Satan's family

Don Danko333
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Don Danko333 »

The high ranking Demonic entities are all from the Qliphoth their names are listed there and they appear within the realms when one works the realms of the dark tree. Satanism is not Wicca its the left side of the Judeo-Christian energy field and pantheon.
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:31 am
LockyMoth wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:22 am
Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:12 am What killed Maxine so early in her life she was not that old was all the years of being in the Demonic current she was always complaining of having ill health and that Satan and the Demons were vamping energy off her. That's how the current works. Maxine's life was total shit for years before she died she complained about it all the time in private this includes her husband abusing her physically being broke on cash all the time and being constantly sick and she became mentality ill as well. She was not special in that.
Maxine also did a lot of black Magick but black magic comes with its consequences. If you don't clean the Aura and don't build a strong astral shield, you can go insane and eventually throw yourself from a building because of that level of insanity one can reach due to exaggerated black Magick.

And let's not forget that she was having problems and the problems started to become evident after she did the RTR.

By doing Qlippothic magic, Maxine eventually opened up an energetical vortex which lead to her problems become more evident. Qlippoth = empty shell / carcass in Hebrew mythology means the spiritual decaying of an individual.

Maxine, when she did the RTR, besides the problems she had, she was practically killing herself.

Vovim and others who went on the junkie side eventually, from what cause did they go to that side? It was because of the RTRs all the time.
I noticed almost all high priests lost their head. Maxine used Qliphoth? Saw Cobra went against it. but yes, RTRs are toxic energies and are a self-curse. I also well, doubt that she got ill due to her excess of hate and anger. I don't know about her family, but Maxine was like a strong person and always advocated against abuse, so I wonder.
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

About this i saw VK Jehannum which is satanist from what he says. He creates rituals / spells with both angels and demons and uses qliphoth. His demonic spells are good though. I always criticize this mixing of angels and demons though. If you are satanist, don't work with angels. Most of satanists only work with Demons and criticize this.
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Satanist Noria openly talks about this on her podcast the Devil Disciples she has been around the LHP community in America and Europe for years. The angel Raphel is the angel of healing.
LockyMoth wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:34 am

From what I have heard, not that I don't know about Hebrew / Angelic magic, it is well known that mixing things brings catastrophic results.

Moreover, I am a Theistic Satanist and I have been in various groups and in some of them I still am such as Templis Inferno (Luciferian coven) and many other groups who were studying Aleister Nacht Grimmoires or works from Aleister Crowley.

Never have I ever felt as positive and chill like I felt in the groups that I had partaken.

And, can you give me examples of LHP magicians that are invoking Raphael?

I personally didn't hear of anyone of them.
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Don Danko333 »

That's because they still think like Christians in the church not magicians using the full pantheon. They pay for it in time.
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:40 am About this i saw VK Jehannum which is satanist from what he says. He creates rituals / spells with both angels and demons and uses qliphoth. His demonic spells are good though. I always criticize this mixing of angels and demons though. If you are satanist, don't work with angels. Most of satanists only work with Demons and criticize this.
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Don Danko333 »

Salem Burke and Vovim went insane from drugs before the RTR's a lot of people fall apart in the destructive energies of the Left side that is how the energies go. Drug abuse is common in the LHP its the toxic energies.
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

I don't consider satanism LHP. I am more towards the light direction in regard to goal, so it would be more RHP. LHP has its origins in India, called Vama marga, which is about fastening the ascension results in a dangerous way, which is the union that actives Kundalini. Both ways arrive to the same goal but, RHP is safer and requires a slower work, from the definition.
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Don Danko333 »

Satanism is the Qliphoth, its the left side of the Hebrew-Christian energy field which is the tree of death the Qliphoth the right side of the energy field and pantheon is the Tree of life. That is what Satanism actually is this is not a secret. And yes that is why people end up destroyed.
LockyMoth wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:22 amBy doing Qlippothic magic, Maxine eventually opened up an energetical vortex which lead to her problems become more evident. Qlippoth = empty shell / carcass in Hebrew mythology means the spiritual decaying of an individual.
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Re: Satan's family

Post by LockyMoth »

Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:35 am The high ranking Demonic entities are all from the Qliphoth their names are listed there and they appear within the realms when one works the realms of the dark tree. Satanism is not Wicca its the left side of the Judeo-Christian energy field and pantheon.
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:31 am
LockyMoth wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:22 am

Maxine also did a lot of black Magick but black magic comes with its consequences. If you don't clean the Aura and don't build a strong astral shield, you can go insane and eventually throw yourself from a building because of that level of insanity one can reach due to exaggerated black Magick.

And let's not forget that she was having problems and the problems started to become evident after she did the RTR.

By doing Qlippothic magic, Maxine eventually opened up an energetical vortex which lead to her problems become more evident. Qlippoth = empty shell / carcass in Hebrew mythology means the spiritual decaying of an individual.

Maxine, when she did the RTR, besides the problems she had, she was practically killing herself.

