Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

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Celeste AikoGal
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Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

so well, I did dedication when i started knowing Satanism. I did it with blood. i still was worried and a bit scared of satanism, but i felt pushed to it. I didn't completely burn the paper since i was scared. i did the JoS dedication. i always wondered if it worked, since at these times i still was not experienced and JoS pushes people to immediately dedicate. so i'm thinking to redo it sometimes. I yes receive signs etc, but i have this uncertainty. Do i need it? is it necessary? because i love Satan and i want to strenghten my bond with him in every way. But well, I don't know about the dedication topic...
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I suspect it doesn't matter; you either are or are not. This goes for the ones who are positive, as well as the ones who do things for the wrong reasons (are negative). They are going to get different results and attract different entities.

Right before I found Satanism, I went through a very trying period in 2014 where I was suffering terribly from psychic attacks every night in the dreamtime, being chased, harassed, terrorized so badly I reached a point where I was actually nervous to go to sleep at night. And this I felt was unusual due to the intensity of them. I don't generally have bad dreams.

I spent the 90's and the early 2000's as a dream yogin, which simply means learning to control the awareness. Which I think is connected to void because, just like void, its about maintaining focus completely in the here and now – developing this point of awareness to where one maintains lucid consciousness even as one shifts out of body every night. Which we do naturally when the physical is resting in its healing trance every night though of course most people aren't aware of it.

I can attest its true when one is lucid in the astral you'll attract interest from entities that are NOT human. Some neutral, others negative, some positive. I suspect I'd gained some negatives attention and so was being hounded and harassed.

While some of us have guides from birth, they're not nanny's or besties like the JoS teaches people, there for every whim to call on day and night and they don't hand hold; they (the positive ones I mean) require us to go on about our lives, learn and grow, fall down and skin our knees ON OUR OWN.

It IS our life, after all, not theirs. The positive entities know this and aren't interested in us worshipping them and making altars to them etc. They mostly leave us alone to go our own way.

That said, my experience has also been that when we get into something – perhaps by accident or wrongheadedness (for example young, stupid and making a really bad decision) or other legitimate reason that could be beyond our control despite us doing our best – we encounter a situation that is too far over our heads and we really do need help – aren't just contacting them say, because we want help making somebody like us, we lost our cell phone....what I'm trying to say is shallow reasons, I don't think they'll respond. If its something real, they do help. For example, I was listening to the story of a little girl who trusted the wrong person, the man kidnapped, raped and bludgeoned her to death – he left her for dead and he thought she WAS dead....and while this was happening she had a 'voice' telling her what to do (play dead). And then when he left it directed her what to do to help herself. So she was saved and lived to testify against him in court. I've found their intervention is when its a real true life or death kind of moment – and sometimes they'll show up when its NOT. For instance, to offer pragmatic or inspired advice....they will assist, but its not everyday for mundane reasons.

And yes sometimes good people die. I have known many good people who died (some tragically) who didn't get help. Maybe it was their time. And if it is, I don't think the good entities will intervene. This is a deep subject but perhaps it has to do with free will. Perhaps we have several exit points along our life path and we actually decide - the highest self of us decides I mean.

Did the good entities help me out during that time of being harassed? Did it help to dedicate? I feel they helped by giving me inspiration and ideas of what I could do to help myself.

But I also feel they would have done so if I'd dedicated or not, in either case. Because they've been around me all my life. And they have never asked me to do a ritual or offer them my blood.

Sooo...yeah. To me (knowing what I know now) the dedication ritual feels like stage performance or window dressing. Also the blood aspect of it. Smacks to me now of the enemy. It's YHVH who wants blood. Not the good entities. But that said, I do feel it is all about ones intention as to who is going to respond. Everything is energy and intention and like attracts like.

Some people think you have to do fancy rituals with lots of props when really, a heartfelt and clear intention sent out – and doing what your gut tells you - is really all it takes. True magic doesn't require props. And the whole 'dedication' thing feels like a prop now, to me.

Its like a rose having to do a ritual and a dedication to declare its a rose. It simply IS.

I hope this helps.

