Mastema High Priestess Book of Jubilees and Pharisees

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Mastema High Priestess Book of Jubilees and Pharisees

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

There are many names for the being who is known as many things. In some instances She is a He, an arch demon, chief of the demigods created by the mixing of the fallen watcher/angels with human women. It is thought that perhaps Mastema Herself is one of these beings.

Mastema is also known as an angel of evil, of adversity and hostility. The hebrews called her Mastema denoting 'hostility'. I find this interesting in light of the fact they call Satan 'adversary'.

Some believe Mastema to be a female version of Satan, as one of the full meanings of her name is 'Adversary of God'.

mastema sm.jpg
mastema sm.jpg (180.21 KiB) Viewed 351 times

She is a main adversary of YHVH, acted a trickster against the people of Israel and the followers of YHVH. It was Mastema in the book of jubilees who commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac to prove his faithfulness to YHVH and it was YHVH who intervened to stop him.

sacrifice for YHVH.jpg
sacrifice for YHVH.jpg (185.37 KiB) Viewed 351 times

Painting by Rembrandt.

Mastema is also known as the accuser, Prince of Demons and of injustice. And here is an old depiction of Mastema....looking ghoulish, beaten and at a loss with bat wings. Guess we know who did that image, hey? Just the fact they go to so much trouble to denigrate and minimize these beings makes me go....hmmm. WHY? Knowing religion is a mind trap, and they are denigrating Mastema....HMMM...

Mastema old imagesm.jpg
Mastema old imagesm.jpg (319.4 KiB) Viewed 351 times

I fail to see the injustice in acting against YHVH. I would say rather, this is the act of a just being. Just as Satan is depicted as a terrible dark 'angel'...when in fact, He is a just being also. She seems indeed, to have a lot in common with Him.

It says in the book of jubilees all nations (of goyim) are ruled by spirits and that the chief of them all is...Mastema. So existentially all the idolatrous (goyim) nations are accompanied and guided by 'evil' spirits. In some nations these 'spirits' might be considered 'ancestors'.

While the book of jubilees consider Israel on the other hand, to be ruled directly by YHVH, or Yahweh. They are the chosen people of 'god'.

Satan teaches we bow down to no gods. That the One True God is within. Any being purporting to be 'god', who desires worship and blood from the masses, is by definition a tyrant and an evil being. So...who's really the problem here?

The book also says that all uncircumcised males are ruled by Mastema, while the act of circumcision transfers men to the rule of Yahweh.

This is extremely interesting, as the sexual act for an uncircumcised male is far more all enveloping. The penis is a very sensitive instrument, why it resides in a sheath. To cut that away is to take away a portion of a mans ability to experience full sexual pleasure. Yes, they can still have some, but it will never be as it should be. This is damaging spiritually when you consider that the sex act is the act that produces life. It is a very high manifestation (between two people in love) of one of the highest frequencies of all available to us, the act of literal creation. And the removal of the sheath is a mutilation, done on an infant without their informed consent, violating them.

The book of jubilees is a jewish apocryphal book. Scholars believe it was likely written around the second century BC
Which was around the reign of John Hyrcanus. This fellow was a HP of the Hasmondean Dynasty.

A Seleucid Ruler (Antiochus IV Epiphanes) made a forceful attempt to Hellenize the jews and they revolted. This was come to be known as the Maccabean Revolt. They went on to establish a short lived independent theocracy. John reigned during this time. He conquered territory in northern Palestine (and you thought the hostility between Israel and Palestine is something modern). He subjugated the Edomites in the south, forcing them to adopt Judaism. What's interesting is that despite this, he actually had a lot of sympathy for the hellenistic cultures, so much so this greatly angered jewish sects, specifically the Pharisees. They questioned his ability, loyalty, an apostate jew and therefore what right does he have to rule as a HP? They considered themselves the chosen people of god and on the side of GOOD.

It's funny isn't it, how different groups can be extremely totalitarian, yet still believe they are on the side of 'good'. Absolutism is tyranny that leaves no room for the individual. It's one way or no way. It is dogma that crushes the human spirit. There is nothing 'good' about it.

The pharisees are the forerunners of the rabbis; the roots of modern judaism. They believed strongly that jews should be separated from non-jews (goyim). They believed in the resurrection of the dead and of the coming of the messiah. But again, the messiah is a Messianic AGE. Not some guy who's going to 'save' everybody. THAT is the christian interpretation.