Vovim and others who went on the junkie side eventually, from what cause did they go to that side? It was because of the RTRs all the time.
I noticed almost all high priests lost their head. Maxine used Qliphoth? Saw Cobra went against it. but yes, RTRs are toxic energies and are a self-curse. I also well, doubt that she got ill due to her excess of hate and anger. I don't know about her family, but Maxine was like a strong person and always advocated against abuse, so I wonder.
Satanism has its origins long before the Christian or Judeo-Christian side.

Satanism has been around for decades and the Melek Tawusi from the Yezidis is the example of them.

The order of Melek Tawusi or the Order of the Peacock was originally Satanic in its nature but further invasions and intrusions in the order of the Yezidis led to the Xianization of the Melek Tawusi order hence why it lost so many of its core values.

Also, never have I ever found neither in Grimmoires nor in other independent sources that Demons are from Qlippothic energetic zones.

The Qlippothic energetically side is in fact the one that is hiding behind the Judeo-Christian current.

Basically it works like this:You are actually calling the Angelic beings like Raphael, Michael etc etc or pray to Virgin Mary, Jesus, YHWVH, etc etc and in false hopes of having power, humanity in your soul or whatever you are praying for you are actually corrupting up yourself, by making yourself devoid of energetic power.

Qlippoth and Judeo-Chrustuanity are the ones who are practicing energetic vampirism at a large scale and for a lot of years.

Satanism isn't at all about energetic vampirism and I can confirm this by two things, one being a personal experience and the other one being historical and metaphysical:

Personal experience:

When I was studying a lot of occult things and sources and I entered in contact too with the circles and methods of binding, before I knew of course that I did something bad, Satan, the real one, and Lucifer, came in and besides the fact that I felt a lot of energy and a need to take action, I always felt up a worm aura. I freed the vices of the circles and letters by using Fire and Gold Like sun balls at the circles I was using to bind. I didn't do things Maxine way, like playing with myself to free the Demons. With each freeing of the circle, I was feeling even more energetic by Satan and his Demons. With their help I am who I am today and I am eternally grateful for this.
[/Personal experience]


Take a look at how a lot of Summerian statues and mythological elements related to Satan, or how the Ancient Egyptians lived well by inviting and invoking the Demons and the Gods. Have you seen the Egyptian empire falling?

It didn't fall at all and also, things are very clear from the beginning that the Xian Jewish supposed enslavement in Egypt was all just a ritualistic form to bi d up the Ancient Egyptian empire to damnation.

All the curses of Locusts, bloody water and death children were all the result of this binding.

Eventually, the so-called Moses didn't lift any water with the help of God, he did it based on the powers we can obtain too if we work a lot on it, and those are the powers of the Hydrokinesis.

Also, the so-called Moses didn't change his staff into a snake and changed it back after going at a tree who had a purple fire burning, and the tree wasn't burning at all, he changed the staff with the help of the power of object transmutation.

And, the tree which wasn't burning at all from the fire is an allegory, an agram to the immaterial fire of knowledge which resides in humans (the tree) and it eventually ignites at very incandescent rates if we strive to find the knowledge and evolve spiritually.
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Don Danko333 »

Satanism is LHP the books I have read by western LHP authors mention it as such. Its the western Judeo-Christian LHP. I don't consider it to have any functional value jump into a pool of destructive energy and have your life go to shit... Why? Descending into the Klipothic realms to be a demon servitor is the most you get.

Vama Marga seems to go into two direction union with Brahman which is ascension or union with a Tantric Devata. The union with Shiva seems to refer to either or some use it to describe the Brahman and others a Maha devata.
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:48 am I don't consider satanism LHP. I am more towards the light direction in regard to goal, so it would be more RHP. LHP has its origins in India, called Vama marga, which is about fastening the ascension results in a dangerous way, which is the union that actives Kundalini. Both ways arrive to the same goal but, RHP is safer and requires a slower work, from the definition.
Don Danko333
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Re: Satan's family

Post by Don Danko333 »

No its a Juedo-Christian ideology from the Jewish Bible to the New Testament and Kabbalah, Talmuds. This is well known. All the occult texts on Satanism come from here.
LockyMoth wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:53 amSatanism has its origins long before the Christian or Judeo-Christian side.
The Yezidihi's are an Islamic group of Sufi's from the Medieval period who came out of Iraq and their founder Sheik Adi was a Muslim Sufi. There Peacock angel is Azazel the fallen Angel of Islam who they claim is the universal watcher for Allah. They state they come from Adam in the garden of edin. That when the other Angels bowed before Adam on commands of Allah that Azazel refused as Allah told no one to bow to any but Allah. For this Azazel/Taus Melek was made the head Angel of the universe. They are Abrahamic's who flow a gnostic Islamic religion.
LockyMoth wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:53 amAlso, never have I ever found neither in Grimmoires nor in other independent sources that Demons are from Qlippothic energetic zones.

That's strange because its well known in the LHP community the high ranking demons rule the different sphere's on the Qliphoth. Right were their names are listed. Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian gods are not Demonic entities they fall into a different classification. Lilith was demonic entity and vampire in the Sumerian world as well not a Goddess. People put up amulets to ward her and her classification of demon away.

Moses is not a historical being but a Hebrew fiction based on Bacchus. This is well known. He is symbolic of a Hebrew magician using the power of YHVH to destroy the Gentiles.
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