As The World Burns

Don Danko333
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As The World Burns

Post by Don Danko333 »

Back in the early spring of 21 I was told something after I was done my Kriya practices. The transmission I received was my true identity is my soul and astral body as both are imperishable but the physical body is not who I 'am as its a garment I 'am wearing and subject to being dropped. Its perishable. The second wave of the transmission that flowed was my physical body can be turned into a garment of light and merged with the other two bodies into a higher light body. Then it will become part of my true being as it will be imperishable. This answered some questions I had but the last part of the transmission left more questions. I was told its the normal state of mankind to be within the light body and its abnormal to not have this state its the natural state of a human being.

The situation is all the problems of the world and all people come from one thing.... Not having the light body. That's it.

The Qliphoth holds the key to this I believe this is the realm of the Gentiles from the Rabbinical texts it means spiritual death. The secret is in the three pillar's from the Kabbalah adepts of the Rabbinical tradition of the Qliphoth the triangle at the bottom of the tree is collapsing the middle pillar and pushing the energy into the side pillar's. This is a general map of the soul in this regardless.

What does this the middle pillar is the center channel in the spine with the sun and moon being the side channels. In the Kundalini mystical texts in the east they state when the middle channel is closed and the energies are pushed into the side channels this keeps the individual in a lower state of materiality in which they only live in their material bodies and lower egoistical minds. They become trapped in illusion, karma, old age, death and spiritual death of the second or astral body and forced into rebirth the cycle of karma. They become shelled into a dense material body and mental state. They state the reversal of this is to ascend into the deva deham the light body.

Everything on earth the major religions and world systems are based on this one situation. We have ancient histories of an early time when humans were ascended on this planet. Don't put too much value on society its only value is how much it can exploit you and to that level you get a higher status as its gained by materialism and the value of the materialistic economic system which is a large vampire sucking everyone's physical and psychic energies up to the top of the value tiers of the oligarchs. The value of a human being is the value of cattle in the materialistic world order. The true value is the soul and spirit which has no price in the material world order.

The entire universe is made of source energy [Akashic-Spirit energy] the first element. Everything in existence is a permutation of Akashic energy. The source energy body the soul and its associated energy bodies including the physical body which is a more crystalized energy body are this. Akashic energy is vibration, light waves, geometric patterns which are energy information that becomes atom's and particles. The energy of Prana or Akasha flows through everything and is within all things. So what? How much monetary value is placed on that.

The universe is hierarchy of spiritual energy and power that is what is real. Money is a cheap attempt to materialize pranic energy its goal is to build and run the material slave camp of the social order and maintain its systems of exploitation. I can't plant money in the earth and make food grow but seeds will as one is organic the other artificial systems of energy.

The goal of the human being within the universal order of spirit which is the one truth. Is the development of the source energy body and its parts the other energy bodies the physical body is one of them. Into something more evolved and powerful that is functioning on higher levels of spiritual power and awareness. More ancient civilizations had hierarchies of spiritual advancement the ascended master blood lines for this reason. Even if money ceased to exist the individual soul and universe would still be here.

Money at the most is a fetish object that has a major energy form built around it that can be tapped into for money workings if needed its not the god its been built over us to be. However the New Age is putting out a doctrine of further fetishizing money as spirituality and making the goal of life to conform to an alien and destructive artificial social order's status hierarchy. These people are the martix.
Don Danko333
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Don Danko333 »

If one studies the ascension tradition within Mahayana Buddhism in the Far East its based on Tummo. This is displayed by three beings which are diagrams of the soul-spirit-body. They are combined into one being who is given the titles of the spiritual fire as the ascended form of a human the diagram of the light body. Which is showing the path of ascension these are the more ancient teachings. The more ancient writings of the ascension traditions call the religions halfway houses which lead to nowhere but the ditch. The religions arose as humans started to descending in their vibration into denser forms and as this continued the religions became openly materialistic systems based on the concept of the most dense forms of energy to the point of artificial. Its degeneration from the level of the celestial body to becoming the human version of a pet rock.

I find the problem most people will have on the spiritual path is overcoming the subconscious value identification placed in their psyche from social conditioning. Money is trained value thus self value this feed back is the problem. I was once told by a spiritual being that human society will collapse as its value is not spiritual which is based on the eternal power the one truth that I need to focus on the spiritual. I was told societies artificial value system has made it dysfunctional and a paper tiger. It took me awhile of Kriya practices to get to that understanding myself. I almost cried when I did. Its a spiritual trauma release to realize that and let it go.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Don Danko333
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Don Danko333 »

Right now the Ukraine is burning with hundreds of thousands killed and millions on the run for their lives. So two major empires can fight over material power and control of the planet. This will lead to the third world war within the next ten years because America, Russia and China want to run the world and three is a crowd. Most wars in history are bling bling feuds and power trips for those that start them. The one Siddha master from India who predicted the two world wars and Indian's independence after stated the cause of the wars would be the lack of spirituality and spiritual understanding and the materialism of the west. Nothing has changed in the entire world so now WW3 is arriving.
Don Danko333
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Don Danko333 »

The final materialization of once higher spiritual concepts into degenerate pet rock levels of material density came from the Protestant revolution in Europe which turned itself into the capitalist world religion of global capitalism and Mammon becoming god and the revolution of the Catholic and Hebrews to the cult of Communism the materialism cult of the worker cattle. Social Darwinism the ideological level of liberal capitalism is just the ethos of the Protestant cult of money and social status the war of the all against all for a dollar. Societies don't function on this unless insane they function on humanitarianism as spiritual law.

