Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Don Danko333
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by Don Danko333 »

You're not going to achieve something you don't have any desire to accomplish. The masses of people are called Pashu in the Tantric ascension teachings it means cattle as they chose to live like animals and not pursue higher spiritual initiations and development of the soul. It sounds unkind but these people from research are only functioning on the most primitive levels of the brain. Its were you get into psychopaths its when all they have left is the reptilian part of the brain and frontal lobes to some extent they are a shark in human form. The chakra's connect into the brain this is why Skanda has six heads with the seven the crown being invisible for the crown chakra's property and the invisible seventh star of his constellation. It shows all seven chakra's are also in the physical brain. People who do internal energy practices have been shown to have activated the parts of the brain not activated in most people. These also rule empathy and compassion and higher abstract thought, from here in the east one gets into the part of mind that rules psychic abilities. Empathy is the reason for all sincere humanity in people and ethic's. People who do internal energy practices are just better human beings. That is how the full brain is activated.
LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:33 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:19 pm Anyway the numerous discourses I have read on the ideological, philosophical differences between the RHP and LHP are meaningless. Either you are ascending or your not that is how the universe works.
Ya it's the universal order.

But I find the ambition that some people have being the catalyzers of some profound ascension and achievements.

For example, the lack of ambition a lot of people who are embracing a cult like mentality are having it is at one point catastrophically true that they will not ascend.

Still, I somehow agree with the book Breaking the Matrix and Entering the Free World by Dr. Joel Bonilla. We must embrace ambition to have a spiritual ascension and let negativity into oblivion.
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by LockyMoth »

Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:53 pm You're not going to achieve something you don't have any desire to accomplish. The masses of people are called Pashu in the Tantric ascension teachings it means cattle as they chose to live like animals and not pursue higher spiritual initiations and development of the soul. It sounds unkind but these people from research are only functioning on the most primitive levels of the brain. Its were you get into psychopaths its when all they have left is the reptilian part of the brain and frontal lobes to some extent they are a shark in human form. The chakra's connect into the brain this is why Skanda has six heads with the seven the crown being invisible for the crown chakra's property and the invisible seventh star of his constellation. It shows all seven chakra's are also in the physical brain. People who do internal energy practices have been shown to have activated the parts of the brain not activated in most people. These also rule empathy and compassion and higher abstract thought, from here in the east one gets into the part of mind that rules psychic abilities. Empathy is the reason for all sincere humanity in people and ethic's. People who do internal energy practices are just better human beings. That is how the full brain is activated.
LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:33 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:19 pm Anyway the numerous discourses I have read on the ideological, philosophical differences between the RHP and LHP are meaningless. Either you are ascending or your not that is how the universe works.
Ya it's the universal order.

But I find the ambition that some people have being the catalyzers of some profound ascension and achievements.

For example, the lack of ambition a lot of people who are embracing a cult like mentality are having it is at one point catastrophically true that they will not ascend.

Still, I somehow agree with the book Breaking the Matrix and Entering the Free World by Dr. Joel Bonilla. We must embrace ambition to have a spiritual ascension and let negativity into oblivion.
Hm, true.

Still, I think activating the Crown Chakra should be made according to the lobes of the brain.

You can't activate just one lobe.

If you activate left lobe, you will become too much like a robot with no empathy almost and if you activate too much of your right, you will become too prone to emotions.

But, we shall not forget that their are some people who have water element as their dominant element.

And water makes them prone to emotions and emotional outbursts.

Emotional outbursts are also applying to people who have a fire dominance or they did an exaggerated amount of fire workings.
Don Danko333
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Ajna chakra rules this the twin petals are the two hemisphere's of the brain. Most of the ancient Egyptian symbolism is coded symbolism of the parts of the brain and spine and how to activate them. The Ajna is really three points the Chandra point at the atlas major the center part of the skull and the part above and center of the eye brows. A lot of people are missing the Chandra point in many books and instructional video's for some reason this includes the JOS. This is the part of the Anja that is called the mouth of Brahman and rules much of the higher psychic abilities and the flow of prana through the system. Opening this point was like getting kicked in the back of the head its powerful but needs to be done in harmony. I note spirits seem to stand behind and over the shoulder to communicate its strange its like looking with eyes in the back of the head but forewords all at once when communicating like this sometimes. Its due to this point.
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by LockyMoth »

Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:12 pm The Ajna chakra rules this the twin petals are the two hemisphere's of the brain. Most of the ancient Egyptian symbolism is coded symbolism of the parts of the brain and spine and how to activate them. The Ajna is really three points the Chandra point at the atlas major the center part of the skull and the part above and center of the eye brows. A lot of people are missing the Chandra point in many books and instructional video's for some reason this includes the JOS. This is the part of the Anja that is called the mouth of Brahman and rules much of the higher psychic abilities and the flow of prana through the system. Opening this point was like getting kicked in the back of the head its powerful but needs to be done in harmony. I note spirits seem to stand behind and over the shoulder to communicate its strange its like looking with eyes in the back of the head but forewords all at once when communicating like this sometimes. Its due to this point.
Right, thank you for clarying this.
Karnunnos Esus
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

Yes Don he has spammed these forums unfortunately and displayed psychotic behavior. He either pretended to be someone who was bashing him to deter the person from the truth that it is him or whatever.

The Obsession of T4S is beyond me.

