Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

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Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Using inner power and energy to manipulate, abuse and parasitize off other human beings is an inversion. This is what the enemy of humanity does. Inversion is one of their trademarks. Meaning they appropriate everything positive and beneficent and corrupt it into a negative. They use occult (hidden) power for all the wrong reasons.

There are two kinds of relationships. One is the co dependant abusive unbalanced power dynamic (which is what this guy was describing). You might think of it as one is the 'adult' and the other is the 'child', or to put it another way, one person gets all the benefits while the other just gets taken, or in worst case scenarios which is what this guy was advocating, one is the parasite and the other is literally the food. One consumes, the other is consumed. Toxic relationships. It's energetically out of balance and a manifestation of inner mental and/or soul sickness dis-ease. One is not in alignment. This imbalance is reflected in the outer world. But it begins as something internal and out of balance. These imbalanced 'relationships' are all about power over and have nothing to do with true love.

That said, there is nothing wrong in and of itself to pursue the person of your affections. It can be very romantic. People love to chase and to be pursued. Thats part of the mating dance between the sexes. Its normal and natural.

the dance_sm.jpg
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(John William Waterhouse 1849 – 1917. Known for his pre-raphaelite style and subject matter, depictions taken from both Arthurian legend and ancient Greek mythology)

There is nothing wrong with holding your own frame, self confidence and self esteem, not changing for someone else just because you want affection. But its all about the intent, isn't it?

It all comes down to frequency and harmonics. Do things for the right reasons, its romantic and fun for both parties. Do it for the wrong reasons, like to 'get' someone else – like they're property you mean to acquire for example – its out of whack and sick. People are not objects. People are divine sovereign beings who deserve the same respect one demands for oneself.

True partnership is where there is an even give and take. Reciprocity. Its an energy exchange in balance. Men and women are different but they need one another and are meant to work together.
They have different energy and strengths etc to bring to the table. We also each contain both male and female energies in differing degrees, and these energies too, need to be in harmony. Inner and outer frequencies, inner and outer balance.

Energy needs to be in balance.

I disagree, that that's 'how it is today' with the assumption that all people are always playing games. That is not the norm.

The majority of humanity comes from the true and goodly side of things. They want love and harmony with another human being for the right reasons. But as they say, one bad apple can spoil the entire bunch. We have sick fucks like andrew tait busily working to taint as many apples as he can, for example.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Post by LockyMoth »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:13 pm Using inner power and energy to manipulate, abuse and parasitize off other human beings is an inversion. This is what the enemy of humanity does. Inversion is one of their trademarks. Meaning they appropriate everything positive and beneficent and corrupt it into a negative. They use occult (hidden) power for all the wrong reasons.

There are two kinds of relationships. One is the co dependant abusive unbalanced power dynamic (which is what this guy was describing). You might think of it as one is the 'adult' and the other is the 'child', or to put it another way, one person gets all the benefits while the other just gets taken, or in worst case scenarios which is what this guy was advocating, one is the parasite and the other is literally the food. One consumes, the other is consumed. Toxic relationships. It's energetically out of balance and a manifestation of inner mental and/or soul sickness dis-ease. One is not in alignment. This imbalance is reflected in the outer world. But it begins as something internal and out of balance. These imbalanced 'relationships' are all about power over and have nothing to do with true love.

That said, there is nothing wrong in and of itself to pursue the person of your affections. It can be very romantic. People love to chase and to be pursued. Thats part of the mating dance between the sexes. Its normal and natural.

the dance_sm.jpg

(John William Waterhouse 1849 – 1917. Known for his pre-raphaelite style and subject matter, depictions taken from both Arthurian legend and ancient Greek mythology)

There is nothing wrong with holding your own frame, self confidence and self esteem, not changing for someone else just because you want affection. But its all about the intent, isn't it?

It all comes down to frequency and harmonics. Do things for the right reasons, its romantic and fun for both parties. Do it for the wrong reasons, like to 'get' someone else – like they're property you mean to acquire for example – its out of whack and sick. People are not objects. People are divine sovereign beings who deserve the same respect one demands for oneself.

True partnership is where there is an even give and take. Reciprocity. Its an energy exchange in balance. Men and women are different but they need one another and are meant to work together.
They have different energy and strengths etc to bring to the table. We also each contain both male and female energies in differing degrees, and these energies too, need to be in harmony. Inner and outer frequencies, inner and outer balance.