The Pharisees believed the goyim nations were ruled by enemy 'angels'. They considered them 'rebel' angels.

Isaiah 14:12

"Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us? Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit."

This is basically saying see Satan, you are but a man like all the rest, you will die and be eaten by worms like all the rest 'god' has subjugated, all the kings of mens pomp and glory rotted away, how dare you think to be a god in your own right or try to teach others to be likewise? And that cutting you down greatly weakened the nations (the goy nations).

Of course, removing a nations connection to their spirituality and divinity within would certainly fill the bill of greatly weakening the nations. And what have we seen? A 3000 year old psi-op via the church and the abrahamic religions in order to do just that.

I'm very interested in the symbology of a winged figure. This implies the power of flight. Of transcending earthly bonds that hold most of us down. Of travel between dimensions. The beings who could do this were advanced, more so than we. They were therefore mysterious, powerful. Coming from elsewhere, from 'the heavens' to the earth transmitting pragmatic guidance and wisdom. They were messengers, bringing counsel to humanity. It's interesting too, that in the earliest works, the terms angel and demon were interchangeable. They were essentially considered divine spirits.

They appear carrying makes me wonder...are the messages from them or....are they carrying messages for someone else and if so, whom?

Messengers from other dimensions of reality, conduits of information between the heavens and the earth. Or between different states of being. Remember Tesla said if you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy and frequency. And this is very true. Whatever the name being used at any given time, you will know them by the energy they bring.

It's possible Demons could have, at one time, been men like ourselves, who then transcended, moved up to a higher frequency and thus, dimension. To us, they would appear as spirits. A telepathic voice, a touch, the passing of a breeze in a room that is closed where no breeze should be; an orb of light, sometimes a full on manifestation, though I think this is rare. I've only experienced this a handful of times in my own lifetime. They can get the job done with less expenditure of energy, usually.

Beings are not their labels, they are manifestations of energy and frequency. Human friendly beings bring wisdom and messages.

Most of the time it's a telepathic message, or a 'feeling' transmitted via the solar, the 'gut', that stargate that allows us access to other dimensions, the ability to travel. Words and thoughts transmitted via gateway. This is why we have the saying: 'always trust your gut'. It brings true information. Visions transmitted via the third eye. There are so many ways these beings communicate.

I have always had the gut feeling these entities are much like us; this was confirmed later in life by the Santeria HP's who mentored and taught me for three plus years. There are hierarchies of Demons. They run the gamut from positive to 'neutral' (which actually makes them the most dangerous because they're unpredictable), through to the negatives. The bulk of them are neutral. Just like people are. And in each 'camp' if you will, there is MORE hierarchy. There are those who appear to be beautiful but are purely evil; I've had a face to face conversation with one of those. The energy rolling off it is indescribable. You can feel the hatred like a palpable force. A sensation of total, utter contempt.

There are those who can pass for human but are filled up inside with a spiritual darkness and are NOT normal people, others lower still, we might understand as kind of like animals, simplistic in their natures, at least, less so than a human being. I've seen these also. Some are shadow beings. These can take the shape of a human but its completely made out of darkness, like a shadow, some are the size of dogs or cats, some can be massive. These feed on the misery and fear of humans and can appear in numbers before a calamity or mass death. Like they did in jonestown right before the massacre. there is a huge variety of beings out there.

This is mirrored in the human population. People can be very positive, go either way depending on their mood, to the rare ones who are completely, utterly negative.

It was in this historical context the book of jubilees was written. The main themes of the book include a fierce commitment to strict adherence to jewish law (naturally – as it was written by jews) and also strong themes of a cosmic war between 'god' (yahweh) and the forces of darkness (with Mastema at their head – a prince of darkness opposing 'god').

The Pharisee sect embraced the same ideas still embraced today by abrahamic religions, the notion of a coming final battle between good and evil, the coming of a messiah, that the enemy (angels, demons) helping the rulers of other (non jewish) nations would be defeated and 'peace' would come in which their 'god' would rule supreme. In other words, a one world order. A global tyranny. Its interesting isn't it, how what one group considers 'evil', another considers 'good'? And then they have taken this evil and given it another twist, so people are convinced this is a return to 'perfection', the ultimate renewal of the world. It strikes me as using people in a very cynical and cold way, for who could not agree there is indeed a problem and that it would be 'good' to return to a state of perfection and to see the world renewed?