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Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

I can relate so much to what you said. Dedication seems mostly to be a formality, like tools in rituals. Demons or whatever guide seem to be connected to us no matter what. They seem to be here when they know it is right to. Thank you for clarifying this. Satanist is in the soul.
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

What happens is when a person dedicates to Satan-Lucifer which is what the dedication is to or another demon. Is the entity will then cover them in their energy like cocooning or blanking effect. This energy is heavy and vampiric the entity will then start to vampirize their energy and shell them into a lower energy frequency and put darker and more negative energies into them. They will also put energetic bindings on the energy body such as the heart chakra and the solar chakra the solar chakra has to do with draining you of your vital energy.

Celeste AikoGal wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 12:54 am so well, I did dedication when i started knowing Satanism. I did it with blood. i still was worried and a bit scared of satanism, but i felt pushed to it. I didn't completely burn the paper since i was scared. i did the JoS dedication. i always wondered if it worked, since at these times i still was not experienced and JoS pushes people to immediately dedicate. so i'm thinking to redo it sometimes. I yes receive signs etc, but i have this uncertainty. Do i need it? is it necessary? because i love Satan and i want to strenghten my bond with him in every way. But well, I don't know about the dedication topic...
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by LockyMoth »

Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:48 pm What happens is when a person dedicates to Satan-Lucifer which is what the dedication is to or another demon. Is the entity will then cover them in their energy like cocooning or blanking effect. This energy is heavy and vampiric the entity will then start to vampirize their energy and shell them into a lower energy frequency and put darker and more negative energies into them. They will also put energetic bindings on the energy body such as the heart chakra and the solar chakra the solar chakra has to do with draining you of your vital energy.
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 12:54 am so well, I did dedication when i started knowing Satanism. I did it with blood. i still was worried and a bit scared of satanism, but i felt pushed to it. I didn't completely burn the paper since i was scared. i did the JoS dedication. i always wondered if it worked, since at these times i still was not experienced and JoS pushes people to immediately dedicate. so i'm thinking to redo it sometimes. I yes receive signs etc, but i have this uncertainty. Do i need it? is it necessary? because i love Satan and i want to strenghten my bond with him in every way. But well, I don't know about the dedication topic...
Well, I don't know from basically where did you get such info as the energy from Satan is not vampirizing.

I dedicated to Satan around 2018 I think and since then I felt more enlightenment and energizing effect from the Demonic aura.

From where did you get the fact that Satan has vampirizing energy?
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

I spent 16 years of my life as a Satanist working for Satan. You know Satan-Lucifer, that guy. I worked under that spirit directly for a couple of years after leaving the JoS as well and by directly face to face. After 16 years of being on the Demonic current not wicca but demons. I know how they act and how the current works from experience.

They are Kliphothic demons they shell you in and lower your frequency and vampirize your energy. They dampen your psychic abilities and cause you destructive problems. One of the Klipothic demons almost physically killed me once on the job. It failed but it tried they are destructive and violent beings from Jew hell.

I was able after working 24/7 for years on the energy practices such as runes to burn away and break apart a lot of the shelling its like having wet mud poured into a person's energy field to turn you into a pet rock of inertia. And I started to noticed as my awareness went up the problems with that energy. When I left the heavy part of the current and started burning this shit off my energy field and the blocks out of the hara region my energy field went up and expanded drastically and psychic abilities drastically went up. That is why Satan only showed up in its celestial form at that point not the infernal. Then it finally after lying to me and being sideways for a couple of more years attempting to manipulate me to do more work for it. Dropped the mask and showed up in its infernal form. I was leaving totality away. I could feel the klipothic energy in the background even when it showed up in the celestial form.

Lilith as I was leaving showed up and wanted to make me a deal to become her servant directly and she informed me of what the infernal current is you are transformed into a demonic wraith by being cocooned into their personal demonic energy then they vampirize you and put their energy into your astral body over time this transforms your astral body into a demonic wraith of them. When you drop the body your soul descends to the realm of the demon you served and you become their servitor. Most normal people will just be the free ride and free meal they will not get to that level.