Energy needs to be in balance.

I disagree, that that's 'how it is today' with the assumption that all people are always playing games. That is not the norm.

The majority of humanity comes from the true and goodly side of things. They want love and harmony with another human being for the right reasons. But as they say, one bad apple can spoil the entire bunch. We have sick fucks like andrew tait busily working to taint as many apples as he can, for example.
I agree completely with your statement on this.

Energetical parasitism has always been the cause of various endemic and pandemic sort of energetic problems in one's evolution.

The JoS is no different from those who apply both energetic parasitism (one consumes and is consumed) and also applying the abuse of power and inversion of benefactorily using such power.

This is to empower everyone who agrees with such doctrine.

We as human beings have the right and it is completely following the law of nature (Natural Law) to seek harmony and peace with another being.

Usually, inversion of powers is the tactic of the enemy of Humanity to cause stress and quarrels which eventually lead to what we are seeing in the world today, such as wars, famine due to loss of resources, man-made diseases such as CoVid-19 (fun fact, CoVid spelled backwards results in = divoc aka Dybukk, which in Hebrew / Enemy mythology it is a spirit, malevolent one oftently, who is entrapped either by using special objects and spells (Tefillim hats) or in common objects such as old wooden boxes.

The CoVid19 man-made virus is an example of the power of the inversion of the normal / non-malevolent evolution of bio-engineering.

Bio-engineering in its place has the power to scientifically cure aging and diseases.

Such fact has been proven in the year 1987 when CRISPR – clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats – were first discovered in the sequences of DNA from Escherichia coli bacteria and described in 1987 by Ishino et al.

Reversing the power of bio engineering allowed tye creation of man-made viruses such as CoVid19.

People should know that when the whole CoVid19 pandemic started worldwide, Israel, the country of the Enemy was the first one to promote and enforce forced vaccination, following this idea where then Germany and Italy.

Here is a news article for more information: ... srael/amp/

Or, even this: ... eopen.html

Fun fact is, as people don't know about this, while Israeli was setting its forced vaccination campaign to inject the CoVid19 gene even more, on the JoS forums, Cobra denied CoVid19 saying it is a hoax and the pandemic is not available, while promoting Jewish trickery with the RTRs.

Next Steps In This Russia/Ukraine War: THE LIKELY OUTCOMES OF THIS WAR [Updated 21 April 2022]
HP. HoodedCobra666 wrote:The propaganda and lying is simply off the roof. Everyday I read the news and I have not much further to add other than that there are too many hoaxes, false flags, irregularities, but also a lot of never ending warfare simply because of jewing and nothing else.

The fact that also Putin literally was threatening the West with WW3 straight on the day of Passover is just utterly obvious.

All of this is also like straight up escalating with no mending of ties in sight. It appears Russia is unrelenting, and also the Ukrainian people will fight unceasingly for their homeland. The main factors that lead to the conflict do still remain not only unaddressed, but not even conversation is taking place in any meaningful way.

The jewish propaganda machine in the West is also on full throttle promoting the worst tier of fake news, such as that Finland and others are going to join NATO, crossing red lines that Russia would take as lines of retaliation.

The crimes the media is doing right now are incomprehensible. They are fuelling the flames of WW3, thinking this is some sort of shit joke like Covid-19. They have no comprehension on how Russia internalizes these news, and how dangerous these claims are. They are trying to hoax their way into making this war not only worse, but into an eventual never ending conflict or even WW3. That's some (((Media))) for us all.

From the United States, we don't really see serious attempts to de-escalate the situation. In fact, it appears that Biden and his close circle are only pushing the knife deeper. The stance of Biden will also make other geopolitical things worse, such as China and Taiwan, potentially opening up the world to more conflicts.

Putin appears a hundred percent unrelenting until he has verifications that the Russian border is secured. Zelensky on the other hand looks like he will drag this to the ultimate end no matter the price, even if this means WW3 or whatever of the sort, or casualties pile up to the millions.

Trump would have done better and this is not an understatement. At the current rate of affairs, this war is going to drag and keep dragging, without an "end" in sight. Certain people claimed this would "Finish" within 1 month, but the reality is, this might last at least a few months more, or even a year, especially if the Western Powers continue down the ineffective rule-sets they are applying.

