The Soul In Astrology Correcting Misinformation

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Don Danko333
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The Soul In Astrology Correcting Misinformation

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Soul In Astrology


There is a document among the Brahmin's of India who are the highest astrologers in the nation. The Yavanatanka its the history of Vedic astrology it states they got their sidereal astrological system with the 27 stars from the Greeks when Alexander came into the continent. The Egyptian inscriptions on their temple walls show they used the sidereal system as well. The ancient Greeks stated they channeled the knowledge of astrology from the Goddess Asteria.

Proper astrology is sidereal with the 27 star system. That is were the stars are actually located at the time of calculation. If you are using western astrology your charts are off by around 23 degrees. And the 27 star system gives the greater accuracy.

In the east the Jiva Atman the individual soul is ruled by the moon not the sun. The moon sign is given greater importance with birth dates as well. The western Emperor's usually put their moon signs on their coins as well not sun sign. In the east the moon is the ruling power behind existence not the sun. Its also given all the vowels this is why in the west the moon is ruled by the letter A in the ancient alphabets. A is the letter and power of the ruling element Akasha-spirit the ether. The soul is of the element of Akasha in the east and in ancient Egypt. All the vowels are permutations of the letter A and the Akashic energy. And the ruling powers of creation. The Egyptians considered the seven vowels to be the name of the hidden god the Akashic field or source field behind all existence. This is ruled by the moon not the sun.

This is why Manas [moon] the mind and emotions are ruled by the moon these are direct aspects of the eternal soul that is why one soul reincarnates with their past life memories and emotions. The Catholic Empire banned all astrology and Astrology was almost all but banned under Caesar Augustus this is why people are still using the position of the stars from western Zodiac its the map of what the night sky was around that period. This is why western astrology has been confused and does not function properly. Your moon sign will tell you more about your soul along what sign of the 27 star signs your born under with your ascendant.

The Egyptians called the soul the eternal aspect the Ba this relates to the moon in the east. They use the mantra Ba to activate the lunar chakra. Its the mantra name of the lunar center. It connects to the heart chakra the spiritual heart by a energy circuit. Its also called the goat mantra the horned animal relates to the letter A of the Egyptians and ancient Greeks as well. The ancient rites were done under the moon and night sky. That is why the celling of Egyptian temples have the Zodiac of the night sky upon them as well.

Don Danko
Don Danko333
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Re: The Soul In Astrology Correcting Misinformation

Post by Don Danko333 »

The American Astrologer who trained in India and uses the Yanavatanka system. Jade Sol Luna was able to predict the covid pandemic, the Biden victory and many other major world events with this system.

Something he mentioned about the covid the stars and planets were moving into the same position they were in during the destructive black death plague that hit the world from Europe to Asia in the medieval world. This event during the medieval period was the being of the end of the Catholic empire and the start of a whole new order that came about with the European rebirth into the Enlightenment to now. Things come around in time. I noticed Christian churches drastically went under during this time and have not returned. I have a belief from everything that is going on since and after this pandemic that this pandemic cosmically signaled a new revolution for the world and the western world towards a new way.

The predictions astrologically along with the political trends are moving towards the third world war with in the next decade and they predict the fall of the neo USSR of Putin's regime the fall of the old USSR of Soviet China and the fall of the American Empire as a world power. This is the end of the old era and moving foreword into a new future. This is also shown to bring major economic collapses and social problems. Its going to be a rough ride but do your internal energy practices and magical practices and plan now to come out the outside alright.

The Kundalini Yoga practice is the faster track of internal energy practice:

The stronger and more purified your energy being the stronger your ability to manifest and use magic becomes.
Don Danko333
Posts: 599
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Re: The Soul In Astrology Correcting Misinformation

Post by Don Danko333 »

Something else the wealth rune Fehu is actually Feho the O is the Odal it rules material wealth and property which is what the Feho rune rules. The older spellings of the rune scholars as Feho... Fayho in pronunciation are correct about this. Odal is still the name of the property laws in Norway. The O rules Saturn as the vowel and manifestation of energy into the material realm is what Saturn rules. AUM is not the mantra Ong they are two separate mantras from each other. Ong is used to manifest for this reason the O and the ng are used together to manifest energy into the material realm this is why Ong is placed with so many mantras to give power of manifestation more its Ong not AUM. This is so lost and forgotten in the east even most of them don't know this anymore.
Karnunnos Esus
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Re: The Soul In Astrology Correcting Misinformation

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

I'm not sure how accurate that is either because I have a Pisces moon but in tropical zodiac I'm an Aries Moon. I have a lot of fire in my chart in tropical and a lot of water in sidereal.

I thought I read that the sidereal is more about the feminine half of the soul and tropical the male half. I'm a dude and a piece of work lol
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