The Bible and Koran are the start of the decline of mankind into the total degeneracy of today. This Abrahamic energy field is the underlying problem of everything its created a massive Egregore in the astral grid around earth and has plugged billons of cattle like slaves into its psychic matrix of control to feed this and allow the current elites to become god over earth. Its driven mankind into the state of Kliphoth.
Don Danko333
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Don Danko333 »

That is the Satanical deception of the Hebrew cult. YHVH negative form is Satan within the Kabbalah and in the Hebrew Bible its Yahweh that has Satan tempt Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the tree which represents Daath in Kabbalah which means death and its the portal to the Klipoth. They ate from the tree of death and fell into Klipoth and here Adam represents the name Mankind. YHVH not so secret guise is the Devil of the bible. And now billions of slaves are worshipping the Klipoth forces that are spiritually holding them in bondage from ascending. Adam and Eve's desire to eat of the tree of life and become among the Elhoim which means gods or ascended masters was stopped by Yahweh by misleading them with the wrong tree the klipoth. That's the blue print that sets up the entire world system. This is a global death cult.
Don Danko333
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Don Danko333 »

The realm of Kether is Metatron who is Enoch who ascended into the highest angel of YHVH in form when Metatron speaks its YHVH speaking in Kabbalah. That rules the tree of life and the hidden teachings of the oral torah of the chariot of ascent.

Of all the Abrahamic's of the world how many are ascending into becoming human to celestial, angel. What does that state.
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Endsieg »

Such is life in the kali yuga I suppose, but destruction isn't necessarily a bad thing its only part of a natural cycle. A lack of spirituality will certainly cause the destruction of civilization. People shouldn't be scared when approached with this because if everything kept going in the way that it was and things didn't collapse it would be much worse(think of all the manmade horrors that would develop). Chaos and destruction in that sense are a mercy. Knowing this there isn't much choice, you can try to resist it which is futile and you will be consumed or you can go along with the energy of the times(aka ride the tiger). The truth is that your world will burn whether you like it or not, what you make of it is what matters.

Interesting regarding money as well, but I think its a bit overcomplicated. Money is a stand in for value, their have been common currencies throughout most ages but the current capitalistic system is a perversion.
Don Danko333
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Don Danko333 »

That's the thing those RTR's are not going to do anything either when that happens. Its a Kabbalah exercise which just gives energy to the enemy matrix. The only form of magic proven to work against this is the runes that is it.

Spiritual War The Battle Of 1919 The Power Of The Runes

May the first, 1919 the Jew and Kabbalistic adept, Lenin gave a speech in Moscow declaring May day as a Communist holiday in honor of the success of the Bavarian Soviet Republic which had been established the pervious month in a revolution led by Jews from Russia and run by the murderous Jew, Max Levien who bragged he had murdered thousands of infants by enforced starvation in the Judeo-Communist terror he was imposing on the Bavarian population in which thousands of people were being robbed, raped, beaten and murdered on a daily basis by Communist troops lead by Russian Jewish commissars.

As Lenin was giving his speech gloating over the victory of his Jewish tribe against the German Bavarians and the Talmudic onslaught that was unleashed upon the Gentiles by his tribe. Little did he know at the same time descending upon Munich the capital of Bavaria and the seat of Communist power were long columns of tanks, armored cars and troops who upon their helmets had the Swastika and double Sigil runes as well as upon their uniforms and tanks. The troops of the Thule combat league and the Free Corps marched against the Communist forces and outnumbered by the Red Army they swept thought Munich in a few days totally destroying the Red Army and forcing Levien to run for his life back to Moscow after fully liberating Bavaria from Jewish Communism. Among the warriors of the Thule combat league was an officer in their ranks, Rudolf Hess.

Within the battle of 1919 the truth is revealed the key to victory and how the enemy has been using Kabbalah which is Jewish racial magic as their occult power to take over with Communism. Levien and his fellow Jews were Kabbalistic adepts and they ran their revolution out of the occult Judeo-Masonic lodges. The Communists in Bavaria chose the occult date of April 30th to perform special political executions upon due to the power of this date. As they were ritual human sacrifices.

The fact is human ritual murder is not theatrical if one studies how this is done its simple. They kill the victim then direct the energy to the target that is all at the most all they use is a small talisman to direct the energy which can be hidden away in the pocket or they can just direct the power with the mind if a high adept. Putting a bunch of people up against the wall and then shooting them the adept can then direct the energy of the victims to the target its that simple.