Maybe the two sides will weaken and enter a small break within the next many months [not yet though] but eventual resurgence of war might happen again since there has been no conversation whatsoever between the two sides. It does not appear astrologically this will ease up anytime soon.

If it does, it will be by human hand, but the issue remains that it appears Putin wants to take a lot more from Ukraine and force negotiations again. He has certain demands he wants met.
A shit joke like CoVid - said by Cobra himself while the forced vaccination campaign in Israel began, in 2021.

Then, after the force vaccination campaign took a long effect and the CoVid gene was affecting a lot of people, notice jow Cobra changed up his attitude, becoming a "CoVid believer" and how he said to a user that he "hopes for the CoVid19 virus to go away soon".

Re: Criticism and Feedback: How Can We Improve?
sshivafr wrote:Sorry for the late reply but I just finished a week of exams where I passed my diploma (and on top of that I must have covid).

It may be childish. I'm not old enough anymore but it's the reality. I fight against these fears. I needed your help.
HP.HoodedCobra666 wrote:Congratulations on your diploma, hope the Co-Vid thing passes quickly.

I understand, just make sure to exercise a bit of emotional control. Trolls do not matter. They just try to make themselves a negative presence due to trolling and nothing else. No further attention is deserved.
hope the Co-Vid thing passes quickly

And, hereby you will have attached some images to see that in the year 2021, Cobra said that CoVidq9 is a joke, a shit joke, and in the year 2022, after the forced vaccination campaign was completed and Jewish trickery promoted to inject DiVoc in the souls of people / Gentiles, Cobra said that CoVid19 is real.

Note: posts appear with year 2022 as the replies were sent in the middle of the completion of the Jewish forced vaccination campaign, or edited.

The JoS, since Cobra's dominion has been always the platform of controlled opposition and energetical manipulation.
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Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Noticeable. Didn't remember of this detail. I don't know what Cobra's intentions are, but i really wonder how people keep doing RTRs, every fucking day. I wonder what positive changed in the world. Nothing. RTRs did nothing. Also let me tell you, RTRs are an offense to Satan and Gods. Why don't Satan and Gods help in this themselves? (spoiler: they do, it's just that humans nowadays don't have enough knowledge or just don't want to listen). Gods give you freedom, but at the same time gives you signs. It's up to us to deepen our researches and knowledge. They just put some stairs in front of us. Will you walk these stairs? Or just turn back? This is what humanity is experiencing right now. RTRs aren't going to change the world. World needs to be changed by all of us together, doing our part to be the best version of ourselves. To return to our original form, as Zola said. I feel like some people are just too blind to be saved and they hurt others as well, so it's better if they perish since they are horrible. But the rest, deserves to be happy. RTRs is just another way to avoid real issues.
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Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Post by LockyMoth »

Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:42 pm Noticeable. Didn't remember of this detail. I don't know what Cobra's intentions are, but i really wonder how people keep doing RTRs, every fucking day. I wonder what positive changed in the world. Nothing. RTRs did nothing. Also let me tell you, RTRs are an offense to Satan and Gods. Why don't Satan and Gods help in this themselves? (spoiler: they do, it's just that humans nowadays don't have enough knowledge or just don't want to listen). Gods give you freedom, but at the same time gives you signs. It's up to us to deepen our researches and knowledge. They just put some stairs in front of us. Will you walk these stairs? Or just turn back? This is what humanity is experiencing right now. RTRs aren't going to change the world. World needs to be changed by all of us together, doing our part to be the best version of ourselves. To return to our original form, as Zola said. I feel like some people are just too blind to be saved and they hurt others as well, so it's better if they perish since they are horrible. But the rest, deserves to be happy. RTRs is just another way to avoid real issues.
It is truly indeed that humans that possess a lot of spiritual knowledge can change the world. Becoming the better version of yourself through spiritual effort is the purpose of Satanism, of Theistic Satanism.

The RTRs both did nothing to the world, nor they will ever do a thing and moreover they really ARE a huge offense to Satan and the Gods.

RTRs are, like Mageson has stated, a Jewish trickery. Reversing the letters is representing empowering even x10 times more the Jewish ritualistic work than citing the Torah in unreversed sentences and words.

