagle imagery as well. But I think its interesting that theres this white knight stomping....a reptilian.

The WWII conflict between Germany and Russia, in my opinion, and there is some historical proof of it - was controlled opposition. The 'conflict' – today between Russia and the Ukraine (Ukraine is and has always been part of Russia - how this is a 'conflict' in the sense of between two different countries isn't clear) but at any rate, is this a 'real' conflict?

I mean of course it is, people are dying. It's absolutely awful what these people are suffering.

But I mean between two different forces? Are they the same at the top? I don't know but suspect this time.....maybe not. I'm interested in the imagery on the flag. The Russians are doing something right. They've outlawed the western rot. And they are proud to be white and Russian (yes, I know he's wearing a damned cross.....but still):

Heres a Ukrainian woman telling it like it is:

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The Ukraine is run by the KM. Jesuits. And they have absolutely abused the shit out of the gentile people of Ukraine. They are snatching up all the young men they can find and forcing them to fight – looking for more meat for their meat grinder. These peoples children are missing, the world seems to want to give money to keep it going. How much has America handed over to this criminal organization and its dancing jew 'leader'? And they welcome him in America like he's some kind of rock star. It's so evil...

Pfizer and astro zenica were using people in the Ukraine as guinea pigs for the jab BEFORE the plandemic! Local people say they weren't told what they were taking. No informed consent. Take this jab or you're fired. myocarditis. Extreme side effects, deaths, and still they forced this crap on the people there who worked for them and other unsuspecting innocents. Beginning in 2014 to 2020 they were doing this! This is being exposed by the Russians. The western MSM refuses to cover this.

They were doing a lot of testing especially, to see how the jabs worked on people with slavic blood. WHITE people.

UN site has articles on a new dawn: When the UN uses the term new dawn, they mean communism.

“The new world order is the truly global society of the new dawn.”

This concludes part 3 part 4 coming soon :)
Hope you found this.....enlightening (pun intended).
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by WhiteWizard8 »

Taking A=1, B=2, C=3,… , Z=26,



Jesus Christ = 74+77 = 151

Now let's relate this to another answer, which claimed Greek for Christ is 1480.

Now first of all this is correct:


Secondly 1480= 74*20.

Also claimed Jesus in Greek is 888:

ιησουσ = 10+8+200+70+400+200 = 888

And 888 = 74*12.

74 isn't just the number of Jesus, 7 and 4 are the first and last letters of God. (G=7,d=4).

I could continue indefinitely.

Edit: let me continue

Jesus Christ is therefore 74+77=151

151 is the 8th palindromic prime.

The first word of the text in my bible is capitalised. It is IN, as in

IN the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.


But in ASCII or Unicode which is the coding for letters as stored on a computer, each capital letter has 64 added to it (and 96 for lower case). So A=65, B=66,…
According to Satanic Liberation Font we have Jesus of the Borg. Is this computerized possibly?

I is 9+64=73 and N=14+64=78

So in ASCII, IN =73+78=151 same as Jesus Christ.

This is the numerology of Jesus Christ
151 is one half of 666

Lucifer = 12+21+3+9+6+5+18 = 74
Occult = 15+3+3+21+12+20 = 74
Messiah = 13+5+19+19+9+1+8 = 74

The word Lucifer comes from the King James (KJV) translation of the Bible; the translation that uses the word Christ exactly 555 times. Let us further examine the word Lucifer and Occult using Pythagorean Numerology. In both words, we can find many coded 3s.
Lucifer = 3+3+3+9+6+5+9 = 38
Occult = 6+3+3+3+3+2 = 20
Notice how the number 96 is coded into the word Lucifer. Satanism also equals 96.
Satanism = 19+1+20+1+14+9+19+13 = 96
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96
With regards to Satan, his name has the 'God' numerology of '55'; which matches, 'Heaven', 'Sky' and 'Cloud'.
Satan = 19+1+20+1+14 = 55
Cloud = 3+12+15+21+4 = 55
Sky = 19+11+25 = 55
Heaven = 8+5+1+22+5+14 = 55
It seems strange that Satan has the 'God' numerology, and the word 'God' does not. What 'God' has, is the 'Lie' numerology. Let us examine.
God = 7+15+4 = 26
Lie = 12+9+5 = 26
Of course, all these manipulations are a deliberate ploy by the powers that be, the Illuminati, who want to toy with us like mice in a maze. In the King James Version of the Bible, the word savior is spelled with an added 'u', as saviour.
Saviour = 1+1+4+9+6+3+9 = 33
Now you know why that is, 33.

If you've never read the Bible, Jesus was crucified at the age of 33 after performing 33 miracles. His angelic form is named Michael, and he was sentenced to crucifixion by Pontius Pilate.
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Pontius = 7+6+5+2+9+3+1 = 33
I rest my case, Amen
Amen = 1+13+5+14 = 33

Helena Blavatsky said the dragon is our Tempter and redeemer.