I got to a certain level that is why when I was leaving the current totality, Lilith [who rules the LHP and demonic current] approached me directly from and in the astral because I' am beyond the average level. As an actual mystic and magician I can work directly with spirits and communicate with them. This includes work on the astral and by sorcery I have been practicing the psychic arts half my life which includes hours of advanced internal spiritual practices some of which are not in books and was already born highly psychic from my family line. That is why Lilith offered me the higher level of offer. This is beyond the average person. I also know who is lying and telling the truth about this current from experience. And most people are lying to manipulate others for money and fame. I also know who is playing in their imagination. I pasted trials in a certain way and was given the higher level of offer. Most people are destroyed by them. I saw it for what it was and didn't want it. Not what Maxine pretended in her fucking bullshit.

The reality is this for people look in the Goetia there is the lists of Knights the legions they have no names. They are the descended masters of Hell the magicians who underwent this process and serve the higher levels of Demons.

LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:24 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:48 pm What happens is when a person dedicates to Satan-Lucifer which is what the dedication is to or another demon. Is the entity will then cover them in their energy like cocooning or blanking effect. This energy is heavy and vampiric the entity will then start to vampirize their energy and shell them into a lower energy frequency and put darker and more negative energies into them. They will also put energetic bindings on the energy body such as the heart chakra and the solar chakra the solar chakra has to do with draining you of your vital energy.
Well, I don't know from basically where did you get such info as the energy from Satan is not vampirizing.

I dedicated to Satan around 2018 I think and since then I felt more enlightenment and energizing effect from the Demonic aura.

From where did you get the fact that Satan has vampirizing energy?
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

The worst thing to happen was confusing Demons with Pagan gods.
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by LockyMoth »

Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:35 pm I spent 16 years of my life as a Satanist working for Satan. You know Satan-Lucifer, that guy. I worked under that spirit directly for a couple of years after leaving the JoS as well and by directly face to face. After 16 years of being on the Demonic current not wicca but demons. I know how they act and how the current works from experience.

They are Kliphothic demons they shell you in and lower your frequency and vampirize your energy. They dampen your psychic abilities and cause you destructive problems. One of the Klipothic demons almost physically killed me once on the job. It failed but it tried they are destructive and violent beings from Jew hell.

I was able after working 24/7 for years on the energy practices such as runes to burn away and break apart a lot of the shelling its like having wet mud poured into a person's energy field to turn you into a pet rock of inertia. And I started to noticed as my awareness went up the problems with that energy. When I left the heavy part of the current and started burning this shit off my energy field and the blocks out of the hara region my energy field went up and expanded drastically and psychic abilities drastically went up. That is why Satan only showed up in its celestial form at that point not the infernal. Then it finally after lying to me and being sideways for a couple of more years attempting to manipulate me to do more work for it. Dropped the mask and showed up in its infernal form. I was leaving totality away. I could feel the klipothic energy in the background even when it showed up in the celestial form.

Lilith as I was leaving showed up and wanted to make me a deal to become her servant directly and she informed me of what the infernal current is you are transformed into a demonic wraith by being cocooned into their personal demonic energy then they vampirize you and put their energy into your astral body over time this transforms your astral body into a demonic wraith of them. When you drop the body your soul descends to the realm of the demon you served and you become their servitor. Most normal people will just be the free ride and free meal they will not get to that level.

I got to a certain level that is why when I was leaving the current totality, Lilith [who rules the LHP and demonic current] approached me directly from and in the astral because I' am beyond the average level. As an actual mystic and magician I can work directly with spirits and communicate with them. This includes work on the astral and by sorcery I have been practicing the psychic arts half my life which includes hours of advanced internal spiritual practices some of which are not in books and was already born highly psychic from my family line. That is why Lilith offered me the higher level of offer. This is beyond the average person. I also know who is lying and telling the truth about this current from experience. And most people are lying to manipulate others for money and fame. I also know who is playing in their imagination. I pasted trials in a certain way and was given the higher level of offer. Most people are destroyed by them. I saw it for what it was and didn't want it. Not what Maxine pretended in her fucking bullshit.

The reality is this for people look in the Goetia there is the lists of Knights the legions they have no names. They are the descended masters of Hell the magicians who underwent this process and serve the higher levels of Demons.

LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:24 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:48 pm What happens is when a person dedicates to Satan-Lucifer which is what the dedication is to or another demon. Is the entity will then cover them in their energy like cocooning or blanking effect. This energy is heavy and vampiric the entity will then start to vampirize their energy and shell them into a lower energy frequency and put darker and more negative energies into them. They will also put energetic bindings on the energy body such as the heart chakra and the solar chakra the solar chakra has to do with draining you of your vital energy.
Well, I don't know from basically where did you get such info as the energy from Satan is not vampirizing.

I dedicated to Satan around 2018 I think and since then I felt more enlightenment and energizing effect from the Demonic aura.

From where did you get the fact that Satan has vampirizing energy?
Ok well, didn't know you have worked that much with Demons.

But... the thing that in my opinion only discards your credibility is that you are making confusion of the LHP Demons with the ones who are of the Enemy origin (in fact they are Angelic thoughtforms) from the Qlippoth. Qlippoth means empty shell / husk in Hebrew, and the Qlipothification process of emptying someone of Vril, the vital Energy is totally a thing related to the Hebrew attackings.

I have been a LHP occultist and Theistic Satanist for over 5 years (I think I am either in my 8th or 9th year as part of LHP) and I have used long time ago before coming up to my senses methods from the Goetia, the circles, the keys, the binding Enochian texts, a lot of methods that are for binding, I have used those in the past. I felt a strange presence when I was using Goetic methods rather than when not using them, and I felt and saw Satan both in his Infernal and Celestial form, in both of the cases.

When I have used Goetic methods after "looking up" like you have said, I have felt a very strange sensation that was like someone is ripping my heart. I immediately stopped using Goetic and Qlipothic methods and I have started focusing on freeing the Demons from the vices of the circles. I have used fire energy and green with orange energetic waves and started to melt the circles. I did freed the Demons but not Maxine way, my way.

And when I did that and I and all the Demons got rid of Hebrew / Goetic / Qlippothic spells I did, I only felt positive presences and experiences.

The thing that can really make you crazy in LHP is not Lilith, nor Satan or any non-Goetic demon whatsoever, but black magic is.

I have been a practitioner of black magic for 3 years and it came with ups and downs, but by sticking to the Demon contacting practices I had and rune meditation I always kept up my sanity alive.

As for what Maxine did, she has plagiarized a lot of books and works of refferences. I know her narrative that well, trust me.

I have in possession PDfs (of some books) which contain a lot of LHP, non-Jewish and very useful information about the Kundalini ascension, the power of Hypnosis and much more.
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:42 pm The worst thing to happen was confusing Demons with Pagan gods.
That is true, like no one can say it like the JoS way that Satan is Zeus. Or that Lilith is Ishtar from Urruk.

But still, Demons are not of Goetic origin and also not ET like Maxine has stated. They are, as Satan told me, and this real also, existing from aeons guarding the Galaxy and helping us.
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Never had bad experiences with Satan. He only did good to me, same for other Demons - including Lilith. Satan only helped me in my worst moments. I personally saw him once in a dream years ago. He had nordic traits, blond, blue clear eyes and looked very young - I was inside a pyramid. He had a deep, like a gregorian chant male voice, very deep voice. He looked very lighty. He rose in front of me above me levitating. He was a very lighty energy. It's the only time i saw Satan physically, but for the rest he always helped when in need.
Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:12 pm
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:35 pm I spent 16 years of my life as a Satanist working for Satan. You know Satan-Lucifer, that guy. I worked under that spirit directly for a couple of years after leaving the JoS as well and by directly face to face. After 16 years of being on the Demonic current not wicca but demons. I know how they act and how the current works from experience.

They are Kliphothic demons they shell you in and lower your frequency and vampirize your energy. They dampen your psychic abilities and cause you destructive problems. One of the Klipothic demons almost physically killed me once on the job. It failed but it tried they are destructive and violent beings from Jew hell.

I was able after working 24/7 for years on the energy practices such as runes to burn away and break apart a lot of the shelling its like having wet mud poured into a person's energy field to turn you into a pet rock of inertia. And I started to noticed as my awareness went up the problems with that energy. When I left the heavy part of the current and started burning this shit off my energy field and the blocks out of the hara region my energy field went up and expanded drastically and psychic abilities drastically went up. That is why Satan only showed up in its celestial form at that point not the infernal. Then it finally after lying to me and being sideways for a couple of more years attempting to manipulate me to do more work for it. Dropped the mask and showed up in its infernal form. I was leaving totality away. I could feel the klipothic energy in the background even when it showed up in the celestial form.