Basically Cobra is empowered from Jewish entities and energies, that is why he is promoting the RTRs.

More to add, long before the dominion of Cobra came in place, around 2012 - 2013 time range, Maxine didn't publish any RTR. Not saying that Maxine did nothing wrong as in the occult, Maxine had some statements which were a little bit erroneous such as the Zechariah Stitchin literature, the 12th planet. Zechariah Stitchin is a Jew if anyone wondered.

But still, Maxine was a dozen times more knowledgeable about Gentile / non Enemy occultism than Cobra.

In order to empower his work, Cobra manipulated Maxine to publish and even do the RTRs, as a "proof of work". As soon as Maxine did them, she losed terrain, her work was sent to the oblivion as Cobra came and furthermore, the whole JoS community has lost a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge.

Cobra needed his agenda to be empowered even more so, as soon as Maxine was fried enough to allow him in JoS, he started to do RTRs himself to manipulate other clergy and first it started with Micamma and Vovim Baghie. Vovim was easy to manipulate as he was the emotional prone guy, not going to blame him on this (a bad Neptune placement), and, when the others did RTRs they either ended up in psych wards, killed themselves, or started to do a heavy dose of drugs, leaving them illiterate in all senses.

Cobra used the RTRs and then that is how he succeeded to take the place, it was no Azazel who told Maxine about the RTRs it was not any other demon such as Baal (Demon of revenge) who "sent the RTRs". It was the enemy from within, Cobra.

And, @Celeste, people do the RTRs as part of being brainwashed. If you check the posts of Henu and Ol Agredco Luciftias, especially in the 2020 2021 time range you will see how "well" they are doing because of the RTRs. But still, they like to drink from the kool aid.
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Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Post by Android666 »

LockyMoth wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:40 am
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:42 pm Noticeable. Didn't remember of this detail. I don't know what Cobra's intentions are, but i really wonder how people keep doing RTRs, every fucking day. I wonder what positive changed in the world. Nothing. RTRs did nothing. Also let me tell you, RTRs are an offense to Satan and Gods. Why don't Satan and Gods help in this themselves? (spoiler: they do, it's just that humans nowadays don't have enough knowledge or just don't want to listen). Gods give you freedom, but at the same time gives you signs. It's up to us to deepen our researches and knowledge. They just put some stairs in front of us. Will you walk these stairs? Or just turn back? This is what humanity is experiencing right now. RTRs aren't going to change the world. World needs to be changed by all of us together, doing our part to be the best version of ourselves. To return to our original form, as Zola said. I feel like some people are just too blind to be saved and they hurt others as well, so it's better if they perish since they are horrible. But the rest, deserves to be happy. RTRs is just another way to avoid real issues.
It is truly indeed that humans that possess a lot of spiritual knowledge can change the world. Becoming the better version of yourself through spiritual effort is the purpose of Satanism, of Theistic Satanism.

The RTRs both did nothing to the world, nor they will ever do a thing and moreover they really ARE a huge offense to Satan and the Gods.

RTRs are, like Mageson has stated, a Jewish trickery. Reversing the letters is representing empowering even x10 times more the Jewish ritualistic work than citing the Torah in unreversed sentences and words.

Basically Cobra is empowered from Jewish entities and energies, that is why he is promoting the RTRs.

More to add, long before the dominion of Cobra came in place, around 2012 - 2013 time range, Maxine didn't publish any RTR. Not saying that Maxine did nothing wrong as in the occult, Maxine had some statements which were a little bit erroneous such as the Zechariah Stitchin literature, the 12th planet. Zechariah Stitchin is a Jew if anyone wondered.

But still, Maxine was a dozen times more knowledgeable about Gentile / non Enemy occultism than Cobra.

In order to empower his work, Cobra manipulated Maxine to publish and even do the RTRs, as a "proof of work". As soon as Maxine did them, she losed terrain, her work was sent to the oblivion as Cobra came and furthermore, the whole JoS community has lost a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge.