Perhaps it's time for something new in these forums. HPSZola is more qualified to be a High Priestess here and it drives Nick or any other JoSers crazy especially when they are afraid of getting exposed to be Jews

Don I'm very interested in the Gentile religion you speak of. I stay away from most New Age books the only books I got in my collection right now are Irish folktales and myths because I realize most of those tales are allegories like Snow White was. What's your opinion on folktales and myths?
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“Yes Don he has spammed these forums unfortunately and displayed psychotic behaviour. He either pretended to be someone who was bashing him to deter the person from the truth that it is him or whatever.”

I don't think Don did that and so to be fair I'm saying so.

When I heard what happened to him over at the JoS (getting the zola treatment) I reached out because I wanted to ask if he was doing ok, knowing how much it had hurt me. But he wasn't affected like I was. I invited him to join us. However, thanks to the pests, literal criminals and zero moderation it was a highly negative dumpster fire. Because of this, Don left. He's been rude to me in the past, but he was also decent enough to apologize later. people make mistakes, we do things we wish we had not, say things we later regret, behave badly, etc. And if we have a soul, we grow and change. It's only the soulless who never change.

Don's coming from a good place. Not out of ego but to try to help people by sharing knowledge. He has always been a scholar. I may not agree with every single thing he says, but thats ok. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

“The Obsession of T4S is beyond me.”

To radicalized fanatics, anything that is another option is a threat and must be shut down. And so that's what we've been seeing. They will attack whoever is running the forum. In that sense, it's not even personal. In another, its very personal as there is so much personal hatred for myself exhibited, abuse and attempted business sabotage. I know people here have been contacted in PM from these threatening and ordering them to leave this forum. Members in the past who tried to be positive and supportive, of myself and the forum, were ruthlessly attacked and called (what else) a kike.

I want to put a stop to abusive behaviour. If anyone should send anyone a PM that is outright threatening, please send me the proof and they will be removed.

“Perhaps it's time for something new in these forums.”

Ahhh...but we ARE having something new :) Moderation and a kinder, supportive and hopefully pleasant place where people can have fun, chat and learn from one another. Which was what I always envisioned and wanted for the members.

“HPSZola is more qualified to be a High Priestess here and it drives Nick or any other JoSers crazy especially when they are afraid of getting exposed to be Jews”

Thank you for the kind words.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Karnunnos Esus
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 3:42 pm “Yes Don he has spammed these forums unfortunately and displayed psychotic behaviour. He either pretended to be someone who was bashing him to deter the person from the truth that it is him or whatever.”

I don't think Don did that and so to be fair I'm saying so.

When I heard what happened to him over at the JoS (getting the zola treatment) I reached out because I wanted to ask if he was doing ok, knowing how much it had hurt me. But he wasn't affected like I was. I invited him to join us. However, thanks to the pests, literal criminals and zero moderation it was a highly negative dumpster fire. Because of this, Don left. He's been rude to me in the past, but he was also decent enough to apologize later. people make mistakes, we do things we wish we had not, say things we later regret, behave badly, etc. And if we have a soul, we grow and change. It's only the soulless who never change.

Don's coming from a good place. Not out of ego but to try to help people by sharing knowledge. He has always been a scholar. I may not agree with every single thing he says, but thats ok. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

“The Obsession of T4S is beyond me.”

To radicalized fanatics, anything that is another option is a threat and must be shut down. And so that's what we've been seeing. They will attack whoever is running the forum. In that sense, it's not even personal. In another, its very personal as there is so much personal hatred for myself exhibited, abuse and attempted business sabotage. I know people here have been contacted in PM from these threatening and ordering them to leave this forum. Members in the past who tried to be positive and supportive, of myself and the forum, were ruthlessly attacked and called (what else) a kike.

I want to put a stop to abusive behaviour. If anyone should send anyone a PM that is outright threatening, please send me the proof and they will be removed.

“Perhaps it's time for something new in these forums.”

Ahhh...but we ARE having something new :) Moderation and a kinder, supportive and hopefully pleasant place where people can have fun, chat and learn from one another. Which was what I always envisioned and wanted for the members.

“HPSZola is more qualified to be a High Priestess here and it drives Nick or any other JoSers crazy especially when they are afraid of getting exposed to be Jews”

Thank you for the kind words.
I wasn't talking about Don spamming, I was talking to Don ... That Nick was spamming
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Oh, sorry. I misunderstood :)
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan)

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Karnunnos Esus
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by Karnunnos Esus »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:59 pm Oh, sorry. I misunderstood :)
It's all good :dance:
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Kundalini Yoga The Proper Way From The Ascended Master Traditions

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:40 pm The other thing to mention is the obsession with opening the third eye. This chakra is not in isolation its connected within and via a larger next work of chakra's and nadi's. Just hitting it with energy over and over at this place to open it causes problems for people its properly opened by moving the energy up the spine to open the entire network in the spine and brain its connected with. From the base and up. That is why Kundalini is the way to open it its opening everything up at once and balanced with the orbit. Its fire that is the element of transformation and ethericalization of the bodies into a higher energy body. Its not just about awakening the Shakti energy with dangerous techniques in some of the systems that leave most people nowhere and crazy, but everything that goes on within this process in the larger realm of the orbit within the entire being.
I agree. This is one of JoS' magic fallacies. It is not needed to vibrate mantras everyday on every chakra. They remain open. If you want to do a specific mantra on a specific chakra, then fine. But to keep opening them, they won't close. They already are open. I wonder about cleaning chakras... What about it? Since on JoS they clean/rotate chakras everyday
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