If Satan is the red dragon in revelation. All the characters are a play, part of a "plan". "God's plan" and if there is a cube , new. Jerusalem, may have the ability to project souls to other worlds. "New heaven and new earth". Technologically speaking. The matrix speaks loads of something similar.

Satanism also is tied to those lower case 96 letters in a computer system just like Jesus is. Well these are simply numbers but you catch my drift.

God in numerology is the Lie, and Satan is known as the prince of lies.

More: Ok so Jesus Christ been associated with December 25

So think about at 33 years of age. 25-33 that's 8 days in between which again Jesus and Lucifer 888. Number. So the last day is on January 2 which is usually the day businesses close and new year is being observed. This is also the return of the SUN. More facts of who Jesus and Satan are of the same coin!

The significance of yule is known in pagan cultures that begin on 19-21 of December winter solstice . Again Yule to Christmas aka 19-25 of December is 8 days!!!!

There's such a play on numbers like numerology and gemetria. So the truth is that the "names" we give to the divine source has a numerical value and she be watched.
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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by WhiteWizard8 »

That's a long ass post. But I like it. The issue you are talking about anti-whiteness is true. It's being pushed in America too. I want these idiots to take a moment to remember it was the white people who freed them as slaves or did they forget there were white people as slaves too and still are. This is indeed bs media narrative. Which I already argued the two sides theory, controlled opposition.

So with the SUN symbol. I totally am in agreement about the Light within and things like that and how it's perfect to those without. Even the messages of selflessness and other such teachings is obviously meant to program humanity to search for god outside of yourself. It's pretty crazy. Shedding some light on the SUN and Jesuits involved in worldly affairs makes perfect sense.

I'll write more later. It's late. Awesome work!
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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by ERD6969 »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:34 am The sun is symbolized with the swastika inside a circle – the sun...on a red background. Red for the dawn. Red Dawn.
Uhhhh.... Extremely based???? I don't see the problem with this also you mentioned the black sun being bad how? Its censored whenever it shows up its the astral sun very different from the sun worship you talk about this represents occult power and enlightenment.
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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I said its a sun symbol. millennia old. Especially if what spartan 1 and 2 were saying is true (I suspect it was true).
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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by Sun Cultist »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:34 am ....
How dare you defile our most sacred symbol, you know their is a reason it was used by the most powerful empires right? The sun is the source of power the light crushes the darkness, it is the new dawn. What do you represent, what is your symbol? To say its part of some grand conspiracy is disrespectful at best, may Ra strike you down!

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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

I don't think Zola is defiling the sun but making reference of people who used the sun for the wrong reasons like secret societies that want to dominate the world.

I personally admire and honor the sun as the sun god Beli or Belenus. I personally use Nature itself in order to connect to a god or goddess. Of course never forget these things are allegorical. nature is my bible the sun shows me the way to eternity.
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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Exactly. They're appropriating a sacred nature symbol. Sun is sacred in pagan religions and Sun Gods/Goddesses are wonderful. They even gave Demons corrupted names and representations, so that's the thing. Sun is sacred and represents power. They mean this as "I have power, you not". Mostly a way to hide knowledge, as Zola states in the post series.
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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:40 pm Exactly. They're appropriating a sacred nature symbol. Sun is sacred in pagan religions and Sun Gods/Goddesses are wonderful. They even gave Demons corrupted names and representations, so that's the thing. Sun is sacred and represents power. They mean this as "I have power, you not". Mostly a way to hide knowledge, as Zola states in the post series.
I got a bone to pick with you about this. About the sun

Belial seems to be a corrupted name of this ancient sun god Beli or Belenus. Famously known as the ancestor of Irish/Welsh and also Beli was briefly mentioned in Hindu myths.

The term Belial occurring often in the Old Testament and applied, as would seem from the context in the bible like Samuel Chronicles, and Job to any one opposing the established authority, whether civil, as in the above passages, or religious, as in Judges, I Kings, Prov. Deut. A somewhat weaker sense, that of "wicked" or "worthless," is found in I Sam. The use of the word in II Sam. Is in reference "rivers of the under world," while more conservative scholars render "destructive rivers."

The etymology of this word has been variously given. The Talmud (Sanh. 111b) regards it as a compound word, made up of "beli" and "'ol" (without a yoke). Belial" is a noun, and quotes the opinion of some one else that it is a verb with a precative force, "May he have no rising." or never to rise or produce,

Also it is "he who has thrown off heaven". In Jewish terms of kabalah this means he exists as the "earth" or a spirit of the earth since making him crowned prince of the earth but I'm leaning he's more than that..

The Gaulish god Belenus (Belinus/Belenos), whose worship goes back to deep antiquity, was a widely recognized deity associated with healing, springtime festival, protection, and, on occasion, with the sun.

His name is a Latinization of the god Beli worshiped by the Celts who inhabited the European continent before being driven away by the Romans.