Cobra needed his agenda to be empowered even more so, as soon as Maxine was fried enough to allow him in JoS, he started to do RTRs himself to manipulate other clergy and first it started with Micamma and Vovim Baghie. Vovim was easy to manipulate as he was the emotional prone guy, not going to blame him on this (a bad Neptune placement), and, when the others did RTRs they either ended up in psych wards, killed themselves, or started to do a heavy dose of drugs, leaving them illiterate in all senses.

Cobra used the RTRs and then that is how he succeeded to take the place, it was no Azazel who told Maxine about the RTRs it was not any other demon such as Baal (Demon of revenge) who "sent the RTRs". It was the enemy from within, Cobra.

And, @Celeste, people do the RTRs as part of being brainwashed. If you check the posts of Henu and Ol Agredco Luciftias, especially in the 2020 2021 time range you will see how "well" they are doing because of the RTRs. But still, they like to drink from the kool aid.
I can't believe I did those RTR since 2018. Luckily I experienced no negatives, I didn't vibrate them on myself I just projected it externally. Also kinda half-assed it and focused more on the final affirmation. Maybe it's why I'm okay.

I'm glad I saw the truth though.
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Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Post by LockyMoth »

Android666 wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:53 am
LockyMoth wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:40 am
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:42 pm Noticeable. Didn't remember of this detail. I don't know what Cobra's intentions are, but i really wonder how people keep doing RTRs, every fucking day. I wonder what positive changed in the world. Nothing. RTRs did nothing. Also let me tell you, RTRs are an offense to Satan and Gods. Why don't Satan and Gods help in this themselves? (spoiler: they do, it's just that humans nowadays don't have enough knowledge or just don't want to listen). Gods give you freedom, but at the same time gives you signs. It's up to us to deepen our researches and knowledge. They just put some stairs in front of us. Will you walk these stairs? Or just turn back? This is what humanity is experiencing right now. RTRs aren't going to change the world. World needs to be changed by all of us together, doing our part to be the best version of ourselves. To return to our original form, as Zola said. I feel like some people are just too blind to be saved and they hurt others as well, so it's better if they perish since they are horrible. But the rest, deserves to be happy. RTRs is just another way to avoid real issues.
It is truly indeed that humans that possess a lot of spiritual knowledge can change the world. Becoming the better version of yourself through spiritual effort is the purpose of Satanism, of Theistic Satanism.

The RTRs both did nothing to the world, nor they will ever do a thing and moreover they really ARE a huge offense to Satan and the Gods.

RTRs are, like Mageson has stated, a Jewish trickery. Reversing the letters is representing empowering even x10 times more the Jewish ritualistic work than citing the Torah in unreversed sentences and words.

Basically Cobra is empowered from Jewish entities and energies, that is why he is promoting the RTRs.

More to add, long before the dominion of Cobra came in place, around 2012 - 2013 time range, Maxine didn't publish any RTR. Not saying that Maxine did nothing wrong as in the occult, Maxine had some statements which were a little bit erroneous such as the Zechariah Stitchin literature, the 12th planet. Zechariah Stitchin is a Jew if anyone wondered.

But still, Maxine was a dozen times more knowledgeable about Gentile / non Enemy occultism than Cobra.

In order to empower his work, Cobra manipulated Maxine to publish and even do the RTRs, as a "proof of work". As soon as Maxine did them, she losed terrain, her work was sent to the oblivion as Cobra came and furthermore, the whole JoS community has lost a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge.

Cobra needed his agenda to be empowered even more so, as soon as Maxine was fried enough to allow him in JoS, he started to do RTRs himself to manipulate other clergy and first it started with Micamma and Vovim Baghie. Vovim was easy to manipulate as he was the emotional prone guy, not going to blame him on this (a bad Neptune placement), and, when the others did RTRs they either ended up in psych wards, killed themselves, or started to do a heavy dose of drugs, leaving them illiterate in all senses.

Cobra used the RTRs and then that is how he succeeded to take the place, it was no Azazel who told Maxine about the RTRs it was not any other demon such as Baal (Demon of revenge) who "sent the RTRs". It was the enemy from within, Cobra.

And, @Celeste, people do the RTRs as part of being brainwashed. If you check the posts of Henu and Ol Agredco Luciftias, especially in the 2020 2021 time range you will see how "well" they are doing because of the RTRs. But still, they like to drink from the kool aid.
I can't believe I did those RTR since 2018. Luckily I experienced no negatives, I didn't vibrate them on myself I just projected it externally. Also kinda half-assed it and focused more on the final affirmation. Maybe it's why I'm okay.