But it is always thus. The enemy always fools people via their empathy, compassion and desire for true goodness. They sell us poison and tell us it is to 'help' us. See the secret covenant:


While researchers claim they don't know the source of this idea of good versus evil in a cosmic battle (while we do), it is a fact that it was through Judaism this concept was transmitted to Christianity and to Islam.

This has been pounded into gentiles heads from cradle to grave, getting them to pull for yahweh who is in reality an enemy of humanity, to pull for their own enslavement. The worst kind of slavery is when the slave doesn't even know they ARE a slave, but think they're free.

An early example of a religion promoting this idea of a cosmic battle would be the major religion of the Persian empire (550-330 BC). Doesn't this image look familiar? It should:

Zoroastrianism.jpg (273.24 KiB) Viewed 351 times

this is the symbol of Zoroastrianism on the museum of zoroastrian history in Yazid, Iran.

It seems to me these 'ancestors' these 'spirits', these Demons, and Mastema really have their work cut out for them, since people have been brainwashed to love their enemy. Its a sad state of affairs. How do you free an entire planet of brainwashed slaves? How do you get them to wake up?

Mastema occupies the position of High Priestess in the Tarot deck. And a fitting position it is for this being, too.

The High Priestess Mastema, sends visions and information via dreams, via our natural telepathy, intuition, the solar. She operates outside the orthodox realms of dogma and conventionalism. She is the female version of the Magician, is considered by some to be the female version of Satan, one who reminds us everything precedes from the realm of aether or thought, consciousness, from the immaterial to the material, and so be mindful of what beliefs, thoughts you entertain. The more powerful you are the more this becomes necessary, as thoughts become things.

She speaks to mastery of inner space reflecting in achieving mastery of the outer. Teaches there is no need to bow down to any god without, when the true god/goddess resides within. She reminds to always seek solutions through utilizing extra sensory, intuitive, natural born wisdom and gifts. She is a guiding light in the dark pointing the way like a star to a sailor at night upon the bosom of the deep; patron of the power to create, a god-like power, one who senses the twists of 'fate', is adept at uncovering mystery.

She reminds to pay attention to coincidences, synchronicities, messages of dreams, be open to visions and truth when you encounter them, understanding what you seek, the connection and the power comes from within. She is about connecting to the power that can create universes.

She is a being of occult realms, deep in wisdom. She understands other dimensions, realities, understands the power of silence, knows a lot but doesn't always tell, it is up to the individual to discover for themselves answers not readily evident in the stillness and dark within. She is aware of untapped resources, deep oceans of knowingness and connection to all that is waiting to be rediscovered. Her energy is cool and clear and calming, deep, like an ocean. She knows what to do, how to manifest solutions and is willing to help point the way for others.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Mastema High Priestess Book of Jubilees and Pharisees

Post by LockyMoth »

Thank you for posting this, HPS.

It is truly a joyful thing to see that both my interests in Primordial Satanism and also Zoroastrianism unite in one subject.

You truly possess a lot of knowledge in various occult / Satanism related subjects.

Thank you again for posting this.

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Re: Mastema High Priestess Book of Jubilees and Pharisees

Post by Faraon »

If you're circumsized like me,can you still feel the same pleasure as a uncut person,by using keratolytics and a artificial sheath(like manhood canada)?

I know the foreskin is very sensory and also that the penis glides in and out during ontercourse to produce more pleasure,but most of the reason cut males don't feel much is because the glans is desensitized by about 80% due to keratinzation of said glans.

through exposure.
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Re: Mastema High Priestess Book of Jubilees and Pharisees

Post by LockyMoth »

Who are you talking to @Faraon?
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Mastema High Priestess Book of Jubilees and Pharisees

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Saw it just today. I love to see there is a female version of Satan! I read another of her names is Satania. Is there some deeper info about it?
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Re: Mastema High Priestess Book of Jubilees and Pharisees

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »


All I have come across is that the latin name for Satan is Satana, greek is Satanas.

Lucifera is the feminine version of Lucifer.

It seems like an 'a' or an 'ia' is meant to denote the feminine aspect.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Mastema High Priestess Book of Jubilees and Pharisees

Post by Endsieg »

Interesting info, this might be what I have been looking for, I will look into it more. Thank you for posting very insightful as always.
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