The Communist terror in Russia was run by the Cheka which was made up of close to 1,4000,000 Jews and lead by Jews. Later the Cheka became the NKVD the NKVD also ran the Gulags and ran Stalin's terror. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian historian who survived the Gulag wrote that 70% of the NKVD camp commandants were Jewish rabbi's. The Cheka was being run by rabbi's who were Kabbalistic adepts.

This brings this statement into light:

"The Yevreyskaya Tribuna a Russian Jewish newspaper reported in August 24th, 1922 that Lenin had asked the rabbis if they were satisfied with the particularly cruel executions."[1]

Why is Lenin consulting with Jewish rabbi's as to the methods of the Cheka executions?

The methods the Jewish Cheka used to murder the Gentiles with were Jewish ritualistic murders that that were following the stated methods in the Jewish Torah to murder Gentiles, this includes burning Gentiles alive, cutting Gentiles up with saws, axes and such tools and even forcing Gentiles to eat their own flesh as commanded in Isaiah, 49:26. The entire methods the Cheka used all are found within the Jewish Torah. And was being instructed to be carried out as such by the rabbi's leading their fellow Jews in the Cheka. This is due to the fact these methods connect into the vortex of occult energy of the Torah which is a Jewish grimoire and thus designed to give more power to the Jewish Kabbalistic rituals to manifest the Jewish Communist world government. Some of the victims of the Cheka even had Kabbalistic magical symbols burned into them before being tortured to death by the rabbi's in political uniforms in their Kabbalistic murder rituals in the Cheka's cellars. This is also why such insane methods of executing political prisoners were used it was designed to simply torture them to death to generate as much energy for the ritual to then send the power to the target. Its also known the Jews committed ritual murders of Gentile children in the Russian Empire for political power as the Jews admitted in the case of the Gentile child, Andrei Iushchinskii, the rabbi Mendel Beilis and other Jews arrested told the authorities upon questing the ritual murder of Andrei was done as a ritual to bring down the Czar and bring about the Communist revolution.

The Jews used the same methods in Bavaria as well. The mass executions lead by rabbi's in political uniforms as mass human sacrifices to raise and direct the psychic occult power to manifest their victory. This is why Communism has barley even been actually defeated because its a Jewish occult program. And the adversaries of such are helpless against the level of psychic occult power and knowledge the Jews are using. No matter how much physical advantage the adversaries of Communism have they always just seem to lose because they are spiritually defenceless. Even super powers as America have been defeated by Communist forces.

However in May of 1919 something changed the Communists were totally destroyed this is a rare event and the question is why?

The Jewish leaders in Munich were fanatically sending their special police out to hunt down the members of the Thule Society who were hiding out in Munich conducting major rituals in secret against the Communist regime. Seven of the members who were found were executed right away by the Jews. Why would the Jewish leadership be wasting resources on such an affair if this is all nonsense? Because its not as the Kabbalistic leadership of the Jewish regime knew this was dangerous to them.

The Thule combat league should have been destroyed in Munich they were out numbered and attacking fortified defensive positions manned by combat veterans of the first war who were Communist fanatics. Yet the Thule combat league had almost no casualties despite doing the most fighting and throwing themselves into battle against machine guns and bombs in a manner that won the respect of the population for the intense level of bravery they fought with. This defies all convention in its results.

The soldiers of Thule were spiritual adepts and initiates this is why they wore the Swastika upon their helmets and uniforms its a runic sigil of protection its a spiritually charged Aryan symbol of psychic protection. Its a symbol to protect them in battle against the racial magic of the Jews and they also wore the victory runes to give them protection and victory in battle against the Jewish Communists. The ancient Europeans adepts put runic sigils on their weapons, shields and armor for protection and victory in battle. These symbols generate psychic energy that merges with the individual energy field of those wearing them and enhance such for the purpose of the sigil. The Thule soldiers also would have performed rituals before going into battle. And given they were spiritually empowered from their practices this would have enhanced the power of their rituals and the psychic energy of their souls and the sigils they wore. And why they took almost no causalities as bullets that should have hit the target missed them by a mile and their enemies strong and experienced combat veterans fled before them in battle and psychically broke down. Rudolf Hess himself a spiritual adept only took minor wounds to personally charge a machine gun position and destroy it single handily as a one man army.

The rituals the Thule Society were doing connected with the para-military wing of the Thule Society and connected in general with the mass mind and worked to bring down the entire Communist regime. It was only an army of Pagan, Gentile spiritual adepts that brought down the racial magic of the Jews and their evil regime of terror.

Under The Sign Of The Scorpion, Juri Lina [1]
Walpurgis Night, Thomas Sheridan
Karnunnos Esus
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

Hey DON is that really you that is back?
Karnunnos Esus
Posts: 69
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Re: As The World Burns

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

I read the entire thread on keeping people in the material realm. But I thought Satan is a corrupted form of Satanama in given to the meditations and the like.

But regardless Don you give an excellent explanation of what craziness is going on in the world. There are a lot of people existing to satisfy their desires materialistically. A perfect example is it's hard to date because it's so corrupted , in the dating world it's mostly just about money and material world just like you said! So I'm definitely reading your stuff!
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