I'm glad I saw the truth though.
Hello, glad to see you here. You are okay as you didn't do the RTRs fully, but it has been so long like from 2018. Wew, very long I must say.

You will be even more okay if you continue avoiding doing the RTRs.

Welcome to the forums btw :)
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Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Post by Android666 »

LockyMoth wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:01 am
Android666 wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:53 am
LockyMoth wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:40 am

It is truly indeed that humans that possess a lot of spiritual knowledge can change the world. Becoming the better version of yourself through spiritual effort is the purpose of Satanism, of Theistic Satanism.

The RTRs both did nothing to the world, nor they will ever do a thing and moreover they really ARE a huge offense to Satan and the Gods.

RTRs are, like Mageson has stated, a Jewish trickery. Reversing the letters is representing empowering even x10 times more the Jewish ritualistic work than citing the Torah in unreversed sentences and words.

Basically Cobra is empowered from Jewish entities and energies, that is why he is promoting the RTRs.

More to add, long before the dominion of Cobra came in place, around 2012 - 2013 time range, Maxine didn't publish any RTR. Not saying that Maxine did nothing wrong as in the occult, Maxine had some statements which were a little bit erroneous such as the Zechariah Stitchin literature, the 12th planet. Zechariah Stitchin is a Jew if anyone wondered.

But still, Maxine was a dozen times more knowledgeable about Gentile / non Enemy occultism than Cobra.

In order to empower his work, Cobra manipulated Maxine to publish and even do the RTRs, as a "proof of work". As soon as Maxine did them, she losed terrain, her work was sent to the oblivion as Cobra came and furthermore, the whole JoS community has lost a treasure trove of spiritual knowledge.

Cobra needed his agenda to be empowered even more so, as soon as Maxine was fried enough to allow him in JoS, he started to do RTRs himself to manipulate other clergy and first it started with Micamma and Vovim Baghie. Vovim was easy to manipulate as he was the emotional prone guy, not going to blame him on this (a bad Neptune placement), and, when the others did RTRs they either ended up in psych wards, killed themselves, or started to do a heavy dose of drugs, leaving them illiterate in all senses.

Cobra used the RTRs and then that is how he succeeded to take the place, it was no Azazel who told Maxine about the RTRs it was not any other demon such as Baal (Demon of revenge) who "sent the RTRs". It was the enemy from within, Cobra.

And, @Celeste, people do the RTRs as part of being brainwashed. If you check the posts of Henu and Ol Agredco Luciftias, especially in the 2020 2021 time range you will see how "well" they are doing because of the RTRs. But still, they like to drink from the kool aid.
I can't believe I did those RTR since 2018. Luckily I experienced no negatives, I didn't vibrate them on myself I just projected it externally. Also kinda half-assed it and focused more on the final affirmation. Maybe it's why I'm okay.

I'm glad I saw the truth though.
Hello, glad to see you here. You are okay as you didn't do the RTRs fully, but it has been so long like from 2018. Wew, very long I must say.

You will be even more okay if you continue avoiding doing the RTRs.

Welcome to the forums btw :)
Thank you sir! Appreciate the warm welcome! :D

Yeah lol 2018 sheeeesh. Will continue avoiding those lol. Hopefully the rest of SS can realize that.
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Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Post by LockyMoth »

Android666 wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:07 am
LockyMoth wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:01 am
Android666 wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:53 am

I can't believe I did those RTR since 2018. Luckily I experienced no negatives, I didn't vibrate them on myself I just projected it externally. Also kinda half-assed it and focused more on the final affirmation. Maybe it's why I'm okay.

I'm glad I saw the truth though.
Hello, glad to see you here. You are okay as you didn't do the RTRs fully, but it has been so long like from 2018. Wew, very long I must say.

You will be even more okay if you continue avoiding doing the RTRs.

Welcome to the forums btw :)
Thank you sir! Appreciate the warm welcome! :D

Yeah lol 2018 sheeeesh. Will continue avoiding those lol. Hopefully the rest of SS can realize that.
I hope they will awake up from the lies that they have been told. It takes time, but with people like you, I feel like things will be very helpful.
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