Lilith as I was leaving showed up and wanted to make me a deal to become her servant directly and she informed me of what the infernal current is you are transformed into a demonic wraith by being cocooned into their personal demonic energy then they vampirize you and put their energy into your astral body over time this transforms your astral body into a demonic wraith of them. When you drop the body your soul descends to the realm of the demon you served and you become their servitor. Most normal people will just be the free ride and free meal they will not get to that level.

I got to a certain level that is why when I was leaving the current totality, Lilith [who rules the LHP and demonic current] approached me directly from and in the astral because I' am beyond the average level. As an actual mystic and magician I can work directly with spirits and communicate with them. This includes work on the astral and by sorcery I have been practicing the psychic arts half my life which includes hours of advanced internal spiritual practices some of which are not in books and was already born highly psychic from my family line. That is why Lilith offered me the higher level of offer. This is beyond the average person. I also know who is lying and telling the truth about this current from experience. And most people are lying to manipulate others for money and fame. I also know who is playing in their imagination. I pasted trials in a certain way and was given the higher level of offer. Most people are destroyed by them. I saw it for what it was and didn't want it. Not what Maxine pretended in her fucking bullshit.

The reality is this for people look in the Goetia there is the lists of Knights the legions they have no names. They are the descended masters of Hell the magicians who underwent this process and serve the higher levels of Demons.

LockyMoth wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:24 pm

Well, I don't know from basically where did you get such info as the energy from Satan is not vampirizing.

I dedicated to Satan around 2018 I think and since then I felt more enlightenment and energizing effect from the Demonic aura.

From where did you get the fact that Satan has vampirizing energy?
Ok well, didn't know you have worked that much with Demons.

But... the thing that in my opinion only discards your credibility is that you are making confusion of the LHP Demons with the ones who are of the Enemy origin (in fact they are Angelic thoughtforms) from the Qlippoth. Qlippoth means empty shell / husk in Hebrew, and the Qlipothification process of emptying someone of Vril, the vital Energy is totally a thing related to the Hebrew attackings.

I have been a LHP occultist and Theistic Satanist for over 5 years (I think I am either in my 8th or 9th year as part of LHP) and I have used long time ago before coming up to my senses methods from the Goetia, the circles, the keys, the binding Enochian texts, a lot of methods that are for binding, I have used those in the past. I felt a strange presence when I was using Goetic methods rather than when not using them, and I felt and saw Satan both in his Infernal and Celestial form, in both of the cases.

When I have used Goetic methods after "looking up" like you have said, I have felt a very strange sensation that was like someone is ripping my heart. I immediately stopped using Goetic and Qlipothic methods and I have started focusing on freeing the Demons from the vices of the circles. I have used fire energy and green with orange energetic waves and started to melt the circles. I did freed the Demons but not Maxine way, my way.

And when I did that and I and all the Demons got rid of Hebrew / Goetic / Qlippothic spells I did, I only felt positive presences and experiences.

The thing that can really make you crazy in LHP is not Lilith, nor Satan or any non-Goetic demon whatsoever, but black magic is.

I have been a practitioner of black magic for 3 years and it came with ups and downs, but by sticking to the Demon contacting practices I had and rune meditation I always kept up my sanity alive.

As for what Maxine did, she has plagiarized a lot of books and works of refferences. I know her narrative that well, trust me.

I have in possession PDfs (of some books) which contain a lot of LHP, non-Jewish and very useful information about the Kundalini ascension, the power of Hypnosis and much more.
Don Danko333 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:42 pm The worst thing to happen was confusing Demons with Pagan gods.
That is true, like no one can say it like the JoS way that Satan is Zeus. Or that Lilith is Ishtar from Urruk.

But still, Demons are not of Goetic origin and also not ET like Maxine has stated. They are, as Satan told me, and this real also, existing from aeons guarding the Galaxy and helping us.
Exactly. They are our ancient Gods.
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