Coupled with the fact that there is a possibility his name alludes to wells and healing springs,(which Belial associated with underworld rivers) and also the fact that he was heavily associated with the Roman God Apollo, it is almost certain that Belenus was also a God of healing. He seemed to be especially associated with limb regeneration. Objects in the shape of limbs have been found at Belenus' shrines, either as petitions or thanks for prayers answered.

So I think all the Goetia names that are popular or demon. Names in Hebrew are corrupted names to blaspheme the Ancient pagan gods. Just think about this a minute.

If we we disassemble the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew into its factors and
add up its numerological numbers, we will receive the number 72:
(י (10), יה (15), יהו (21), יהוה (26
10+15+21+26=72, the 72 names of God. The Jewish god.

I understand these 72 syllable relates to frequencies Moses used to part the sea. The three consecutive verses from Exodus 14:19-21 each contain 72 letters, an obviously rare phenomenon. The letters of these three verses can be arranged as 72 triplets of letters. But we are taught in Kabbala that if we reverse the order of the letters in the middle set, the 72 triplets become 72 "names" of G‑d.

the story of the exodus from Egypt, three consecutive verses describe G‑d's power as manifest just before "god" split the Sea of Reeds, which the Jewish people passed through on dry land while the Egyptians were drowned:

"And the angel of G‑d who had been going ahead of the camp of Israel now moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud went from in front of them and stood behind them. Thus [the pillar of cloud] came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel, making it cloud and darkness [to the Egyptians], but it gave light by night [to the Jews], so that the one came not near the other all the night. Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and G‑d drove the sea back with a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land; thus the waters were divided." (Ex. 14:14)

A name is a means by which one is made known to others.
In Hebrew, these three verses each contain 72 letters. In the Zohar (I it is stated that these three verses refer in sequence to the divine attributes of chesed, gevura, and tiferet. TIFERET is the sun. The harmonious blending of cheesed and geburah from tree of life. Thus, they together form a composite name of the Jewish god since a name is a means by which one is made known to others, i.e. manifests his attributes.

The fact that each verse contains 72 letters means that they can be aligned in parallel, forming 72 triplets of letters. In this configuration, the Zohar states, the first verse is to be written in its proper order, since it represents "living kindness" or a direct goodness. The second verse is to be written in reverse order, from the last letter to the first, since it represents Jewish god severity, which is an indirect revelation of "his" goodness. Although tiferet is a blend of both chesed and gevura, the third verse is not to be written half in the proper order and half in reverse order, as one might expect. There are two reasons for this: (1) in tiferet, chesed dominates over gevura, and (2) as the ideal blend of chesed and gevura, tiferet is a direct revelation of goodness and glory rather than an indirect one according to the Jews.

Kabbalists teach that the Bible is a complete code. That’s right. It’s a cryptogram. When this biblical code is cracked, something miraculous happens: powerful spiritual forces are released into our souls and discharged into the world at large. It’s like turning on the light in a dark room. These forces empower us to completely change our lives and transform our world.

A prime example of a highly charged, encoded story in the Bible is the account of Moses and the Israelites parting the Red Sea, which is revealed in Beshalach, this week’s Zohar portion.

The 72 Names of God are not “names” in any ordinary sense. They are a metaphysical formula for connecting to the infinite spiritual current that flows throughout the thought-form we know today. . "God" gave this cutting-edge technology to Moses to be shared with all people, so that humans could unleash their own God-like powers and attain control over the physical world. And the power that drives these letters is revealed again in the energy of this week.

When god or some godasked the desperate Israelites, “Why are you calling out to me?” it was merely code. He was actually telling the people that they themselves had the power to escape from their perilous predicament on their own. They did not need God’s assistance. In fact, the Zohar teaches that God never answers prayers. It is people who answer their own prayers by knowing how to connect to and utilize the divine energy of the Creator and the God-like force in their own souls this means Christians are unaware they are manifesting their own prayers but remain blind. Thanks to removal of knowledge.

So I want to take a moment here to explain something. The bible is a damn occult text. And it's used by the Freemasons, secret societies and those who know it's power. So the 72 Goetia being commanded by "god" is a prime example how the ancient pagan deities been given Hebrew names containing curses from the 72 names of God!

So the Sun is a powerful symbol and Tiferat is sun in Kabalah. Some pagans actually use the Kabalah as a map to assign pagan deities to a Sephiroth.
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Re: Control Symbols Sun Worship Part3:

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

RD was busy last night.jpg
RD was busy last night.jpg (710.95 KiB) Viewed 443 times

Hate to break it to you red dawn. And sure, thats why you call yourself 'Red Dawn'. The sun is a powerful symbol. Which the enemy appropriated.

The true source in occult terms of power comes from WITHIN. I guess that makes me a blasphemer (you sound like a bible pounder)

RA and I get along just fine, thanks.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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